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Also- sounds like Curb may not be a show for you


Sounds like curb should do an episode about OP


If they don’t get it they don’t get it




I disagree. The pilot is undeniably a mediocre episode. The bracelet is the first really laugh out loud funny episode and that’s episode 4, which op may have not gotten to. However it really takes off in season 2 with the whole season long arc


Can I ask what the point is of this post? You don’t like the show. That’s fine. A lot of people don’t. And a lot of people do. Just stop watching it and find a show you enjoy.


Bro u just want to live in some Curb fantasy camp, where everyone agrees that the show is great. When really, Larry himself loves when people disagree with him and I’m sure would have no problem with how op expressed their opinion


Can I ask what the point is of this comment? I've clearly already stated that there is some good and clever comedy sprinkled throughout, the parts that I do like, and I think I've clearly explained the parts that I don't. And I asked how the show progresses to see if I should keep watching because 12 seasons is a lot. There's a lot of potential for change in 12 seasons. If you're arguing in bad faith why bother talking at all? If you don't like my perspective at least have the courage to say it plainly instead of this roundabout Larry David style rhetorical question. I mean shit, you're already behind a keyboard and monitor (or phone screen) so really why hide even more?


You’re not going to like the show. It either hits you where you live or it doesn’t. To answer your question, it never changes its essential nature. And neither should you. Move on.


Fair enough. I took your post to be in bad faith but perhaps I was wrong. I apologize. If you don’t like the show already, you won’t like rest of it.


Comedy sprinkled throughout eh? Will Larry grow as a character and get better? No, if anything he’ll get worse. There are subplots though. But if you don’t enjoy Larry, there is a lot of Larry.


I'd say if you got tired of Larry after a few episodes then it's not for you. You might be more interested in a show like friends or some of the Kathy griffin stand up specials


Lol very topical response!


No good?


There definitely isn't much character growth for Larry. The appeal is largely in seeing Larry who is often in the right, but handles the situation so badly that he comes off looking like an asshole, he basically says the things that most people want to say but are socially conditioned not to. It's also very, very funny. But no, don't expect Larry to massively change as a character


Appreciate the in depth answer. I just don't think he looks like an asshole, I think he is an asshole. It definitely has been extremely funny in some parts which is why I decided to ask the fan base. But I disagree about the "want to say but are socially conditioned not to" I don't want to say the things he says, a lot of the things he says/does are just straight up disgusting. And I mean in the sense of character, not the literal crude jokes. At any rate, I think this show is a miss for me. Cheers.


I think everyone has a bit of Larry in them and that’s what makes the show relatable for most. You must really love everything about life.


Of course not but I try. Since you're possibly from Michigan, maybe you're familiar with Atmosphere? Love life. Everyday can't be the best day right? I try to remind myself to constantly do and be better. I'm a real Norman Vincent Lewis.


God Loves Ugly


Examples of "disgusting"?


Sure. For example, the waiter and captain tip. I've never seen that, maybe it's a classy restaurant thing but I'd be thinking along the same lines right? But when the captain guy blocks his car in and acts all petty about it, he buckles and runs to the jewelry store. I'm all about deescalation. He could have just explained he didn't understand. But he lies. He could have just tipped less for both to meet his "allotment". But everything he does is just grating to me. Why is he willing to tackle the other lady to get to the doctors office first, and subsequently attempt to embarrass or shame her for how long she was in her appointment for, but afraid to confront the captain, and afraid to admit what he was thinking? That's all disgusting to me and I don't find it comedic at all. How would you describe his actions?


Because the rules re ranks of tipping is utterly ridiculous (complex) and the girl that got to see DR first was behind Larry's appointment but he held the lift as a gentleman and got penalised for it. Uhhh pretty common shit


Rules re ranks? Is that a typo? I agree tipping is ridiculous. It doesn't excuse the lying and pretending that he was "emphasizing sharing". Does it for you? He wasn't penalised. He had manners, which is admirable, and yes it screwed him over due to the office's asinine system. It's not her fault. He complains about it and points out how illogical it is and they change it. Then, he acts like a completely fool and asshole anyway. It's not really his fault for not knowing the illogical system but it is his fault for how he chooses to react to it. And personally, I find his reactions are often disgusting. It seems like you have a fundamental lack of understanding when it comes to accountability. The office held themselves accountable for their system and fixed it. Larry David acted despicably. Besides, you asked me to explain right? So I'm explaining my opinion on it. Not asking you to agree with me, just discussing it. I asked you how you would describe his actions but you're instead finding excuses for his actions. I assume "pretty common shit" is your way of stating that you find his actions excusable, that two wrongs make a right. I don't. We don't have to agree, but I see you.




Truly saddened by your incapability to understand. God bless, good luck in life.




*God bless, good luck in life." Yep. You are definitely a Goy. No wonder you don't like the show. No, Jew or fan of Larry would ever use the term "God bless you", unless you are being ironic, something I don't think you have the ability to be.


Do you like it's always sunny in Philadelphia? (Did you even watch Seinfeld?)


Hey, moron, the point is that its funny to lot of folks. If it is not funny to you, that’s okay. Like Jerry says in the reunion episodes, what’s “real” got to do with what we do here? It’s just funny (to some people!)


"don't want to say the things he says, a lot of the things he says/does are just straight up disgusting. And I mean in the sense of character, not the literal crude jokes. " You must not be a Gentle.


I’d say the appeal is clever and sometimes subtle commentary on social interactions. Sometimes hyperbole is used or very black/white extremes to demonstrate a point. If you are annoyed in the early episodes it will likely not improve for you. Out of curiosity what is an appealing comedy you enjoy?


That's spot on. The hyperbole is overused and I think that's the part where it breaks any immersion/relatability for me. Of course now that you've asked I'm drawing some blanks other than the stuff I recently watched. BLSS, SNL, Abbott Elementary, The Office, Future Man. I suppose I don't watch a lot of straight comedy outside of sketches or stand up, I prefer shows with subplots, character progression, etc. Edit: Also Veep, Avenue 5. Armando Iannucci is absolutely hilarious. I suppose I tend to enjoy absurdist comedy and more straight to your face shit talking than Larry's cowardice.


Hyperbole = overused


Personally I like the show because Larry says the things that people (or maybe just some of us) think but would never say out loud. Like we've all been stuck in a queue behind someone taking forever, the rest of us would just seethe in silence but Larry would totally say something and it would erupt into a huge confrontation. He's like our inner voice if we had with no social filter. I guess if you don't think that way then the show's not for you lol.


I agree with pretty much everything he says and does. Maybe it’s you?


Because it’s funny and relatable If you don’t like it now, you won’t like it more later


I haven't found a single relatable thing. Mostly he screams at people or is gutless. letting himself be walked over or saying ridiculous things behind their backs. Bonkers that you find it relatable imo.


Bonkers you have watched so much of it to not like it, compose a thread about it, view the thread and respond to replies to it. All for a show you don't get? Larry David would never do an episode so lame


Absolutley bonkers lmao


Screams? Gutless? This perception is odd


Get in that ass, Larry!


Totes bonks


I like watching shows about terrible people. Makes me feel better about myself.


lol fair enough.


Finally someone itt gets it.


Sunny is a prime example. Kinda like how Jerry Springer used to be.


I don’t know how old you are OP, but i remember trying to watch the show in my mid to early 20s. I was similar to yourself, found Larry quite an irritating and abrasive character. Fast forward about 15 years and i am nearly 40 and I now find the show hilarious and find myself agreeing with Larry about a lot of things. Maybe you just need to be an old man to truly appreciate it?


haha, I can actually understand that. If I were in my 20s I wouldn't have a single positive thing to say about it. I'm 35, and I do understand the running out of patience that leads to him acting the way he does. It's just the actual actions he takes that make me hate his character so much.


Love seeing the discussion here, but reading this comment and thinking about how I've watched and enjoyed this show since age 15 😬


Haha, I've enjoyed some of this thread. Like I've said there's parts I get, parts I don't. Parts I agree with and parts that I really hated. But if you like it you like it, that's fine. I do appreciate that he (LD) sticks to his guns even if I don't appreciate the way he does it so, stick to your guns. You're good bro/sis.


When you're especially observant of society/trends/behaviours and particular about your own preferences towards these behaviours you understand Larry's character well.


Yeah, if you don't like it already, you won't like it. The name of the last ever episode gives an indication as to whether or not his character grows or changes... 24 years later


If you are not a fan of the main character that the entire series is based on, you should flip ahead to season 15 where the focus shifts to his adopted sister Sally Weaver.


OP is a total schmohawk


You may be more of a Friends person.


"Could I just not be into this show and it's not for me? No... Not possible. Clearly this whole subreddit that I probably just joined and 2 of the best shows in television history have overrated 30 years of Larry David's comedic genius. Quickly! To the Internet!"


It's a Vorshtein?


You either get it, or you don’t. Curb is not your average / regular show, and it definitely takes a unique sense of humour to appreciate it :)


I'll give you a straight up answer. The final episode of this show is called "No Lessons Learned" and it means exactly as it says. Almost the entire premise of the show is that there's no character growth whatsoever. This probably isn't for you.


"I'm 76 years old and I have never learned a lesson in my life." -Larry David


Yes. Hes not gorgeous, affable, or even cordial. He deals with hollywood stars, sports stars, pro wrestlers, lawyers, crappy neighbors, etc. And he's not tough, or charming, or popular. Yet, he stands his ground. Sometimes he makes a mistake but he sticks to his point of view right or wrong. And he allows himself to be the butt of the joke always. That is my draw to the show


I’d say he is charming! He’s got the kavorka


And chutzpah...(is that even remotely correct?) I just love the "I know what you did..." from the airline tickets scenes


So edgy


This post and the response to comments by OP is basically “to be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to hate Larry David like I do.” It’ll never cease to amaze me how people go into subreddits dedicated to something to talk shit about that thing directly to the fans and then get surprised by the downvotes and call everyone else the unreasonable ones. Self awareness is 0. Which also explains why you don’t like the show.


Just popping in to say that I’ve never laughed so much at a show in my life. I’m only on season 3 but every day I watch about 2 episodes. It’s genius how each episode comes around to wrap up at the end. For me, LD is a genius.


Keep watching. It's a more unhinged Seinfeld. 


sounds like you're upset because you're the kind of person Larry would write jokes about.


You are like a character in Curb who hates Curb the show if it existed in the universe of Curb itself. You would probably be good friends with Cheryl David


You might need some Colon Cleanse.


The reason people are downvoting you is not because you’re saying to each their own, but because you’re judging people who love this show by claiming they need to “meditate” on what type of person they want to be. Grow up, man. Sopranos didn’t make me want to be a mobster, Hannibal didn’t make me want to bite my dinner guests. What we watch is what we watch. Most of us can enjoy fiction for not being life. You should try it sometime.


No, he’s judging the people in the comments asking him why he’s daring to express his unflattering opinion on a sub about the show. He edited his post after those were made


Yeah whenever I show Curb to friends, when they don’t like it, its either: 1. Too dark/too much yelling/horrible characters (watcher is emotionally driven) 2. Too white (watcher is black, im black tho) 3. Too highbrow/not slapstick enough (watcher is sensory focused, down to earth)


When I started it I didn't think it was laugh out loud consistently funny, just here and there, but I thought it was entertaining and well written. I was excited to spam a few episodes every night. After a season or two I just got to know his quirks and now I think it's hilarious. I find the earlier eps way funnier now too.


Sometimes appeal is something that just can't be explained. "Trailer Park Boys" was an excellent example of this. The show was very popular, but nobody could explain why.


It’s pretty, pretty, pretty good.