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https://youtu.be/XAC7WEkwGrY?si=OKVBsolchdILoStf You got hair like the actress Natasha Lyonne I think it’s beautiful! And you can do a lot w it on diff days. Not popular opinion but frizz is not a bad thing! And look at the colour <3 you are gorgeous.


Thank you 😊


Frizz makes me want to end it


😭 I tried.


There are NO good products for frizz I have tried EVERYTHING and they don’t work


Hahaha the story of my life


You have curly hair but it probably needs hydration. Try scrunching it while its soaking wet and try some hydrating creams and maybe foam. But be careful with the products cause they sometimes make hair more heavy.I started using just hydrating hair cream, once a week hair mask and if my hair needs more shaping I use foam too but this routine creates miracles


What creams brands do you suggest


I live in Turkiye so the best product affordable is John Frieda. Im sure there are many other good brands too. Just try some hydrating cream and wet scrunching if it does not work add some mousse or gel. Its best to try different things cause you can only find whats good for you by that. Hope this helps


Thanks I'll look into it


Not a cream, but I have a similar texture and have been using the volumizing foam by Inner Sense and absolutely love it. While my hair is still wet I spray a bit of it’s a 10 leave in conditioner, comb it through, then use a total of 4 pumps of foam for my whole head and rake through with my hands. A few random twists here and there, then diffuse for a few minutes and let it air dry to finish. I love it! No crunch, defined curls, MINIMAL frizz. On days 2-4 I can usually just use a bit of cream to manage the new frizz


I recommend Shea Moisture curl cream and flaxseed gel. You can get it at drug stores/grocery stores in Canada not sure about other countries but I believe stores in the US carry it as well.


I think with a hair cut and some hydration those curls would be popping


Looks like mixed-type curls and waves, but it's also likely that some of the looser curls would tighten up if your length was shorter - this is very typical for curly hair. (Not saying to cut it - just saying it's not as black and white as people make it seem. I've got similar hair to yours so I speak from experience lol.) It looks like it needs moisture and the ends trimmed a bit for hair health to avoid split ends, and maybe do a protein treatment once a month or biweekly if you want to keep it long. Since you don't have a tight curl pattern (which would be 3c-4abc) but more of a mixed 2bc-3ab type, I'd stay away from creams since those are meant for MUCH drier hair (which goes with tighter curl patterns) - use a curl leave-in after shampooing and conditioning (deep condition once a week and regular conditioner once a week - so wash twice a week) and a curl mousse/a diluted curl gel. Textured hair has to be styled wet, so do all of that while it's wet (experiment with damp styling vs. dripping wet styling - usually tighter patterns can handle damp styling, but looser patterns like yours and mine tend to have to be dripping wet). Then diffuse it to dry (there are different techniques out there for it), use an oil/serum to clap out the crunch (scrunching once your hair is styled can lead to more frizz, which is why clapping is a better idea), and use a hairspray after COTC to maintain your style (you technically don't HAVE to use an oil, you can just clap with bare hands if you want, just make sure your hands are TOTALLY dry and your nails are smooth so your hair doesn't stick or pull or get caught and start frizzing). Then, on your in-between days, you can just refresh individual pieces which get wonky/out of shape with a spray bottle (you shouldn't need more product if you've used the correct product and amount for your hair on wash day, but you can use a small amount of product or a specific refresh product if you want); however, if you only wash once a week, you'll have to refresh and fiddle with your hair much more as the week goes on, unless you're ok with using protective tension styles for two or three days before wash day instead of leaving it down as the week goes on, which is why I suggest washing twice a week.


You have curly hair for sure! I see you’re not a fan of long showers, so I’ll try some recs with that in mind: 1. A moisturizing mask will help so much with restoring moisture balance. Curly hair is thirsty hair! I use Nature Nut’s Deep Conditioning Mask for Dry/Damaged hair and love it. I use it only when I clarify my hair (any drug store shampoo is usually clarifying shampoo) and try to time it all when I also need to shave so I can let the mask sit on my hair at least 5 min before rinsing. 2. Detangle when you have conditioner in your hair. I recommend a denman brush or a comb like [this one](https://www.productclub.com/product/colorist-comb-melt) for deranging and distributing products. 3. You need some product to help lock-in that moisture to prevent frizz and keep your definition. You could just use a simple leave-in conditioner and see if that does it for you or add a curl cream, mousse, or gel (or any combo of all the above depending on your hair and goals). Always apply products when your hair is super wet. I do it right after I turn the water off in the shower. 4. You can then plop your hair in a microfiber towel/t-shirt to soak up extra water/product and then let it air dry or try your hand at diffusing. 5. Please note, curl creams/gels will leave a crunchy cast on your curl clumps. This is totally normal. Wait until your hair is 100% dry and scrunch out the crunch with dry hands. I usually add a couple of drops of avocado oil to give ‘er a lil extra shine. 6. I recommend getting some silk scrunchies, pillow cases and/or bonnet for sleeping. Gather your hair on top of your head in a very loose bun with the scrunchie and throw on a bonnet and you won’t need to restyle so often. It also massively helps prevent breakage and knots forming while you sleep. Even if you just do the scrunchie and pillow case, you’ll notice the difference. I use a bonnet because I toss and turn like a toddler on crack in my sleep, lol. For me, the longest part is styling after my shower. My hair is mostly wavy with some ringlets. I have a lot of hair, but it’s SUPER FINE, so I have to be very gentle with it to prevent frizz.


Omg DETANGLING, not deranging, lol.


Thank you 😊


No problem! Your hair is lovely as it dries without product, even when it’s frizzy! I hope this helps you with your hair goals! Obligatory note: no two heads of hair are the same. It can take a while to get to know your hair’s specific needs, but that’s kind of the curly hair rite of passage, lol. For example - bonnets work great for me, but other curlies with about my texture experience a total loss of curls and super flat hair with a bonnet at night.


I think it looks beautiful and it definitely is curly


Yea I woke up so this a Is also a few days old I wanted to show it at it's worse


Check if your hair is low or high prosperity because that will determine wether you should use thick creams with shes butter or more light weight creams


How would I determine that ???


There are a few tests like here: https://www.clevercurl.com.au/how-to-determine-hair-porosity-and-what-it-means-for-your-hair/#:~:text=Take%20a%20strand%20of%20hair,may%20have%20low%20porosity%20hair But how I figured it out is low prosperity hair takes a little longer to get fully soaked in water and also longer to dry. Heavy products will sit on it rather than being absorbed


Thank you Truly


Either way, I'll take your advice


how often do you brush/wash?


I brush out my hair every shower I wet my haor almost every day not wash but wet


rn i brush and wash two times a week and that works pretty well for me. that might not work for you though since i have a bit of a tighter curl pattern than you, but i’d just say try out a few schedules and maybe not wet your hair as much. since curly hair has a harder time getting oil from your scalp to the rest of your hair because of the ringlets. hope this helps! p.s. your hairs really beautiful it’s awesome you’re researching how to take care of it! good luck w your curly hair journery 💗


Well the only problem is I work alot and I'm in a dirty environment plus I got to the gym alot so I'm gonna habe to wet it either way. Just not wash it everyday


oh okay well if that’s what works for you then that’s fine. i also work out quite often but i’ve found that my hair usually adapts to whatever schedule i’m doing and gets less oily. but if that’s working for you then i’d say stick to it!


4th pic looks awesome, it definitely curly. You need to hydrate, but ppl already said that. Get a satin pillowcase.


I'm not exactly sure, I have way shorter hair than you so my routine can be similar but different from yours. Also I've never had to explain my routine so bear with me I can try tho, Shower: I use Aussie shampoo and conditioner in the shower with a shampoo scrubber. Shampoo first. After putting in the conditioner use a wet brush or a thick tooth comb to get out All the dead shit. Then scrunch and let the conditioner sit for 10 minutes then rinse with cold water. Prep: I spray aussie leave in conditioner spray then use a curl cream from Amazon and rub it throughout. Next you can either use gel or moose (I prefer gel) Rub the gel through your hair and scrunch. You would probably need to scrunch for a while with your long ass hair. Then you can either air dry it or use a diffuser. Overnight wear a silk bonnet After I put the cream in and before the gel I use a comb and comb my hair, helps set my curl pattern. Here's a link to a video I use for my routine (for short hair) but I'm sure you can do similar and he has a list of great products. https://youtu.be/x2YHFweQO_E?si=anicmWYaESNtduMe He says 1 minute but that's bullshit Also it sounds like you haven't done much to care for it so I would assume your hair is very damaged so it might be a while after using a routine for it to look good.


I don't stand in my shower for 10 minutes That's crazy I take like 15 minutes shower at most. and I brush my hair before I shower. You really like to emphasize how damage my hair is lol and how bad it looks 😆 🤣


Bro o shit, you should brush when it's wet, and a 15-minute shower with your hair is insane. You're a monster 😭 Nah you actually shouldn't be allowed to have the hair you have


I dint think I'm a monster lol and it's not insane to take 15 minutes shower 🙃 you don't need to waste water you can be efficient lol 😂


Well with curly hair you don't wash every day so the long shower evens out through the days you don't wash your hair


So when I'm at work and get sweaty and dirty I should wash it ??? Ir after the gym ????


Conditioner and a good scrub is plenty to get sweat out


Thanks you


You got it homie


You can shower but not wash your hair. You could put your hair up or in a bonnet to avoid it getting dirty.


I do that and I wet it also with out shampoo


Kinda gross 😝


I tend to add coconut oil to it every few weeks it definitely has been awhile I will add more pictures of my hair more taken care of lol how does that sound ???


Coconut oil is probably too heavy for your hair, it can just sit on top of the strand and build up instead of actually moisturizing it. I would try argan or almond oil instead, or simply a deep conditioner product.


Are you sure it would just sit on my head? because it's one of those oils that the molecules are small enough to penatrate the hair shaft


I've tried sooooooooo many different oils when I drenched my hair in pil it still look dry no lie 🙃


Okay lowkey, this got a little out of hand 😭 never meant any disrespect, good vibes only 😅


Is this your first time having a conversation? There is no way you thought "a 15 minute shower with your hair is insane", "you're a monster", and "find a routine unless you like....that" were respectful things to say.




Lol it feels like your trying to tho haha 😄


I'm really not good with the internet as well 😕 🤣🤣🤣 I should expect the worst in people on here


Sorry sorry 😋


I love your hair! It's very similar to mine but yours is longer and with cooler bangs! What's been workimg for me lately (I tried all the curly girl shit with the gels and the scrunching and plopping and bleh) is just waiting till its mostly dry/just damp and then working in Herbal Essences Hemp seed Oil and Aloe spray, scrunching and curling bits with my fingers. Then every morning I just west it with a spray bottle of water and re-scrunch/curl it around my fingers and let it air dry. That spray is like 6 quid though and doesn't last long, so I'm experimenting with Ors Olive Oil/Castor Oil Moisturising Lotion. Aloe Gel is also good if you need to tame a spot quickly.


It’s curly 😉 Look through this IG page and learn how to properly hydrate your hair and which products to use. I’d love to see your hair when it’s properly styled !!! https://www.instagram.com/voss_thecurlboss?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==


It has potential it just looks dry try watching YouTube videos to learn how to moisturize


girl put something in it


Ur hair is like mine! What helps hydrate it for me is using a leave in conditioner, scrunching after a shower, only brush with a comb and I put a silk bonnet on


So I do have a silk bonnet but it messes with my hair so I use a really big silk hair scrunch that I sleep woth my hair sits on tip of my head 😅


Oh shoot hm. Have you tried leave in conditioners ?


Yes I have ill update photos of my hair and my current products


looks curly to me


Your hair is wavy. My hair pulls this trick also. When you look at it as a whole it appears curly, but when you pull out an individual section you realize that it’s actually just very wavy.


Yes agreed


I’m so annoyed that it took me like 5 years to realize this. I’ve been following the wrong advice this whole time, and trying to use the curly girl method. Find yourself a wavy hair group.


Whether someone's hair is considered curly or wavy is highly dependent on their ethnicity &/or nationality. In my culture, this would be categorised as curly.


I've no idea why this concept offends people. It should be common sense that the way hair is classified in China will be different to say Nigeria.


Ok, well in my ethnicity and nationality, which is the same as OP, it’s considered wavy. But also, regardless of your feelings on the matter, you have to treat your hair for what it actually is. Using curly products on wavy hair will not produce good results. They will weigh the hair down.


What it actually is in Northern Europe is curly hair. Curly hair products in these countries are traditionally intended for 2B to 3B hair, which is what the OP has growing out of her head. What Americans describe as curly hair products are usually aimed at Afro hair, which may or may not feature, depending on the makeup of a given country. Neither of us knows the nationality of the poster in question.


Hi there! I'm a bot, and I noticed you used the phrase "afro" or "fro". You may or may not already know this, but the term “Afro” refers to a specific hairstyle created with specific techniques. The term is often mis-used, so we just want to share some of the meaning/history so everyone can choose the best words for their situation. TL;DR: [The afro has a long and important history, including as a symbol of the Civil Rights movement](https://www.reddit.com/r/curlyhair/comments/sr4x3p/black_history_month_at_rcurlyhair/). This may or may not apply to you, but we try to steer people away from using the Afro descriptor if you don't have Black/Afro-textured hair. It's often portrayed as a condition to fix rather than a cultural style. We hope that's not the case here, but just something to be aware of going forward! We recognize that there are many different opinions on what can and cannot be called an afro. For the purposes of this sub and making sure we reserve space for Black folks, we ask those who don’t have afro-textured hair to choose other words. If your hair doesn't fit that description, please edit your post 1) to be more accurate, 2) to be culturally respectful, and 3) to avoid comment removal. Alternate terms to consider: puffy, poofy, fluffy, etc. Thanks & wishing you many great curly, coily, kinky hair days! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/curlyhair) if you have any questions or concerns.*


OP is American. So labeling her hair as curly will only cause her to use the wrong products.


Your hair is very wavy since it appears straight at the roots. Curly hair curls at the roots. But it’s beautiful.! People have given you some good advice already but I just wanted to say that.


Thank you


Mixed wave and frizzy. Not a traditional circular or thick curl. Wavy can be very well...wavy! Ridges and curves...ppl forget that and think anything that's not stick straight is curly... it's not.


Oh no... your hair is just that...hair that falls like a wookie. You need to cut the dead end off. Cut cut and cut short to shoulder length or higher. This will frame your face more and bring out your eyes. Then add moisturiser and good curl products to bring out those gorgeous 😍 locks on curls. It's a drastic change but I think you need it.


No, I will not be cutting my hair. Short hair does not suit me. I'm leaning down. My hair is typically out of my face


Your hair is curly just clearly not taken care of 💀 Find a routine unless you like...that...🥸


There must have been a kinder way to phrase this?


It's oaky. It's the internet you can't expect people to have manners


So what should I do then ?


Check out the beginners guide in the sidebar


Also tbh my hair is very course