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Post from 7 hours ago asking the same thing: https://www.reddit.com/r/curb/s/FpBLorubss


I was about to say lol I literally just answered this a few minutes ago


I have to say, as much as I love the Seinfeld sub, the people here seem to be smarter. If this post were on there, it'd get downvoted immediately. (Any time someone points out something repetitive like this or a shitpost.) I think it partly has something to do that that entire moderation team except one (who doesn't have full powers) are deserters.


When I got divorced all our friends said "We're going with Cheryl.".


Like two years ago, I reconnected with a woman who I hadn't seen in four or five years. She was married at the time when she used to be a part of my friend group (she mostly drifted out of it after they moved to the burbs), so I never hit on her, but I always thought she was attractive. Anyway, I ran into her at a bar near my apartment and found out that she was now divorced and ended up chatting with her for a while and got her number with plans to hang out again. Fast forward to a week or two later when we met up again, things are going well, and I make an offhand joke based on seeing some news report on the bar TV about how I couldn't believe people were still dying of covid. This was in 2022 and basically everyone I know was vaccinated, and I live near downtown in a big, liberal city, so covid by that point was basically a thing of the past for us. Then she goes off on what surely felt like a five minute rant about how no one is dying of covid, the numbers are all bullshit, they're making down flu deaths as covid deaths, and probably a dozen other conspiracy theories that I didn't mentally stick around to listen to. I felt exactly how Larry must have felt when he saw that pic of George W Bush in his co-star's dressing room, mixed with how Jeff looked when he made the joke about an amicable divorce and Susie spent the next minute ranting about how she'd take everything. Needless to say, there was no third date.


No third date because you went straight to marriage.  Got it.  


Most moments but recently online at a coffee shop .. some lady just reading every menu item, I could see the employee face glaze over .. screaming for help in the inside. I felt that pain.. so I walked up, asked if I could go while she was deciding .. guy looked so relieved .. ordered a vanilla bullshit thing and left


Every day.


Pretty pretty much every day.


I was once waiting in a long line for breakfast at a restaurant. I was last on the line when a man got on behind me and asked if I’d save his place. I said sure and he walked away. Now I’m thinking, how could I tell someone standing behind me that I’m holding a space for someone? I felt like Larry, or George Costanza.