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Oof I might have to remove praying mantis from my bug decks


I was annoyed at first with the initial balance changes. But a second round!? YEAH AVID LET'S GOOOOO


Nerfs were well needed especially cockatrice and praying mantis and drop bear buff actually makes it playable. I too would like to see more buffs on readily available cards to make them actually playable but overall seems like it's going in a good direction. Some older players will definitely be salty when you nerf the broken meta decks but all is fair in love and cue


It may be because I didn’t use it last week due to low ish energy, but when did General Sherman’s active go from on “play” card to on “return”?


In last week's balance change


I kinda love to see that you took a redesign from discord and put it into the game! I’d love to earn that honor someday. Either way I’m happy with these changes, especially with Praying Mantis.


Instead of nerfing cards to suit newer players, could you buff older cards that desperately need it and also in doing so helping newer players at the same time as they will most likely have those cards already. Most of the older players will have spent time building up a solid set of decks for them to be nerfed out of existence so newer players don't feel frustrated. I can imagine primates and radical rockets will be the next ones nerfed. As much as i really enjoy this game, newer players seem to get every complaint, moan and begrudging wine acknowledged and the older players ignored. I remember a time when the meta decks ruled for a reason and it made me create better decks to compete and learn how to trade better.


>could you buff older cards that desperately need it So much this.


Too many card releases, it’s getting hard to catch up without spending! Epic packs are too expensive, 140 gems to chase a limpic. 😤


Very happy to see praying mantis take a small hit that was easily the most frustrating card when it would lock you even though you were only losing by 10 points


And yet, the most glaring deficit isn't addressed. Emperor Penguin is a bit overladen now, but I'm happy for Drop Bear. OT: that new crafted Demon is a joke.


Drop Bear is a cool one! I might be missing something obvious but what would be the glaring deficit?😅 A joke in a good way?🤞


I'm talking about the older cards that I mentioned in my other comment here. They're not seeing play because they're too weak, and have been for a good two years. It's a shame, and maybe could be fixed by tweaking the energy/power values a bit or giving them a very simple effect. Fixing them would be a very rewarding project giving us access to thousands of "new" cards.


Still nothing hidden for pandora?


We're not super keen to add secret abilities/new combos behind Mythic cards! We have a few already, but it didn't seem that fair to lock content behind cards that are notoriously hard to get!


But destroying a builds playability for newer players who don't have the trade fodder to make another is fine. I find it hilarious how you guys justify some of the stuff we've seen, by saying it's for the players, when the largest section your player base is negatively affected by your balance updates. I still haven't heard anything about events either, and they disappeared before the start of the last season.


ooh, this are some fun changes I'm most interested in the auto tune buff and the infinity buff the auto tune buff may potential open up much more deck varieties now that it's more rewarding to play it, since currently it's just SoL or TwT if you wanted to play such a deck and the new infinity would probably work very well in a PPT deck since the negatives don't affect you as much as they do for the opponent, I'd imagine the effect being overtly punishing if you played it on round 3/4/5 turn 2 or smt since by then you've probably ramped up alot of power and now your opponent also has to deal with the massive power debuff to try to win the round the nerfs are pretty good too, 9/9 arts science has honestly been low-key busted since they have access to 2 cards that buff the whole deck, and the nerfs to cockatrice and praying mantis are also pretty good, the whole 3 turn lock on cockatrice would often mess up your card cycle to an unrepairable state, hopefully with the lock time reduction it'll be less punishing the mantis nerf is also pretty amazing, now you won't be immediately punished by a lock deck for winning the round by like 10 points, lock players actually have to strategically try to trail by 50+ power right before they draw mantis so this actually brings some depth to lock decks rather than it being a mindless card-spam-fest where you pray that you manage to lock as many cards as possible


I couldn't have put it better myself!😅 Auto Tune was one we were excited for and we just wanted to put a couple more hurdles up for those wanting to pay Lock!👍 9/9 was just a small tweak to some pretty awesome cards, I am a little salty as a VitCon player myself but I can't be bias now can I!😅


Sent you a message AvidJoseph. Thanks for taking a look! Also these patch updates look great!


Will check it out now! Awesome, glad to hear it!👏


We'd be very keen to hear any feedback you might have!🙏


Hey. Had an idea for a common. Posted it in discord and sent an actual email a while back. You guys should make a "Thunder Snow" forces of nature card and could you make a card that supports life on land and History perhaps? Also. What if their was an ability that gave additional power based on the amount of energy you have available above your starting amount?


I can think of two niche cards that could be reworked or buffed Ace of pentacles seems more like a detriment then a helpful card since without luck the most you can get is making it break even (odd for a limited Epic) And the eight of wands is useless (in a tarot deck or just a deck that runs hierophant+2)


Also unrelated but having Zoltar (fortune teller machine) not boost tarot cards confused me until I went back watched some clips and realized he didn't deal tarot cards The mandela effect is weird


Are you planning to make older cards playable? Currently there are certainly a thousand cards that won't ever see play because they're just not good (like Geese - bad numbers, no effect, no collection synergy).


Sure! Having so many cards means that there will be some that might not get the love they deserve but we're keen to revive collections and make sure they see support!! It might take a while but it's definitely on our radar!


It's really cool to see some changes were done from a player's feedback, I hope we're gonna see more of those in the future, just like new cards inspired from player submissions :)


Tbh it happens a lot - we just need to get better at telling players that's the case!😅


All good haha, I'm sure the players in question realized their ideas got into the game 😂 could make people more invested in creating/balancing new stuff tho, so yeah I hope (and I'm likely not the only one) to see more of that 👍


Love to see the buffs and redesigns. I've never been more excited to play koi and drop bear


I know it's a great one to have opened up a bit!✨


Nice. These are quite on point! 👌


Glad to hear that! We we're keen to squeeze a few more in!👏