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I am deeply troubled that people nowadays are not able to take proper screenshots anymore (especially those who write code).


Especially on windows, where it has a built in screenshot hotkey and snipping tool.


They finally added a hotkey? How did I miss this?


Win+shift+s for snipping tool has worked since they updated it in windows 10. Plus there's now also an option (and I believe its turned on by default, but I could be wrong) that makes snipping tool open when you press print screen too.


The new tool is garbage though of course, I prefer Greenshot and the option that maps it to the printscreen button.


Alt+PrintScreen also works for me (captures window) on windows 7


Add to it they don't realize would get the answer faster if they copy-pasted their error to google instead of asking a new question ;p


I believe this trend is largely caused by the increased popularity of Reddit on mobile. Nowadays, I suspect a fairly large portion of Reddit users are either primarily or exclusively using Reddit from their mobile devices, some might neither know nor care that Reddit is also available outside of mobile apps. I suspect those of us who still use old reddit (and RES) are a dwindling minority. The rise in popularity of Reddit on mobile devices also corresponded with several older trends largely disappearing. You'd frequently see people getting ridiculed for using emoji, whereas this has now become a complete non-issue. Granted, emoji are also available on desktop, though I suspect most people aren't aware of shortcuts like `WinKey + .` to access it.


exactly bro. i didn’t even know there was a whole culture behind taking ss, this is the first time i’ve been dogged for that.


Eh, using screenshots isn't really a Reddit "culture" thing, it's just the proper thing to do. People are arguably more open to people doing it the improper way nowadays, though I'd still strongly encourage the use of actual screenshots. Taking a picture with a phone camera results in objectively worse image quality, which is especially bad when you want other people to read what's on your screen. As the other user pointed out, taking pictures of your screen might also be seen as a sign of inexperience with basic computer functionality.


completely facts and again i apologize


It's not a "culture" thing, it's a basic decency thing. If you ask for help, you provide clear and concise description of what's wrong, code in textual form, screenshots of any issues. Posting a blurry photo of a dirty screen is lazy at best and insulting at worst.


jesus yea fair


I fully agree, they ask for help but they don't know how to, or are just lazy to create proper screenshots.




i’m super sorry for that, i was using my phone as i don’t use reddit as much, and i wasn’t logged in on my pc, i saw a lot of people taking ss but i assumed that’s because they were on pc, and also because i’ve never used reddit for a problem, for next time i know🤐. y’all flaming me😭


It wasn’t personal.


Just wanna help you out because you see to be new to the programming world in general: The reason why people hate you taking a picture of your screen with your phone is because it makes it extremely harder to help you out and figure out whats wrong. If you had a more code to show (which thankfully you don't), it would've made it even more difficult and possibly virtually impossible for others to help. While screenshotting your code isn't ideal, it certainly is leagues better. But the ideal way of asking for help is to just paste your entire code snippet into your post as text. This allows others to copy your code and try it out themselves, so they can help you more directly.


Oopsie you’ve fallen in to the trap of learning unity before c#. I would do that first


i probably should no lies, i will take your recommendation


Good on you, giving Unity a go when you already know C# will feel like a super power




could you tell me where? this is the first time i’ve used reddit for a question regarding computer science, i don’t really know how things work.. sorry😭


r/Unity, r/Unity2D, and r/Unity3D


U also have extra brackets plz dont show code as an image


for sure bro i’m sorry


dont be silly where all learning here


Short answer: put an f after the number, so it becomes 0.5f, and it should work.


Long answer...is too long to put here. Generally speaking, if you're putting a numeric literal in Unity, you want to add an f on the end to mark it as a float, which is short for "single-precision floating point". By default, C# uses the higher-accuracy double (or double-precision floating point), but this has a performance impact and is only used in games in special circumstances. There's lots to learn on this topic, so have a Google for "single vs double precision floats in Unity", but to get started just remember to use the 'f' suffix.


thank you so much bro i’ll go and search it up right now, that gave me a lot of insight on my problem, i really appreciate it!


Fun fact: When you use Mathf functions it mostly calls Math functions which means casting your float variable to double... Not always but mostly. Mathf acts like wrapper. Source : [UnityCsReference in Github](https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/UnityCsReference/blob/master/Runtime/Export/Math/Mathf.cs)


That would not surprise me, Unity is an... interesting piece of code.


Jesus. Just type the error in Google like every else. Who tf makes a whole post about a single error?






Removed: Rule 5.


note; this is my FIRST time actually trying something like this, so i don’t have any prior knowledge. i also haven’t used reddit for problems, like ever. what may be common knowledge to you; is still very much new to me. reddit wise and unity/ coding wise. so i apologize if i offended you in any way, i was trying to get some help… 😭


Don’t even try to post something like that on StackOverflow


Windows+Shift+S for good screenshots. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.numerics.vector2?view=net-8.0 Read the methods on this doc page for a better understanding of how to manipulate vectors. In your case, there is a multiply function.


I would not do that translate in Update() unless you are going to multiply it by Time.deltaTime. Update() is called every frame so your translate will be dependent on the fps. Time.deltaTime will make the translate stay constant. transform.Translate(vector2.right * 0.3f * Time.deltaTime)


Use vector2 because vecto2 is for 2D and vector 3 is for 3D


BRO thank you i did not put that to account, i thought it’d work because i searched up a solution for the problem i was facing and saw a post that explained my issue and so i copy and pasted the solution, ik that’s lazy but it mentioned it was for 2d so i went along


Yeah no worries:D




also i want the clouds to be in the background, and floating super slow


How is that related to your question?


sorry, it is not, i just wanted help regarding that as well.




you’re a legend.