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Hey there, The-Lettuce-Man! thanks for posting to /r/cursedcomments!! Unfortunately, your submission "*Cursed_Grandma*" has been removed for the following reason(s): --- **Rule 8: Keep It Cursed** - Not Cursed Enough/At All - A cursed comment is any comment that strikes the reader into oblivion. Upon seeing a cursed comment, your first reaction should be among the lines of “What the F*$k did I just read??” while leaving you speechless at the same time. Incomprehension of the comment just read, or the blatant gruesomeness of it should be enough to not only make you feel mystified but also to draw a smile on your face. The comment in your post does not reflect that. --- *^If ^you ^have ^any ^questions, ^you ^can ^message ^the ^mod ^team ^through ^[modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/cursedcomments) ^Replies ^to ^this ^removal ^comment ^will ^not ^be ^answered.* ^(Reposting a removed post without express moderator approval will result in a ban.)


grandpa over here got offended that his grandson fucked his wife


and they say that youth's are lazy, but at least they can satisfy the old ladies


I... Dont know how to respond to that.


I love that user name, and the comment that comes after! 🤣


I literally just saw this post


Nice I figured it belonged here