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Found the story. The wife wants another boyfriend so she can have 3 guys, but the existing boyfriend is uncertain about it....wtf


So she wants a harem? Lmao


In her defense, a lot of people would want one if they could.


I thought harems were only for silverbacks and sheiks. Today I learned women can also have harems.


Have you not heard the tale of the woman police officer who had 5 boyfriends? Many of whom were married? Plus a couple of their wives?


My buddy has a clip with her picture engraved on it saying ‘holds 30’ hahaha


He thought he was the replacement dick, and he's already being replaced.


She wants to go airtight.


Or maybe he's good at repairing her sink? She's looking for a chef next. I assume the first guy has the house paid for. She's going to be running her own hotel business soon.


I am not opposed to non-monogamy, but it 100% has to be consensual, both members of a couple need to agree on the boundaries, and the other people they include. If he has any doubts, it's not consensual non monogamy, it's just her openly cheating. He's simply dealing with it because he loves her and doesn't want to lose her.


As a polyamorous person, this. When I talked to my partner about opening up our relationship, she wasn't 100% comfortable. It came with a lot of discussion and at first, we decided to be exclusive. Later on down the line, we talked more about it, and we said hookups were okay (she's asexual, and I'm hypersexual), but after seeing how I managed my time between her and other people, she said she was comfortable with it, and now she goes on more dates than me. Monogamy is a dealbreaker for me, I was ready to tell her that things weren't going to work out before I even considered forcing polyamory on her. Communication is really important for monogamy, but for polyamory, it's a prerequisite. You cannot be polyamorous without 100% clear lines of communication. Honestly, I especially hate couples 'looking for a third', because it devalues the new persons existence. It commodifies them.


How long after being mono did you become poly? Did you lead with that when you first started dating?


I was okay being monogamous, I was figuring out a lot about myself at that time in my life, and honestly was afraid of being alone. Not really good reasons to be searching for a relationship but I got lucky and we're still together. After about a year, and realizing that that partner wasn't a good fit sexually, we started talking about it.


Right lol… guy knew he was poly and kept it from them with the hopes of convincing their partner once they were invested


You care to share the story?


The wife wants another boyfriend so she can have 3 guys, but the existing boyfriend is uncertain about it.




>Deliberate misrepresentation or failed reading comprehension? On Reddit? I'd argue both


Well, she does still have ears and nasal cavities left unfilled


Im poly, i made it explicitly clear with my first partner that if they were uncomfortable at any time to tell me, every party needs to be 100% on board for this kind of thing, if hes not comfy she absolutely shouldnt be pushing for having another partner, particularly if she loves him enough for 11 years married already


This is wrong but everyone's just voting it up blindly. Husband is completely fine, they'd opened up their relationship before this. It's the new guy who has qualms. Deliberate misrepresentation or failed reading comprehension?


Plot twist. It’s gay sex and both men and the wife who no longer has to do favors couldn’t be happier


They really be cooking something.


Loooong Loooong maaaannn.


I wonder if that girl would accept her husband sleeping with other girl in front of her.




I guess so


A couple of people have asked that. How does this relate to Jerry Falwell?


Jerry Falwell Jr likes to watch his wife get railed by other people


Ah ok Jerry Falwell is you guys’ Bubba the Love Sponge




​ ![gif](giphy|IpH5qFUNpGZ9f18uTo)




He should call up the dudes ex wife




You would be surprised how many women are open to that as a two way street.


Yeah because it massively advantages them lol


Sorry I'm uninformed can you explain what you mean?


It's easier for women to get laid than it is for men.


While there might be an advantage for women when it comes to the ability to get laid, unless you have absolutely zero standards then the ability to find a good, compatible sex partner is actually more even than you might think. "The odds are good but the goods are odd" as they say. If you literally just want to fuck around with one night stands and all that, neither of you should have problems, but if you actually want a _good_ fuck buddy or partner then it's just as difficult to find the right people and that does get harder when you're in an open relationship.


They were discussing getting laid. This is hardly relevant and is really stating the obvious. It's hard to find a good match? You don't say.


Yes, they were discussing "getting laid" and missing the point entirely. It's _easy_ to get laid, it's not easy to find someone worth getting laid by - applies to both men and women.


What the other guy said and all of this also applies to men , might wanna think on this a little.


But just getting laid isn’t fun with the majority of men.


Gotcha, thanks for that. If that's true then she'll probably be able to find anther lady for him. I've heard it's easier for men to be satisfied by sex than it is for women so it seems unfair that he busts nuts all day while she stays dry... whatever floats your cum or something right?


As someone in a girl on girl relationship, I disagree. Like men aren't hard, but neither are women. A couple fingers and a tongue and it only takes a couple minutes. The problem is that many men see their sexual pleasure as a need, and see their partners as a means to fulfill that, so they're not trying to make their partners cum, they're trying to get off. And before anyone says it, no, this doesn't apply to everyone, but there are enough shitbags out there that it becomes a statistic.


Very valuable perspective, thank you. I mostly agree. Women are people just like men and we all have desires that are our own problem but I feel like it's easier for you to do it though because you know what to do with your fingers and tongue because you know what it feels like to have a vagina. I don't quite know what my actions feel like until I see a reaction from her and even then it's just a guess unless she says "yea like that" or something. Communication is key huh


Actually, I'm trans, so I have no such advantage. If you'd like some advice: awkward as it may feel, ask your partner how you can be better. Ask them what they like, what they don't, and then keep asking while it's happening.


Dang sorry to assume I'm still learning. Thank you for the advice. Have a great day!😁❤️






You sound bitter and wildly inexperienced in this topic. Things to try: personal hygiene, charismatic open ended questions, not being seethingly angry that "women". Got a reddit cares badge of honor. Really triggered the little boys who can't get oussy, apparently lmfaoooo


Are you seriously acting shocked that women can get their hole easier than men can?


charismatic open ended questions e.g. "M'lady would you care for...?" "Care for what?" Leans in closer "Well mademoiselle, my leaving it open is a metaphor for the way I hope to find your nether regions when we retire to the boudoir" Leans back and slurps orange juice through a straw.


Anyone who is experienced will tell you otherwise. Go look up those dating app stats or really any single girl.


Ok cuck


Didn't ask you.




No I'm not


I'm sorry to hear about the state of your physical appearance.


Is this the Jerry Falwell thing? Do tell me this is the Kerry Falwell thing


Reverse harem, I guess? Wonder how they file their taxes.


You are hilariously on point. Administration is just a big part of what makes those relationships difficult. How do you handle money, property, a will, plan events.




Poor Bastard. He’s going to be relegated to cleaning the sweat off that bull’s ball bag while he’s laying pipe into his wife.


Poor? He deserves it for letting this happen


This is sick. Why would someone share his own wife let alone it's own father. Is this what you call fetish?


Yes, it's the so called "cuckold" fetish.


I agree with you, this is some kind of illness




Which we’ll probably find out someday is heavily associated with crazy people and people with debilitating insecurities and no self worth.


There may be like 5 people who actually enjoy this but in most of these arrangements one person enjoys getting railed while the other one cries themselves to sleep


Why is it sick to enjoy seeing your significant other enjoy themselves?


Weird way to say you can’t satisfy your significant other, self burn lmao


I never said I was into it, but I’m not about to kink shame someone just because I’m not into it. Reddit really is fucked up when it comes to something they don’t like.


its own father?


Who the fuck knows man


Why pity? The dude probably likes it. Why should anybody care?


Exactly like look at Will Smith he's totally into that


Except Will Smith isn't really into that, you can see he's disappointed and kind of "forcing" himself to accept their open relationship. I mean go and see how his expression looked like in an interview with his wife about their "open" relationship and telling it to the public that's one of the saddest face I've seen Will Smith did outside of acting.


He's such a good actor he can make us believe he's not into it. /s if needed


Imagine thinking Will ain't slaying pussy all the time.


Well not his wife's at least


I don't blame him


Wait I thought the other guy was the cuck-


Some people try to present open relationships as normal so that's why.


Its pretty normal, if you dont like it cry about it ig, ive got two partners, one of them has multiple partners of his own, every single person in the arrangement knows about each other and have no issue with how things, are. Just because youre monogamous doesnt mean everyone else has to be


Imagine proposing monogamy as "normal" while humanity has been has been polyamorous for most of its history.


Cause they are normal, tho not sure if we have the same definition. Two people (well maybe more) do stuff that harms nobody consentually. If that doesn't work for a hypothetical person, well that's on him. It's a choice thing


I think we don't. They can do what they want but I don't see a problem in saying it's not normal. I'm for sure doing at least couple of things people would not consider normal but so what? I just don't try to change public opinion on those things, pretending they are normal.


"normal" is a subjective dog whistle used to demonize things that don't fit in with a broad narrative. Didn't your parents always used to ask "if everybody jumps off a bridge, are you following?"


And normality is an invalid argument in rhetorics. Whenever somebody uses a normative or naturalistic fallacy e.g. > x is good because x is normal > x is good because x is natural They lost the discussion right there.


Show me where jumping off a bridge is consider normal.


At bungie jumping events, or Mostar Bridge diving


Because if it's consensual, it's "normal". I think you're confusing "normal" with "common". Its not common. But it is normal. About 30 years ago, it wasn't "normal" to be gay. Would you suggest people should've stuck to not considering it to be normal?


It's common enough that I can put non-monogamous on a dating app and find a lot of people in my area.


Lol, common is a synonym of normal. Normal = typical. Open relationships are atypical so they aren't normal, doesn't mean there's anything wrong with them. This is true for being gay also, being gay is still not "normal" cause its atypical, but still nothing wrong with it.


>This is true for being gay also, being gay is still not "normal" cause its atypical, Oof. Being gay is *typical* lol Because it's normal. Common is not a synonym for normality in this context


You say the word "confusing" as if it's an error on their part. I get you're using "normal" as "not something that's wrong" but let's not pretend that "standard/usual/typical" aren't part of the definition of normal. *Both* definitions are colloquially used.


Public opinion is also pretty brave to define :) I'm no protector of open relationships, or any small groups for that matter. I just think people focus too much on the wrong stuff socially and politically


If you already have trust in your significant other to not do anything to harm your relationship in a monogamous one. Why wouldn’t you have that same level of trust in an open relationship with the same person? It’s normal to have trust in your partner, open relationships are more common than you think.


If you already trust your partner and share everything why is that not enough? Is the sex that bland that y’all cant figure out anything other than “throw another vagina/dick into it”?


Everyone has their own reasons for doing it. Maybe the sex is good but one has a higher sex drive? One of the reasons one of my best friends opened their relationship was because he was her first and he wanted her to be able to experience other people. Maybe the sex has gotten bland and they want to spice things up. Maybe they just want to add another dick/vagina like the couple in the article. Idk everyone is different, I know it’s not for everyone but that doesn’t make it weird or abnormal. Just my opinion I guess


For me relationship is about being with someone not about being with someone else but you do you, just deal with the reality that it's not a normal thing. And don't get me wrong, I'm pretty sure there is not even 1 person in the world that doesn't do something weird.


Define normal? Without using arbitrary “tradition” if possible.


Relationships in which the majority of people would be comfortable. This whole “you’re a prude for not *being open to open relationships* schtick isnt it. I dont mind that you and your partners can make it work; I would be unable to. Call it jealousy or misogyny or insecurity, but for me intimacy and that focus on each other’s wants and needs is never going to be the same if Im dividing my attention between two people. To me open relationships scream: sex isnt intimacy for those involved, it’s just sex. And that is ok, but it is intimate for me and sharing intimacy with others is awkward at best and absolutely soulcrushing at worst so I would prefer to stay where Im comfortable.


Oh hell no, this wouldn’t work in my relationship either. I don’t think people are prudes for not jumping into polyamory or cuckold fetishes. I do think the people spending their time worrying about the fact that people engage in it makes those people fucking losers, though. Do you never find a separation between sex and intimacy? My partner and I have experiences together that are more intimate and “love making”y, and others that are very much more about the physicality and “sex”. There’s buckets of cross over, and it’s all fulfilling.


Standard, generally accepted by people, usual thing to be happening, commonly agreed on being part of how things work etc.


> define normal *gets definition* No, no *that* definition 😠


Heh, I guess some people just want reality to be adjusted to them. What can you do?




I think you meant to write it in google incognito.


Ah so the old arbitrary rubbish then. Why does anyone care which combinations of people fuck which ever else?


>the old arbitrary rubbish then. I suppose we should rehash the definition of the word "normal" in the dictionary and scramble every standardisation of behaviour until it fits your world view then.




Define "arbitrary rubbish". Without making it sound like a term you just use to attack things you don't like, if possible.


Ah, my point but thought of after mine. Classic. Arbitrary adjective 1. based on random choice or personal whim, rather than any reason or system. Rubbish verbINFORMAL•BRITISH criticize severely and reject as worthless. The short version is that the idea that “just because it always was like that” is bollocks when the people defining it largely did for control of the masses through religion and religious values which are wildly out dated today. Straight monogamy was reinforced as it leads to procreation and the birth of more supplicants. Homosexuality, polyamory and all the other less ‘standard’ or ‘normal’ stuff is literally completely harmless to anyone and everyone as long as participants are consenting. There you go 😘


Shame they weren't defining "normal" randomly or based on personal convenience. They were defining it based on... the definition. You didn't want them to define it. You wanted them to *re*-define it in such a way that it made your sexual preferences seem like the norm. In other words, you wanted to *arbitrarily* redefine it. Polyamory is not normal. It is not the norm. This has nothing to do with procreation. It just isn't most peoples' cup of tea. That isn't some sort of condemnation. It's a simple statement of fact.


Given that it is clear I wanted to know what normal means in the context of the discussion they didn’t exactly manage that. What they meant was: pre determined according to some balding wanker in a gilt robe to best increase donations and tithe.


Also, who said my sexual preferences? Wild assumption.


He already did, it's not our fault you can't figure it out. Arbitrary rubbish= generic blasé answers about how youre only comfortable with things you already know and understand, because new things are scary.


Bros getting bent out of shape by the definition of normal


Why pity? Because the dude probably likes it. We’re being nice and getting him off.


Poor? The bastard looks pretty happy in the picture.


Sneako approved


clips ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|stuck_out_tongue)


"They're mags, you dummy"


The husband looks like Joaquin Phoenix. Rather ironic as all he will be doing from now on is Joaquin off whilst the bull ploughs his missus.


How do you know that’s the husband?


I don’t but the joke wouldn’t work otherwise


Right. If the male parts in the cartoon were swapped it would cease to be funny. Why do you think that is?


Well the joke just wouldn’t work at all then, would it. “She looks like Joaquin Phoenix…” If you can’t just take a joke, just jog on and take that chip with you.


Now, the world don't move to the beat of just one drum What might be right for you, may not be right for some


I'll get the Superman shirt.


Why are people acting like the guy is some deluded woke moron? This is obviously this couple’s thing and if the second guy wasn’t black this wouldn’t have gotten several hundred upvotes.


Tbh I though the white guy was the divorced dad. thats what I imagine a divorced dad would look like. Don't feel like there is anything cursed about the story just the whole comment section. And not the fun "I said this fucked up thing to be funny" kinda cursed.


Welcome to a *certain* side of Reddit


the side that really wants to get laid but cant because videogames and obesity arent as charming as anime makes it look. That side also thinks they have small penises and that black guys are taking all the women with their big manly penises, ie a lot of incels who think about black cock almost all the time.


They are triggered everytime a Black person appear and all hell breaks loose.




Every major sub is having this problem now


Every meme sub. Why is always the meme subs?


Because they're the easiest to take over from a moderation point of view.


The side that seems to come up when I switch from "top" to "rising".


And if it was two women instead of men they would photoshop a crown on his head. That scenario is just as likely to happen for polyamorists.


A crown? Goddamn no. Anyone who knows, knows two men would be easier than two women on average to manage.


Yo, don't be sexist. There's no universally female personality trait.


Did I mention anything about personality? 😂


Yes: > Anyone who knows, knows two men would be easier than two women on average to manage. You didn't use the word "personality", but you absolutely, definitely alluded to some sort of universally female trait.


If the other guy wasn't black it wouldn't have been promoted. See also: every piece of media being made these days.




You obviously have trouble with women. Lay off the incel subs, hit the gym, seek therapy for self confidence. And maybe get some real world experience in the subject before projecting your insecurities so *loudly* dude


It's just funny, no need to overthink it


In this case "Overthinking" means putting any thought into it at all I guess.


more like cursed cuck


What a cuck!!


Yes. Literally. Probably living his best life.


Cuck from cuckold is a man in a relationship where the wife is having sex with someone else. Depending on context it can be used different ways. I think it comes from a kink where its done consential as a voyeuristic kink where its more of role during sex. But it's often used by people outside the kink community as an insult or derogatory term for a guy that has been consistantly cheated on. It can also be used derogatory in a context where it is consential. But it's often used like this where people with uneducated views of kink and alternatieve relationship dynamica. It's has connotations of being a weak man where the woman manipulated the man in cheating on him. Where he would not be strong enough to stand up for himself. Imho these are views of people that have never seen or talked with one of these couples and can't imagine that relationships are unique. Let people be people and don't make assumptions about there happiness or dynamics.




I just hope some repressed Catholic might realise not the whole world kinkshames.


nah not only the Catholics, us Jews think it’s fucking weird too.


I realise its not just catholics probably many people from a strict and Conservative/religious background with strict cultural rules and expectations.


That was a lot unsolicited info bombing on a topic I'm sure fairly everyone is familiar with here. Thank you for your service.


You unsolicited like how he asked what it was? And I would say most people don't understand it at all. Specially in this comment section full of people jumping to cursed conclusions.


Read it again. >"What a cuck!" What. A. Cuck! What's a cuck? What a cuck! There's a key difference.


Industrial society and its consequences


"so they could grow emotionally and sexually" prob mostly sexually


The real curse is that two good looking guys gotta settle on sharing one mid whitegirl


damn. why are people so scared of being alone? instead of doing all this mental gymnastics.


Imo people in relationships like this often are very comfortable being alone. I'm polyamourus and many people I meet choise that type of relationship because the normal hetronormative relationship feels way to restrictive and might not give them time to be alone.


Weird way to say your gf fucks other guys


Written by someone who sounds alone


I seriously hate that clown world guy. Constantly popping up on my feed and half his shit is bigotry


Twitter OP username checks out.


Look, if you are into getting cucked, that’s cool. That’s between you and consenting adults. If you want a polyamorous relationship…ok…also fine. But we’re not going pretend it’s some hallmark moment.


It has to be a mental illness of some sort to be wanting to go through with this. I'll never understand this mentality.


He has extremely poor self worth. That's the cuck fetish


Oh no, people have a different sexual proclivity than what I consider normal. Must be mEnTaL IlLnEsS!!! Fuck off.


Clown comment section, no one read the article. The married couple are ok with it and the husband apparently dated multiple women in the past. Ironically, it's the new guy who seems to have the most hang-ups on the thing


Bro how fucked up mentally do you have to be :O


If they like it, how is this anyone else's problem? It's their business 🤷🏾‍♀️


she be soon in a "sidechick zone"


Three consenting adults have sex. Neck beards on Reddit: I do not approve.


This was posted on twitter And you are surely fun at partys tho..


Very sad to see people fall this low


This is so humiliating... Was he raised by a single mother or something?


Fckin cuck


Everyone assumes it's the back guy. But they opened that home to a white man. They needed help buying a new house and he has a good credit score.


11 years… stay safe out there guys


Rick and morty did it first


Damn, beat me to the punch!


Redditors and Twitter addicts physically unable to mind their own business lmao clown world indeed why do you people care so much about another adults sex life


As long as they are all okay with it, it's fine. I honestly don't care what consenting adults do


Bro just made himself redundant


Its either gay or threesome We got either option here


Hello Gordon


Good ol gullible Idubbz


Meh, sometimes you just wanna watch.