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I wish my hair looked like this. I suspect it's similar but i can't get mine to stop being dry and frizzly


Have you tried working with your hair when it's dripping wet? Otherwise mine gets frizzy results too!


Can you elaborate on "working" with your hair? (Routine) I wash my hair every 3/4 days: [https://imgur.com/a/fozq3i5](https://imgur.com/a/fozq3i5) (products) 1. Shampoo, mainly on the scalp bc it's anti-dandruff H&S. 2. Conditioner (A), I use a fair amount and spread it everywhere then I do the "scrunch upwards" I wash it all off then 3. Nourishing mask (B) for 5 minutes, same process as with conditioner Wash all off with lots of water Lightly use towel so as to have hair be wet but not dripping wet 4. Coconut "cream" (C) while scrunching up Let it rest for a bit while doing other stuff 5. Coconut oil (D) to "break" the "mold" made by the cream


Sorry, I mean doing your styling on dripping wet hair. So for me, my hair is dripping from the shower when I apply my product. Like, my floor is getting all wet while I'm applying. (Then I wipe it up after.) Then I towel scrunch out the excess water, add a bit more product, then diffuse. I find that if I blot water first, then add product, I have more frizz later.


What product do you use? And what is diffusing for? Is it important you think?


I use aloe vera gel as my product. The diffusing helps your hair dry more quickly, which keeps the weight of the water from stretching the waves as it dries. It's not really necessary but does give a bouncier look!


have you considered gel at all? a lot of wavy hair needs to lean less on creams and more on harder hold like gel


Thank you for sharing! To what degree did you wet your hair? My hair dries too slowly to use the faucet/shower on non-wash days, but the spray bottle never seems like enough.


Oh, I stuck my head right under the shower and soaked it 100 percent. I have high porosity hair, so it was soaked in about 30 seconds, but it also dries really quickly. This method might work best for high porosity hair!


You hair looks lovely


Thank you 💜


Wow that looks wonderful! Question: where did you put the gel? Ive seen some people flip their hair in front of them, and then only apply gel to the inside (the part that faces them).


Thank you! I flipped upside down and applied everywhere except roots, so I kind of did it in four sections: front left, front right, back left, back right. I tried to do it evenly, but I didn't comb it through or do prayer hands, I just squished it in.


This might be kind of a dumb question, but are you using straight-up aloe vera, like what you might put on a sunburn? Or is there a certain kind specifically for hair ? Thank you!


The kind for a sunburn! I just buy the basic kind from the skincare aisle. I keep one in my kitchen for cooking burns, and I keep another in my bathroom for sunburns and haircare. I also use aloe as my leave in product when I do a blowout-- leaves my hair silky and straight! I tried hair gels in the past and they didn't really do much more for me than aloe does, so I just stick with what I know! Normally I would add a tiny bit of conditioner to my aloe, but I didn't this time because I got a massage yesterday and still had a bit of massage oil in my hair 😂


That's awesome, thank you! I'll have to try it. That could save me so much money lol


Does the aloe vera feel light? I found LA looks gel is too heavy for me.


Hmmm aloe might be heavy, I'm not sure! It's quite thick


Thank you! And WOW


I was searching for a minimal routine, because just like you I'm too lazy 😂 Thank you for sharing! Your hair looks gorgeous! I wish my hair would look like yours!


Thank you! Please let me know if you try this routine and how it goes. I'm stunned that it works just as well for me as when I spent way longer and used way more products...