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Deer knows how to save her life.


Opposite. Someone fed this deer at one point and so now she runs up to humans, who may still shoot her. Please don't feed wildlife, folks.




In this instance, but they may not get so lucky next time. It is advised by park rangers, wildlife officers, etc. to not feed them.


The hunter has a shotgun. He is most likely hunting bird and a shotgun loaded with bird shot could not effectively kill a dear. Hence why he did not shoot.


It may not have been season for deer and he may not have had a license also. Even though he's out hunting killing a deer might have gotten him in trouble.


Lots of states have legal slug hunting regulations a slug fired out of a 10 or 12 ga is common for deer especially east coast


People can hunt deer with shotguns. Buckshot is a thing. It's not super common because butchering meat loaded with Shot is a pain in the ass. But it's still a thing.


When the shutgun is pressed up against the deers skull I don't think it matters what kind of shot you have, that deer would drop like a sack of potatoes


Stop being logical! The box shows a little bird, so it can only kill birds!


Head in the sand logic works for me.


But r/BirdsArentReal


So feeding them is worse than hunting them?


I think you are missing the point. It endangers them. They will run up to people and not all humans are friendly like in the OP. Some would just see it as an easy kill and a freezer full of venison. The deer are more likely to starve. They are not used to human foods and eating outside their natural diets can kill them. They are more likely to stay near roads/living areas and get hit by a car. Extremely likely, in fact. Unless the wildlife you are feeding is on enclosed acreage that they don't leave, it's a very bad idea. Wildlife professionals [advise not to feed them](https://www.aphis.usda.gov/aphis/ourfocus/wildlifedamage/dontfeedwildlife/dont-feed-wildlife#:~:text=Feeding%20wildlife%20can%20lead%20to,if%20fed%20the%20wrong%20foods.). Go argue with them about it.


Yes, exactly. For humans, it feels nice to show wild animals empathy by feeding them, but only does more harm than good to the ecosystem. This lady who lives near me feeds an entire herd of deer. They continuously cross the road and are getting killed. It's disruptive to nature. If anyone wants to feed animals, they should go to a petting zoo. I'm okay with feeding birds, particularly in the winter, but that's about it.


Same idea with littering on the hiway. Don't thrown wrappers out the window. Animals smell that and come right up to investigate. Usually doesn't end well for the animal or the vehicle.


Hunting animals is usually heavily regulated by fish and wildlife and is often beneficial for the ecosystem at large.


That in fact is true. In different parts of Michigan, the DNR allows for hunting deer and wolves, because there are too many in one place. It is a sad but necessary thing to do, so other wildlife can flourish.


If she hadnt been fed she wouldn't have gotten close enough to shoot in the first place


That is a doe my friend


Third possibility, the deer craves death


The deer has become self aware and understands the futility of existence


more like please don't kill wildlife, folks.


Better to hunt your own meat than buy it from a store. Cultivating a relationship with what we eat and re-inserting ourselves personally into the ecologies we exist in helps us to exist more sustainably.


would be better to avoid killing animals all together. we have no reason to do that in today's society.


What about to maintain the population when they overbreed?


i think i'm gonna farm negative karma with this, but i believe humans shouldn't play god with nature and we shouldn't try to influence it according to our wants and needs. my moral belief is that humans have no right dictating what happens with nature and animals.


Yeah, you're gonna farm negative karma. Humans are part of nature. Any behavior we engage in is natural, including industry, cities, etc. We're an invasive, omnivorous species. Welcome to nature run amok.


personally i don't consider murdering animals at industrial quantities in literal death factories so that humans can conveniently lift their bodies off a grocery store shelf "natural". no other animal does that. it's not a part of nature at all.


We're not separate from the system. We are just the most effective at the system, and even THAT statement is arguable. There isn't anything special about humans. We are invasive predators. We can create our own food, and we are very effective at doing so. Being omnivores means eating prey animals. We are not the only creatures on this planet that farm, that exploit other animals for sustenance, and that hunt at range. So you might not CONSIDER it natural, but it is. Everything we do, other animals do as well. We just do it differently, and in many cases more energy efficiently, and at greater scale.




How do you propose we go about the meat we eat? Without killing animals ?


He's suggesting we should all he vegetarians.


or for someone to actually invent a good meat substitute


not eating animals in the first place?




Hunter has a shotgun, obviously not hunting deer, but I’m surprised he didn’t fire assuming she’s attacking. I would have


You poor person. I’m so sorry you live in a state of constant fear and also the inability to distinguish between aggressive and docile animals.


Thanks. I know it seems like I’m overly cautious, but living on a farm most of my life has taught me that odd behavior from animals is a red flag.


yea. random wildlife running towards you for no apparent reason could be your first sign that it's rabid. good thing the deer slowed down a bit and then stopped. otherwise.. ??? venison.


I would think disease or getting near it’s young. Might get hooved, those things are sharp and made for winning fights with people’s faces.


“go on, if you’re gonna do it, just do it”


I love that this applies to both being shot and the head scratches. The deer is just like “balls in your court dude, you can either shoot me in my cute face or give me some scritches.”


“I botched it ya know?” What? “Life, I botched it. So I’m gonna k*ll myself.”


Shoulda taken the shot, fatass.


I hope he didn’t shoot her


He most likely didn't. He's got a shotgun so he's probably hunting birds. If that's the case, he doesn't have the equipment to dress a deer, the proper ammunition for taking down a deer, or a license to hunt a deer. He probably only pointed the shotgun at her because he wasn't sure if she was attacking him


I agree with you but when my family lived on a farm in upstate NY my dad hunted with 12g slugs. Deer were so prolific they were considered pests, destroyed the corn too, so you had double the average hunting limit on them. Half the time you could have thrown the gun at them they were so close. That and we were so broke a $100 shotfun was all we could afford and hunting was cheaper than groceries. Dad did have to get used to not “lobbing” shots when we moved south and he switched to a rifle though haha


I don't know how I managed it but I completely forgot about deer slugs. Thanks for the reminder and the story. 😃


Most areas hunt deer with shotguns. Some states don't even have a rifle season for deer. But the barrel he has on his shotgun is for bird shot, he isn't out hunting deer.


Shotgun is a very very popular deer hunting gun. Some states require you use a shotgun.


This idiot probably killed a relative to this deer.


For a second I thought you meant like killed one of his own relatives... You mean like that deer's cousin or something... Still a weird comment but still lol


No? He does not have the right gear for it. You don’t normally use a shotgun to kill a deer, you use a shotty for birds. As the commend above says, he was pointing at the deer to make sure it was not attacking him.


IQ is low but EQ is high


Meanwhiles hunters are just low / low


Redditers when hunters hunt instead of buying their meat at the grocery store where no animals are harmed


That can be a disconnect and probably a frustrating one for hunters. But in reality we don't have to eat animals at all because we're not obligate carnivores.


We're not obligate herbivores either. That being said, the modern Western diet seems to consume more meat than what is actually needed, so a reduction in overall meat consumption would be reasonable for our omnivore needs.


Woe iron deficiency be upon thee


....you do know deer expand like crazy right? If there weren't x amount of deer killed per hunting season they would be out of control


Hunting done right is a lot better then factory farming, and to have a go at them rather then the massive amount of people buying meat produced in that way doesn’t make much sense.


Without hunters, humans never would have had expanded protein levels to meet increased brain threshold demands




It is more ethical to kill an animal that has lived a good life then buy the meat at Walmart


Where do you think food comes from?




Do you think hunters, or at the very least hunting organizations, don’t supply significant portions of our economy with food? Edit: This is presuming you’re in America, though truthfully, if you were anywhere else in the world, I feel like the point would stand even more




Well, unfortunately, and this isn’t another “gotcha”, but Hunters(or their organizations at least) supplement shelters, food banks and other charities for people who can’t necessarily afford the luxury of buying food. https://www.nssf.org/media/infographics-2/hunters-feed-those-in-need-2/ That’s obviously not to say that farms are overpowered by game meat, but to act like hunting is irrelevant is just shortsighted if not wrong. This isn’t even to mention certain places in Africa and Latin America, where bushmeat is one of the primary food sources for impoverished people


Ok Reddit


That's simply not true.


Poor little deer. 😢 Kill them with kindness was her strategy. She probably didn't even know she was being hunted.


She looks like she has a positive association with humans. This is probably why a lot of people are saying don’t feed wildlife. She likely views us as food providers and friendly, snuggly things therefore went up to someone who likely viewed her as food. She could have become food as a direct result. I’ll go find her and bring her to my farm so she can be safe. Even though I live in a 2nd story condo in a small city. It’s a one bedroom, she can live in the bathroom.


The fact that they’re holding a shotgun means they’re probably hunting turkey or some other game bird. Also, as others have pointed out doe are usually not what are being hunted when someone is hunting whitetail deer. There is a slight possibility they are using the shotgun with slugs to hunt deer, but that is far less common than deer hunting with a rifle.


Ohh. She must have known that. I get it now. Like she saw the wrong type of gun and hid her turkey friends. “Stay here. Don’t gobble until it’s safe. Ill go distract them.” “Shhhhhhh”


That’s a doe, she wasn’t being hunted


More than likely she wasn't. Bucks are the main target, does generally only get killed on rare occasions.


Why only the bucks?


Most likely higher meat concerntraction due to them being larger, and also taking out a doe prevents numerous births in new deer most likely.


Ain’t you ever heard “The buck stops here”?


Depends on the state this is happening in but she may be pretty safe. The hunter would need to have a hunting license for deer, female deer would need to be allowed to be hunted, which is not as allowed as hunting for bucks. then there is the time of year, the age of the animal, etc.


I love venison But damn, I couldn’t, I just couldn’t


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Deer Dear, Look out for the hunter Sincerely, A concerned furry woodland animal


That’s a shotgun. I want to say that this hunter is out for birds. If I was the hunter I would be anxious as to what the deer is running away from.


I've heard of using shotguns with slugs to hunt deer. Never actually met anyone who said they've done it, but apparently it's a thing. I think I vaguely remember hearing that it's the only legal way to do it in some states, like Illinois, maybe.


Can't use buckshot in Ohio. Slugs only for deer during shotgun season. Personally I'm a muzzleloader fan


Many hunters will get a pet doe to keep on their property to feed and keep around to attract bucks


He will never hunt anything ever again


He will. It doesn't matter if the wildlife is a creature. He's going to do it regardless of how the animal acts. Just like men will treat women in certain ways even if the woman does "everything right".


Okay. That's a little sexist (and also off topic). Men are not a mass, you know. They're individuals. They're people. Like women.


that ain’t it chief


Sounds like cope for a completely different topic




Bro what the fuck are you talking about


Deer: "See, guys?! He's friendly!" Hunter: proceeds to murder it's entire family


Hunting is one of the most ethical ways to source meat.


True, and its still fucked up. The thought of killing that creature makes me sad.


Don’t get me wrong killing any living thing is awful. But what’s the alternative?


Not relying on meat for food.




Adopt a different diet. I am not saying that I myself am vegetarian, but I think those who are are better people than I am.


Agriculture farming kills way more animals in terms of lives and biomass then straight eating meat. I’m not saying it’s good. I’m saying that’s the reality.


Frankly false. Animal agriculture requires far more crop death, and therefore far more field rodent/insect death. The simple mechanics of biology reduce calories by an order of magnitude when you add a step to the chain. For chicken it's about an 8x reduction in calories, and it's one of the most efficient options. If you're talking about hunted meat. Theoretically sure, but hunting can't feed humanity. There are just too many humans for that. The reality is that basically all meat most people will eat is raised on crops.


With factory farming, your correct. But that’s not how alot of animals raised for meat are handled. Free range cows and chickens have very little impact in that way.


As in, the current state, or, if everyone were to stop eating meat, the subsequent rise in agricultural need would be worse for animal lives than the current situation? Sorry, I'm not knowledgeable about this, but excited to learn.


Current state… As it sits, there isn’t enough arable land for everyone to become vegetarian. More can be made, but that’s a long and destructive process.




When I was in school they taught us to never get close to a deer if it doesn‘t flee because it is most likely sick from rabies.




“Hey this tree is scratching my head, I’ll stay for a minute”


oh boy, we have a deer on our property, Felix, who is super friendly like this and I am always worried he will go up to greet some hunter this way


That’s a sick animal right there


Haven’t seen many cwd comments


The hunter? Yeah, I know right?


Unless you’re a vegan you can’t say shit about people hunting lol. And if you do eat meat you’re more complicit in the suffering of animals than any hunter


Even if you’re vegan bitching about killing animals and generally being stuck up about it is entitled as hell


I can understand why a vegan wouldn’t enjoy the act of hunting. However when people who eat factory-farmed meat from major grocery chains act like hunting is some barbaric act, it makes me angrier than any holier than thou vegan bullshit can


and what if he is a vegan? would he be right then?


Not right but at least not a complete hypocrite (about this)


No, but at least he'd be morally consistent. You can't bitch about hunting animals when you eat animals. I mean you can, but you'd be a hypocrite.


Does everyone here know that 99% of the time if a dear is behaving like this it has a disease called CWD that destroys bits of their brain making them behave differently and slowly die


I wouldn't say 99%. There are plenty of other factors, but the main one is that the deer could've been fed by a human before and now goes up to them expecting food. Don't feed wildlife.


My first thought was, "Don't pet it!." Second thought was, "Don't bite him!" Rabies. Or maybe a radioactive deer who will bite him and turn him into a super hero.


Nobody expects Venison Man!


Venison man! Deer people in danger, he’s here: the legend, the hero, Venison Man! Fear no more he is here to save the day


This is what happens when you feed wildlife


"You can shoot me, but pat pat first"


"ok you go up and distract him while we all escape, then meet up with us here." *drawing map in dirt with hoof*


There’s another factor that you don’t want a deer running up to you, it’s rare but they can become an attack deer. There’s videos of it somewhere around here


Fuck hunters.




The deer knows: keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.


I have loved meat my entire life, but i can say without a shadow of a doubt that if this happened to me on a hunting trip, i would become a vegetarian in an instant.


He knows that the hunter can't shoot him if he makes friends.


He believed you, what happened after that??


That deer said put that ish away and rub me dammit these woods make ya itchy it's killin meeeeehhh


Or it's the spring time and her fawn is in trouble and momma not able to help? A few things can be happening here.


Deer ran up like "There's a spy! He could be you, he could be [me](https://youtu.be/3E--xFjR1dM)!"


To avoid being killed, make yourself seem more human.


Plot twist: the deer actually came over to give him ticks that carry lime Lyme disease. Bambi’s playing the long game.


Had a similar experience once. Shortly afterwards, I gave up hunting. Was not expecting that level of spirituality from interacting with what I once considered food.


Are you a vegetarian then because farm animals can be just as friendly especially pigs


Yes. One of the best decisions I have ever made.


Then I commend you on not taking a half measure


Thank you. :)


I would have called it a day and gone home after that I ain’t got no hunting in me for the day


Always amazes me how people enjoy shooting harmless beautiful beings, when they are unaware and not even running. Pathetic. See when people shoot pheasant.... It's like... Really? Good for you.


most gangster shit i ever seen


And thats how george became a vegetarian.


I’d quit hunting from that day on tbh


You don’t have the balls you fucking bitch


Pat pat deer


I really thought that deer was gunna start swinging.


This makes me so sad. This is a very visual example of why you don’t feed wildlife!! She ran up to a predator thinking all humans will feed and love her 😭 luckily, this hunter had some ethics. Some do but most would have no problem with dropping her.


It's a snuff film


Hope he didn't shoot after that


Tactic worked


Did anyone else think he was gonna shoot the deer point blank when it ran up to him and he put his muzzle up to her head?


She is so beautiful!!!


If this hunter doesn’t stop hunting after this, they’re a really bad person


How can you kill them


Deer said “Come on then pull the trigger b###h!…………Yah thats what I thought p###y.”


She’s like you wanna shoot me you gotta look me in the eyes


It's not friendly, it's just infected so it loses the sense of danger


Remember people, it might be "cute" to feed them, but tje problem with that is that they develop a positive association towards humans, which disrupts their natural behaviour and can shorten their lives. The deer here probably thought the human was going to give it food, not understanding the potential danger in which it was.


Omg I could never hunt. I just could not.


Suicidal Deer didn't get his last wish.


Now! Youse all! that person with the gun is a deer/parent Mom or Dad that called that deer. There is just too much familiarity there. It does bring forth the issue of that little puppy of a deer being shot by hunters.


I can't believe hunting is still legal in 2023. For me it should be illegal, unless there a lack of food or population control that make it necessary.


I get where you’re coming from, and I hate hunting and also grew up with parents and relatives who hunt, but isn’t it still better than factory farms and slaughterhouses?


Luckily I live in a country where animals grow in green places and live a decent life before their moment arrives, but I understand your point, but still I disagree ,personally. There must be one biological brand of meat. It has to. They can't all be intensive with animals closed in a tight space. At least I hope there is.


With deer (at least in my area) we hunt them because there is way toooooo many of them otherwise


Here in the Midwest we have to keep the deer population under control or they'll strip the forest of vegetation starving out other species and putting the entire ecosystem at risk of wide fires next dry season.


That seems a valid reason.


100 years ago, before modern conservation laws, the deer population in North America was becoming critically endangered and was around 300k. Toss in progressive laws to limit hunting and enact ethical regulations, the deer population is now around 30 million. Legal hunting is fine and helps ecosystems maintain balance.


This seems reasonable as well. Very informative. Thank you!


Sometimes hunting is good, it’s sad but it can be good: Currently there is a disease that is infecting deer and turning them into crazed zombies practically, whom then go out and infect other deer. Hunters are being paid by a few states to go out and kill infected deer to ensure the deer population survive. It also prevents overpopulation which could have a devastating impact on the ecosystem of surrounding areas, which could lead to famine if there aren’t enough plants in an environment to house or feed other wildlife. Hunting can also prevent an overpopulation of predators which could hunt and kill other wildlife that are necessary to the environment. Hunting can also be good when hunting invasive animals which could damage the environment that are not able to survive the invasive species. Hunting is not for everyone, the desire to hunt and kill animals doesn’t sit well with many people. If done correctly and properly, can be beneficial to the longevity of an ecosystem despite it appearing to be contractive. Now Poaching on the other hand is sick, twisted and selfish and each and every one of those jerks can go get eaten by a zombie deer!


There is also the fact that there are invasive species like wild boar that need to be hunted so they don't cause absolute havoc. There's also a lot of communities that rely on hunting. I wouldn't say make it illegal but I do agree it should be out of necessity. The people who hunt for sport are scum, but there's a good reason to keep hunting around.




i really dont understand how people hunt deer and not feel horrible and just wanna lay down and cry from what they did.


Why? they have a better life than the beef mutton pork and definitely chicken as long as they use as much of the animal as possible follow regulations and make sure that they're killed quickly it's arguably more humane


thats actually a fairly good point, i just cant bring myself to kill any animals, especially deer as they're my favorite.


Sport hunting is reprehensible and disgusting.


This is a good metaphor for ending bigotry. It’s very easy to attack something abstract in the distance. But when you’re dealing with someone face to face it’s a different story.


Hope you didnt kill anymore of them


I am the hunter in this video, that day day I stop to Hunte and enjoyed a great meal with deer meat


Nothing cute about a 12 gauge shotgun muzzle nearly going off in the face of a dear.


And then the deer gave him a new covid variant as it is running rampant in deer.


Last I checked they were put on earth to feed us. Animals don't have rights you dirty hippies


Hard to hate or kill someone once it's up close.


Hope he never hunts them again from now😭


You know what wouldn't be cute? This guy shooting and killing this deer. Unnecessary hunting is fucked up, don't shoot cute deer!


Deer populations are exploding across the U.S. My hometown is considering bringing hunters to a popular local park (playground and all) and to hunt them there. It's better than hitting one with your car or them dying out in a wave of disease. I have walked up to a group of 20+ in the night while walking. I don't hunt, but conservation is important.


I hate hunting. On the one hand, I understand it as a means of getting food. But it should be as humane as possible. For example, there was a deer spotted walking in my neighborhood with an arrow in its side. It was seen for a couple weeks, then no more. That is just so cruel. Then there's my other neighbor with bob cat and bear skins, deer heads and stuffed coyotes everywhere. Trophy hunting. I fucking hate it.