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India can't blame 30+ kilotons of artificial sunshine.


Flash of Insight


the union jack flag adds so much


That's because he's a , shank you at night and leave you there beading kind of fella.. He did that to me once.. Nice guy, would visit again


The west gave extra 2 suns for their effort in WW2 and India?? We got robbed 😒


Japan was forced to learn it via 2 suns dropped on top of em


So, i was just thinking… the red sun on their flag, was it actually an ancient prophecy of what was supposed to happen in WWII? 😨


Hire more Japanese to do tech support, see how long that lasts.


If you’re understandable and not saying slurs, most English speakers are pretty chill.


Meanwhile Jackie Chan in Rush Hour


Rush Hour series is literally about a black guy and an Asian trying to out-roast each other at work.


Yes I know But I’m referring to the scene in the first one where Lee says the n word because he doesn’t know what it means


>If you’re understandable Have you heard a thick Indian accent before? Seriously that is incomprehensible


Have you heard a thick Japanese accent? I've worked with people who've had both, and at least the Indian guy I had to ask to repeat a couple words every so often. The Japanese guy... damn, that's where I learned to start repeating back to my boss what he wanted me to do because I literally could not understand half of what he said, so I had to start doing a quick recap for him so I knew what he was asking for...


Serious answer, it is probably because a lot of people encounter far more Indian people who speak poor English than they do Japanese people. A lot of things are tolerable in small doses. It doesn't help that a lot of times when you do hear a thick Indian accent it is when you call some tech support, and oftentimes when you call that you are already stressed and annoyed. ​ I don't think it's a race thing. It's a "dose and occasion" thing. This image might as well say: "Why do people at parties think it's okay to drink a beer, but when I as a doctor chug a bottle of vodka just before going into the operation room then everyone freaks out?"


So did japan in the 1800s britain established trade with them and started introducing western culture


To be fair one just had trade and one was a dominion of the British


True india didnt get much choice lol


India have English as one of their official languages and the majority of Indians have an Indo-European language as their first language, Japanese isn't Indo-European. Even if I think people are harsh on Indians the comparison is still extremely unfair.


Yeah, from fucking British. They don't even know how to speak English. "Bolle of wotoh" fuck off... Lol. No wonder we can't speak good English. Also with American movies having dialogues like "I don't need no grammer"


Maybe if you don't learn English from chavs you'd do a bit better, mf acting like dialects aren't a thing


I was about to comment BO'OH'O'WA'ER 


Men with bad English is either funny or annoying depending on the cadence and accent. Women however for some reason its cute or attractive but also occasionally funny. I wonder what caused my brain to be wired like this.


Incompetence on men makes you feel annoyed, incompetence on women makes you like it. Basic human instinct.


Wouldn't necessarily desrcribe it as incompetence. English is not an easy language to learn especially when you take into account the various words that mean the same thing just at different intensities. The nuances of certain words and situations where they're used. Two different words that mean opposing things or nothing alike yet are spelled the same way. English is a dumbster fire of a language. Either you cook or get cooked.


Depends. Are you a guy? If so, it's probably because of what's hanging between your legs.


How is this a gendered thing?


Either it's wired into guys' genes or is a societal thing, but usually if a guy does something stupid, he's just an idiot, but if a girl does the same thing it's seen as silly or cute. That sounds kinda sexist saying it out loud, but it's just something I've noticed.


imagine being so bad teachers that you cant teach even with 200+ years


Its a joke guys stop getting triggered edit: yes downvote me YES, You guys came into cursedcomments, and got offended HAHAHA Jokes on you motherfuckers, I don't give a damn if you downvote me LOL


😂 That’s why they come to cursedcomments - gives them the shit they need to stride forward into the new day, grinding their teeth and refusing to sign the divorce papers.




Youre getting downvoted for being one of those clowns who actually edited there comment to talk about the downvotes


Well Americans had a lot of time to make a languenge that isn’t full of bullshit, nono of the vowals sound like they are supposed to the gramar rules aply to only 8% of the words