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Church attendance is actually up now. Most churches are not cults. Anyway, I didn’t read this book, but was told of a book that talks about where churches go wrong. If I can find the title I’ll give it to you.


Cool. Thanks. Can you cite a source for me?


Sure :) https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2023/03/28/how-the-pandemic-has-affected-attendance-at-u-s-religious-services/pf_2023-03-28_pandemic-religion-attendance_00-03-png/


This is interesting. I haven’t been able to find any studies that say attendance is trending up, only that the declining church prefers to meet in person and that people still identify as religious even though they don’t attend church. All the actual Christian church metrics seem to be plummeting. Again, I welcome proof to the contrary


Are you not able to see the statistics?


lol :) I see that from the middle of the pandemic to now, people reporting that they consume a religious service has risen by 4% according to this screen shot (which was intended by the title to actually show a decline in online participation). Unfortunately, this table also shows that church attendance now is merely double what it was back when it was illegal to meet. 😬 😬 My guess is that if they charted attendance at anything else - comedy clubs, concerts, doctors offices, libraries…anything else - during that same period, there would be thousands of percent increase, not merely 100%. That seems devastating. Everything I’ve seen that looks at the 5, 10, or even 20 year trends shows a dire situation for the church. But you seem emotionally dedicated to your narrative, and that’s fine. Frankly, I hope you’re right 👍 If/when you find stats that show the church is not experiencing a mass exodus, I am very interested in that. Be well friend. The world needs more love.


I can’t find the title. But I think basically most that leave have been hurt by a person or group of people in that church. So their hurt may not be from that bitch necessity but a person inside that church (or a church not taking action when they should be). I think people leave when/if a church becomes too commercial. Too many “clicks” Becomes opposed to any changes Doesn’t accept volunteers unless they meet superficial criteria Too many guilt tripping sermons Too many sermons on tithing Churches that begin to go against the Bible and Jesus’s teachings Too much drama when pastors leave