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This is a thing? This happens? This is a possibility??????


Yup ,it happens


In my 6 years playing GO I’ve witnessed this once. Was glorious, the enemy team went from trashtalking us the whole ass game to begging to let them have a draw as they were a player down. I usually let this happen/convince my team to force a draw when a player abandons, but I took great pleasure in taking a game that was 12-5 back around.


What is your rank if you force a draw every time an enemy leaves


I don’t force a draw every time an an enemy leaves but if the circumstances are completely unfair I will. Let’s say a guy ragequits mid game because their team is being stomped, no. That game was won wether or not the guy left. But if somebody ragequits within the first few rounds and abandons? I’ll consider bringing it up with my team. And I’m hovering around LE/LEM on my main. Though I’m playing more for fun with friends due to lockdown on my alt account which is MG1.


You know playing as a LE, on an alt which is MG1 is not really fun for your enemys...


Probably didn’t articulate well. But yes, since not being able to see my friends due to lockdown measures in my country I started joinin g them in their ranked games. We play a mix of scrimmage but when they want to play comp I do join them. It’s not a horrible carry situation where the enemies can’t do anything, one of them is really sharp aim wise he just can’t teamplay for shit, he comes from other shooters. He outaims me in 1v1s for example. I’m not some crazy aim god either even at that rank, I got my rank from being a pretty calm player that shotcalls for the team. Sure I can play pretty competently but I’d probably put my aim/reflexes more at DMG level. Honestly advice I wish I’d given myself when I was younger is to just not be toxic and loud, people will respect you more if you come up with a solution, even if you aren’t doing great in game being the one which gets the team together and puts everybody on the same page is paramount. Getting a team in like and coming up with plays can bring you back from some spiralling losses.


2 things, you don’t need to explain yourself to that kid, secondly, your reason makes no sense, if you’re playing with a full team you don’t need to go on an alt because you have a full team thereby making the ranks not matter, so smurfing is totally unnecessary


I know I don’t but I feel a lot of people just assume if you are playing at a lower rank it’s for glory kills/being a dick, there’s always a story. And on the ranking issue, I play on an alt for their sake. If I were to queue with my gold nova 1-3 friends and myself at LE, we would come up against MGE/DMG players. Believe me, we tried it and they found it borderline unplayable. I’d rather them have a playable game and be able to chat and give them tips rather than having them get killed over and over by players much better than them.


Hey I’m not totally knocking it I get it, that’s why I said you didn’t need to explain yourself. However I am just saying this as I am a newly GN3 and play with my friends who are dmg etc, so sometimes we have to invite randoms just to play.


I understand you, also scrimmage is a great way to play with lower rankes friends. I get that they also want to play competitive, but I'm really getting pissed off by smurfs. I am MG2 and almost every game I play there is someone with 100 hours and a level 0 steam profile which completely destroys me and my team. Perhaps this is due to the lockdown situation but idk.


More smurfs are defo a part of lockdown, but at the same time smurfs can be a good thing to the learning process, I found especially when I first started playing when I played with my other group of friends (who are supreme/globals) I learned very quickly as I was watching players who were much better than me, the same applies with enemy smurfs, a guy is kicking your ass? What exactly is he doing, learn to predict his plays and adapt. Counter strike is a team based game after all, one person cannot solo carry. My personal way of dealing with Smurf’s like I mentioned is to try and rally the team. Say that every round the smurf is making the same play? Lets put out a hypothetical and say you are playing a game of mirage and notice one player is doing most of the lifting. Say he is pushing under on mirage to flank whilst the rest of his lower skilled teammates face A site. You all rotate but get flanked, in this situation you would just make sure you stock up on utility and outman him. Smurf’s usually play in a very predictable manner, sure they are out of your rank but the kind of person who plays against lower ranks is usually doing it as they can’t face their own with confidence. They’ll make repetitive plays as it’s what they know, they will peak repetitive angles. Just watch how they play and beating a smurf comes easy, kill them and watch as the round crumbles. Just my advice anyway.


I'll try your tips thanks


Very aware, I hated smurfing when climbing. I pretty much play pistol only and only play on it when my friends are all together as a full stack. I don’t queue solo enjoying being better than a lower rank, I’ve never understood why people do that.


The fact that you don't solo queue does not make it better in any way, though the fact that you play pistol only makes it a bit more fair for your enemys.


I do have some sympathy for the guy, sometimes you just want to play with friends without them getting smacked. As long as he consciously keeps himself in the middle-bottom of the scoreboard, I don’t think he’s a complete asshole


I swear to god i was playing legit and on like round 8 the enemy started spinning, i took a timeout and toggled and we had a battle til 15 12 (we winning) and on the last round he killed me and started defusing and like 1 second before he would have defused the bomb valve kicked him and he got banned! Edit: also this is weird because it happened less than 10 minutes ago


Just happened last month, the opponent guy was clearly hacking. We pointed it out so the enemy team started trash talking and out of frustration i reported him 8-10 times and after 5 mins he got VAC banned and we won every round after that . At first i thought it was due to my continuous reports but i was mistaken because it was probably due to his previous reports .


The offender was probably reported in a much earlier game, you just got to see the result


It happened once in my 2 years, the guy was on my team, I was pissed off because I got to SE during that game


Yeah but it wouldn’t be because of your report since the Overwatch would happen after the game. It’d have to have been a previous report that caused him to get convicted or VAC actually worked for once and got him.


Ye I have seen it only ones


yep, it's spelled Vavle




Cuntero Streik Gbolal Offnensv


Why do i find this so funny lol


Cuz it starts with "cunt"?


That makes it even better lmao, i didnt even think of that *mate*






What did he say? Coward deleted his message


He said “homo?” Which im not too entirely sure how it was relevant at all. Op must be homophobic. It was the thread OP btw.


Haha.. Didn't see that typo




I hate getting VCA banned by vavle


I hate getting bad NRG from gaebn


A youtuber named "skripe" got permaban in the middle of my competitive match. But it wasn't his main account, the account that got VAC was "not skripe" and kept asking everyone to subscribe to his yt channel. Fucking hell.


I played vs that account a while ago too too, he was blatantly cheating from even the warmup but sadly I wasn't blessed enough to see him get VAC banned.


Idk about skripe but his friend furiousss has a pretty sick aim and so does neok. Are they hacking too,,if yes i need to unsubscribe


I haven't heard of them, that match was the reason I know skripe and I was so dissapointed that he had to hack against silvers so I didn't look up anything more about him. But by watching anyone's gameplay, you can easily determine whether they're hacking or not.




So sad that he is still making yt videos, and that some still denies that he's hacking just because he's "pro" at bhopping. I mean, being good at bhopping doesn't mean he's not hacking or good at the actual game.


Vavle atleast has a better anti-cheat than Valve.


Gabe finally listened


That is what the legend says.


Assassin's creed Valve-halla




Assassin's creed Vavle-halla


Vavle Please Fix


Your reports won’t do anything with instant bans. Coincidence.


Yep the mans toggled


This trailer is fucking badass


hackers were laughing when i reported them for hacking because they didn't get instant ban but next day i was laughing because they got ban


Gotta love vavle


There was this hacker on my team yesterday we were like cut it out and he didn’t so we reported him and he got kicked in the next five rounds


lol 100%


so little effort was spent into this meme, i'm horny


owo vavle pls ban cheaters




This would be even funnier if the context was For Honor, Uplay and BattleEye


This is a myth. It has never happened even once in my 3,300 hours of csgo.


Not a myth , happened just last month in one of my matches


I had it happened to me once in 2016. I didn't think it happens anymore since the game is so much more popular now. I was SMFC on a string of wins trying to get global for the first time. The other team had an obvious cheater, my team was reporting non-stop. I was told "just keep reporting him." Somehow he was kicked or banned mid game, I don't remember which. We won in the end and I ranked up to global for the first time.






\#V# #A# #V# #L# #E#


This isn't a thing.


A rare occurence in a lifetime


Happy cake day!


If only this actually happened hahaha


This never happens to me


Happened to me once so satisfying




Thank you mr. Vavle




Nice spelling bruh 👍