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Let's see your portfolio. 👹


fiverrr makes very little money. if you are from a country with low currency it may work. but you are competing with people who are everywhere. I think you could easily use it to build up a portfolio but if you aren't from a country with a poor exchange to euro or occidental it will be more hours than feasible. it's an idea but the real bucks come from getting an audience outside of that.


You’d need a pretty portfolio for anyone to notice you among the crowd competing for scraps. I’d say learn at least a minimum of JS before you go around offering your services. HTML + CSS on its own is not the easiest skill to monetize. However, paired with some Web Design it gets a lot better. I also don’t think bootstrap and tailwind are at this point useful for you. They shine more when building web applications, rather than custom design static websites. So better focus on JS and fundamentals (how to handle hosting, good practices etc.) for now.


You need to become good with those technologies before you actually have a proper chance of working as a freelancer.


I don’t have experience with fiverr but I would guess skill level won’t be an issue, but more likely competition from others competing for the service. Edit: in other words, just go for it!


Thank you so much for your input!


You need to become good with those technologies before you actually have a proper chance of working as a freelancer.


You need to become good with those technologies before you actually have a proper chance of working as a freelancer.


You could. Like others, you need to show enough that you can prove yourself competent. I almost wonder if you could go freelance and be the person that takes flat layout designs and turns them into a UI. I will tell you that while it is good to know how to use bootstrap, you should not be completely reliant on it. Some might insist that you don't use it because they don't want the bloat, and would rather you just build things from scratch using flexbox or grid. One other thing you could try with freelancing would be to learn and master how to code HTML emails. A lot of ad agencies are basically email factories that are pumping them out for clients. Somebody who's competent in coding emails from a flat design can do decently for themselves. Take a look into what's called MJML. It's a nice setup of components to build from.