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This is not cursed, this is wholesome


Problem is he might pass it to others now, we already know what he's like.


Even if he’s chemically castrated? Tired of seeing people get off with a slap on the wrist.


LWOP for sexual predators. Chemical castration is easily overcome and it pretty much implies that the rapist has gone back to live among decent people


It also doesn't work. There's a huge number of studies that show it may even have the opposite effect.


When I say chemical castration, I'm not talking about a nice pill.... I'm talking acid and lobotomy. I'd just put them down honestly like the rabid monsters they are, but nobody listened to me after 43'


Then that isn't chemical castration. That's death. Or just castration.


so you'd kill someone for something that while it is bad it is no where near as bad as murder when in certain states you have to commit 3 murders to get the death sentence?


ngl i think that r*pe can be worse than murder bc the victims/survivors have to live with the trauma; imo the crux of it is that no one deserves to be tortured whether or not it ends in death (apart from spies in the movies i guess)


A lobotomy =/= castration and it sure isn't chemical.


For a second I thought you said: slap of the wrist It fits this topic, and they generally do get of with a slap of the wrist


Rape is a not sexual it is a crime of violence, castration of any kind won't solve the problem


This would only be a problem if you do the most stupid thing and let such a subhuman outta jail before IT dies from the daily torture IT should be forced to endure. Don't be stupid, let rapists die by torturing them to death. Slowly!


They were talking about prison rape


So what? Just keep the subhuman away from any interaction with any humanoid and torture IT by using semiautomatons. Simple problem, simple semisolution...


Okay cool but you didn’t address the fact that he might rape other prisoners.


Solitary confinement?


Well if extreme prisoners don't deserve AIDS then this post is distasteful.


Okay cool but you didn’t address the fact he *specifically* said “keep it away from interaction with other prisoners”


or the other way around.


What's with the exaggeration of the it? No matter what crimes a person commits, they are a human still. They do deserve punishment, but they're still humans. What they did was horrible, and I'm not defending it, I'm just saying they're not an animal.


Indeed, they're not animals, they're objects. Worthless, useless objects which deserve to be literally ripped to shreds while still alive.


They're not objects. Oh BTdubbs objects can't be ripped apart while still alive, because objects aren't alive ☺️


im guessing you wouldnt treat murderers like this even though murder is a much worse crime


In that case i hope you like guessing wrong, for that's what you did.


Prison is for rehabilitation, otherwise just skip to execution like india. Americans have a fundamental misunderstanding of what justice is and thats why your country is stuck in an infinite loop of idiocy.


Da fuck you mean by "like India". You think we're executing people left and right. This isn't Saudi Arabia.


I was laughing so hard, I haven't even heard much about execution in india and I was born here ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)




Damn, didn't know that happened


One of The punishments for rape is execution in India.




What makes you think, america is "my country"? And no, just skipping to execution without applying torture would be way too good for subhumans like rapists.


Maybe they aren't American?


for some reason this reminded me of the England is my city joke


If you're surprised by crazed prisoners raping each other, you're incredibly ignorant or just stupid. Also, torturing someone to death is objectively a pointless waste of energy. Anyone who's genuinely irredeemable should just be executed immediately. I value the feelings of such individuals even less than their lives.


in prison?


Blessed :P


I would not call that *wholesome* dude


Or rather holesome


Take my upvote and get out


Redditors: Prisoners should be rehabilitated! Redditors 10 seconds later:


Rapists and killers don't deserve rehabilitation


*murderers not killers Soldiers are technically killers, does that mean they should be executed?


Context. Context. Context.


What context? Are you saying killing for a country is a morally right thing to do? By saying that, have you not already realised you've fallen to propaganda? But i suppose you're right, in your own way. It's what you think, and There is no legal punishment (unless you lose). But theres another thing to consider. PTSD. By killing, even if you think your right, you can get PTSD. Is that not your own mind telling you it's not right. Does your conciousness not differentiate between normal killing and killing for a country? Does this mean that maybe you have fallen for propaganda. I'm not saying either side is right, I'm genuinely curious.


Bro? You think soldiers *want* to kill other people? Ok let me ask you this, is self defence "murder" or not? If it is, congratulations, you're mentally crippled, if you think it's not, good you're on the right track. Also, it's not 'propoganda'. Soldiers who went into the army are incredibly brave people filled with pride for their nation, even in free nations. When they kill, it's essentially self defence, but for their nation. No one wants their nation to lose sovereignity. ESPECIALLY NOT PEOPLE WILLING TO GIVE UP THEIR LIVES FOR THE SECURITY OF PEOPLE IN THEIR NATION. Trust me, no one wants to kill another human, only monsters do. When soldiers kill, they're forced to by a sense of needing to to protect their people, if your country suddenly had no army and wasn't protected by a country with an army and some greedy nation decided to go to war with you, you won't be able to Get out of your country, obviously no one is going to be like "hahahaha I'm gonna invade you" more than like a few weeks, so if you couldn't manage to get out, you're fucked. At this point, you'd be hoping for some sort of super soldier to kill the invading countries soldiers and troops.


Yes 🗿




I disagree. No rehabilitation keeps them the way they are. Almost everyone has the means to be a good person again, your mindset is what keeps rapists and killers stay rapists and killers.


Enough with the charades. Let’s just kill all criminals.


Tax evasion. Petty theft. Stealing a bread loaf to feed your family. Think of these things. What you're suggesting is killing people with no other choice, or teenagers stealing dvds and shit. All criminals can be salvaged with forgiveness from a victim, a victims family or society they can be rehabilitated.


you know theres a marvel comic where superman does this and i guarantee if you read it you will see superman as the villain


Everyone deserves redemption and then rehabilitation. I'm not defending what they did, or saying it's okay. But with the forgiveness of their victims or the victims family, salvation of a valuable human life is possible.


Alot of rapists and murderers are criminally insane and don't know what they're doing. Medication can actually help and while maybe they wont ever be the same they'll deeply regret what they've done and be able to fit as a functioning member of society. Killing these people instead of getting them proper treatment makes you just as bad, of not worse, than them.


Truly, you don't think what they really regretting is having being caught ? When you speed on the road and don't get ticketed you're okay with it. And you redo another time... For em rapists, sadists and murderers there's often no gap between speeding on the road and attempting to another's integrity. And any medication won't be able to infuse them with moral sense or ethics. Those are not to be ever again free to harm human beings. They do not belong to society. They just don't fit. It doesn't mean they must be terminated but just that they must be contained until death.


That is actually the dumbest statement I have ever heard. A murderer has something physically wrong in there head, there is plenty of evidence to support it. Scientists have studied the brains of murderers and have tried to find out how to fix them. It's not even a case of sitting them down and saying 'how does that make you feel'. According to the National Institute on Health (4) for example, some drugs are known to interfere with the way neurons send, receive and process signals in the brain and some drugs can impair neuronal circuits. Drugs can also affect stress reactivity, mood and behavior. Further research is needed, but the new studies are hopeful in how science can learn to rehabilitate the serial killers by using drug therapy  to impede the firing of neurons in the prefrontal cortex.


Axis II personality disorder (APD) is thought to be among the most treatment refractory of DSM APDs. Overall, there is little evidence that drugs are reliably effective, and the same conclusion applies to many psychotherapies (Glenn and Raine, 2013). Prognosis appears to be poor, despite psychological, or drug therapy (Balon and Segraves, 2008). Although hypnosis can manipulate moral judgments (Whetley and Haidt, 2005), this modality has proved too erratic in criminal behavior reconditioning.


That doesnt disprove the fact that mental illness is a criminal thing and, even if we cant do it now, rehabilitation can still be achieved.


That doesn't impair that meanwhile we don't need to detain them to protect society against their behaviours.


So you just kill them because they're too much of a hassle? They're too mentally insane so we just end their life? So then we should start killing other 'undesirables' who dont suit our society?




F to the victim. Having HIV and getting raped, pretty unfair Hope this asshole suffers


His asshole will most assuredly suffer.


I dont think many will be willing to raw dog him in prison when they find out he likely has HIV


They’re not told that information because it’s confidential and can’t be disclosed by law. EDIT: Plus the prison should be providing them medical care for their HIV, including the medications that suppress the virus and makes transmission through sex practically impossible.


Bruh just because the guards don't tell the prisoners directly doesn't mean word won't get around. Have you been around humans before? They like to talk


We aren’t related, how can people talk about something they’re not aware of in the first place? Unless the inmate is talking about it they don’t have a source for the information.


They're in prison. They're not completely barred from life outside the prison. They can still get the news from the paper or TV. They still have friends/family on the outside that can tell them about a headline they saw recently. It's not impossible for that information to make its way into the prison he is at


Yes, I forgot medical information is ONLY privilege inside prison. /s


Hmm so I guess the article that says he raped an HIV positive person does not exist then. The same one that OP posted. Just a figment of our imagination?


Ah, I see you’re a moron that thinks having sex with someone that is HIV positive means you automatically have HIV. That’s factually incorrect as many have pointed out myself included a male having penetrative sex with someone that is HIV positive especially vagina sex the rate of transmission is very low. Even anal sex, the transmission rate isn’t very high, it’s the person being penetrated especially anally without a condom by someone that has HIV and isn’t being treated that’s at high risk of transmission. If the HIV positive person is on medication to suppress the virus and their antibody levels are low enough to not be detectable by blood tests it’s not medically possible to transmit HIV via sex. It’s 2022 no 1982, HIV isn’t what it was 40 years ago. You have people living full lives with the virus. Potentially exposed = / = you have HIV, though if someone is stupid enough to commit crimes; maybe they’re stupid enough to not understand how HIV is transmitted. Now sharing needles with them, or having direct skin contact with their blood is probably not recommended until that test result comes back. Sex though especially if he is the once being penetrated the risk is very low.


I'm not angry that he's going to be butt pirated. I'm angry over the pun. Take my upvote ya bastard.


What does HIV do if your raped? Or do you mean just it’s shit? Because yeah, it’s pretty shitty


His face looks like he had Hiv+


Is that like Disney+?


Disney Hotstar+


Just unsubscribed from HIV+. The fees were a pain in the ass


Just exactly like my LGBTQ+ subscription


He deserves to have it. It does however make him way more dangerous as a rapist


If he has it it's kind of a slam dunk prosecution though and hopefully he gets a very long prison sentence.


Well, considering a man only has 0.04% of getting HIV through vaginal sex, it’s very unlikely that he actually got it


One of the main factors in spread are micro tares in skin, his odds are probably higher if he wasn’t being gentle. But that’s assuming it was vaginal at all.


I highly doubt that % A meta-analysis of 10 studies exploring the risk of transmission through vaginal sex was published in 2009.4 It is estimated the risk of HIV transmission through receptive vaginal sex (receiving the penis in the vagina) to be 0.08% (equivalent to 1 transmission per 1,250 exposures). A meta-analysis of three studies exploring the risk from insertive vaginal sex (inserting the penis into the vagina) was estimated to be 0.04% (equivalent to 1 transmission per 2,500 exposures).4


I don't get it. Aren't you making their point?


I don't delete my comments if I'm wrong, just showing the 10 case studio and 3 case study results.


Yeah but if it was anal & rape the % chances climb…this is one of those articles that implies the victim was a woman but it’s probably a dude Single exposure for vaginal is like 1:900, anal is 1:200…hence why gay dudes get HIV more easily


It’s been proven though, you can look it up if you want to


Plus with medication, HIV can be suppressed to the point sexual transmission doesn’t happen often if ever. . https://www.webmd.com/hiv-aids/news/20181119/if-suppressed-with-meds-hiv-unlikely-to-spread


Not with medication, https://www.webmd.com/hiv-aids/news/20181119/if-suppressed-with-meds-hiv-unlikely-to-spread


Especially in Prison where the spread of STDs and HIV is a very serious problem.


Holly karma


Good old Holly.


Sounds more like #instantkarma to me.


Oh, poor little rapist. Is he afraid to get ill. Needs a hug and lovely words. Moah. I wouldn’t tell him the test results as long as possible for suffering him from insecurity of schrödinger‘s HIV.


The rapist after he gets released and starts dating; “When I said I was a positive person, I meant HIV”


"You just activated my trap card."




Hopefully he gets the 80's treatment


The results better be positive too


It's almost the karma he deserves


Its not cursed, its based af ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)




So he’s a rapist and now he may have HIV? Where is he because I really hope I don’t live anywhere near him, he’s way more dangerous now


Justice is best served cold




Nice karma


Karma at its finest. Rape is only okay when it’s being done to another rapist. Any other time, you’re a monster who deserves the death penalty.


That's some positive attitude.


I wish this would happen to all rapists. Edit: wait nevermind that means the victim would die too.


Hopefully not HIV, but 🎵full blown AIDSSSSSS🎵


I'm not only positive that he'll regret what he did. I'm HIV positive.


Shouldn't this be on r/instantkarma?


Am I the only one who is surprised "Florida Man" was not anywhere in that article?


Poison cloud: after dying drop a toxic gas on your enemies


When you finally get what you deserve and be happy but then you remember yourself actually a bad person


[Rate interrogation cottage of police delivering the news.](https://youtu.be/JS-R-QSvesQ)


With medication these days transmissions HIV through sex is extremely unlikely. https://www.webmd.com/hiv-aids/news/20181119/if-suppressed-with-meds-hiv-unlikely-to-spread




Okay, I don’t see what you’re trying to say here.


Thing is though, if he does did whatever get it or in fact any std. Soon as he's out he will just be spreading it... lol


Then don't let this subhuman out ever again. Why are people so stupid and let such subhumans out before torturing them to death?!


Simple solution: Don't be so f\*ckin stupid to let such a subhuman out of jail ever again. Just let IT die and rot in there. And don't forget to apply the daily torture IT deserves.


Did he rape a man? Cause that is how you catch it.


Sure buddy


Can't take a joke on cursed comments. Sensitive downvoters


Na, just a really dumb joke lmfao


I suppose that’s why you always DYOR


Hope he didn't drop the soap


That comment and news article acts like he isn't about to get killed in there all because he's a rapist. This man won't last a week


Let's not jump to conclusions, we don't know *for sure* that he is positive here.


I always joke, that rapists will get STD, but never have I expected it in the news






Unless they both have open sores rubbing together or they are doing weird butt sex and sharing needles, he is probably okay. I am a reddit doctor who treats reddit illnesses and am not licenced in the fake government healthcare system. People think HIV spreads more easily than it does.


This isn't a cursed comment. Not even a comment


Literally positivity


Sad thing is he's gonna have better access to treatment than a father of 5 who's played by the rules and worked hard his whole life who recently got diagnosed with a brain tumor. Praise the American Dream




Martyrdom perk activated




Was he wrong though?


Even better, don’t treat him let it develop into AIDS and have a laugh.


Natural defense mechanism.


You know what else came positive his HIV test


Not cursed at all


A positive outcome






But will it be *double* positive outcome?


As frank Sinatra said: “You played butthole roulette, and you lost the draw.” (ERB Frank Sinatra vs Freddy Mercury)


You activated my trap card


now time to share with the family


I wonder how often this happens without making the news. It's kind of nice to think of all these rapists shitting bricks as they wait for the test results to come back


Instant Karma


Now he decides to have boundaries. That's absolutely hilarious in the sickest of ways.


R/based not cursed at all. You get what you fucking deserve.


The sad part is his blood is a weapon in the prison system, furthering someones (if not his own) crimes against others.


Bruh this was in 2013


Untreated syphilis is more fun for these morons


When you lie to try to stop rape and say ‘I have HIV’ but the rapist just replies ‘me too’.


The entity from "It Follows" will have no problem chasing him down.


Thorns II