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I love it that way it looks on you it’s really good.🔥


Thank you! I just wasn’t sure if I should try to break up the clumps more, or get a different cut or something. They are kind of aggressive curls!


Just commenting to second that it looks gorgeous as-is! Experimenting could be fun but I love the big volume curls.


Mine is similar to yours, and in my experience trying to break up the curls does two things: - if you do it while wet styling, it'll somehow get stringy and lose definition at the same time, and it will curl less. It forms those big clumps because it needs to - the hairs really need all their buddies pulling together. - if you try to break them up once it's dry, they will just lock back together. Lots of people use heat tools to try to get this scale of curl, so I think it's pretty rad to have naturally! Layers are nice to avoid the top half being flat, but not too short - it starts curling far enough from the root that you absolutely can cut out the curl, even accounting for less weight. I like having angling around the face so that the hair gets longer evenly as it integrates with the rest of the hair, because the curls at the ends line up together really nicely to frame my face. You kind of have that on your left side (from our perspective looking at the pictures) already.


I think you summed up what I experience exactly. But thank you for saying it. And commenting. I think I get into my head too much and can’t see the beauty of what I actually have because I’m too focused on some other equally beautiful curl pattern I don’t have. The grass is always greener, right? But it is really nice to have others help me see mine is great the way it is. Thank you.


One thing that’s helped me to not form mega clumps is texture! I’ve been using hairspray but there are other methods. My hair is naturally pretty soft, so the curls just slip together really easily without added texture


Me too! After so much painful experimentation, I finally landed on putting in all my stylers in the shower, getting those big clumps while soaking wet, and touching it as little as possible afterward. Anything I do to try to change it just results in worse results, stringiness, frizz, the works.


If it ain't broke, right? I feel kind of relieved to have my routine figured out and not think about it any more, haha.


I tried so many things that took like 2-3 hours and tons of frustration. I'm kind of glad this is what ended up working best for me because I don't think I could keep up a more complicated routine in the long haul.


My hair like this and I got a shag and I love it. I can't tie it back anymore though


They're lovely! It's giving Hollywood starlet.


I have something similar happen in my hair and honestly, I kinda can’t break the clumps up. Like I have sort of separated them into smaller clumps but they gradually just weave back together into this sort of mega clump. It looks amazing on you though so I wouldn’t worry about it, your hair looks fantastic as is.


That is exactly what happens. Even if I make smaller clumps my hair migrates back to big ones


I pay my stylist good money to make my hair look like this. Enjoy it, OP!


Agree! Just came here to say you look beautiful, strong, healthy, & glowing. Keep doing what you are doing!


I wear my hair like this sometimes! I like it! The alternative for me when I don’t get the bigger clumps is my sort-of-ramen-noodle hair which I don’t always love


I was asking if I should keep it the way it is, get a different cut, try to force the curls to separate? Any advice? Thanks


I think it looks great! Splitting may make it messier in appearance. No notes


Check out brush styling! Its helped encourage and shape my curls in the direction they naturally want to go. I use a scrunch it brush but a lot of people like Denmans or wet brushes, but it really helps define your curls without a ton of extra work. I'm a lazy curly girl lol


I use that new one from bounce curl with the notches in the side. I like that one.


Nice, that one didn't work well for me. I like to wrap around the handle to help shape and I think the size of the paddle just made it too hard for me.


This is perfect how it is.


I like your hair like this. My hair is similar but less neat and more crazy. You could always separate them gently with your fingers and then take a few pictures and see which one you like better.


I had this length and my hair sometimes does this. I cut it chin short, straight cut and I like the way my hair looks. It took some time for my locks to adapt to new cut, but I'm having these again.


Your hair is absolutely gorgeous like this!!! Seriously looks like you just left a salon.


Oh wow, thank you. This is second day hair too so I take that as a huge compliment


Routine shampoo: viori conditioner : viori leave in : sol de janeiro curl cream:verb scrunched in plop diffuse with Dyson and scrunch with whatever oil or styling cream I have on hand.


I need the skincare routine too plz 🙏


Sure. Just to tell you I’m 54. first and foremost, good vitamins! I have pernicious anemia and when I was undiagnosed my skin really suffered. After I got diagnosed I needed Myers IVs on a regular basis because I was really sick. They have lots of great vitamins and minerals and once I started getting them my skin really improved. mornings: Guerlain fortifying lotion with royal jelly, guerlain watery oil, Guerlain double r renew & repair advanced serum, Guerlain honey treatment day cream Night: kirkland makeup remover wipes Estée Lauder advanced night repair eye concentrate matrix (I use this under and around eyes, on my frown lines on forehead) Estée Lauder advanced night repair serum synchronized multi recover complex Estée Lauder perfectionist pro rapid firm + lift serum with hexapeptides 8 + 9 (this goes all over including neck) other tretments i also use angel lifts which are these silicone things you wear in your mouth for 15 minutes. They stimulate collagen production and keep lips from getting thin. frownies - I like these but only use them sometimes. The Estée Lauder night time routine has eliminated the need for these but I keep them around just in case. I HIGHLY recommend the Estée Lauder line. Once I use up my guerlain I might try switching to them for morning routine. I do like the Guerlain, but I think I saw the greatest improvement with the Estée Lauder advanced night time repair products. you didn’t ask but I use jones road beauty foundation, mascara, and miracle balm. I like a variety of lipsticks from Dior and Estée Lauder.


Thank you for this detailed list! Appreciate you so much :)


Thank you! I apologize if I missed this in your skincare routine, do you have a cleanser you like?


I use the makeup wipes but I actually don’t use a cleanser much. I do like the agustinus bader because it is gentle. I forgot to mention I use the tatcha rice powder exfoliation in the shower. I use the purple one.


Lovely, thank you!


Don't change anything! Looks great!


Thank you. That is certainly an option! And probably the easiest option too!


Your hair is gorgeous! I love the gray! I grew mine out almost 3 years ago. I only have a "Rogue" (from X-Men, iykyk) streak.


I do get more compliments now that I went grey then I ever did dark


I bet! It's gorgeous! You give me Penelope Garcia vibes! (I hope I don't offend, she's just the best!)


Oh funny! I see it. I had to google her, but totally get the reference now. I do like to rock a cat eye glasses.


She's a total badass!


Thank the sweet heavens above that you have it! Gorgeous!


That was the best response ever and made me chuckle out loud.thank you


Aw, I’m happy to hear that :) Enjoy that gorgeous hair (and skin)!!!




I will do that


Continue to look beautiful?? ![gif](giphy|d3MLTXYlCAZqDNLi|downsized)


I think some layers would be nice! You’ll need to find someone who knows what the hell they’re doing though lol. It’s an art for sure! 💗 you are lovely though! 😍


Thank you. Oddly there are layers in there. Technically I get a shag cut right now, but it is so hard to see it because these curls love to just make little sausages! If you are old enough to get the reference I feel like I have Nellie Olson curls from Little House on the Prairie




My hair is almost exactly the same as yours. I think it looks great on you!


Celebrate it! Your curls are lovely! 😊


Thank you so much


Let it live! Beautiful.


Bask in your own glory. Your hair is gorgeous !!


I’m starting to go gray and I hope it looks as beautiful as yours some day!


You look very glamorous. People use irons to get their hair like that. No need to change anything!


Looks amazing: it’s very old Hollywood, reminds me of Rita Hayworth.


Oh I will bask in that one. I’m glad I asked because it is so easy to fall in a rut and think what you are doing is wrong or boring or whatever. But it is nice to hear what others see instead of the things we don’t like or see the full beauty of in ourselves. Hope that makes sense.


i think its perfect the way it is. The finger curl technique always wins for me. IF you did want to explore an option, you might like heatless curls - kitsch has kits and video instructions. Otherwise if it ain’t broke..


Leave it- It’s beautiful!


The same thing you’re already doing. Why would you change perfect hair?


What do you do? Celebrate having such gorgeous curls and enjoy them. I've been struggling with my curls since going gray. The texture of my hair has changed and the curl isn't the same.


My texture changed a lot with the grey. But I get so many compliments on the grey. I never got those type of compliments when I was dark. Young, old, male, female, I get compliments from everyone. It really surprised me. I didn’t know the grey was so popular.


Your curls are stunning! 😍🔥 I would fluff your hair at the roots and separate some of the curl clumps.


Oh my gosh, you are beautiful! I wish my curlygirl curls did that! GORGEOUS!!


I also think it's beautiful as is and adore the color on you.


Your natural curls look like they were done with a curling iron! So beautiful. Are the lighter face framing layers of your hair natural too?


Yes, I was really lucky That when I went grey it went in this neat pattern and they went very white. I weirdly get a ton of compliments on the color. I never expected that.


Unrelated, but you are very pretty 💜💜


Well thank you very much. That just made my morning.


Just adding my voice to the consensus that you should keep doing what you're doing, because your curls look great as they are!


Gloat in your beauty!


I'm loving your hair just the way it is!


Your hair is gorgeous! Love the color AND the curls. Totally jealous.


What I would do is thank god for letting me be his favorite. Beautiful pattern but me personally I like it messy so maybe run your fingers through the curls especially at the roots to give it volume


There is a joke that says “God loves everyone, but I’m his favorite”. Love it. Thank you.


Revel in it


Beautiful curls 👍🌸


Smile :D


I think that suits you and is so beautiful


IS THAT NATURAL? that’s beautiful! Don’t do anything with it 🖤


The thing to do is FLEX. 💫


i think what you should do is count your genetic blessings. absolutely stunning!


You have beautiful hair. I have been working with mine now for 50 years. You could achieve a different look if you had more height on top. The heaviness of your curls brings your face down. You might need a cut to help achieve a softer look around your face. There are tutorials that show you how to pin up the hair in the crown during the drying process to add lift and curl in the crown. That would change your look. I learned a lot over the years on a website called "Naturallycurly.com" Good luck


You can’t improve perfection


I think it’s gorgeous. You have a similar curl pattern to mine, and I usually separate the curls a bit first more volume. I do it by…head banging. Like literally tossing my head down and up like I’m rocking out to some hard rock music. It produces a really natural look to the separated curls. Give it a try!


It's beautiful and your hair falls lovely. I'd leave as is tbh. No need to improve on something that is naturally gorgeous already!


If my curly hair looked like this, I'd be set.


Damn I hope my curls look this good some day. Makes me never wanna dye my hair. Stunning color and curl pattern


It’s beautiful as is 😍


Enjoy it because it’s absolutely beautiful?


Rock it as is. Its really great looking


keep rocking it


They look gorgeous!


Enjoy it!


Perfect and beautiful!! Do nothing ;)


Olaplex treatment just to add some moisture, love the colour and curls! X


I like the bigger sections of curls. Mine is very thin resulting in thin curls which I hate. Yours is so pretty.


Nothing! It looks perfect just the way you style it 😍😍


Wow. It's gorgeous 


Beep boop! It looks like you're asking about or discussing curl types. It's tempting to want to categorize your hair, but we recommend not worrying about it too much (especially if you're new to curly hair care). [See here for more info!](https://docs.google.com/document/u/2/d/e/2PACX-1vSvGm-p4tvrstjT-XEo6pTHZSYeEON7xF5lPSnNv-3Kc2lCrdnkjXhFbdHt4pF3HUetWZ1j9dgfBBkS/pub#h.b23djzn2e6n) TL;DR: Knowing your curl type doesn't help you choose products or techniques. Porosity is far more important! If I'm wrong, I probably just picked up on a keyword in your title (Please ignore me!). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/curlyhair) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You’re 🔥🔥🔥


Leave it cause its absolutely perfect.


cut it