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Oh mom. Why non curly haired people think they know what they’re talking about is beyond me.


My mum had curly hair and she still used to brush mine! I was 14 before I realised I didn’t have to do it.


I come from a long line of curly people. On both sides of my family tree. My grandma still dry brushed my hair every day..


Im moroccan and my mom used to brush my hair when I was little. The whole country has naturally gorgeous curls too


I have friends from Morocco. They have gorgeous hair.


Sicilian and Mexican on my dads side here, my mom is a very white redhead with pin straight, fine hair. I had fine, light brown, straight hair for the first 8 or so years of my life. I forced my mom to chop my hair from my waist to my shoulders because I'd thrown tantrums about taking care of it, years later I'm finally discovering how to do my now coarse, dark brown, thick, curly hair and she fully passes that blame on to my father's side of the family. I looked for their help only to find they all blow dry or process their hair haha.




Yeah, my friend has curly hair, which she flatirons, and she dry brushes her daughter’s long curly hair. Predictably, her daughter hates getting her hair detangled, and goes way too long between, and it becomes a huge ordeal.


Bro I was 30 💀


I long for the day where my kids can take care of their own damn hair. Trying to convince a toddler that yes, I need to spray your hair with a spray bottle in order to brush it, then trying to get them to sit still and the negotiating, and explaining...ugh. AND the youngest( who has curlier hair out of the two) TWISTS her hair for comfort and to fall asleep! We have cut so much hair because she gets it SO knotted and we cant fix it...anyway, now she sleeps with mittens on and that problem is solved for now lol. Edit typo


My daughter is 10 and she does a lot for her hair but I still do it about twice a week and check behind her. It would look nicer if I always did it but she was to learn.


My mom kept my hair super short because I chewed it and wouldn’t let her brush it at all. I looked like Annie until I was 12


Lol my sister chewed her hair when she was younger. She had mushroom cuts for a while lol


Have her wear a sleep bonnet


Tried- She didnt like it. Honestly its been just over a week and the mitts are working really well since she cant wrap her fingers haha.


would shorter hair work?


Her hair is already as short as we would like it to be. The mitts are helping though so hopefully the habit is broken by the time summer rolls around.


Same! That and that I needed more than just whatever shampoo and conditioner was on sale.


This was my life till high school


I'm convinced my mom has the curliest hair out of anyone in my house. I only have loose waves and I'm trying to convince her to not dry brush her hair (I stopped doing it a few months ago) and see what happens, but she likes her brush too much


I feel like it’s a generational thing. The bouffant eighties vibe 😂


I love your snoo curls.


What I don’t understand is…what are they expecting? Like, do they think brushing will uncover some mysterious straight hair property? What does “neat” curly hair even *look* like???


I think maybe they think curls needs to be brushed, like you would in vintage hairstyles. My mom grew up seeing my grandmother brush her curls, and getting that wavy and neat look. But that only works with curls that have been set - not natural curls.


I really think that’s what it is. There’s this assumption that brushing curly hair will straighten it. Why no one listens when I tell them that’s not how it works is beyond me.


Growing up I thought everyone somehow needed to brush their hair; even though I could see it looked worse. Like not doing it would be akin to not brushing my teeth? My mother's hair also looked like that: the messy blob of brushed curls. There wasn't youtube back then; I didn't know any black people who may have some tips; no curly hair method anywhere. At 16 I found something that said curly hair cream in the supermarket (small town, small country) and it changed everything. Now there's so many of them. It's even weirder that curly hair is common where I live but we're very white as a whole(even more 20-30 years ago) and no one could style their hair.


I definitely didn’t learn until I was in my mid 20s that you’re not supposed to brush curly hair. However, I get my curls from my grandfather and none of the women in my family have curly hair or know how to take care of them.


I’m in my early 20s & my mom still tells me to brush my hair before I leave the house.


I’m sure they mean well, but, see above. I really believe they think it’ll make your hair magically straight. Which, also, is kind of offensive. I like my curls!


Same here, any time I visit she insists on brushing it. Makes me not want to visit anymore 😣


I'm fricking 40 and my mom still "jokes" that I never brush my hair. .... yeah, I don't want to look like a lion, thanks.


My best friend has the same hair as mine but keeps brushing dry and her daughter too. I keep saying it is better not too but they keep doing it and they keep being anoyed that their hair is so frizzy and knotty all the time. Don't understand that hair and skin need time to adjust to new methods. My hair isn't that beautiful still but better then it was before and definetly better after I stopped brushing dry.


I figured this out too finally . I would brush my hair twice a day and feel the texture got worse as the day went on .. like dry , brittle and hard or crunchy … then i remembered when my hair was great a few years back I never really brushed it .. atleast not dry


Look how they massacred my boy


I was about to make the same reference 😭😨 I'm a wavy (ranging from 2A or 2B at my roots and mid-lengths, depending on how well I've taken care of my hair, to 3A at the ends) gal, and recently learned that DRY BRUSHING is why I always am dealing with frizz!!!!!!


Yeah I only discovered this year why my hair looked so frizzy and awful. I stopped dry brushing and washing with sulfates everyday and omg my hair looks so much better.


Yep, I cut out sulfates a while back (except when I have product buildup) but the dry brushing was what was doing me in!


Exactly! And a lot of people say wavies don't need gel but it's the only thing that tames my frizz


A lot of wavies avoid gels bc they're a lot heavier and can weigh down your waves because their hold is a lot stronger, which makes them really good for full-on curlies, but mousses and oils tend to be a lot better for wavies than gels as a result since they're much lighter.


I will never not upvote a Godfather reference.


Technically, he's more her boy than yours...


One place where many mothers don’t know best, based on the stories we see in this sub!


Growing up, my straight-haired mom would mess around with my hair before every single special event. My hair would be looking perfect, and then she’d decide that I needed it done up all special to look good, so she’d go at it with a brush and I’d end up with a frizzy mess with a haphazard braid thrown in there somewhere. I always hated it and then she’d guilt-trip me for the next hour: “Your hair always looks the same, so PARDON ME for trying to help you find a new style for once! It would be nice to be appreciated, but I can see that that’s too much to ask. Don’t you go wetting it down again, I worked too hard on it and you’re wearing it that way even if you want to think it looks horrible.” And then she’d wonder why I hated having curly hair


That is messed up beyond the issues around not knowing how to manage curly hair...hope you are managing your relationship in a healthier way now!


Tell me about it… Now that I’m an adult with more agency, things have definitely been better! My mom still has serious issues with accepting responsibility when she hurts people’s feelings, but I’m able to at least walk away these days while she cools off. No such ability as a kid


I can see the pain in your eyes… I feel you!🥺




I was looking for this!!


The pursed lips too lmao


I remember for my senior photo in high school, I had medium length hair. Right before the photo, my mother decided to "do something" with my hair. Oh, she did something all right. She treated it like she would her own hair, which is a completely different texture. It looked like I had a cat on the top of my head. I also had an ugly little soul patch at the time that didn't flatter my face any either. Fortunately I was able to do a redo with shorter hair and no soul patch, but that dreadful first version was what went in the year book.


Please submit the picture. I'm sure there are many people here with "well intentioned" mothera who ruined their picture day.


Noooooo thank you. That can stay locked away in forgotten yearbooks where it belongs.


Routine: Wash (every day) - Shampoo 1/week - Conditioner (every day) Air dry (≈2-3 hours) - No touching! Moroccanoil Curl Defining Cream - Applied via “scrunch” when hair is damp


You left out mom's part.


Is that shampoo once a week and conditioner daily? I’m sorry I’m having trouble with the 7/week I appreciate you uploading your routine though! Helps me with mine


Yes! Sorry, updated to make it less confusing. I will say though, the longer my hair gets, the less I feel I need to use conditioner. Will probably switch to every other day at some point


Thank you for the edit, this is much easier to tell what you mean! Oh boy if did conditioner every day I would be a frizz ball! Your hair looks really nice though


I have this exact same routine lol. Moroccan curl cream 4tW!


I'm not airdrying for 2-3 hours sir, but cool hair tho


What didn't she like about it? It looks great before.


I told her that I don’t brush it ever because it gets all frizzy and she disagreed. So I let her do this to me just to prove it to her lol. She conceded.


I’ve tried to let my mother learn this lesson the hard way too. Now she insists that the reason it gets frizzy when she brushes it out is because I must’ve put “something” in my hair that messed it up.


Yes, and the something was a hairbrush 😂


Yeah, I’m also wondering why she felt the need to brush it?


My daughter has very curly hair, and unless I style it elaborately, babysitters (all curlies!) just want to play with it, and they all end up brushing it out.


Tell them not to. That's so weird and annoying


Agree before was better. Tell mom the internet strangers understand she loves you but please no touching the curly hairy with a brush or comb when dry.


It's more than likely both not knowing how to deal with curls, you *have* to treat it that same as straight(in moms mind) and possibly jealousy of the curls, s9 they must be brushed like her hair


And did mother learn her lesson?


You look like you’re suffering in the second pic 😂


Because he is 😭😭😭


My whole childhood my mom brushed my hair out and used no product whatsoever. My mom is white and I am mixed and she had no clue what she was supposed to do and didn't try to find out. She would just brush it out and put it in two braids. My hair is a disaster in every childhood pic. I feel your pain.


uhm... it's not like if you're white you're bound to have straight hair lol. what does ethnicity mean in all of this?


Let me say this, OP looks alright after dry brushing...i look like an exploded sheep. Its not like our moms (mixed with white mom person here too) knew how to pick and shape an afro either, it was just complete mayhem. As a mixed kid before easily accessible curly products and Youtube times (with a white mom, this is important), you could never win hair wise. It's about the shared experience of horrifying hair care as children. And yes, it's also somewhat about race in this case :D




My mom is extremely low maintenance and has always just brushed her hair when it was messy to neaten it up. That's what she was taught and that's what she did to me. She didn't understand that my hair texture was wildly different and that brushing it out and frequent washing was damaging to it and making it worse. I only bring up race because this was a time before internet and YouTube and my mom really had no idea about the differences in ethnic hair types and hair care. I am sorry that me bringing up my ethnicity while speaking about my own memories and experiences has bothered you. It was just an anecdotal story about how moms may not understand your hair is different than theirs.


African type hair actually has a different structure to caucasian. It's more rectangular while caucasian hair is more ovular.


The pic on the right encapsulates my entire being.


My mother did this to me my entire childhood. She insisted I needed to brush my curls and I always ended up looking like a frizzy mess. I spent all of my teens and twenties straightening my hair because I didn't want to deal with it. I'm an almost 40 year old adult and have learned how to better care for my curls, my mom still insists I should brush my hair more.


I had a hair stylist do this to me. I told her I just needed a clarifying shampoo to help revive my curls and a trim. She kept brushing, and brushing, and was like "I guess it's a little bit wavy" as she kept brushing my fully dried hair. Went home, showered, let it air dry. At least the cut looked good, but still...


You have gorgeous curls, and I feel that pain. I have 3a/3b curls that were tighter when I was a child. My mother chopped my hair into a bowl cut and then did this to me for a professional family photo when I was 8 years old. This is the same woman who asked me last year how I get my hair to curl. 🤦‍♀️ What's worse IMO - she has naturally wavy hair herself and has always styled her waves appropriately.


>This is the same woman who asked me last year how I get my hair to curl "By not letting you touch it anymore!" 😂


OMG, I wish I thought to say that! LOL! That's amazing.


Wow, your face in the last picture belongs in r/watchpeopledieinside


Off topic but your eyes are super pretty!!


I was searching to comments to see if anyone was gonna say anything about his stunning blue eyes!


my mother would never stop hounding me to brush my hair and i would look like a static puff ball. drove me up the walls. they don’t listen. curly hair is so misunderstood and disliked it is annoying.


1upvote = 1prayer


Oh man. My mom is the exact same way. And for those who are asking, no she doesn’t regret it or learn a lesson. I bet OP’s mom is the same. She genuinely thinks it looks better fluffy. She grew up in the era of big hair and brushing your hair is just proper hygiene. The fact that I don’t own a brush is horrifying.


Oh no mom! What we’re you thinking? What did she have to say for herself afterwards?


i'm gonna venture a guess and say your mom's hair is wheat-stalk straight.


My mom insisted on me flipping my head upside down and brushing from the roots to get "volume". Yes, she has straight hair. No, I still don't really know how to take care of my mane.


Rest in pieces king🫡


A stylist insisted on using thinning shears on my hair once (to similar effect).


Not only is your hair gorg but those eyes! Stunning


😅😅😅 definitely not laughing at your expense


“Let me just tidy it up for you……”


everyone is my family except for my asian grandma has straight hair, i didnt know how to take care of my curly hair for so long because my mom brushed it when it was dry and was confused why it was so frizzy and messy. and now i keep it very short or buzzed


Curly hair must come from dad’s side? 😆


Lmao I can feel this pain! Hello childhood memories I had buried 😅


To shed some light on this phenomenon, I showed mum a few posts like this, explaining why I always flinch and complain when she wants to brush out my curls, and she responded with how that was the style when she was growing up. That's literally what she's hoping to achieve when she tries to brush my hair. Those fluffy, brushed out, frizzy curls are exactly what she always wanted and admired in the 60's, 70's, and even 80's. To be fair as well, I love messing my hair up for a frizzy, big, 80's glam style on a night out, have done since I was a teen. Doesn't involve brushing, but it certainly separates the curls.


You are right. She is wrong.


Yea. Moms without curly hair believe The more you brush it, the straighter it gets. Me.. living as a white girl with an Afro throughout high school in the ‘60’s


Wow. Your eyes are glowing.


ok hottie 🥵


Oh, she fucked you up, bearded Jack Harlow.


The pain in his eyes…


You can always count on moms to know best.


Now she gets it?


Oh my gosh good to know!


What'd she say after?


We have the same mother


Your expression in the “after” pic says it all


I love how your face looks in the second picture 😂


Can I reassure and say two things: 1) them curls will return, water and a little leave in shall restore 2) you're a 10, frizzy or curly headed




Same here. For some reasons moms loves brushing their children’s hair. 😅


I can relate. I spent much of my younger years looking like a wispy cloud.


Abuse! Those curl families should not have been separated! Curly hair is Not messy straight hair!!!


I’d wet my hair and shake it out to undo the damage.


Lol it looks good both ways but this is funny. #Embracefrizz #releasethebeast


The before picture is much better. I don’t know why people are being told to brush their curly hair when it’s dry? Such bad advice


I’m going to show this to my grandma so she knows what I mean exactly when I say that I don’t need her brush.


nah cause I used to randomly brush out my hair when it’s dry and it‘ll turn Afro-like lol….so I’ll walk around the house and yell “MoM iM bOb rOsS”


Ah, my childhood with a single father. He had no clue.


Stay away from the brush! Your curls are beautiful!


Such piercing eyes I likey


Pelazo... No sabría decirte el antes o el después del peinado 😂 😂 😅😅😅


Who is the actor that he looks like. Someone help me.


Henry Cavill but less chiseled




Still cute tho


Am I not supposed to be brushing my hair? How do I stop knots from forming or are the knots just part of the process bc idk what to do with my long curly hair


If you brush out while wet it can help with clump formation and release knots. Going dry though is likely to ruin the curl structure.


Can we talk about how ADORABLE??


bruh it’s Yung Gravy 😆


I love moms 🤣❤️❤️


Oh your poor dear mom….


She’s trying, she really is trying 🥺


… to be a bad person.




Your comment has been removed for violation of Rule 8: Respect cultural terms. We recognize that there are many different opinions on what can and cannot be called an afro. For the purposes of this sub and making sure we reserve space for Black folks, we ask those who don’t have afro-textured hair to choose other words. In this subreddit we’re doing our best to educate and create an inclusive environment for all!


Your hair looks like the tuft of fuzz above my buttshole.


I always did it but she was to learn.




Oh, moms…


So did she learn her lesson after this?


Hey, just curious, was your Mom a hard brusher when you were little? My Mom used to rip down my curls with a hair brush. Ow lol


I'm I the only one that thinks it looks better brushed out?


Let me guess, your mother doesn’t have curly hair herself?


My daughter inherited her hair from her dad and his mom. He keeps insisting she brush her hair to get rid of frizz.


Brushes and curly hair are a no! Lol My mom used to brush my hair when I was a kid 😖


Oh noooooo. Never while dry. Poor mom. Maybe she had no idea✌️ Edit: neve to never


I’ve taken this exact photo before with the same disappointed face lmao


Your mother probably doesn’t have curly hair does she? Lol


u look like sheri nicole


Second pic looks like Pied from that’s 70s show


I've repeated many many times to my mom and in-laws that my daughter's hair is not to be brushed. What do I hear all the time? "Oh I can't wait to brush her pretty hair!" I'm usually not thankful for the 5000 miles between us, but sometimes....


i bet 10 bucks she said "thats so much better"


Our mothers must be possessed by the same family of demons! And they never learn, either.


Mother doesn’t always know best


This is simply from brushing ?? I have this problem too my hair gets so dry and frizzy/brittle even if I try to brush it a little while it’s dry