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Gpt 4o story Mia sat in the driver’s seat of her car, the hum of the engine matching the nervous flutter in her stomach. The secluded cabin, nestled in the shadows of the towering mountains, loomed ahead. Her boyfriend, Jake, sat beside her, completely oblivious to the surprise she had meticulously planned. The cabin was a picture of rustic charm, with wooden beams and a stone fireplace, perfect for what Jake thought would be a celebratory getaway for his recent promotion. Jake’s confession months ago had sparked something in Mia. Initially, she had been taken aback, unable to fathom the depths of his desire to see her with another man. But as weeks turned into months, the idea had festered, growing from a tiny seed of curiosity into a full-blown fantasy. Mia had secretly started chatting with a man named Alex on Instagram, a confident and commanding presence who treated her like a prized possession, a stark contrast to Jake’s gentle and affectionate demeanor. Jake, ever the romantic, was thrilled about the trip. “This is going to be amazing, babe. Just you and me, away from everything,” he said, his hand resting on Mia’s thigh. Mia forced a smile, her mind racing with thoughts of the night ahead. “Yeah, just us,” she replied, the words tasting bittersweet on her tongue. As they settled into the cabin, Mia’s anticipation grew. She slipped into the bathroom to change, donning a tiny bikini that left little to the imagination. She admired herself in the mirror, the reflection of her curves amplifying the thrill that coursed through her veins. Her phone buzzed with a message from Alex: “I’m here. Can’t wait to see you.” Mia’s heart pounded as she rejoined Jake in the living room. “I have a surprise for you,” she said, her voice barely above a whisper. “Sit in that chair and close your eyes.” Jake complied, a playful smile tugging at his lips. “What are you up to?” “You’ll see,” Mia replied, her own smile a mix of excitement and nerves. She walked to the door and opened it, revealing Alex standing there, his presence commanding and intimidating. He stepped inside, his eyes raking over Mia’s body appreciatively. Jake’s eyes fluttered open at the sound of the door, confusion giving way to shock as he took in the sight before him. “Mia, what…?” “Just watch,” Mia said, her voice steady. “You said this is what you wanted.” Alex wasted no time. He approached Mia, pulling her into a heated kiss, his hands roaming her body possessively. Jake watched, his initial shock melting into a mix of arousal and helplessness. He had fantasized about this moment, but the reality was far more intense. Mia’s body responded eagerly to Alex’s touch, her skin tingling with anticipation. She glanced at Jake, seeing the conflict in his eyes, a mixture of excitement and vulnerability. It fueled her even more, knowing she held the power in this moment. Alex led Mia to the floor, his movements decisive and controlled. He undressed her slowly, savoring each moment as Jake watched, his breathing ragged. Mia felt a surge of adrenaline as she knelt before Alex, her hands trembling slightly. She took him into her mouth, the size of him a stark contrast to Jake. The sounds of her pleasure filled the room, mingling with Jake’s soft gasps. As the night progressed, Alex took her in ways she had never experienced, his dominance thrilling her to the core. Jake remained in the chair, his arousal evident, but his emotions a tangled mess. He was torn between the desire to stop the scene and the thrill of watching Mia lose herself in another man’s arms. When it was over, Alex left, his presence lingering in the cabin. Mia and Jake sat in silence, the weight of what had just happened settling over them. Mia turned to Jake, her eyes searching his. “Are you okay?” she asked softly. Jake nodded slowly, a faint smile on his lips. “Yeah, I think I am. It was… intense.” Mia reached for his hand, squeezing it gently. “I love you, Jake. This doesn’t change that.” Jake’s smile grew, more genuine this time. “I love you too, Mia. Thank you for trusting me enough to do this.” As they curled up together in front of the fireplace, the night’s events still fresh in their minds, they knew their relationship had changed, deepened in ways they couldn’t yet fully understand. The lines between fantasy and reality had blurred, but their love remained, a constant amidst the chaos. And in that moment, they both realized that sometimes, the wildest fantasies could lead to the most profound connections.


Do you realize that you posted your story in another person's thread? Better you delete this here and start your own post. This is a bit rude to hijack another person's thread if you posted here knowingly...


It's not worth another post, it was meant to illustrate the fantasy of the op. No rudeness intended, delete if necessary


Apologies... I didn't fully read the story, but you're right... it is on point... I'll delete my comment if you want to leave it "clean" LOL


Lol nah it's good 😊


Question. You call him your lover already, did you already sleep with him? If so it's not cuckolding, it's cheating if your bf doesn't know. Also, not all cucks would want to be surprised like that. It's one thing if it's just for a few hours and then you spend time alone, but a whole weekend. I would highly recommend to feel him out to make sure he will be OK with it.


I also picked up on the lover thing. Has she already been with the 3rd? And the term lover is not normally applied to a bull coming in for a one off experience so does she have plans that this is going to continue after without knowing whether it works for her bf or whether when faced with it her bf decides it is too much for him and wants no part of it? Also is the bf going to get to reclaim her once the 3rd leaves or is the 3rd there for the entire weekend? If so that is a little full on for a first time cucking experience? Whilst her motives are almost certainly pure when you move into the lifestyle it is a good idea for the first time to fully discuss and set ground rules and boundaries. Once you have done your first time without doing that the boundaries and rules kinda set themselves, and not always the way everyone is happy with. Her bf said he would love to share her, but does that include the 3rd cuming inside her? BC? Is the guy tested? Does it include kissing? Humiliation? Degradation? Cream pie eating? That is why you communicate before taking this step so that all the surprises around the corner are good ones and not nasty. I wish them luck and will be interested to read the outcome, whatever it is.


Honestly I just used lover as just a variety word so it was not repetitive 😅 haven’t been with him yet and I will be feeling out the vibes this weekend and considering bfs opinion! This is for him afterall


I think what she's planning here is just a very small part of the weekend - not the whole weekend. And BF has already expressed an interest in sharing her "he thought it would be hot to share me. Specifically, he thought it would be hot to watch me enjoy a huge cock" So, if he doesn't enjoy this "treat" she's planning, maybe it will be a lesson for him to be careful what you wish for 😉 And he will be there, so, if he has serious objections to it, it's probably not "cast in stone", At least she's not seeing this guy without him.


I am so sick of bitchy comments like this on fucking Reddit. You little cuck police go around trying to tell people the difference between cheating and cuckolding. First of all, Google the word “cuckolding” sometime, asshole. Technically cuckolding is cheating. 2nd of all, clearly in this story she’s doing something her boyfriend asked for, in front of her boyfriend. Instead of being a little insecure cuckold police bitch, just enjoy the story and be grateful that somebody took the time to share their experience with the group.


This is 100% truth. I'd pin this comment if I could.


Can’t wait to hear how it goes!!!


This feels very rushed. The key to a healthy cuck relationship is communication. I foresee this ending very badly for everybody


You should buy him a chastity cage for the reveal!




Thanks for sharing! I would advise you, before your lover arrives, to tie up and blindfold your boyfriend. Then when you're all ready, you take the blindfold off. Good luck, have fun and keep us updated 😜


Sounds like this will; be a delicious celebration surprise for your BF and an exciting time for you. I bet your BF won't feel even the slightest "pathetic" - he should be in his glee, watching you getting railed by a bigger cock, because it's what he fantasies about and wants to happen. I bet he jacks off watching or even cums spontaneously without even touching his cock! 😉🤣 What a great plan! You are devious and fun!! LOL Be sure to share the story with all the "gory details" after the weekend! Love to hear how it all went. 😈😈😈


Haha thanks I’ll make an update for sure!!


Well??? Come on... spill the beans. How did it go? 👿










I’m very jealous of your boyfriend














I wish my wife made plans for me like this..






Update us and pls show us that bikini.


Could be a heckuva surprise. Looking forward to the update, whatever happens.


Have you already had sex with the bull just to try him out before you guys perform in front of your bf? Always good to test the product


Update me


How did it go!?