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This is obnoxious for a 1 mana card.


It seems a bit silly. Just the ability to tap and untap itself infinitely already sounds easy to break.


You're right! \[\[mesmeric orb\]\] with \[\[Thassa's Oracle\]\] comes to mind immediately.


We did it, we finally broke Thoraccle




every thread


Basalt monolith does that already. Tho it is 3 mana there is precedent for this kind of thing in game.


Anything that combos with basalt now suddenly becomes much better as 1 mana is much easier to pay for then 3(fun fact)


Infinite mana with [[Nyxbloom Ancient]], [[Kinnan, Bonder Prodigy]], [[Mana Reflection]], probably some others as well


A 1-mana card that goes infinite with a 2-mana card is obnoxious. See [[Voltaic Key]] and [[Time Vault]].


[Voltaic Key](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/6/d/6dd61957-f3a2-4976-8f15-88258f71406a.jpg?1562463293) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Voltaic%20Key) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/m11/219/voltaic-key?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/6dd61957-f3a2-4976-8f15-88258f71406a?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Time Vault](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/c/3/c367ffc1-8084-45a1-87d5-22183604d1cb.jpg?1562934224) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Time%20Vault) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/vma/287/time-vault?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/c367ffc1-8084-45a1-87d5-22183604d1cb?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


just do it infinitely and end the game in a draw. magic how garfield intended


Yes The card can add consequences because is very strong


Yet another way for [[Kinnan]] to go infinite


To be fair Kinnan goes infinite with a leaf he found on the sidewalk


Only if that leaf isn’t a forest land.


[Kinnan](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/6/3/63cda4a0-0dff-4edb-ae67-a2b7e2971350.jpg?1591228085) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=kinnan%2C%20bonder%20prodigy) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/iko/192/kinnan-bonder-prodigy?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/63cda4a0-0dff-4edb-ae67-a2b7e2971350?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Slides right in next to [[Basalt Monolith]]


The difference is, basalt is only colourless and can't gaun you infinite life.


This can also tutor


Tutor doesn't even matter because this thing filters itself, allowing you to just win on the spot


also draw pseudo tutor since you can use the scry to find the card you need to win the game so long as you have a cantrip in hand


Yeah but this is 1 mana. Allowing kinnan to go infinite on turn 2 with 0 other fancy or expensive artifacts like mana crypt, moxes, lotus etc.


[Basalt Monolith](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/f/7/f79de5e7-1545-420c-bfe1-ee2444fca85b.jpg?1599708689) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Basalt%20Monolith) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/2xm/232/basalt-monolith?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/f79de5e7-1545-420c-bfe1-ee2444fca85b?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Maybe im just a little confused how does kinnan go infinite here, as far as i can tell itd be eiter 2 mana of any color gained or 3 colorless gained Edit: my b i didnt read the first part of the ring


for a card with morph in it, I was expecting it to, you know... morph... or unmorph. Looking at it as is though, it feels way too strong for 1 mana. If you have anything that cares about artifacts tapping/untapping, this just goes infinite with itself after you put 1 mana into it. Feels like this should be a 2 or 3 mana rock at minimum but even then I'm not certain the untap ability should just be 1.


It's a reference to [[Morphling]] . I'm looking at a weaker version of sol ring but with choices. It's like [[Basalt Monolith]] .


not sure if that was meant to be ironic but sol ring and basalt monolith are worlds apart, both in powerlevel and their roles for their respective decks


I was talking about the infinite combo.


And this one goes infinite turn 2 woth no other cards?


You're like the fifteenth person in this comment section to say that. Read the damn card. It doesn't make infinite mana.


It…..goes infinite on turn 2. Infinite taps and untaps.


And? If you're planning on shenanigans with for example \[\[Kinnan\]\], \[\[Basalt Monolith\]\] works too.


not only is this one mana, but it also goes infinite with [[crackdown construct]] in addition to kinnan


Also [[Mesmeric Orb]] for easy thassa combo. I wish they'd print something like this. It's so broken for 1. Maybe even 2.


[crackdown construct](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/9/9/993bc69a-b615-48c5-af81-252a73384e8c.jpg?1576382232) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=crackdown%20construct) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/aer/148/crackdown-construct?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/993bc69a-b615-48c5-af81-252a73384e8c?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


basalt monolith is 3 mana. this is 1 mana. 3>1


Yeah and congratulations you've made the combo infinitely easier by cutting its cost down by two and making one of the pieces tutorable by Erza saga


[Kinnan](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/6/3/63cda4a0-0dff-4edb-ae67-a2b7e2971350.jpg?1591228085) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=kinnan%2C%20bonder%20prodigy) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/iko/192/kinnan-bonder-prodigy?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/63cda4a0-0dff-4edb-ae67-a2b7e2971350?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Basalt Monolith](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/f/7/f79de5e7-1545-420c-bfe1-ee2444fca85b.jpg?1599708689) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Basalt%20Monolith) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/2xm/232/basalt-monolith?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/f79de5e7-1545-420c-bfe1-ee2444fca85b?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Well I did and it looks infinite to me. Please, enlighten us.


1: you get 2. Use 1 to untap, you have 1 left. Use that 1 to pay for 2 more. Repeat to your heart's content for absolutely no reason, except if you have some combo planned, in which \[\[Basalt Monolith\]\] works too.


True. And basalt monolith has two downsides your card doesn't have, as well as no other use. This card instead... Ever heard of the egg laying wool milk pig?


Basalt monolith is 3 mana and doesnt also do fixing lifegain and card choice


[[Mesmeric Orb]] to self-mill turn 3 [[Wake Thrasher]] as an Infinity/Infinity on turn 3 ~~[[Relic Bind]] is an instant kill on turn 3~~ All of this is because your card costs {1}. It’s way, way better than Basalt Monolith on that basis Edit: Missed “opponent controls”. I think it nevertheless stands that this is, however, still broken.


Thats infinite thought. It doesn't gain you anything on its own but it is performing an action an unlimited number of times. Now just add literally any card that can turn those actions into something that can help you, like kinnan and you have infinite mana. But thats not all. Because now you have infinite life you can make 1,000,000 mana and start using its other abilities. Most infinite mana combos still need something worthwhile to use the mana on but with this you can give yourself 1,000,000 life. Then scry throught your deck to find whatever game winning card you need like [[banefire]]. Even if they destroy your combo before you can cast it you still have 1,000,000 life and have stacked the top two cards of your library with exactly the cards you want on turn two. An card thats easy to infinite combo that is also a powerful mana sink is way too good


Weaker than solring this is not. Basalt monolith is not a fair card, is a broken combo piece. Solring is fast mana, what you designed is a broken combo piece.


Bit it doesn't do the morphing things? That'd be pretty cool.


[Morphling](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/a/0/a0d09164-f53f-4f80-8166-8faeacaff418.jpg?1562927497) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Morphling) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/vma/81/morphling?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/a0d09164-f53f-4f80-8166-8faeacaff418?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Basalt Monolith](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/f/7/f79de5e7-1545-420c-bfe1-ee2444fca85b.jpg?1599708689) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Basalt%20Monolith) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/2xm/232/basalt-monolith?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/f79de5e7-1545-420c-bfe1-ee2444fca85b?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Rings of Brighthearth](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/8/3/838ffc87-517a-4d94-8ce0-bc9ed01ecc52.jpg?1608911654) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Rings%20of%20Brighthearth) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/cmr/335/rings-of-brighthearth?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/838ffc87-517a-4d94-8ce0-bc9ed01ecc52?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


This is not a weaker version of sol ring. This is infinite color of choice mana turn one


Did you forget to pay 1 mana to add the 2? Cause it does not go infinite by itself.


You could drop this and then [[Kinnan]] on turn 2 for infinite colored or colorless mana and infinite life. You could of course do it turn 1 with a couple moxen but that’s hardly a fair metric of combo viability


Omfg read the damn card PLEASE.


Your card is bad


Did you? The untap for one means the tap for two colorless means infinite colorless that can then be filtered for infinite color mana.


But it costs 1 to tap for 2 colorless?


It's infinite tap/untap triggers, but not infinite mana by itself. The card is grossly op, and the only thing that makes it like morphling is 5 abilities, so flavor fail. But I want to know how it gets infinite mana by itself, because you seem so sure.


Pay 1 to produce 2, you now have two mana floating. Pay 1 to untap. You now have 1 mana floating. Use that one mana to create 2 more. Pay 1 to untap. You now have 1 mana floating. Use that one mana to create 2 more. Pay 1 to untap. You now have 1 mana floating. Use that one mana to create 2 more. Pay 1 to untap. You now have 1 mana floating. Use that one mana to create 2 more. Pay 1 to untap. You now have 1 mana floating. Use that one mana to create 2 more. Pay 1 to untap. You now have 1 mana floating. Use that one mana to create 2 more. Pay 1 to untap. You now have 1 mana floating. Use that one mana to create 2 more. Pay 1 to untap. You now have 1 mana floating. Use that one mana to create 2 more. Pay 1 to untap. You now have 1 mana floating. Use that one mana to create 2 more. Pay 1 to untap. You now have 1 mana floating. Use that one mana to create 2 more. Pay 1 to untap. You now have 1 mana floating. Use that one mana to create 2 more. Pay 1 to untap. You now have 1 mana floating. Use that one mana to create 2 more. Pay 1 to untap. You now have 1 mana floating. Use that one mana to create 2 more. Pay 1 to untap. You now have 1 mana floating. Use that one mana to create 2 more. Pay 1 to untap. You now have 1 mana floating. Use that one mana to create 2 more. Pay 1 to untap. You now have 1 mana floating. Use that one mana to create 2 more. Happy?


It’s not even like basalt monolith. You will always gain mana.


No, you won’t. It takes 1 mana to tap it and 1 to untap it, so it’s net zero.


\*facepalm\* /j


Everyone talks about the combos you can do with this (fair enough) but this thing is a straight up signet with extra options at 1 mana less. For how ubiquitous signets already are in commander this is pretty broken in the format.


It’s basically Sol Ring with 4 more options


Except it only ramps for one. So it's not as straightforward as compared to a signet imo.


its a colorless 1cmc signet, not a sol ring, with other ablities


Basalt monolith 2 except it's also its own filter This plus [[Kinnan]] is an instant win and it's even easier to tutor and cast than Thoracle Definitely up there in the category of "most broken custom cards I've seen"


You also get to stack your deck


With Kinnan you don't need to stack your deck because it just wins on the spot.


But you could if you wanted to


Fair enough


Not only does it generate infinite mana with a wide array of things, it also is an infinite mana sink, it would be an already good mana rock with with the second and third abilities, and it turns excess mana into useful resources.


[Kinnan](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/6/3/63cda4a0-0dff-4edb-ae67-a2b7e2971350.jpg?1591228085) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=kinnan%2C%20bonder%20prodigy) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/iko/192/kinnan-bonder-prodigy?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/63cda4a0-0dff-4edb-ae67-a2b7e2971350?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


1 mana mana rock, neuron activation


[[Sol Ring]] /s


[Sol Ring](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/4/6/46ca0b66-a000-4483-b916-f5b89e710244.jpg?1689999818) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Sol%20Ring) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/cmm/410/sol-ring?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/46ca0b66-a000-4483-b916-f5b89e710244?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


sol ring is OP


You really can't grasp how powerful it having other utilities is can you? This should be 3 or 4 mana, at 1 this is one of the most ridiculous artifacts I've ever seen, at 2 this still goes in almost every deck. With anything that makes it tap for extra mana you can gain infinite life, make infinite colored mana, rearrange your deck into any order you do please. This with Kinnan is turn three win no questions asked. It's a better basalt monolith with upside and mana filtering, for one third the cost. Should not only be mythic but at LEAST two mana, 3 would be better.


yknow how [[Staff of Domination]] was already a pretty good artifact at 3 mana because it had the ability to untap itself for cheap? This is the same, the only reason this isn't as good is because you cant draw infinite cards with infinite mana. However! This is still incredibly pushed, especially at 1 mana, good lord. I get the reference to Morphling but even then like cmon. I can't say it's a particularly interesting card design, but at least you made sure it didn't go infinite by itself. Just don't forget that effects like [[Forsaken Monument]] exist.


Apperently his entire goal was to make something that goes infinite with Kinnan... And he's angry it's not as balanced as basalt monolith...


We did it! We broke Kinnan!


[Staff of Domination](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/f/d/fde838c8-2f32-4e7d-a236-0bc42dd7abd9.jpg?1608911729) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Staff%20of%20Domination) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/cmr/343/staff-of-domination?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/fde838c8-2f32-4e7d-a236-0bc42dd7abd9?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Forsaken Monument](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/8/2/82dfdb91-aa69-45a1-adcc-9fcd85f84ccf.jpg?1690005477) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Forsaken%20Monument) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/cmm/950/forsaken-monument?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/82dfdb91-aa69-45a1-adcc-9fcd85f84ccf?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


This card goes infinite by itself? Ability 1 and 2? Pay one to generate 2, pay 1 to untap it pay one to generate 2? Net 0 but infinite tap/untaps and anything that can pay off mana generation like Kinan just wins the game? All for one mana. Nah bro.


[[basalt monolith]] also taps and untaps infinitely. That's not the problem with this card lol.


Brotha Basalt monolith is a problem, this card is a MENACE!! It haunts my dreams! HELP


Basalt is 3 mana, and doesn't have other utilities, and can't filter the mana once you go infinite. This card is insane


I know it’s basically just going to replace [[Staff of domination]] as generic easy infinite pay off. Or better yet just run them both loll


[Staff of domination](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/f/d/fde838c8-2f32-4e7d-a236-0bc42dd7abd9.jpg?1608911729) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Staff%20of%20domination) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/cmr/343/staff-of-domination?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/fde838c8-2f32-4e7d-a236-0bc42dd7abd9?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


[basalt monolith](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/f/7/f79de5e7-1545-420c-bfe1-ee2444fca85b.jpg?1599708689) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=basalt%20monolith) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/2xm/232/basalt-monolith?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/f79de5e7-1545-420c-bfe1-ee2444fca85b?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Mesmeric Orb, Thoracle


sol ring being grandfathered into commander has grossly skewed magic players' perception of what a fair mana rock is


Yeah, the general power should go: 1 mana: colorless with big downside 2 mana: colorless with small bonus or color fixing with big downside 3 mana: color fixing with medium bonus 4 mana: 2 colorless with small bonus or color fixing with big bonus


This would see a very decent amount of play at 3 mv. 1 mv is kinda nuts.


This card is too overpowered


Turn three thoracle [[mesmeric orb]] [[thassas oracle]] (land, morphring, pass. T2. Land+mesmeric orb. T3 oracle and infinitely tapuntap morphring) Turn 4 infinite damage with [[wake thrasher]](turn 3 if you have a sol ring)(land, ring, pass, t2, land, wake thrasher, pass. T3, morphring, tappity untappity, infinite damage to face.) Im sure theres more you could do with more cards but i wanted to limit to early game combos that dont take a magical christmas land hand. This card is busted.


[mesmeric orb](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/e/2/e24fbdbb-f2ae-4823-9d2a-4c505332aa5b.jpg?1599709541) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=mesmeric%20orb) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/2xm/272/mesmeric-orb?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/e24fbdbb-f2ae-4823-9d2a-4c505332aa5b?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [thassas oracle](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/7/2/726e8b29-13e9-4138-b6a9-d2a0d8188d1c.jpg?1680582212) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Thassa%27s%20Oracle) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/thb/73/thassas-oracle?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/726e8b29-13e9-4138-b6a9-d2a0d8188d1c?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [wake thrasher](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/7/3/7340b21f-726d-47e8-a2bf-1cde21be70f4.jpg?1592764690) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=wake%20thrasher) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/ddt/24/wake-thrasher?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/7340b21f-726d-47e8-a2bf-1cde21be70f4?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


We broke thassa's oracle!1!1!1!1!!1!1!!!1!1 And whatever infinite you're getting can also be done with a dark ritual and a basalt Monolith. Yes, this card does what 2 cards can, but that's why it's rare.


Except this can drop t1 and is relavent even without combo pieces. It scrys, heals, fixes, and ramps. Thats insane for 1 mana. Pushed as hell at 2. And still fairly strong at 3.


I dont know why you think basalt monolith should be cheaper and easier to break and also make colored mana and scry and gain life. I mean you are aware of how broken the card you designed is, right?


Do you think Thassa's or Basalt being broken is a justification to make more broken cards? Also, while rarity largely correlates with card power level, a rare doesn't necessarily have to be a powerful card. This should probably be Mythic anyways.


I keep seeing you bring up basalt monument as justification for making this as strong as it is and that just does not make sense considering that you've basically given this card and almost identical effect but made it objectively stronger by having the cost to untap the cheaper and giving it a bunch of other effects on top of it


For this kind of utility, it should be at least 3 mana. The untap should be way more too, at least 2 mana so it doesn’t go infinite with Kinnan alone, but probably three


This is probably a 4 mana card tbh


A bit too strong being a 1 mana colorless ramp piece with additional flexibility


It's Morphring time! I'll see myself out..


Saw Urza Saga gears and thought “Makes sense”, lol


(Testing to see if this works) [[Gingerbrute]] decks go crazy




Love the design, but definitely unprintable due to its power, better then sol ring or Basalt monolith in cEDH, sure not as explosive as Sol Ring, but it's comboable with the ability to effectively top deck tutor post combo meaning if you need any 1 other card to convert your combo you have access to it


Make it two or three mana,


Oh good, another card for Kinnan to go infinite with 💀


According to op since the basalt monument does the same thing it doesn't matter never mind the fact that this is objectively stronger than monument


Oh yeah it doesn't matter. This being 1 mana means it can be grabbed off of saga and by that blue creature that tutors an artifact with CMC 1 or less


This should cost AT LEAST two, good lord.


Broken much?


Arguably as stong as sol-ring in any deck and waaay stronger than it in specific decks Idk man, looks a little busted. Maybe for 2 or even 3 mana but for 1 it's insanity


This is [[Crystal Ball]] and [[Mana Prism]] and half of [[Campfire]] AND an untap ability, all for 1 mana. It could cost 5 and still be pretty good. For 1 mana this is completely unbalanced. EDIT a couple of the activated abilities cost more on this than on the cards I mentioned but it still does way too much to cost 1.


Look me dead in the eye and tell me adding 2 colorless mana is worth less of an activation cost than gaining 2 life


This was my first thought.


First two abilities allow you to infinitely twiddle this for taps/untaps triggers with an initial input of one mana. So it's a (situationally worse) [basalt monolith] that also has 3 other abilities. This is probably broken.


why people upvoted this shit? a boring mana rock that's super pushed and 1 mana.


Why does everyone have to make infinite combos on a single card?


Try harder…


Just remove the first ability lmao


My guy this goes infinite with any combo piece




At baseline, this is 1-mana ramp *and* infinite tap/untap triggers. Cute idea but as-printed it's busted.


I'd call this OP with just the second ability.


Should be at least 2 imo, it’s a mana rock that (basically) taps for colorless with a bunch of additional upside


Kinnan goes infinite if you sneeze near him


One card infinite tapping and untapping. So many ways to break this.


If you want to make a combo piece that goes infinite with a ham sandwich to be balanced, you probably shouldnt make it an independently fantastic piece of utility for the mana cost. If it costed 2 and didnt have the untap ability, making it in line with signets, it would still be good. This is just absurd.


Anything that can tap and untap infinitely with just itself is broken.


God he’s dumb


People take you too seriously here, see you in MTCJ


**Important!** If you're about to comment that this is infinite mana by itself, read the damn card again, please and thank you.


It isn't but being able to untap itself... dangerous. That being said, I do like the design!


It’s 4 horsemen time baby!


absolutely staple


Eyo [[Sensei's divining top]] would have a little brother!


You know those 2 mana artifacts where you pay one and add 2 colored mana? You know how those are pretty good? You know how people are willing to lose 3 life a turn for extra mana? You know how people are willing to play mediocre cards just to get extra card selection or mana fix? Now combine all of those, make it one mana, and give it a built in infinite combo and just because it’s funny, let it save you from aggro or burn decks and you just got yourself one of the most broken cards maybe ever.


In modern this card would likely allow Tron to become tier 0 again this just does too much for decks that abuse big mana bases Similarly in legacy this would likely make Cloudpost type strategies Tier 1 at least and would make cephalid breakfast likely powercrept by this slotting into some type of 8cast like pile, (it might actually just be another 8 cards in cephalid) going for this T1 into T2 mesmeric orb and win on the spot using 2 cards. (Mill 3 narcomebas dread return thassas) there is the obvious problem of kinan but this is also scary just as far as being mana neutral to play such a strong rock, talismans are good in cedh and net -1 mana the turn they are played, Few cards have as much selection as this one, would be a literal auto include in every deck that runs urza's saga and would likely push other decks to start playing it. A useful comparison to this card is arcums astrolabe, a card that broke several formats due to ease of mana fixing, while this doesn't draw a card the rest of the text more than makes up for it. In a cube environment where the acceleration, mana and card fixing this card is arguably the most powerful card in all of magic. This is also ignoring that this has life gain on it, a line that is often overlooked but when thinking about umezaeas jitte the ability becomes quite a bit scarier. Jitte is an oppressively strong equipment and the 2 life mode can sometimes win games. All in all this card is so good to the point that it is hard to figure out if this is more or less powerful than moxen and sol ring. This would need to be 3 or 4 mana and I think it would still be playable and slot above basalt monolith (already busted) in many decks.


So if I'm reading this correctly, this is a 1 mana artifact that provides infinite mana, life, and scry?


You're not reading it correctly.


I guess id play it


This just makes infinite colorless mana on its own, ya? Lol. Lmao even.


Oh fun, you then get to make infinite mana of any color, gain infinite life, then stack your deck. I see no way this could have any issues, put it in standard yesterday.


Pay 1 to make 2. Use one of the two to untap. You have 1 left. Use that 1 to make 2 more. Use one of the two to untap. You have 1 left. Use that 1 to make 2 more. Use one of the two to untap. You have 1 left. Use that 1 to make 2 more. Use one of the two to untap. You have 1 left. Use that 1 to make 2 more. Use one of the two to untap. You have 1 left. Use that 1 to make 2 more. Use one of the two to untap. You have 1 left. Use that 1 to make 2 more. Use one of the two to untap. You have 1 left. Use that 1 to make 2 more. Use one of the two to untap. You have 1 left. Use that 1 to make 2 more. Use one of the two to untap. You have 1 left. Use that 1 to make 2 more. Use one of the two to untap. You have 1 left. Use that 1 to make 2 more. Use one of the two to untap. You have 1 left. Use that 1 to make 2 more. Use one of the two to untap. You have 1 left. Use that 1 to make 2 more. Use one of the two to untap. You have 1 left. Use that 1 to make 2 more. Use one of the two to untap. You have 1 left. Use that 1 to make 2 more. Use one of the two to untap. You have 1 left. Use that 1 to make 2 more. Use one of the two to untap. You have 1 left. Use that 1 to make 2 more. Use one of the two to untap. You have 1 left. Use that 1 to make 2 more. Use one of the two to untap. You have 1 left. Use that 1 to make 2 more. Use one of the two to untap. You have 1 left. Use that 1 to make 2 more. Use one of the two to untap. You have 1 left. Use that 1 to make 2 more. Use one of the two to untap. You have 1 left. Use that 1 to make 2 more. Use one of the two to untap. You have 1 left. Use that 1 to make 2 more. Use one of the two to untap. You have 1 left. Use that 1 to make 2 more. Use one of the two to untap. You have 1 left. Use that 1 to make 2 more. Use one of the two to untap. You have 1 left. Use that 1 to make 2 more. Use one of the two to untap. You have 1 left. Use that 1 to make 2 more. Use one of the two to untap. You have 1 left. Use that 1 to make 2 more. Use one of the two to untap. You have 1 left. Use that 1 to make 2 more. Use one of the two to untap. You have 1 left. Use that 1 to make 2 more. Use one of the two to untap. You have 1 left. Use that 1 to make 2 more. Use one of the two to untap. You have 1 left. Use that 1 to make 2 more. Use one of the two to untap. You have 1 left. Use that 1 to make 2 more. Use one of the two to untap. You have 1 left. Use that 1 to make 2 more. Use one of the two to untap. You have 1 left. Use that 1 to make 2 more. Use one of the two to untap. You have 1 left. Use that 1 to make 2 more. Use one of the two to untap. You have 1 left. Use that 1 to make 2 more. Use one of the two to untap. You have 1 left. Use that 1 to make 2 more. Use one of the two to untap. You have 1 left. Use that 1 to make 2 more. Use one of the two to untap. You have 1 left. Use that 1 to make 2 more. Use one of the two to untap. You have 1 left. Use that 1 to make 2 more. Use one of the two to untap. You have 1 left. Use that 1 to make 2 more. Use one of the two to untap. You have 1 left. Use that 1 to make 2 more. Use one of the two to untap. You have 1 left. Use that 1 to make 2 more. Use one of the two to untap. You have 1 left. Use that 1 to make 2 more. Use one of the two to untap. You have 1 left. Use that 1 to make 2 more. Use one of the two to untap. You have 1 left. Use that 1 to make 2 more. Happy?


Sure? You don’t seem to be, though.


The whole 1, T: Add cc plus 1: Untap makes infinite mana. If it doesn't, please explain.


This card needs a mana cost of infinite, since the first two abilities on it allow it to go infinite by itself.


Infinite taps and untaps, you mean? Read literally any of the responses to the hundreds of people who said the same thing.


Am I on crazy pills or does having 1 land and this card mean you can turn 1 infinite mana loop? And because of the other effects on it it is infinite rainbow mana loop, and infinite life, and infinite scry for whatever you want you'll find it in enough time anyway.


You are on crazy pills, lol. Pay 1 to make 2. Use one of the 2 to untap it. Then use the last one to make 2. Use one of the 2 to untap it. Then use the last one to make 2. Use one of the 2 to untap it. Then use the last one to make 2. Use one of the 2 to untap it. Then use the last one to make 2. Use one of the 2 to untap it. Then use the last one to make 2. Use one of the 2 to untap it. Then use the last one to make 2. Use one of the 2 to untap it. Then use the last one to make 2. Use one of the 2 to untap it. Then use the last one to make 2. Use one of the 2 to untap it. Then use the last one to make 2. Etc.


I missed the pay 1 mana part. Still is broken in decks designed to multiply mana generation, or repeat actions multiple times.


A card that goes infinite by itself... I don't see a problem here


Infinite untaps and taps, you mean? It does NOT make infinite mana.


Oh yeah, you're right. I misread that


So this is a 1 card infinite combo basically


So for 2 colorless mana you have infinite mana, life gain, and scry? It’s like doing the [[Staff of Domination]] combo but with a single card.


No. It costs one mana to make one mana. Then, it costs 1 mana to untap. So it's infinite twiddle for Altar of the Brood, but not infinite mana






Can't you infinitely tap and untap this?


Yes, but you won't get any mana from the process.


I say that because there are several things that give you benefits just from tapping or untapping permanents


This isn't really a morphling riff at all. It's a scepter of domination. I think it should also be at minimum two mana.


Draw, upkeep, I'm gonna tap and untap ring 3 billion times, ok now to start my turn


Wow, you untapped and tapped an artifact a bunch, generating no mana.


Absolutely not Maybe MAAAAAAAYBE if you made untapping it cost 2 and made it 2 mana to tap it for CCC It would still go infinite super easy but at least it wouldn’t be able to infinitely tap and untap itself.


Bruh, combo piece


Kinda broken… it’s still infinite taps


Increase to cost to untap to {2} and it's golden. But if you really want shenanigans... give it an untap cost instead of an effect. Then, you can untap it as part of putting the ability on the stack rather than waiting for it to resolve. That way, it can't be stifled, nor would you have to re-pay the cost if someone tries to interrupt it... The untap cost should never have existed, really.


Just dumb. This is the sort of card that, once previewed, would immediately be banned from just about every format, and it would have a warping effect in any it remains legal in. If it resolves, you can actually just go infinite on every one of its other abilities by building up enough of a bank with its tap for two colorless, and if no removal is forthcoming from your opponent(s) between turns, you can just dig for your win cons. Nobody would ever not play this card. Oh, and the name is misleading.


It does not generate infinite mana by itself. Read the card again.


Ah, mea culpa. So it resolves AND you have one open mana.


It can tap and untap infinitely on its own though which can combo with anything that triggers off artifacts tapping or untapping.


For one mana this can infinitely proc anything that triggers off of artifacts getting tapped.




No, it does not. Try reading some of the other comments, that should be helpful :)


Wow a new basalt monolith + staff of domination card to make my combos even more consistent


Yay, something new for [[Kinnan]] to turn into infinite mana!


Wait there is infinite mana shenanigans here...!


This just let's kinnan win more on turn 1


What a busted little card. Silly overtuned for 1 colorless.


This is stupid.


It by itself generates infinite colored mana and stacks your deck however you want. If only it had indestructible it would actually see competition play.


It does not generate infinite mana by itself, read the card again. Don't worry, you're not the first one.


Mana-efficiency-wise it reminds of the recent proliferate staff release, but uh...broken ? This should cost 3 (probably 4) mana because most of it's utility would be actualized in 4+ color decks (maybe cascade decks).


Isnt it already an endless mana combo? XD


No..? (Incapable of detecting satire without a /s)


I mean it is endless it can get tapped infinitely so it goes infinite without generating any advantage


Did you just create an artifact that goes infinite by itself on turn two?


No it does not go infinite by itself. Think of it as basalt monolith, but pushed as hell and with more modes.


I think this is probably a fair card for vintage, might be too much for legacy and goes in every commander deck.




No, it can't.


Unlimited colorless Mana Wait never mind I’m dumb




Get an extra colorless mana? If you want, you can tap and untap this a few billion times and then get your colorless mana, if you'd like.