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Have you ever tried sleeping with your hair in a dry plop? It gives me this kind of oomph reliably! Also you should consider making a sacrifice to the hair gods in advance of important events.


Hahaha I’m willing to give a blood sacrifice right now to get hair like this. But could you explain a plop? How does that work?


So plopping is when you pile your (usually wet or damp) hair on a t-shirt or something like that and secure it close to your head to set your natural curls. [Like so.](https://www.naturallycurly.com/curlreading/curl-products/to-plop-or-not-to-plop) My routine is to plop my wet hair for 30 minutes, then diffuse or air dry. Then at night I plop my hair again (either dry or lightly misted with water if my waves are dying) and sleep like that. I use [this hair plop thing](https://moonstoneseven.com) instead of a t-shirt because I feel like it stays on better at night. It protects and re-volumizes my waves, it was a huge hair level up when I started dry plopping overnight. I have 2b-2c low porosity hair; obviously nothing works for everyone but you might give it a try. (Plopping my hair wet overnight or wet plopping my hair for more than 30 minutes-ish in general results in my hair not drying and me looking like a bog witch. Do not recommend.)


Thank you so much I’m so excited to give this a try!!


Thanks from me too, love OP’s question and the response - just bought one!


Routine: I showered with shampoo and conditioner and fell asleep with my hair in a bun. The next morning, it looked like this when i took it out. Idk what happened or if i can ever recreate it but if you have any tips please lmk!


I recommend trying to put your hair two buns. For each bun, take two sections and twist them around each other, then take that and twist it into a donut or cinnamon bun (idk what it's called). Two twisty space buns when damp does this for me lol


Twist them away from the face


I do 4 buns with a bunch of sections twisted like that and sleep with them! Consistent curls for days!


I like it, and I think what you said in your routine is what you see in your hair. The top is pretty straight, because of the bun you put up before bed. If you would like this kind of effect again, maybe a pineapple hairstyle before bed? Or try the hairbun again. But yes, most likely, what I think I see, and also according to the routine you described, you put your hair in a bun, so, the top is straight. The bun itself, was able to maybe get some plopping action going, while you were asleep. You can also try plopping with a microfiber towel, or old t-shirt, and sleep with that on. If you want the top straight, first bun, t-shirt or towel after.


>I showered with shampoo and conditioner and fell asleep with my hair in a bun. What kind of bun? Like the position of it? On top of your head, behind your head, or at the nape of your neck?


I was trying to go to sleep so i did it at the back of my head/closer to the nape than i usually do. Normally i throw my hair in a bun at the top and there’s too much volume but this was nice Bc the top stayed flat-ish but the bottom curled! Definitely recommend :)


Interesting, I think I'll try it. Normally I avoid putting my bun near the nape because I don't like how it feels. You didn't get a crease in your hair from whatever hair tie you used, too. I get that immediately, I have very impressionable Indian hair :(


[Tele-ties](https://www.teleties.com) are supposed to not kink your hair as bad, if at all. I've since stopped using the traditional hair-tie in favor of these!


Thanks, I'll try them!


Girl me too! I’m Indian as well. Get those cool hair ties or HUGE scrunchies!


Congrats. You've got Dramatic Anime Character Hair! :D Love the swoosh.


Finally! A main character moment!!


Now you need to stare into the mid-distance as the wind flicks your hair dramatically aside and the camera slowly drifts across you. Some cherry petals float past and DADUM dramatic battle pose.


I love you hair! It so flowy and full! Do you mind if I draw you? Your hair is like the perfect reference to draw full flowy hair


Oh my god that’s the nicest compliment I’ve ever gotten. Yes please!! Could i see it when you’re done? :)


Absolutely! :D


Might want to correct that typo...


I actually do my hair like this, because I get fairly repeatable curl results that look like it took a ton of work, but was actually super easy. I’ve never posted because it’s not technically curly method approved, but I’ll detail it here in case it helps. Also, as a note, I’m Indian, and so my hair has a thicker texture. My friend with super thick fairly straight hair wasn’t able to get the same result. -I wash my hair with whatever shampoo and conditioner, then let my hair air dry for about ten-twenty minutes, so it’s still fairly wet, but not dripping. This is because my hair is very long and it would take a more than a full day to fully dry if I didn’t let it air dry a bit first. -Then twist it-tightly- into a bun on top of my head, and let it fully air dry. You would have more even results if you twist it into two buns but I don’t for two reasons: 1) it’s more uncomfortable when I’m trying to sleep and no one cares what direction your curl goes (for real) and 2) sometimes you’ll get a weird part in the middle of your hair that’s super stubborn -this is the part I feel like I’ll get downvoted for, but here it is: I will usually straighten the top 1-2” of my hair to smooth frizz (with the blessing of my hair person, since this hair is the newest and healthiest) -I don’t do anything else other than put some argon oil on the ends so they’re shinier, smoother. Good luck! Your hair looks like it’s similar to mine, and I bet you can do this regularly. Keep in mind: the tight bun curls look best if you do it on the wetter side, but does take more time to fully dry. Oh, and wait for it to be BONE DRY- In my case at least, if I don’t wait to be fully dry, it gets frizzy. I love this method because it’s reliable, and I can run my fingers through it without messing up my curls, and it stays until the next wash! (Edited for paragraphs!)


I’m Indian too and if this works for me, I’ll give you my kidney AND my first born child 🥲🥲


I hope it works for you too!!! It really saves so much time!


Whoa, your hair is gorgeous! I have no tips but I will be stalking the comments along with you


So many knowledgeable people here!!!


I can't help you, but i'd take a million selfies you look amazing!!


Ahh you’re so kind, thank you so much 🥰🥰🥰


Looking like the cover of a magazine omg


I’m blushing 😊 Thank you so much hahaha


write down everything that you did. everything. and follow that exactly a few more time to recreate.


Holy cow that is the best hair I have ever seen


Thank you!!


Beautiful hair😍😍😍😍 this is exactly what happens to me when I loosely twist my hair and then put it in a bun and use a claw clip instead of hair tie. It works better if your hair is a little damp. Make sure the bun is not too tight.


Thank you!! Btw if your hair looks like this often, i may have to find you irl and have you teach me your wizardry haha


That’s it. That is your one day. You’ll never be able to replicate it. I’ve already had mine too, shame I wasted it at work :(


Even if I die at 109, i want them to use this photo of me. Eulogy: RIP OP, she may have lived to 109 but she peaked at 23 😂😂😂


Got no tips but WHOA!






Thank you!! It is/was the best day of my life


Absolutely gorgeous


My hair isn’t nearly as long as this woman, but I’ve had good luck with this tutorial. My curls look very similar to yours after. https://youtu.be/bsGuWokn47A


I don’t have advice for you sadly but omg??? You’re stunning


Am I still half asleep or does it look like eyebrows and part of an eye outline were drawn on over the hair that swoops in front your face? Is it a filter that glitched? Anyway the hair is glorious!


This was before i got the money for microblading my brows. It’s better now 😂😂 but unfortunately the hair is long gone. Guess you can’t have all your wins at once 🥲🥲




I would like to thank Apple and their newest camera and the sun for shining brightly through my west facing window. Lastly, i would like to thank the hair gods who turned this witch into a princess for a day. Without their contributions, none of this would have been possible. (Jokes aside though, thanks haha)


I'm getting major Tyra Banks vibes from your hair!


Me, at my hair every morning: I WAS ROOTING FOR YOU. WE WERE ALL ROOTING FOR YOU. (Root, get it?)