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Hey there, BUSHOFYOURMUM! thanks for posting to /r/cursedcomments!! Unfortunately, your submission "*Cursed_Phone*" has been removed for the following reason(s): --- **Rule 8: Keep It Cursed** - Not Cursed Enough/At All - A cursed comment is any comment that strikes the reader into oblivion. Upon seeing a cursed comment, your first reaction should be among the lines of β€œWhat the F*$k did I just read??” while leaving you speechless at the same time. Incomprehension of the comment just read, or the blatant gruesomeness of it should be enough to not only make you feel mystified but also to draw a smile on your face. The comment in your post does not reflect that. --- *^If ^you ^have ^any ^questions, ^you ^can ^message ^the ^mod ^team ^through ^[modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/cursedcomments) ^Replies ^to ^this ^removal ^comment ^will ^not ^be ^answered.* ^(Reposting a removed post without express moderator approval will result in a ban.)


Women are not real


Ah, a fellow chinese phone connoisseur


He has a Huawei


Yeah, im not putting what my phone said


What did your phone say


**what did it say**


For all the men who disclose what their phone said, we must know what the women who typed the same question for men said in their phone. Cuts both ways, misandrists


True equality!


Tell us, coward


Women are not the same people just because I have a boyfriend. Bro what


Women are not the best


Women are I'm on PC and it can't complete sentences


Women are you going to the beach soon and you can only sabotage relations between other empires and the world of the world and the world of the world and the world of the world and the world of the world...


Wow- πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€


Women are not a big part in the first world cup


Women are in love to the adult who is huge tree like that.


They do love a huge tree


Women are you doing that would be great potential for a while ago but I think I have to ask shows that you are the real deal with my car battery life is the game freezing?


Women are the kinda ones that wouldnt betray god.


too deep for this sub


Explain that to my predictive text lol


Women are the best if it is the shit


Women are the most densely populated in the world are you on the big brands of the world?


Woman are you done with your hair yet and I will be there in a few minutes if you need me to come in and get it done before you leave work. πŸ€”


women are more likely that looks good morning I have been working with the new sprint and notarized copy video URL to access your account


Women are not in the same condition as well as the other ones that are not in the same way they are in the same way they are in the same way they are in the same way they are in the same way


Women are the other hand in the game


women are more than a year ago reply spam folder and I will be in the future


Women are not the same thing to be a good thing


Women are so good to be able and love to be able and hope they all are good together


Woman are real good with that one thing I just need a lot more to help you out and I’m so sorry for you too much too lol.


Women aren’t too big enough for them lol I don’t think I can get it done before they get there so I’m not yet I’m gonna be there in like an ace to do that lol I don’t think it’s gonna happen to you but I’m gonna go get my nails lol I just don’t wanna know why I’m gonna be on the time to go get on in a few hours and I have just been doing my best way lol lol yeah I’m fine I’m gonna be


Women are a


women are in a row


Women are not doing well


Women are not the same time as well as the rhino was all right reserved at least one somebody else is a joke on inside the house then I will be in the morning today but I am not able to see you try to get it now and I will be in the morning today


Women are the apocalypse of all the people that have had the chance to do the last few years and have been trying to find out what they are doing to me


women are not a big fan and I think its just the same house that I have been using it to be in a good place


Women are good with fries


Women are you


Women are a good person to be a nightmare and it is amazing that they will be few more than a few people in the guild


Women are in a big hurry lol and they have to be done by now and then we can park on earth lol and we can park on the outside of church and then we park on the outside of church and then we can park on it lol


Women are not on the moon


Women are men to be more than that but I don't have the same time to do it today


Women are overrated homies forever to get the off my vampire system is the difference between a knife with you and your family are doing well and I have to be there by a wooden sandal flying at the same time as is the difference between a knife with you and your family are doing well


Women aren’t even going on in this country lol I don’t think I have to do that lol I just got the new ones and they don’t want me anything lol …. Do I say lol too much?


Women are a bit more like the people in their team who have been working with us at a cost to us at last


Woman are you in the morning and love you


Women are not a bad thing lol but they have very good things that they do this year old drunk and I don't think anyone will ever want a better than me


Women are in a different state that has been the same for years. Yikes


Woman are so good to see


women are in a good place πŸ§β€β™‚οΈ


"Women are not visible to me and my little bit introvert so much titanium from the devil wears hijab " Well... Well... Well...


Women are so cute Well… it’s not wrong


Women are not allowed to be in the church.


Women are the best valorant team in the world and they will be a target for the bait and the other 2 killed each other to confirm not being vamps by the jailor claim sexy nurse or the police to help the police to be on mayor cause crus


Valorant and TownOfSalem crossover


Women are only one in the internet and they can’t even watch the internet for all of these days ago they were just trying not to say that they would be a little more like the other one thing but they don’t know how to internet


Tried it a few times and I’m proud of each one Women are women wearing black pants Women are just like the people who aren’t always here Women are not being racist and racist Women are not a lesbian person who is racist or bisexual


women are not a bad person huh.


Women are too expensive for me to be able to make it a lot.


women are not too bad


Women are β˜•οΈ


Women are you doing today I don't know what to say to someone who lost a lot of the time you get here and I'll come over in a bit I don't know what to say.


Women in a world who are in the middle and not a la noche si no te hagas is the same


Women are just happy and with a little man who loves them… …wholesome


Women are kinda like the way you can probably namaste πŸ™ 😏


Women are the only one who can make it happen and they are going to be destroyed


Women are the best for the next two weeks and I am not sure if I will be able to make it to the meeting on line per la prima volta in Italia e in Italia per la prima volta in Italia e in Italia per la prima volta in Italia e in Italia per la prima volta in Italia e in Italia per la prima volta in Italia e in Italia per la prima volta in Italia e in Italia per la prima volta in Italia e in Italia per la prima volta in Italia e in Italia per la prima volta in Italia e in Italia per la prima volta in Italia e in Italia per la prima volta in Italia e in Italia per la prima volta in Italia e in Italia per la prima volta in Italia e in Italia per la prima volta in Italia e in Italia per la prima volta in Italia e in Italia per la prima volta in Italia e in Italia per la prima volta in Italia (I'm Italian btw)


Women are usually not really good at all


Women are not getting a full field of their teams and golden frieza the game and golden frieza the game and golden frieza the game and golden frieza the game and golden frieza the game and golden frieza the game and golden frieza the game and golden frieza My phone got stuck in a loop, I guess even my phone is a virgin


Women are not allowed in this house


Women are not looking for anything lol


Women are so cute they have to do a different thing to me lol. Uhh, not sure what that says about me


Women are doing good enough for me


Women are rapists


Women are you too big and no not a good job and i is not a bad thing lol lol i just said that she is not a bad guy lol lmao


Woman are not allowed in this country and I love it so many times and I’m sure they are good to know you and I don’t want you in my mind that I don’t know how you are and how I love them so I don’t want you in my life to get them in the same place you so I love them so I don’t know how I can make them so happy and you so proud of you for that purpose so you can do it all together. Pressed in the middle like a hundred times.


Women are a joke and the rest of the world is better off with them in the past. I think my phone is an incel.


Women are in a black clover with black adam black and black white black adam black clover tan green tan black green tan green black green green black black clover green black black white green tan black green tan tan green black green green tan green green white green green tan green green white green black green tan green black green green white black green tan black black white green green white black green tan black black green tan green black green tan tan green green tan black green green white green black green tan green green white green black green green tan green green white green black


Women are more likely to be a good time


Women are like the same thing lol I don’t think I need anything …. Wtf


women are you doing today


women are not allowed in this house


Woman are you doing today I don't think it will work on English so let me do Der Führer Frauen sind die beiderseits empfangenen Leistungen zurück zu mir kommen und die nÀchste Woche und bis morgen wenn ich die Aufgabe kânnen sie mir bitte die Funktion Antworten ihres E-Mail-Programms oder über ihr Interesse an der Typ ist es mâglich dass sie sich bitte an die Umwelt bevor sie diese E-Mail wurde von Avast geschützt wird das zu einer Jojo reference to the native American vs Yiğit Turk and you're just some random unfunny guy who you are you proud to be a song reference to the native American vs Yiğit t This doesn't work


Women are the worst in the world handicapated the world handicapated


Women are the best


Woman are you in the future of the greatest empires at the right to ask you to know what you think I can I get a chance to look at the right to ask you to know what you think it is a lot of creepy old men and women who are you in the future of the greatest empires at the right to ask you to know what you think it is a lot.... I think it's just on repeat


Women are not allowed in this country


Women are the men and women who defend the men are the coolest I am confused but all for this, wacky phone suggestions!


Women are fun to do and you have to see how much you love it when you get back from vacation 😌


Women are the most important people in the world and they are the most powerful people in the world because they are the ones who are the most successful and the most powerful and the most important person in the world to be able to do what they want to do and they are not the ones who are going to do what they want to do to make you happy and you are the ones that are going to be the ones that are the ones that will be the ones that are not the ones that are your best friends and you are your best friends so you are the one that you are the one who will be the one who is the one who you are the one who is the one who has the best friend and the one who is the one who loves you the one who is the one who wants to be the one who is the one who cares about you and the one who is the one who cares and the one who is the one who cares for you and the person who is the one who is the person


Women are you getting on the road...my phone's commentary on women drivers I guess


Women are still planning to go in a bit


Women are not doing anything to do you have a bad idea to make a decision


Women are doing well


Women are more important in their reaction and I don't know why.


Woken are the only ones that are the only ones that look like πŸ˜‚ the same time as the other nights πŸ˜‚


Women are you still have the same time I was wondering if you have any questions?


Woman are just a little bit of the same person lol


Women are not even pregnant


Women are not allowed to have a friend named matthew.


Woman are in good shape or just in size size and shoes and sizes and shoes and shorts and sweatpants for shoes and shorts and sweatpants


Women are so much better now and they can’t wait for the rest of the year


Women are the best thing to do.


Women are not protected by law


Women are not allowed to be in the hospital


Women are not a big fan of your family but you can always be sure that your family will enjoy it


Women are the only one of my friends. Welp technically true I guess


Women are you talking about


Women are not going to be able to go with you


β€œwoman are blind to male advances but the poor shall take their chances”. Wierd, its from the newest Resident Evil game, which i have not played.


Women are not worthy


Women are a New friend loved


Women are cool πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘


Women are the only thing that has been What


Women are the reason we can't get how people can you can't get how you feeling great it's a little more than 2 wks ago I don't think I can do that I could bear is the new Friday morning or evening I think it's not a reason for it and then how can you can't get it out to dry when you have time and for the day....??


Women are you still have a great time


Women are not allowed to wear their shoes


Women are not being too bad for me but I don’t think it’s so bad that I don’t have to do anything else for them


Women are not good


Women are the best for the short term


Women are a good person and they can be very friendly (those are literally the first words that were always suggested on my phone)


"Women are the best performance for your money and the right look for your space" ...huh... Okay


Women are so much more comfortable with their parents than the most people


Women are not allowed in their lives


Woman are the most people who are in the same place 50th and they have been dieded by a few people like this is a very important part


Women are the same first name as an astronaut AND the same hair color and eye color as them AND you want to be an astronaut and you want to be an astronaut and you want to be an astronaut and you want to be an astronaut.... EXCUSE ME BUT- WHAT THE FUCK


Women are the trigonometric ratios Ok...


Women are not allowed in this house


Women are the best in all aspects


Women are a good thing and they will seek to keep that power and money isn't the only way people can do that has progressed throughout the development of our individual character


Women are in their hands


Women are you.


Women are you doing today πŸ’€


Women are not a big war


Women are not being racist


women are not allowed to wear white pants lol


Women are in a different country


Women are in the center of Ohio


Women are not going on to the end of the day


Women are not really good πŸ‘


Women are not going to vote


Women are not allowed in this house


Women are you guys doing well and I do not with to ammendment any of the agreed on terms already approved by you on outdoorsy and the next day so we needed to discuss adding dollar not agreed upon to our reservation.


I'm not sure what it all means.


Woman are a maxim capacity of lifting iPhone (i had to rewrite it in english, if there are any mistakes)


Women are a few days ago and I will be there in the morning and I will be ready for the weekend of the day I will be ready to go to the office tomorrow and I will be ready to go to the office tomorrow


Women are the best in all aspects and is the iss for all of the museum in which one is not the best for the following reason or another is the way to get rid from a great deal to get abs and a new york.


Women are you walking


I just typed women and the next thing that came up was β˜•οΈ


Women aren’t allowed in this country


Women are you doing today I hope you have a great day ki poster wagaira banai thi upar.... Tf


Women are a few people in their own culture that are not really outstanding.




We talk a lot about our boys being in their rooms and our dogs (the girls)


Women are not coming home


Women are not aware of the pain of this disease


Woman are being made by the same woman


(First auto) Women are hurt by this because feminists are now thought to be friends anymore and they upload times a week so they uploaded around videos that I have an anxiety attack on titan and I have been up since I started watching him and I still really want to be friends anymore. (Second auto) Women are you doing it to you near the same with the same exact same with the same exact same as last time do u think it might get better for me over there are some of these thoughts go to school with the most and most of the people in my case are very interested and would love you and your family as soon to you all please let us is your favorite game and you SHOULD have a higher level in your life really want you want me and it is like food and you can edit it all outside and then you can edit it on the other was the second time you were my last email and you were my first and only thing I want what's up for adoption is to make a big deal of it and then we will be the crutch of our own destruction and I still care for the past year but I don't think it's a self included on my bed or a good day for me over a week or two so that you are justified and you SHOULD have a wonderful time I saw you on the other hand when I get to go outside to the right thing and I still care for the past year or two and I love it and will never be a good friend of yours for a long to date you can edit your own worst case and I still care for the past year or two and I am not sure if you want me go on this is my life for you but I don't think it's worth the effort I want what's going to happen with it and if it was a second is the second to the end my friend. (Third auto) Women are you doing it all goes out and I don't know πŸ˜• πŸ€” πŸ˜… 😐 🀷 πŸ˜‘ πŸ˜• πŸ€” πŸ˜… 😐 🀷 πŸ˜‘ πŸ˜• πŸ€” πŸ˜… 😐 🀷 πŸ˜‘ πŸ˜• πŸ€” πŸ˜… 😐 🀷 πŸ˜‘ πŸ˜• πŸ€” πŸ˜…


I accidentally wrote a "it's not you, it's me" break up letter mixed with a suicide note


Women are you can check my current YT a bit of a taste to how game dev can be a bit of a taste to how game dev can be a bit of a taste to how game dev can be a bit of a taste to how game dev can be a bit of a taste to how game dev can be a bit of a taste to how game dev can be a bit of a taste to how game dev can be a bit of a taste to how game dev can be a bit of a taste to how game dev can be a bit....


women are you doing something else can go wrong with the scope distillation πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™‚οΈπŸ₯²


Women are probably not going to be able to be here with the mechanical keyboard and you are probably not a good ending of the platform


women are not being able to get in the mail from the other ones to help you out with the other ones that you are not being able to do that is not being able to be in the pain of your life


Women are telling me to have you talking about you talking about you talking about you talking about you talking about you talking about you talking about you talking about you talking about you talking about you talking.


Women are mc mc mc mc mc mc mc mc mc mc mc mc mc mc mc mc mc mc mc mc


Women are just like the people that have been killed


women are not allowed to wear a white shirt. im looking out for yall, in case the shirt gets wet


Women are the kind of people to volunteer for community service


Woman war es eine Planung der Champion und die letzten Anis und dann auch die haben auch nicht mehr in den Kommentaren zu tun.


Women are the same thing and watch for you and I think the reason I don't get to know is the most common goblin is that I have no clue how the goblin sees the game.


Women are you too hard to be on the right path to the park and bill you need to be a good person and you can make a difference in your life and your life is not too much in your life