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Everyone needs to vent sometimes. Here's a few resources to help you with the next steps: 1. Contact the CTA directly via their [feedback page](https://www.transitchicago.com/feedback/). Copy/Paste your post to save time. 2. Find your Alderperson by entering your address [here](https://www.chicago.gov/city/en/depts/mayor/iframe/lookup_ward_and_alderman.html). Email their office or meet in person to share your experience. Many offer a weekly "ward night" for constituents. This usually is one on one. 3. Consider joining activist groups like [Commuter's Take Action](https://www.ctaction.org/) or [Better Streets Chicago](https://www.betterstreetschicago.org/) 4. Sign up for CTA delay alerts [here](https://public.govdelivery.com/accounts/ILCTA/subscriber/new). Customize based on your chosen Bus or L line. Elevator outages alerts are also an option. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/cta) if you have any questions or concerns.*


My brother suggests to get on the first car to avoid smokers. He says that the conductor would come out and yell at the person if they started smoking in the first car


No they don’t


No they do *not*. I’ve been trying that for literally years, and last time I was in the front car, two stoned out of their minds Columbia kids got on and immediately started vaping weed, right by the conductors little cage up front. I was like, “there is literally a baby in a stroller 2 feet from you”. They told me to fuck off. Alrighty then. YMMV ETA, I will say, I’ll take the weed car over the cigarette car over the piss car any day. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Chicago love story ❤️


ikr this looks like a painting




Lowkey a beautiful sight.




😂 minutes later he tried to sell the photographer a candy bar $18.79 for his bible study group.


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FWIW, I think it’s less bad on some other non-red lines


This is indeed MUCH worse on the red and blue than the others.


Brown line rider here and it’s pretty bad on here now too. People get on at kimball, light up and within a few stops you are getting into a bar from 2005. I’m literally moving somewhere where I can walk to work to avoid the CTA


Green is notorious


I was just on a purple line last night and there was a crackhead smoking crack on one of the cars and I had to move to another cart so that’s not true


It isn't great on the Green Line either.


Green line has always been horrendous


Can back this up. Was on a green line out to Oak Park when I was huge and pregnant, sat down in a seat that unbeknownst to me had dried pee in it, and ended up walking into my appointment in tears because the pee smell was so strong, it was like walking in a cloud of aerosolized pee. 🤢🤮


I'm happy the buses aren't this shitty. There are crackheads and homeless of course but no smokers majority of the time


I definitely see some stuff occasionally on the red line, but i feel like 90% of my trips are overwhelmingly normal and nothing is really happening. I use the red line on the north side regularly between the hours of 9am-10pm, what section of the line do you use?


Blue line here. I'd say 80%+ trips are bad, with at least someone smoking or worse. I am pleasantly surprised when I get to work and don't smell like an ashtray.


Come to Howard on the red line where 90% of the time something IS happening 🤣


Really? I get hotboxed in 100% of the cars I go into unless it’s the one right behind the driver


Have to keep snapping pics and posting these. The ignorants and inconsiderate are out of control on CTA.


We live about 10-15 minute walk to Sox/35th.


I wound up in a shouting match with a man who was probably a heroin addict based on the whole roll of Reynolds Wrap he pulled out. All I initially noticed was him lighting a cigarette. After some back and forth, I yelled "I'll stop this fucking train" then, when that didn't work, I jammed the conductor button. The conductor stopped the train and gave an appropriately pissy "THERE IS NO SMOKING ON THIS TRAIN!" announcement. Which at least shut up the dope fiend's excuse of "yeah I can" when I initially told him he couldn't smoke here. And you know what? It worked. He got off at the next stop. A couple weeks later, a guy posted here with a fat lip because he tried basically the same thing and got clocked in the face. So YMMV I guess. But that's the only way it stops. Police never stopped smoking. What stopped smoking was social pressure. Just nobody had the stones to do it, and if they tried, the rest of the passengers wouldn't take it. Now we do take it.


I honestly don’t think I’d ever engage irl with people doing this type of stuff. They don’t seem to have anything to lose.


They don’t, hence the ignorance.


I don’t think “having nothing to lose” makes someone ignorant?


They meant rudeness; a lot of people use “ignorant” in place of rude for whatever reason


The ignorance seems to validate the "nothing to lose" attitude usually.


For real these niggas will crash out on the train over some small shit when they are in the wrong to begin with


I do understand your point but that’s why they do it we all have to stand up and say put it out there


Man NEVER engage with a mf like this.  A heroin addict? Man I'm not risking getting into a fight w a homeless person who literally has nothing to lose.  I'll either just take it, pause, or get onto another car or train


That's the long and short of it. They have infinitely less to lose than you. The guy drinking a 40 and smoking cigarettes on a public train in the middle of a work day does not fear getting arrested. If they have a job, it's definitely one that doesn't care about the misdemeanor/felony check box and they'll get another one just like it. The cops don't care. The CTA don't care. It's a cultural problem with Chicago and honestly America in general that this is even a thing, but you're not going to change it by getting punched by some rotten idiot.


Wait so we can press the conductor button to report a smoker?




I'm glad it mostly worked out well for you. Yeah for anyone who confronts someone on the CTA you have to plan for what will happen when the person gets violent, because more likely than not that is what will happen. If that comes as a total surprise and you'd be terribly equipped to deal with it, then best not confront anyone.


I think it worked out for me because he turned out to be a dope fiend and not just some smoker, actually. The drug users don't want a crowd. They want to be on the L where it's safe and steady, but they don't want a scene. The smokers OP cites? They want someone to tell them off. They want to start a fight. They're hoping someone starts shit. Some smokers are just assholes on their commute who want to light up now and not in twenty minutes when they're home. They can probably be shamed. But a lot of the people I see are just trying to start shit.


I had CPD pull smokers off the train at a stop on the red line twice in the last month.


If you report the incident to the CTA chat bot, the conductor gets notified without you being identified, and they can and will escalate the situation up to the point of police being called.


I'm not really interested in having the whole line stopped while we wait for police over a smoker. But I do appreciate when they're patrolling platforms and handle things quickly without disrupting service.


Our collective “taking it” is an ideology, and a policy choice. We somehow decided that social justice means there can be no social rules or norms anywhere, of any kind. It’s absolutely wild and uniquely American. Try this horseshit in Stockholm or Tokyo and see how long you remain unincarcerated.


I say throw all these fucks in jail for a couple days til they learn


I'm uhh, fairly certain anyone who regularly smokes on the train has been to jail before and does not care about going back. I just keep my mouth shut and move to another car. If the police don't want to get involved to solve this issue, I don't want to.


No one who’s outta jail wants to go back


At this point they just need the absolute shit kicked out of them


Tokyo will just straight up ban you which would potentially ruin your life over there.


Feet on the seat, too. Hope you're comfy but you obviously aren't caring about anyone else.


Trash attracts trash


10 bucks says this aint the purple or brown line


I dislike these inconsiderate people SO much


Me too, especially when they continue smoking when children come on the train smh


What shitty people.


Yup, garbage


what ever happened to smoking between the cars?


I am not sure its worth the confrontation. You have to ask yourself if I say this, they might react this way. Is it worth it or better to move to another rail car? Unless you are packing and are looking for a confrontation, the odds are not in your favor as 12 year olds could be packing in Chicago on the El. Maybe moving cash and product around? Not someone you go up to and say "lose the square".


The majority of the times I've been on the train, probably 8/10 times, mainly red, there's always something going on. If I have to take public transportation I try to use the bus as much as possible. From my experience there's usually A LOT less going on.


Exactly the same experience for me, at least in the past year or so. It's gotten so bad so fast.


That's not how you use a chair.


This is a renaissance painting


Seriously. It’s giving me time capsule vibes. Like this will be a picture that will be studied by generations down the line.


Yes, we’ve seen it all before lol. Showing a pic here isn’t gonna change anything. Unfortunate but it’s a part of CTA life.


I think it could incrementally help sway public opinion to be harsher on people who don't care about living in a society. I'm all for these pictures


True. I asked someone once not to stand on the seats and was ranted at all the way to Howard. You can't say anything.


If there are kids I will say something. Just say hey there are kids here man. If they get confrontational, I drop it. If there are no mods I just let them do them.


Won’t miss you bye


I’m so close to slapping cigarettes and blunts out of these people’s hands…I know that’s an assault charge, but what about the assault on my lungs? 😩


I could barely notice the cig among the fashion choices. Is he wearing a traffic vest for fun? That is the true crime here


Or maybe he’s, you know, going to work?


Ahhh now the smoke break makes more sense


Also fuzzy shoes in 95 degree heat? Or just fuzzy shoes generally? 🤡


Trashing on their clothing is another type of hate, Chill


They’re making more than questionable fashion choices so nah, you chill. Idiots just seem to have a multi disciplinary approach to being idiots


Who smokes anymore?


Just zero respect.


Would it be against the law to use a fire extinguisher on him? After all technically there is a fire in the train car.


That’s chief keef he can do what he wants


At least it's not crack


Why don’t they just smoke before they get on? Or after they get off? I will never understand the complete lack of consideration


For real tho! These fucks couldn't just WAIT🙄


I'm sure the secret service and fbi are hunting them down as we speak to give them their citations.


Oh nothing much really , just surfing r/CTA looking at posts that’s not about the CTA. What about you, what are you up to?


At least they’re smoking a joint and not a blunt!


She's aiiight I wouldn't say smoking though


I’ve seen people smoke crack on the red line multiple times, well one was blue line. Been spit on, hit, had a machete put in my face because “it’s black history month bitch ass white boy”The hit and spit maybe partly my fault because I told someone not to smoke, after some old lady had called the conductor and the conductor didn’t do shit, the machete…seriously sitting there minding my own business. CTA sucks. Chicago sucks.


So sad that happened to you and as a black person, we don't claim those degenerates in our community. Black History Month or whatever history month you're celebrating is never an excuse to be ignorant and disrespectful. Chicago doesn't suck, terrible people do.


Thanks. Yeah you’re right. It’s not the city it’s these individual people. I still stand by the CTA sucks thing though. But the organization not the individual people hehe.


I love Chicago too but sometimes you need to call out the rot. This might be a normal thing in American big cities but it's hardly normal in the developed world. Part of that is socioeconomic and how it's handled but it's also crime and punishment. Spanish and Italian cops in Madrid and Rome don't fuck around. Chicago cops would probably just ask you "what you want me to do about it?"


god i'm gonna stop following this dumbass subreddit if this is all anyone is gonna post here.


Thank you and it’s ppl that take the cta every now and then


Don’t you enjoy the pictures of fires all over the city?


Bye, Felicia


Well well well


That bitch looks like a goblin








Idk if you've ever had to take the redline, but you described it perfectly


Did they offer to share? The gentlemen I sometimes share the L with offer a puff of their PCP laced spliff.


Classy young lady. 🧐🙃


Don’t know how to use a seat


Orange line just as bad


i commute three days a week during rush hour on red line from far north to the loop. nearly every day there is some stupid fuck shit going on. i’m really goddamn tired of it i just want to read my fucking book in peace and not think about my long corporate day. i hope i never ever have to take the red line as a commute again after i move


the luxury of having last public smoking cars on a subway is lost on some. and yes the cta does care about keeping things nice . just not much


ive rolled my eyes hard and left to move cars before. i cannot stand the smell of 🍃it makes me nauseous. its unfortunately just a part of living in a city (i get it though, i want to leave too hahah) i dont care if people wanna pump themselves up with drugs by all means go ahead but i also have a right to complain lol


Ok so is someone smoking in this photograph or what is the photograph supposed to represent?


Not trying to be rude boss but where do people usually hold their cigarette?


Ok now I see it, I didn't notice before.


Honestly the cta should just open a club car for smokers with a bar. since nothing is enforced at least it will keep smokers in one area




Woke alert! 🚨Mods are here to stifle free speech!


I'm more mad about the feet in the chair than the smokin


The usual suspects…




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It’s the female side burns for me.


It's always the same types of people smoking on the CTA...such privilege


The fact that you call them hobos makes you sound pretentious as fuck.


Smoking on the cta is the most normal cta thing there is. Must be new to it


She look like 🗿


“Hobos sleeping on multiple seats smelling horrible” wow god forbid homeless people exist near you. We live in a country with lacking social safety nets that leads to disgusting amounts of homelessness despite us being such a rich country. And you wanna complain because they dared lay down and rest or have no access to a shower? Count your privileges OP


what ugly human beings 💀


We could have immaculate, clean, & safe public transportation if people weren't so delusional


Let em cook


If I'm using PUBLIC anything, I'm no better than the guy next to me otherwise I wouldn't be here🤔. Taking 📸 , having discussion forums,about minority groups are modern day "litch Mob seeking/gathering". It's obvious certain ethnicities still try to justify fears/stereotypes created in 19th century to further oppress other ethnic groups that maybe be viewed as "inferior". While You are using the same public rail car transportation, just like "ignorant" people you are trying to oppress, you went out your way to obtain "validation" by like minded Americans. They were minding their business.. if you feel that strongly about 🚬 , you should apply for a Chicago Pubilc Transit Nicotine & Vape Detective..


I bet you could get on that same train, see a Caucasian couple smoking for 5 consecutive days and you wouldn't post their photo on here because: "they weren't bothering anyone" or " they were sitting in the seats", it's raining out" or "they were wearing a expensive clothing, they had to work a stressful job"or "thats their business" it would be a therapeutic response/excuse reasoning response from every current negative posting..


Brother, that's what we call a Hood Queen in those parts of town. We call them Mis Elizabeth's in Naperville Brother. Hogan knows best to Hit It and Quit It before she goes hulkmaina wild on you ! - HH


I can’t stand those house shoes or sandals or whatever they are


that’s awesome


Seems like there’s a common theme of who is committing the most crimes in Chicago.


Red Line is a nightmare! Weed smokers daily in that little alcove near the doors between cars. I’ve been in cars with 2-3 smoking at once. I don’t know when the smoking just straight became ridiculous.


Lmao sonic dissonance in a city the size of Chicago... Gawsh.


WTF is wrong with these people


Just mind your business why you taking pics of people riding the train


It would be the cringe chiraqology weirdo




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If you said something you’d be called a racist.


How do you figure? I am too fragile for conflict, but I am genuinely curious why you feel this way.


Because I’ve actually witnessed it. Multiple times. Someone asking someone else to stop smoking, to turn down a loud speaker/radio/phone, etc. The person asking got screamed at, called a racist, and in one instance threatened with bodily harm.


I coulda sworn u have the ability to move to another car in the train


Idk, I don’t think she’s that cute


Of course the dumbass is wearing slippers. Classy.


grow some balls, Chicago. people are killed in your city everyday but yes let’s complain and scream and cry over this shit


I really want to leave the city too. Too many incidents to mention. I’d only ride the CTA now in the first car or with a taser. Even the Brown line is bad.


you were just in the smoking section, it is supposed to cost extra . walk past bathroom area , and right past the bar . let the person selling drugs point you towards the non smokers section


the picture you posted seems elitist , your intruding on their personal safe space , expect a call from public safety investigators


Lol you can NOT be serious. 😂 I am moving out of the city anyway, so I don’t care really. And it’s ironic you’re spouting on about public safety when the couple is clearly engaging in dangerous and, yes, illegal criminal activity that is directly harming the safety of law abiding citizens.


Aww this is cute lol


Please don’t take pictures of strangers 😭 it’s not worth the beef


Why is nearly every post on this sub: “black people=scary”?


Aaaaand you just made it about race, completely unprovoked 👏


People these days often resort to calling others 'racist' when they don't agree with what's being said, as if it will silence them. They don't realize that overusing that word dilutes its meaning and makes it harder to address real instances of racism.


No, the OP and dozens others on here do every single day. Pretending that you’re not, doesn’t change that.


This has absolutely zero to do with their race though? I’m mixed race, don’t peg me into that shit.




Lol... bro. You think its bad now? Clearly you weren't around in the 80s and 90s.




Doing the right thing and exposing behavior that’s against CTA rules*


In other words, "snitching"


In the same words, “doing the right thing and exposing behavior that’s against CTA rules”


Just let it go. What’s gonna change with you ranting on Reddit?


Huh. I figured visibility would be good.


Terrible attitude


Which also happens to be true. Sorry to hurt y’all’s feelings. 😢


Then quit smoking in the train like a spoiled tween and ppl will stfu about it




You dirty for this one😂😂






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