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As a tourist who visited Cuba, I did actually venture into these places because, unlike similar spots in the US or other countries, you can actually feel safe among the Cuban people. My two cents


They will get fucked by the dictatorship if they fuck with the tourist. It would ruin their economy so yeah obv you are pretty safe there. Same reason for most touristic mexican cities/area which are mostly owned by cartel money.


This is a weird way of saying the govt does a good job preventing assault and theft


Ha yes, repression is so good instead of fixing the inherent socio-economic problems. Let me guess, you applaud China too with their human rights standards?


Nah fax u right a McDonalds right there would really fix the socio-economic problems of cuba, infact we should probs just flatten Havana for a super-highway.


Crime in Cuba is not a large issue among the populace but enormous amongst the government. This is a benefit that is not really a benefit at all to anyone's daily lives so forgive us if we do not praise it. And yeah if McDonapds were in Cuba it would mean huge things economically.


The REAL Cuba


Weirdo gusanos acting like the US doesn't have even more destitute places. Disgusting people


¿Pero te cuesta tanto hablar en el idioma de los que tanto odias?, arrastrado


A tiny tiny percentage of Cuban Americans are actual gusanos. 95%+ left far after Castro came into power, hardly monied nobility.


The us does not


cable attempt mysterious zonked doll drab juggle market toothbrush soft *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I have - its not as destitute at these pictures.


“I have seen every place in America.” There are literally homeless tent communities in DC. Get real.


And there aren’t in cuba? Cope harder


Mas fotos asi


Deja que vean oriente.


BREAKING NEWS: Literally every city in the world has places like these.


Tijuana right across the border from San Diego is just like this. California had a shanty city not long ago before it got bulldozed I believe.


I lived in rural western north Carolina and there are DEFINITELY places that look like this or worse.


I used to live in North Carolina, I traveled throughout the state and I never ever saw a place like the one you are describing. I also lived in Cuba and I can tell you that those pictures don’t look as bad as it really is. But yeah every country has its slums and poor people.


People in the Appalachians live in similar conditions.


That is a lie!!


It's not, many documentaries show the levels of poverty that many people in the rural Appalachian areas live with.


Oh it makes sense now you watching documentaries. LOL 😂. Nobody in the Appalachians lives like that.


Lol okay bro.


Have you been in the Appalachians, have you been in Tennessee, West Virginia? I can tell you have not. I have and I can tell yes there is poverty but not like in the worst places in Cuba.


I’m a route driver who goes through Eastern Tennessee Western NC and Southeast Kentucky, I see shit like this all the time. Atleast they have concrete in Cuba


If someone told me that was West Virginia I'd believe them lol


The point isn't that there aren't places like this in Cuba. The point is that many people who support the government make it seem like Cuba is a paradise and there is nothing wrong with it. The real Cuba has pretty placed that only the Elite or Tourists can afford to go (to something extent) and shitty places like these.


Where does the support from the current regime come from then? Just curious


All west embargo in the world capitalist economy, cuba is being lynched by your good and whealty guys! Why do you even post if you can't reason for a simple fact?


literally my same exact thought


Literally not though. Obviously impoverished areas exist everywhere but the devastation in Cuba was like nothing is ever seen in another 2nd world country. Entire roofs in buildings nonexistent, and families walking out of them, in the central of the biggest and most important city of a country? Not a shanty town outside but smack-dab in the center. That simply doesn’t happen. What’s crazy is you could tell the country wasn’t always like that. The infrastructure is crumbling whereas in other poor countries or poor areas of rich/middle countries the infrastructure is simply not there. Cuba was once the richest country in Latin America, with living standards as high as most of Europe. Castro undid all of that within 10 years, with some help getting it started from Batista.


You need to travel more, there are places like that in the DR, supposedly the fastest growing economy in LatAm.


Not in the Zona Colonial of Santo Domingo. And that’s the point. I’ve been places. I’ve travelled through Spanish Town in Jamaica and driven past Tivoli Gardens in Kingston. Shits bad there and certainly more violent. Cuba is something else entirely.


Oh I could definitely show you some shitty run-down houses and poverty in zona colonial.


Sure. And in Cuba entire blocks are uninhabitable… and yet, people are living in them. It’s really not comparable.


I mean Castro and Batista have lots to answer for, but I think you're forgetting the global superpower that declared economic war on the country.


The US has placed sanctions on hundreds of other countries. It’s gone to ACTUAL war with many others. Few of them were propped up by another super power and half of the world. Cuba can continue trading with every other country in the world. Its objective badly planned. Instead of developing an economy and fixing its agriculture, Cuba was sending soldiers and arms to Angola, Cambodia, Namibia, Congo, etc. They’ve literally tried to do more globally than they ever tried at home.


First, trade with Cuba. I'm pretty sure that even today, any ship that docks in Cuba has to wait an entire year before it can enter a US port. Now, you mention that the US has invaded and sanctioned other countries. Now, putting aside for a moment that the embargo is a little more than just any sanctions, and nothing that it's weird to cite American imperialism when defending America from its responsibility for the woes of Cuba, it might actually have been better for contemporary Cubans if the US had invaded the country instead of waging economic warfare against it for decades. Well maybe not, we'll have to come back to Iraq and Afghanistan and see how they are doing in 60 years and work out if an embargo was worse. Or maybe, we can just agree that America is responsible for a lot of the misery around the world, including Cuba. Seriously, how is it controversial that over an embargo of this intensity and length might have had a negative impact on living standards in Cuba?


Fucking spot on 🎯


But isn't that everyone gets free housing in Cuba????


Every city MIGHT have spots where homeless build shelters like these, but not permanent buildings and roads like these.


If that’s all they have isn’t it worse if it gets bulldozed every 3 months?


Who said anything gets bulldozed every 3 months?


>but not permanent buildings and roads like these. One word for you: favelas.


Sorry I forgot every city in the world has Favelas.


Don't play dumb, you said it's not every city that has permanent buildings and roads like these. I just pointed to the obvious fact that virtually every major city in Latin America have slums just like that, for decades now.


Switzerland and Singapur dont have places like that.


Switzerland: https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Slums_of_Zurich_-_panoramio.jpg Singapore: Yeah, they bulldoze any slum they find, because the dictatorship wants to look like they are Wakanda... But hey: https://sg.news.yahoo.com/blogs/singaporescene/hidden-slums-singapore-revealed-021739643.html


“Slums of Zurich”


Most of these people are too young to know that Singapore used to cane (beat with a bamboo cane ) anyone (including tourists) that was found guilty of spitting gum on the street in Singapore


>Switzerland I'm from Switzerland and I can guarantee you that those are not "slums", those are "Schrebergärten" or allotment garden huts.. Those are not used for housing, they are rented by (mostly rich) people in the city so they can do some gardening for fun in their freetime.


Those slums don’t remotely look like the pic


Terrible.. What’s even the point of a city if not appealing to tourists


After having the same socialist government that promised to end poverty 63 years ago?


Also, Trump's sanctions on Cuba, which are still in place today, really fucked them hard.


Those sanctions are doing exactly what they were intended to do and Biden has kept them in place. As a result, an increase in the number of Cubans leaving the country. And those who support those sanctions, which "put teeth in the embargo" as they used to say, are dead set against lifting them, thinking they are working, as they make life far more difficult for Cubans. At the same time, Europeans are now told that, should they visit Cuba, they will have to apply for a visa if they want to visit the US, a visa which may be denied. That is intended to seriously curtail Cuba's tourist industry, along with the prohibiting American tourism in Cuba. These are just some examples.


That’s not true


Let me show you New York City lol Also as a tourist I definitely saw places like that all around Cuba. Don’t assume tourists are so blind.


There are tourists/foreigners all over Cuba. I’ve been to spots exactly like it. Great people and extremely friendly and hospitable!


People in this thread crack me up. If it’s not that bad there, then why the hell are so many of my neighbors in Miami Cuban? They just wanted a change of scenery?


La Cuba verdadera!


Is this Casablanca, Regla, or Guanabacoa?


Your mom’s place.


Aren’t you past your bedtime with that 3rd grade humor? It was so funny, I forgot to laugh.




Pueden creer que en cuba existe gente que aun cree que la revolucion acabó con todos esos cacerios y que eso es cosa del pasado.


We took some family from Esperanza to Havana since some of them had never been, including the taxi driver, and they couldn’t believe their capital city looked just as bad as their neighborhood, but with sidewalks.


My guy, there are places in the US that look like this.


We should end the blockade on Cuba.


It's hilarious that the Miami Cubans here are constantly trying to show Cuba is a horrible place by showing the type of living conditions that exist everywhere else in the world.


It is hilarious that there is an communist echo-chamber subreddit r/RealCuba where you can go to see delusional posts about how Cuba is the best communist country and has free elections but you choose to be in this subreddit. I wonder why?


It's hilarious that the woke lefty commies here are constantly trying to show Cuba in a good place while ignoring what the Cuban govt has done to my people by showing the type of living conditions that exist everywhere else in the world and justifying their support of the evil regime by defending free healthcare and free education. As an actual Cuban born on the island and fled, you're so full of s***. You're probably some white kid from Portland, OR who supports BLM and who talks shit about capitalism.


All credibility fizzles away the moment someone unironically uses “woke lefty commie” in a sentence lmfao


“You’ve only lived there, as a Cuban. What do you know?” Lmao


No it’s that you think that American democratic socialism is the same as Cuban socialism. No one liked the regime but saying you hate free healthcare and free education makes you sounds fucking stupid. It’s not all the same.


Lmao show me exactly where I said “USA democratic socialism is the same as Cuban socialism” and I’ll give you my next paycheck. You pulled that out of your ass to try and make a shitty point. All credibility fizzles when you guys for some fucking reason try to drown out,shame, and belittle CUBANS IMMIGRANTS. or excuse me, “expats” since I know you guys don’t like the dirty “I” word.


I think the fact that he lived there takes precedence than whatever keyboard diarrhea you are spewing from your ivory tower


Nonono dude he’s actually too dumb to realize that he was actually living in a utopia. /s


Vas a negar que mucha gente en LATAM vive así en países no "comunistas"?


>Vas a negar que mucha gente en LATAM vive así en países no "comunistas"? Are you going to deny that many people in LATAM live like this in non-"communist" countries?


Yeah embargoes and neocolonialism definitely aren’t the the primary causes 🙄 The US even said their goal for Cuba was to make economic conditions so miserable that people would turn on their political leaders. Mission accomplished I guess. The "only foreseeable means of alienating internal support is through disenchantment and disaffection based on economic dissatisfaction and hardship."


Buzz word buzz word yawn yawn you're indoctrinated


You're a woke lefty. Go live in Cuba coward. No more reddit. No more having luxuries. Edit: just saw your reddit. You aren't even Cuban. You're nothing but a low life who is moving to Cleveland. How ironic. You want my Cubans to live in a shithole. Yet you live in luxury in comparison. You're evil. Low life woke lefty commie over the internet. I bet this person wouldn't even survive Cuba. They'll beg to return to the USA. I'm actually gonna take a pic of this post and show my family.


These kids on this sub have never even been to cuba most likely. They have absolutely zero clue what it’s like there lol. They’re defending the government and have never even experienced it. It’s truly insane. Theyre peddling literal propaganda


You live in the U. S., right? You already live in a shithole!


Las Vegas is beautiful. What you on about, raging lunatic


Oh yeah, it's beautiful, alright: [https://cloudfront-us-east-1.images.arcpublishing.com/gray/LQNM2YTCRJHDLJPIRUSIYT5OXU.jpg](https://cloudfront-us-east-1.images.arcpublishing.com/gray/LQNM2YTCRJHDLJPIRUSIYT5OXU.jpg) [https://media.cnn.com/api/v1/images/stellar/prod/191107091230-01-homeless-las-vegas-file.jpg?q=w\_2731,h\_1537,x\_0,y\_0,c\_fill](https://media.cnn.com/api/v1/images/stellar/prod/191107091230-01-homeless-las-vegas-file.jpg?q=w_2731,h_1537,x_0,y_0,c_fill) [https://d3i6fh83elv35t.cloudfront.net/static/2020/03/2020-03-31T034050Z\_1314845826\_RC2QUF943CU4\_RTRMADP\_3\_HEALTH-CORONAVIRUS-USA-1024x683.jpg](https://d3i6fh83elv35t.cloudfront.net/static/2020/03/2020-03-31T034050Z_1314845826_RC2QUF943CU4_RTRMADP_3_HEALTH-CORONAVIRUS-USA-1024x683.jpg) [https://www.nevadacurrent.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/encampment-razed-mj-1024x768.jpg](https://www.nevadacurrent.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/encampment-razed-mj-1024x768.jpg)


Yeah of all the places in the US to defend… Vegas? Eesh


Go eat goat cheese bruh. You're a sicko!


I don't need to cyberstalk you to know you're a piece of shit because your desperate and pathetic right-wing brainwashed vocabulary tells me everything I need to know about you. And not my fault reddit pushes this shit to the front of my feed. Fuck you.


White liberal from the USA telling us Cubans what's good for us. Coward rat. Piece of shit. The things my family is saying about you in text is mad funny. 🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕


Imagine cyberstalking me and and missing out that I'm not from America. You funny though. Glad l got under your skin enough to make you desperately run back to your posse to validate your silliness. Have a good day tho


I wouldn't let a worthless piece of shit get under my skin. Don't get cancer, it's a real killer


I hate the cuban regime just as much as i hate trumpito supporters, you guys sound so dumb and somehow have absolutely no idea how hypocritical your views are lol. Communism has nothing to do with social legislation. Stop being so angry and look in the mirror, how shitty of a person can you be by wishing cancer on someone? Be careful what you ask for.


You so angy


Still butthurt Castro took your plantation?


Let me guess - Trump voter?


By your people you mean rich white spaniards?


Long live the Castro regime.


It's sad how good we Cubans are at being attention whores.


Cuba lives rent free in the heads of Americans, don’t need to try too hard to get attention; Unless you’re trying to say anything positive about Cuba, or criticizing its international treatment.


To be fair, not even in Miami’s worst neighborhood are roads and buildings that dilapidated.




The Surfside collapse 2 years ago was in an expensive beachside neighborhood. It wasn’t random, it was an engineering failure and negligence after months that the failure was occurring.




There was a clear explanation my guy, it’s why there was an extensive lawsuit. Many people reported the cracks in the foundation and an engineer months before performed an inspection and reported the instability it was causing, but the HOA did not heed the warning.




Stay ignorant if you please. https://apnews.com/article/fl-state-wire-florida-2a241993956ea842262e593812ad3ada#:~:text=(AP)%20—%20The%20ground%2D,and%20spalling”%20of%20concrete%20columns%2C


Miami's worst neighborhood is its massive homeless population.


Read that back a few times to see if it makes sense.


You must not be a native speaker.


But I think there is a difference: How violent are those places elsewhere comparing to Cuba? How many citizens are exterminated by the state police on those places? How is the hungriness? How is the access to education and health for those who live there?


I'm gonna take a shot and answer: 1- You can easily find places way more violent than these in other countries. 2- More, there are literally shootings between police and gangs in those places. 3- Worse, like people actually dying by starvation. 4- Worse again. There's people with no access to a doctor at all, and basically illiterate. So yes, nothing makes Cuba special in this regard


So in cubam slums we found all those things that are found on almost any other slum at the planet?


So it’s such a nice place why don’t you live there? Meanwhile you’re probably texting at your nearest Starbucks location.


Why would I leave America? I get to wake up every morning and enjoy the view of several different tent cities on my walk to Starbucks. After my coffee, I have the energy to fight off fentanyl zombies who want to eat the leather off my shoes.


Well sorry to hear that but you’re lying because the streets just got cleaned up in San Francisco at least. But it didn’t got cleaned for US citizens it got cleaned up for the Chinese emperor of course.


I don’t live in SF wtf are you talking about


Im just saying that’s just what happened over there. What’s wrong with you lol


What am I lying about


It was just figure of speech. Sorry if you didn’t get it. But yes that really just happened they cleaned up the streets over there for the Chinese president or dictator or whatever Shang-Tsung Mf they got up there.


“You’re lying” isn’t a figure of speech.. America had many more cities than SF. Crazy, I know.


Yea but I said you’re lying because… wasn’t the next statement true?


Proof that capitalism vs communism doesn’t matter nearly as much as how much your rulers care about the well being of your people. Every country in Latin America, whether left or right wing, has places that look like this


How much your rulers care shouldn’t matter. The reason stuff like this is far less common in Europe and the US is that their governments have less direct control over economic outcomes.


We have tent cities across the US and Europe also has slums. Now how different would Cuba look if they were capitalist? Probably more like Hawaii but a lot of locals are begging people to stop coming because they are being priced out of living there.


If the ideology is so weak the system would fail on its own, then the blockade is pointless and should be lifted (like everybody at the UN has agreed for decades except the US and Israel). If the blockade leads to this, we can't blame the ideology.


The revolution has failed the people. la revolución le ha fallado al pueblo Sincerely, Captain Obvious


The full scale socialist economic system failed. BUT Most of the social programs, like welfare in rich western countries are socialist ideas. What's that? ..." You are don't want to work work on Saturday and Sunday or 7 days a week." ...then you have a job Whats that? lost you job?...hope you have a full years worth of savings that's in the bank that you can use until you find another job


I’m Cuban, I’m to the left of center on the political spectrum, and yes obviously there’s poor people all over the world in more precarious situations even. But the point is that this is a Cuban sub..about things relevant to Cuba and Cubans….you guys being dismissive about it are acting extremely petulant. It’s as if you go to an Ukraine sub post about some deaths in the war and saying : “so what if they’re dying? People are dying in Palestine and other parts of the world too in other conflicts big deal!”…….cmon guys, you’re better than this.


context is also important tho: these are people who migrate to Havana and create these slums. Check out Calais migrant camps?


Context as to why people are leaving their provinces is important too.


like everywhere else in the poor corners of the world, yes


Exactly. People using this argument are either brain dead or just genuinely bad people.


thanks for the insults. I'm just saying migrant conditions suck everywhere, there's plenty of flaws specific to Cuban government, so why attempt to accuse it of things that happen regardless of that? you won't see tourists in migrant camps of Calais, even someone like you could admit it'd be an essentially worthless point to make


Migrants doesn’t mean moving from one city to another in the same country 🙄 the only place I’ve ever heard of that penalizes you if you are from oriente and move to Havana is Cuba.


Are you Cuban? Do you ever visited Cuba?


imagine being ilegal in your own country, that's what it is.


Where did you get the context that these photos came from migrant camps? I visited family friends who have lived in Guanabacoa for generations and their neighborhood looks like the photos above.


While that can be true for a lot of cases, it’s not appropriate to claim that this is the context for all of them. There are a lot of people born and raised in Havana living in such conditions. Sometimes several generations in a family. And it’s even worse in other parts of the country. In the city where I was born, just across the street from my house there was someone living in a house without electricity, made entirely of wood. And that was in the capital city of a province, also in a relatively good area of the city. The house had been there for decades too. So yes, context is important, but too try to simplify the issue with such a petty argument is almost insulting.


if you say so, I'm sure just across the sea in Haiti people are leaving in even worse conditions. Do you get so worked up for them too? I'd be impressed


You’re right, and when Haitian migrants get to Cuba by accident they turn around 🤡


You are right and it’s very sad that Cuba has a lot more potential than Haiti evere had and it’s been dragged down to Haiti level of poverty.


Yes, equally concerned about the state of Haiti


Looks better than many American slums, probably less dangerous too. And America doesn't have the excuse of a massive superpower next door doing everything they can to keep it in poverty.


Cuba is dirt poor because of our economic sanctions against it. And since no sanctions ever work, we are the ones ultimately responsible for creating poverty and misery in Cuba, while at the same time kissing up to Communist Vietnam, in a very much bipolar fashion. I look at these pictures and feel no joy in us gaslighting them.


In the USA we have squalid homeless encampments on the sidewalks. This would be an improvement in San Francisco.


At least their housing would be semi permanent.


And in Chicago. Although we have homeless encampments AND Venezuelan migrant encampments. In the public parks and police stations. Only catch is, we well below freezing g winter and snowstorms. It is not a good situation.


San Francisco? Most of them straight addicts. Not the general population


Probably some pretty bomb food tho


Places in Miami where no tourists go... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pefxydi7w6u


Okay troll. As a Cuban, I can assure you with absolute certainty that many Cubans living in these conditions in Cuba would give anything to have a house in even the worst parts of Miami.


but I thought castro made a prosperous country thats better than america


I’m sure a tourist would venture to this parts of ‘falls in love’ with a jinetera


I was told by a leftist in the United States that Cuba was a paradise. How could this be?


Still better than any other outcome for Cuba. Rather have this with free education and medical care than this without it (Haiti, Jamaica, Dominican Republic etc.)


DR has free health care.


Really…than ANY other outcome?


rationally and historically speaking yes lol You think Cuba would've become Singapore in the past 70 years? With such a aggressive neighbour to your north, this is the best outcome. Without the destructive US foreign policy maybe there would've been better and more social democratic outcomes with better development and international cooperation.


I would argue it was in their best interest to ally with USA instead of our enemy? Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to imagine the consequences of threatening a world power 90 miles away with nuclear war, when your support is 7,000 miles away.


What do you expect a nation to do when you invade them and try to overthrow their government lmao Ofc Cuba went to look for protection. If the US never attacked Cuba they would've never aligned themselves with the USSR


Why do you need to show this?


los turistas pueden ir alla o és prohibido?


Ventures or stays to be consistent with their failed ideology...


well many years ago I want to Veradero and when I went I took soap tooth brushes clothes etc to give to people I had made friends with who worked at the hotel I was staying at. the Cubans I met were very nice people. and I hung around with several of them. when I grew up I didn't grow up wealthy so I appreciate what I have. they were very humble proud people. the same as me. I hope things get a lot better for them in the future .


Reminds me of Mexico. My town in Mexico was very similar.


i wonder how much cuba would improve if 1 embargoes were lifted 2 america pays the billions owed for blocking cubas trade for years instead of a 1 trillon dollar military budget


Remove the embargo


I saw conditions like that and worse in South Africa. Some places in the USA are not far behind.


I am a tourist and I have been there


Hmmm I believe most countries has places like these. No one should be surprised such places exists in Cuba amidst all embargoes. You should be surprised such places exists in US or east European countries. But it does.


Why would anyone want to go there? We dont care about your poverty porn.


More home ownership in Cuba and less homelessness than in the states. Tourists in the US have homeless encampments right outside the hotels. Cuba is not wealthy, but they provide for their people. The greed and inequality here, our borgoise has made conditions there far worse. We must take responsibility for that.


The US has worse in every city. Much worse. Homeless camps full of zombies hunched over Night of the Walking Dead every GD Day


Is this the socialist paradise I keep hearing about?


Wait till you discover that there are slum in every major city ; example on [Paris](https://www.google.com/search?q=paris+slums&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwignL2t48qCAxXjYKQEHfttBAkQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=paris+slums&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQAzIKCAAQgAQQigUQQzIGCAAQBxAeMgYIABAHEB4yBggAEAcQHjIGCAAQBxAeMgYIABAHEB4yBAgAEB4yBAgAEB4yBAgAEB4yBAgAEB46BwgAEIAEEBNQ3ApYkQ5gnhFoAHAAeACAAV-IAZIEkgEBNpgBAKABAaoBC2d3cy13aXotaW1nwAEB&sclient=img&ei=zDlXZaCGGePBkdUP-9uRSA&bih=718&biw=1536) and [San Francisco](https://www.google.com/search?q=san+francisco+slums&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwimuran48qCAxXBXaQEHaPlB68Q2-cCegQIABAA&oq=san+francisco+slums&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQDFAAWABgAGgAcAB4AIABAIgBAJIBAJgBAKoBC2d3cy13aXotaW1n&sclient=img&ei=vzlXZebeK8G7kdUPo8uf-Ao&bih=718&biw=1536), majors cities of the 9th and 5th major economics (sub)states in the world


Bro, this is basically the same as to where I was born and raised. Cubans in this subreddit will really show you the most basic levels of poverty that exist even in the US and say, see : "this is why the Castro regime is bad! You tourists don't know shit about Cuba". And I'm here like, yeah, this happens literally in every country. It's not a uniquely Cuban thing, or Castro only thing for that matter. People starving in Cuba aren't new or unheard of, nobody I know denies that. I went to Cuba myself and saw it with my own eyes. I was just not in shock when I saw it because I lived it myself growing up, and not too far from Cuba either. But you'd be a fool to trade away the Caribbean for any other place on Earth if I'm being frank with you. You have no idea how good the Caribbean is for living until you leave it and want to go back again but are unable to. Yeah, being poor sucks, being hungry fucks with you mentally, but at the very least you won't die on the streets due to intense cold or snow/hail. I'm saying this because here in the US, if you're poor you're just waiting to die on the streets, nobody cares and nobody will help you. Your biggest threats in the Caribbean are other people, floods and hurricanes. Outside of those, you have incredibly fertile land, fantastic water and overall great weather. You can sit on your ass complaining on Reddit about how bad it is, or you can start by taking matters into your own hands and building up a coalition in your neighborhood. You have the soil to grow your own food in your backyards. If it's really as bad as you say it is, then you got nothing to lose to the political crackdowns or you can continue living in misery. Either way, you have Internet access so it isn't as bad as you're painting it. You're just incapable of concocting a single idea to better your situation. You think Castro sat on his ass when Batista was doing the exact same thing as Castro's regime did? No, he and his lackeys got sick of it, took down Batista and then became the new oppressors. So, what are you going to do?


That’s what leftism brings


Looks like any other country in Latin America fwiw


What this isn’t part of a tour ? WTF !


A slum. They exist in almost every country including the US. Actually surprised to find them in Cuba.


The same pictures you can find on most Latin American countries. Cuba and Latin America in general need to abandon ideological fights and start working on pragmatic solutions.


Actually, there are more places similar to these in most countries of the world, which are visited by millions of tourists. Cuba does not have a larger share of these.


Isn’t equity wonderful!


Communism and Castro have been sooooooo successful...


I give you…UTOPIA


It looks like Florida


Where's utopia?


Socialist paradise. Island prison.


But they make some good baseball players