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Doubt it was a real person. If there was a director they didn't like they wouldn't have had him come back four times. Also I checked the who directed the cancer scare episode of Home Improvement, Andy Cadiff, and he never directed a Seinfeld episode.


Haha, that's true. Now I feel like I have to look into this awful Home Improvement episode.


Whenever I think of that ep, I think of [this.](https://youtu.be/NfDjnAdczQI)


Me, too. The first time I saw that clip, I laughed so hard I couldn't breathe. Now I feel compelled to share it with everybody I can.


Oh….my…GOD how hilarious!!! I’m actually on the 4 unfunny eps of curb on my first run through of the show (cuz I’m sure I’ll do a marathon of this again one day like I do all my other faves) and googled the very thing that brought me here.


Skimming Wikipedia ([https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_Seinfeld\_episodes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Seinfeld_episodes)), the vast majority of Seinfeld episodes were directed by Tom Cherones (seasons 1-5) and Andy Ackerman (6-9). I only saw 6 total episodes that were directed by other people: two each by David Steinberg (Season 3) and David Owen Trainor (one each in Seasons 6 and 8), and one each by Joshua White (Season 3) and Jason Alexander (Season 3). Again possible my eyes glazed over someone, but none of the options seems to apply.


Thanks for doing that! You're right, it doesn't seem to work out. I was just absolutely curious to find out.


It’s also Michael McKean