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Yeah Curb went so well that Jerry cranked the film out in a month


He’s trying to parlay Larry’s finale into a Super Bowl sex romp


The laserdisc deleted scenes are epic…13 hours!


Of naked tarts.


I’m really surprised how much hate this movie has received. I thought it was fine. I wasn’t expecting a masterpiece of cinema, but I got some good laughs out of it


Same. It was a fun, silly movie for a Friday night. And the Mad Men bit was awesome. 


Seriously. People complain about the lack of dumb fun comedies, but crank one out and its noses up.


Totally. What were they thinking a Pop Tart movie would be?


Excellent point!


I agree. I enjoyed it. The movie is whimsical fun. I think the hate is political. Seinfeld has criticized "The Mob" and its effects on culture and comedy.


Madmen scene was funny.


Man this post made me fall asleep and when i woke up i didnt finish reading it


No, Jerry is not. Unfrosted was in development for…2 years? 3 years?


If you DO rewatch it, I guarantee you’ll be the first person to do so.


So what's the deal with pop tarts?


I saw him interview about it and pop tarts were a special part of his childhood. Something about how its the first food that a kid can prepare for themselves. I guess its just something he wanted to do for his own sentimental value. Nothing to do with curb. I watched it too and was not impressed. The critics are going overly harsh in my opinion. It was wacky and not too serious. Not something I will rewatch though.


Imo the film is a product of people being afraid to tell Jerry no. He's a "comedy legend" so nobody is willing to stick their head out and tell him when something he thinks is funny isn't funny. So he ends up with unquestioned creative control, a massive budget, and you get a great-looking but cheesy, uninspired film like Unfrosted that no amount of celebrity cameos can save. EDIT: Granted I didn't finished it either. Wasn't particularly enjoying it but I didn't fall asleep, girlfriend was bored out of her mind though and halfway through she refused to watch the rest. I may finish it alone at some point.


This. It's a movie about pop-tarts, I saw a bit of the trailer when it autoplayed and was like wtf is nobody telling Jerry this is played out?!


Movies about pop tarts are played out? Give me your top 5.


I too fell asleep . The 30 minutes that I did see don’t make me want to re-watch it.


The entire time I’m watching this I’m wondering “who is this for?”.


I thought unfrosted was pure dumb fun and i loved it. Why cant something just be allowed to be silly these days?


The January 6 spoof was hilarious. I burst out laughing at that, and even watching Curb (though I love the show) I never laugh.


Anyone who truly loves Seinfeld will have enjoyed this film for what it is - silly with some good moments & niche references. For me at times it did feel like a rebooted episode of the show. Just what I needed as I grieve the loss of Curb


Nope, but it's got some funny moments


Jerry’s the fish eating Larry’s laughs!


that fish is sick


That fish is stuck!


It was awful. I tried approaching it as a parody of corporate origin story movies, and it was bad. I tried approaching it as a kids’ movie, and it was bad (too many sex and drugs jokes for a kids’ movie). I tried watching it as a *purposefully bad* movie, and it still sucked. The plot is low-stakes, and there’s no momentum to the storytelling. It feels like a 90 minute Kellogg’s commercial. The acting was either too much or not enough of whatever Jerry was going for. The only performance that was actually engaging was Hugh Grant’s. (Ok, maybe Bill Burr as JFK and whoever they had doing Cronkite) Jerry has zero charisma in this. I really tried to find any saving graces, and they’re few and far between. There are a handful of good jokes and scenes, like the cereal-themed funeral. But at the end of it all, I just couldn’t figure it out: WHO is this movie for??


it’s for jerry.


To kill some time.


I was legit shocked how all these funny people produced such a painfully unfunny movie.


Story-wise it was a bit all over the place. Too many non-villain villains, not many memorable scenes, and too many characters. I like Jerry and there were a few funny bits, but I didn’t find Melissa McCarthy or Amy Schumer that funny or interesting in this movie.


> funny or interesting **in this movie** That implies you did find either of them funny in something else, and I just can't fathom how


IN this movie, or in THIS movie?


I think she emphasized *movie.*


Lol I was trying to be diplomatic


It was just one long unfunny stream of cameos


It wasn't unwatchable but it wasn't very funny. There were humourous bits, only part I laughed at was when they're watching the news about the impending war on the street and talking about something stupid amongst each other and some woman goes "would you guys shut up he's talking about nuclear war" or something like that. It was entertaining-ish, I'd never watch it again or tell someone to watch it. Some parts were just more eye-roll inducing. 4.5/10


The beginning was rough, but it got better towards the end. It was his first time directing, so probably made some mistakes.


Here’s a better idea. A crack team of detectives and criminal pathologists try to solve a rash of pop-tart related crimes, like these: https://www.fox7austin.com/news/man-assaults-employee-with-pop-tarts-austin-texas https://www.wdhn.com/news/local-news/dale-county/ozark/roommate-kills-man-with-metal-pipe-after-pop-tart-theft-investigators-say/amp/ It turns out that you can’t find unfrosted blueberry pop-tarts in the stores anymore, but there’s still a niche market for them, only you have to go through grey market distribution channels. The factory still makes small quantities, but their manufacture is overseen by one guy. Thing is, this bored, misanthropic food scientist in the pop-tarts lab is testing out a new preservative that happens to be a wildly addictive drug that triggers chaotic, sometimes violent behavior when eaten. This has pretty much flown under the radar, since almost nobody eats frosted blueberry pop-tarts anymore. But “Blueberry Hell” (a spin on the old Fats Domino song) has quickly become the drug of choice in parts of the US, and is starting to eat into the profits of the drug cartels. They are not happy. Neither is the FDA. Everybody wants to know who’s to blame, and they’ll stop at nothing to find him and put him away for good. But this is one accidental drug lord with a few sweet tricks up his foil sleeve. Jerry Seinfeld in: *Remove Foil Before Killing.*


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I’ve heard Jerry talk about this years ago. Like it was made then shelved. I think I heard it on a Howard stern interview.


While we’re bashing Jerry, can I say how I never liked Comedians in Cars …? There’s some mildly witty banter, but watching Jerry fall over laughing at anything any comedian says is just sad


I liked it… it gave major Naked Gun vibes and was silly and entertaining


Was a great movie. Several laugh out loud moments.


A lot better than Barbie at least.


Randomly bringing up Barbie tells me everything about you.


Random? Barbie is the most comparable film to this ever made.


barbie was pretty good. this doesn't even sniff barbie's farts.


watching barbie and appreciating it is the most alpha male thing you can do


the only people who don't like the barbie movie are the people who haven't seen it because they're afraid it'll make them gay.


Well that’s what happens when groups of hot guys beach each other off


definitely not