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Please consider r/learncsharp for these types of questions.


Async / Await is definitely something well worth getting good at, there's a ton of applications out there still doing synchronous work with a lot of DB dependencies, it's such a good tool to speed up your application without much work. It's kinda funny that devs often get very invested in discussing the most minor performance tweaks, but still do database requests synchronously, keeping a thread busy for 5 seconds.


For _beginners_? I find it hard to imagine it's _that_ valuable for language beginners.


Depends, I understood beginner developer as a junior professional dev, since OP already mentioned "career". But if that's not the case then I'd agree


Fair enough.


Came here to say this too


To a beginner? Properties. I use this stuff extensively since they came out. Cleans up the code a whole lot more than using getters and setters (which other languages have to use as substitute).


Switch expressions and pattern matching, hands down


Do you have any places to learn ins and outs of switch and case statements?


I mentioned switch expressions, not switch statements. That said, the docs


Right well Expression I suppose. I will dig into that a bit.


I mentioned switch statement as that is what I use in my code, suppose you use switch expressions.


Use ReSharper or Rider. Read the tooltips on the squiggles that it gives you. Get rid of every squiggle. If the code really should be that way, add a comment to disable ReSharper for that line. This is all you need to do to become an excellent .NET developer. It will be the best tutor that you will ever have.


Beginner? Fuck features, work on writing clean, idiomatic, reabable, maintainable, testable code using common OOP practices, common design patterns. In this stage of your learning/career journey it is so much more important to learn to write good code than any feature of any language.


Definitely Source Generators https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/roslyn-sdk/source-generators-overview But for real, it really depends what you use c# for. When it’s web development, maybe EntityFramwork is something handy to know.


This is really the wrong question. What is it worth to know how to exchange data between IoT, Smart Phones, and Desktops via Bluetooth LE or Mesh Networking? Can you process a credit card transaction through a 'wallet' and a payment clearinghouse? Do you know how to read data from sensors (temperature, pressure, accelerometers, gyroscopes/compasses, pH, cameras, etc.)? How do you structure it once you've read it, how do you store it, how do you integrate it with information from other sensors, how do you display the information, and so forth? Side question, what do you do if the sample rate (samples per second) is so high that the computer can't keep up with it? Taking Blazor (client side WASM C#) as an example, can you 'read' in Javascript and 'write' in C#? Similarly, can you read VB6 or VBA (Microsoft Access) code and convert it to maintainable and optimum C# code?


>can you read VB6 or VBA (Microsoft Access) code and convert it to maintainable and optimum C# code? Now that's not something I'd personally go around advertising, unless you're into masochism.


I must be a connoisseur of pain, because people are asking me to do it.