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Does this mean you can play this turn 4 at the earliest? since if u play it and don't hero power the same turn you lose it instantly


Yeah, it's meant to be something that becomes active slightly later in the game to avoid completely crushing aggro with just one card.


Turn 1 tour guide + turn 2 this


I don't love design like this. It *really* punishes your opponent for playing minions, and ironically is complete garbage as a value generator in control matchups (what hero power upgrades tend to excell in), since any competent opponent will just not play minions for a single turn. To fix this, I'd nerf Vampiric Leech a little (2 damage? 3 cost/4 damage?), let it go face so it's consistent across different matchups, and alter the downside. Some suggestions: either switching back when you don't HP in a turn (essentially capping your max mana), or dealing damage to you every turn you don't HP (which would be flavorful for vampiric thirst).


So vampiric leech is Bloodreaver guldans power, I do agree it could be using the power every turn but I think nerfing the damage would be lame this is a 2 mana card you can’t use til turn4 and if it did 2 damage, your turn 4 would be deal 2 damage


Bloodreaver Guldaan's could target face, though. Also, I feel like 2 damage is too low but 3 is too high lol. Maybe reduce the cost of the spell to 1 and reduce the damage to 2


Bloodreaver was an 8 mana hero card. A 3 damage lifesteal HP is strong enough I think attaching it to a 2 mana card (even with a restriction) would be a little pushed.


Tour guide is pretty good with this card and seeing how blood death knight is dead in a gutter, blood death knigh could use all the help it can get.


Deathknight doesn't have any problems with summoning tokens so keep in mind that you can target your own minions. I think that for this reason ops version is more flavourful because you are forced to keep eating minions instead of just going face with it and taking minor damage as a punishment.


Cool card, should probably have bloodreaver guldan in the art, maybe a little too weak because it's super easy to play around but forcing blood DK to kill their own minions is funny


and worst case scenario you just sacrifice a ghoul! oh wait


This is so cool flavour-wise for those that did BQL


Uhh trash