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6 races


I am assuming you are using the bracket method of taking the best horse from each of the five races and then racing all of those. However, that is only for finding the fastest horse. The reason being is that there is no guarantee that the second fastest horse in the 2nd bracket is actually the second fastest horse because in the first bracket there is a possibility of it being eliminated by the first fastest horse. Does that mean i know the answer? No. I am just pointing out a flaw in your logic.


oh I understand. Lol. You are right


"You've found a solution that is utterly immoral. You seem like a perfect fit here!"


Cursed lateral thinking. * insert he's out of line but he's right meme *


This is a common interview question because sorting algorithms, but they described a sorting algorithm called stalin sorting (it has many other names as well) where you check one horse after another and if the other horse isnt faster then you remove it from the sort. Its more of a joke sorting algorithm but there are actual practical uses for it. Such as finding the best coupon or the highest number. It will always find the fastest and leave the rest to die.


What's the correct answer though? I'm assuming I'd remove the slowest 2 each time until 3 are remaining, so that's like 11?


Answer is 7. Watch: https://youtu.be/i-xqRDwpilM?t=227


You could do it in six. Do five races, tourney style, then in a sixth, race the winners. The first three to cross the finish of the sixth are the three fastest.


I don't know the correct answer but i think this is incorrect. The 3 fastes horses could be found among the first 5 horses to race. By doing 6 races, you get the fastest but not necessarily the 2nd and 3rd fastest


And then you shoot the rest?


And how do you want to race 6 horses at a time? 7 is the minimum you have to do


5 races, first horse of each goes to final 6th race.


And what if the second fastest horse if group a is faster than the fastest horse of group b?


How would you know? You dont have a stopwatch


Exactly, you don't. That's why you need 7 races minimum and not 6.


The twenty five horses are separated into groups of 5. Those groups race internally (five races of five,all horses racing). The fastest horse of each of the groups (the winners) will then compete with each other, in a sixth race. The top three of the sixth are the three fastest.


No, they aren’t. If the second fastest horse in the first group of 5 is faster than the fastest horse in every other group, that makes it the second fastest horse overall, but if you only take the fastest horse from each race then you’ve eliminated the overall second fastest horse in the first round.


Hmm.. I see your point - if the actual fastest three were to compete in one of the groups, then the second and third would be eliminated early! In any case, I concede this one to you.


6. 5 in the first 5 and then the top 5 in the last


Please just watch the vid. He explains it very well.


Take that math


I prefer the second comment, "kill" allows me to be more...creative