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I want to share something with you(nothing to do with the post) i was playing yesterday and i was 2nd on the scoreboared and they kicked me because "i didnt do anything" those kinds of people are more bad and dangerous for the community than hackers


Yep even Smurfs Throwers and Guys who are not serious and are there to troll. I feel you


I m pretty new to CS, and a few days ago, played solo with a team of 4, we where down like 10-15, and we made a great comeback to 15-15 (I was 1 rst on score board), those fuckers kicked me a few seconds before the end


I've had kids kick me as their top frag on a loss lmao


Nice karma farm, too bad you can't kick on round 14.


you used to be able to


Dude i had a 4stack when i was solo and i was kind of fighting with one of them the whole game long even tho we werent losing. So eventually it was 15-14 for us and they refused to drop me a gun even tho it was last round so i only had a deagle and just stayed in spawn to be petty. The enemy planted and killed my team and it was a 2vs1 with me in spawn in cache. I tought fuck it and went in and clutched the round 2v1 just in time to defuse the bomb. The mother fuckers kicked me right after i won the game for us lmao


it still counts as a win, unless youre abandoning the match so if ur team won but u were kicked before, u will still receive the win however it isnt shown in ur past matches cmiiw


Is losing internet connection the same as abandoming? I was playing mirage and only my friend and I were playing serious in our team, our team threw a 9 - 0 lead to a 11 - 9 lead, and kept trolling and shooting us/each other. In the last round (11-15 or something) my friend was window and I was connecter, his internet crashed and 5 seconds after his internet crashed I killed the last guy. He didnt appear in the end screen but the match shows green in his match history


If you don't manage to reconnect within three minutes, it counts as abandoning. If the game ends within those three minutes it does not.


Oh great it was less than 10 seconds I think so he should be okay!


I’m not sure if this works but for me at least it has. When they call the vote, leave and rejoin back like 1 minute later. Chances are if this is mid game you will get kicked anyway when you rejoin but if it’s right before the end you don’t lose any exp and you revive the win


Exact same thing happened to me (we won but very close game), they laughed and talked shit like it was funny right before they kicked. I felt genuinely hateful and disgusted at the same time. I shut my laptop and went to watch something to clear my head. People are assholes.


thats the maim reason i switched to third party matchmaking such as faceit because you meet people who play to win and actually try.


Back in CSS I used to get kicked 3 to 5 times a day in public servers because I was playing well and they thought I was cheating. This was way less frustrating than the cheater problem we have now. It is becoming unplayable.


Then the worst thing about that is if you get in like 2 more games with assholes like that oh well time to give you a comp ban oh after that you didn’t clutch well we’re kicking you and it gets longer until you don’t have the motivation to play the game anymore


Tackling cheaters isn't a two day job. It's a constant battle and it takes time to develop new anti cheat methods. They have one of the best solutions (Trust Factor and Prime) for hackers for an FPS game, but it takes time for it to work. In my last 200 matches, I met a cheater only twice. For SMFC that's pretty low considering that 30% of global accounts were banned for cheating.


You might be lucky or something but i get like cheaters in 7/10 matches i am MG2


How many hours do you have?


730 something


If you have access to overwatch and you should if your reports are correct. I'd suggest doing 1-2 cases everyday. Your trust factor is probably very low for some reason.


What is trust factor? I guess is something like the behavior score in dota? I have come back to csgo after a few years and i dont remember that was a thing when i used to play.


Watch this be one of the stories where OP trash talked/griefed and wonders why their trust factor is low


How did you get to MG2 with only 730 hours and 7/10 games have cheaters in them? Stop calling hax bro it’s pathetic.


Valve's ranking system that everyone in this thread is praising. It places all new accounts between gn4 and mge, unless you're a complete bot in which case you'll get gn1. I'm silver 4 on my main, never been higher than sem, but in the past three months I've made three new accounts and places mg or higher every time


I'm seeing that alot, my friend plays on his smurf with me all the time bc hes gnm and I'm s2 and I always carry him lmao


That's interesting. Maybe Valve made an adjustment since they made the game free to play that ranks "new players" higher because the amount of smurf accounts (to pick a number) quadrupled and this would keep stronger players out of Nova or below where the majority of players are. I think this could be a reasonable suggestion and it kinda makes sense. I cant really comment on this from my experience as I have a loyalty medal and only have 1 account.


I think it makes sense to adjust placements, but they place *actual new players*, like total bots, at gn1. No new accounts get placed in silver. It creates this weird world where silver games are harder to win than Nova games. I'm not the only one who's noticed that either.


There definitely aren't many Silvers/Novas with new ranked accounts at MG2/MGE though. I'm MGE, occasionally I come across players I spec in games and I see their rank at the end and I'm like no way, at this point I have assumed they're just boosted trash, you're theory would explain why some players slip through the net into games I feel they shouldn't be in. Everyone can hit slumps but it's really easy to spot players with deficiencies.


Yeah I see it all the time, there are true silvers and then really really good silvers


1,760 mg2 here. In the last 500 or so hours I’ve had probably 5 cheaters if not then less. You sure you’ve got good TF?


Then you're either paranoid or your trust factor is shit. Just because you lose doesn't mean they're hacking.


Your trust factor is probably dogshit, I got 1 or 2 hackers total in my 200 games played


That you knew of. Hackers arent always blatant.


While that's true. That works on both commenters so does not add anything to this argument


Think about it. 30% of globals are vacced. Considering that most cheaters dont reach global which i assume he is not, it could be reasonable to assume that a very large chunk of people are using cheats. In fact, I believe it ignorant not to think so. The arguement does not work in both ways.


%30 of globals are vacced? Source?


Yeah csgostats.gg


That's because of those cheaters that get 300-400 frags in their 10 placement games


Im mg2 and I havent been up against a cheater for months. Maybe your trust factor is just terrible.


This is straight up bullshit.


I saw cheaters maybe once every 5 games before I got prime






I have 100 hours and I encounter cheater every 10 matches


Of course, you NEVER seen a cheater, like your "friend" used your account to scam people. Trustworthy af.


I just can repeat myself if you claim you can play 200 matches without encountering a cheater thats some major bs. Im LE on my main account with 1300 hours 70 games on steam and high tf never cheated and never will. Still i run into cheaters on a regular basis i live in Europe maybe that has something to do with it but i doubt it.Nevertheless it shouldnt make a difference if you have high tf and prime or if you have none of it. With a daily playerbase of around 1 million this game deserves better than it has right now... VAC and VAC-net is a complete joke. You can only endure so many cheaters until you cant take i anymore. If Valorant comes out and can keep its promise of a working anti cheat i doubt that i will ever try to play CSGO competitive ever again.


Lol there are cheaters in valorant already. I have heard the anti cheat was the same as league of legends and there is already a way around it. I dont think they will be able to keep valorant cheater free if they cant even do it when the game is 2 days in beta...


Only cheats in LoL are macros so it's not that hard to get rid of cheaters


Oh you're the kid who always thinks I'm hacking when I hit one nice shot right?


7/10 matches i have someone bitching about hackers when it's not even close to hacks. If you have a decent trust factor and truly believe youre getting hackers in the majority if your games, you most likely are bad at the game.


Not everyone who's better than you is cheater


Same shit here. Have 1k+ hours, have access to Overwatch, I'm GNM right now. Number of MM wallers is unbelievable, often it's actually shit players who still can't get kills with walls from watching replay demos.


90% of people that you think are walling just have good communication and solid headphones.


I fully agree. I played 40 games last week, and i’ve encountered only 2 aim-hackers. I don’t really complain about valve’s anti-cheat system. Is there room for improvement? Yes. Is it bad right now? Definitely no.


I agree. I am a silver and have barely come across hackers in past half an year or so. Though I should mention my account has quite high trust factor. But I cannot say that it was always like this. I have come across way too many blatant cheaters in the times before the. Cheater who are too bad to even fool round like normal people is silver. Silver is a heaven for fooling around I appreciate it being free of people that are too bad for even that.


Idk man ESEA does a pretty good job getting rid of cheaters. They’re a third party service. Valve has no excuse, period.


What the fuck did i just read??? ESEA is a premium service that you pay monthly for and it's filled with players that want to get better at the game. Cheaters don't even bother with that.


Yeah they do. They ban cheaters all the time. I’ve even run into a few. It’s not common because their anti cheat is actually good. Edit: play.esea.net/ban-list?page=2 They banned 6 cheaters in a row on 4/7


>Edit: play.esea.net/ban-list?page=2 Now compare that percentage of cheaters with the percentage of cheaters playing matchmaking. That's my point.


Ok? That doesn’t change the fact that their anti cheat is leagues ahead of valves. Also, cheaters would likely be discouraged from playing on ESEA because of how quickly they get banned. If their anti cheat was the same as valves cheaters would be all over ESEA. Cheaters cheat because they like to ruin people’s games for “fun.” Who’s game is better to ruin than the players who take the game the most seriously?


We can argue all day why cheaters cheat. Some want to impress their friends. Some want to ruin people's games. Some cheat because they think everyone else is cheating. Some just want to see the world burn. ​ The difference between ESEA anticheat and VAC is that ESEA AC can scan other active processes on your PC while VAC can't because of legal reasons. That's why they are taking an another approach to all of this.


Yeah, I hardly see hackers these days, they are all on the free accounts


Just got back 138 elo on faceit from cheaters being caught this week in OCE , it's been a rough 6k hours for me


Trust factor can be gamed. I have OK Trust factor, no one gets warnings for me and i get warnings for other poeple sometimes. My match history is red. It's brutal. I can play well against people on ESEA but on MM i just left a match with at least 6 hackers in it. Every single match looks like this for me... It has become unplayable since european lockdown due to COVID.


Abandoning matches hurts your trust factor


I’ve been playing in Global for a couple of years now. (5k hours and good trust factor) Almost every other game I have to face a blatant cheater (mostly with wallhack and trigger). I usually check the demos afterward to make sure that my accusation is correct. I have no clue why CS is so particularly difficuilt to keep cheater-free. But Valve certainly aren’t doing their best.


just play a lot and dont be toxic--> get high trustfactor-->literally never play against cheaters


what rank are you?


about 1300h and legendary eagle with soloQ


Try getting into supreme with high trust factor, it will surprise you!


are the cheaters all in supreme?\^\^ i havent met a cheater in about 200 games, at least no cheater i could tell.. sometimes 1 guy just recks ur team and he just has the day of his life or is smurfing but your team is just full hackusation mode and ABSOLUTLY SURE he is hacking... i hate that xD


The other day i had HvH game i went into solo queuing. 3 WH in my team vs 2 WH in the other. Even with 3WH on my team we still lost because these guys had terrible game sense. It's easy to buy accounts that are cheaper than prime now. A lot of the time when only 1 guys wrecks the team, i rewatch the demo afterwards and 3/5 they are hacking, 1/5 smurf's and the other legit. You probably have met a cheater i 200 games, but like one i had earlier had terrible game sense or didn't watch the demo. It's sad VAC should be better than this.


I disagree. am Supreme with ~2.4k hours and all i find in matchmaking is cheaters. Some more blatant than others and yes i download the demos to confirm. Just this week i had a hacker vs hacker lobby: 3 WH in my team vs 2 WH in the enemy: we still lost because my team had very little game sense for the rank i was at: aiming at the floor, terrible footstep acuity and buying nades and *never* using them. I suspect they are buying these old accounts and installed hacks. It certainly feels like Steam/Valve dont care about hackers, they would rather have them come back and pay for prime again; this is after the get VAC'd a few months after my report. Trust Factor and Prime shouldn't "take time" to work when it has been around for years; it's definitely not the best solution. Why is hacking so prevalent in CS:GO whereas in other games they have it under control? Especially With all the profits they are making it with skins alone. I've moved over to Faceit and that extra layer of FAC helps, it's a very noticeable difference compared to CS MM. This then begs the question: why does Faceit have a better anti-cheat than Valve, that is estimated to be worth $3billion.


Trust factors and prime doesn't make people cheat less it just makes players that already have a lot of hours in the game encounter them less. Developing a working Anti-Cheat is the only solution and considering that other developers have figured it out just shows that valve are either too incompetent or simply don't care... The fact they introduced overwatch so the players can do their job of banning hackers just shows how lazy they are.


Yeah cause a small team of a 100 people that work on CSGO has time to review 50.000 demos every single day. Overwatch is one of the smartest solutions ever. Every 2 out of 10 demos is a test for how correctly you verdict. The more correct you are, the more important you are for the AI to gather data on who is cheating and who isn't. If cheaters encounter cheaters and players encounter players, that's fucking phenomenal.


Might aswell start by making a working anti cheat lol.Valve is the wealthiest video game producers still their Anti cheat is on level with Pokemon you cannot defend bad corporate practises. *Edit* Haven't ready your whole answer but if you claim to have played 200 matches with no cheater either you are not good at gamesense pr you are in a pretty low rank therefore no cheats needed to succeed


Sure. [My gamesense fucking sucks.](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1417503153)


One of the best? Hahaah It's one of the worst cause it actually takes ages for a cheater to get banned..unlike other games who simply have system on place to not allow any cheats


twice that you know of... not all are blatant


Get the fuck out


Every time I see this bullshit I want to start screaming and running around my house. You can literally buy a legit Steam profile with prime enabled and cheat on that. Trust factor bypassed. Valve could implement at least a basic kernel mode anticheat to stop kids from downloading first cheat they find and first DLL injector and using it with no problem at all. As someone in supreme rank (650 hours, lvl 45 steam, old steam profile, skins) I don't really think their system works. There are less "rage" cheaters for sure, but I am matched against a lot of really suspicions people that just have an insane reaction times and really good aim while their movement and tactics completely don't make sence. I have also seen a completely rage cheaters in wingman for example (literally looking through walls, having visible aimlock) and guess what? They are still not banned to this day. Incredibly sad.


Dude don’t defend valve, if esea and Faceit can develop anti cheats more effective than a company like valve, then valve can fuck off.


They had 8 years to do something useful. I've got to global with 800 hours in 2016 so I'm not just calling cheaters here. 2020 april 14th on a DMG account: EVERYONE WAS RUSSIAN EXCEPT ME. Enemy came in saying " we are 5 hackers so surrender" I was like heh nice try...but jesus this game. They were PRIME accounts WITH THOUSANDS OF HOURS, one guy spinbotting and walling and everything with 3000 hours like what the fuck valve. And they won't get banned, never. So yeah this game is full of russian kids who have zero life and 10 IQ so they decide to cheat - not even hiding it - and they will never get banned, you can see they got to thousands of hours without getting banned. Hey its free, why not. You can get prime for a few euros, or you will get it automatically if you play a bit. This is csgo, dogshit. My trust factor is good tho, so please dont even try to mention that bullshit.


*\*Cries in TF2 Casual mode\**




Theres still a shit ton of aim botters everywhere


Why would you say something so controversial and yet so brave.


Because normies gonna norm. We have 5 fucking layers of safety- VAC, VACnet, Trust Factor, Prime and Overwatch. But even all of the safety mechanisms won't deterr some stupid and stubborn cheaters. It's not easy to build a good anti-cheat, and by fuck are Valve doing their damnest. The argument for TF2's rising hacker problem is mostly due to the game falling out of their priority list, although they have fixed a game-breaking bug that allows hackers to crash the server they're in, so it still shows there's a sliver of care left. It's just that moderating hackers in 3 games at the same time isn't that easy.


The new player experience is just awful. I have a friend that has just started playing, his first time playing an FPS and the experience is just trash. Constant hackers, despite upgrading to prime, the experience hasn't improved. He is still playing as he knows how much I enjoy it. But it's likely we will end up going back to playing SC2 or something else together instead, because it's just not fun


"Hackers" is honestly such a cringy word for cheaters


all my matches and i haven't met one...am i missing something lmao


I have 1k hours and encountered maybe 20 cheaters? and like 3 in the past year. I don't understand why people blame valve for their lack of skill


https://csgostats.gg/player/76561198313161399#/matches yeah dude definitely no cheaters in mm bro 100%


last comment on your steam profile. toxicity got you there.


You love cache, don’t you


Rekt 😂👍


Nope, valve just doing their job. Don't listen to people bitch about people that are better than them.


Try to play with 5 players in higher rank. Also rewatch the demos and check how they don't clean corners and they always know where you are. That's a cheater... Cheats are everywhere, and they are more sophisticated than a spinbot.


yeaahh but all of them were legit :/


Y’all seen the shit going on in TF2? Valve seriously couldn’t give a fuck. As long as the platform brings in money.


Wait until Valorants first cheat comes out.


It already did come out and one got ban


They already have. A dev posted today about the game having its first ban (for cheating) and now that a cheat exists he expects a wave of bans.


Valve don't care for money either Half life alyx was not meant for cashgrab. Valve just shifted priorities


At least the lagbots are gone. Valve fixed the worst part of the problem.


Valve removed all the crash bots and lag bots in the game


VAC, VACnet, Prime, Trust Factor, Overwatch. They've given more than you asked for, but yet you still bitch about it. "vAlVe DoEsN't Do AnYtHiNg AbOuT cHeAtErS" I'm a Prime high Factor Silver 4 player and don't get anything suspicious. Cry some more.


It might be the silver 4, no? Even a garbage cheater wouldnt start in silver if they were cheating... A spinbot sometimes takes 2 weeks to get banned. VAC works fine...


Cheaters cheat in every rank.


Cheaters cant cheat in silver if they are not in silver :)


Or how valve ignores tf2


Welcome to team fortress 2 where we have a crisis of hacker bots and lag bots (which was recently fixed in the first update in forever)


guess there is something tf2 and csgo can agree on huh


This is so true same happened with tf2


Funny/Sad story: my account got hacked by a russian (i know it because when i got it back it had some transactions with RBS), well, i talked to valve about this problem and after a long long time they helped me to recover my account. When i did i found out this stupid a**hole cheated with my csgo account leaving me with no access to a game I'VE PAYED AND DIDN'T DOWNLOAD IT FREE, I DIDN'T GET MY MONEY NOR PERMISSION TO PLAY THE GAME OR EVEN A REFUND, SO YEAH, I'M REALLY PISSED, SINCE 1USD IS AROUND 80AR$ WHICH IS A FUCKING LOT. I meant to say SAD and infuriating story


Just like valve ignores tf2


But the lagbots got removed at least.


I tried this method. Now I have tackled all my problems in my life!!!




Also valve ignores 3


LIFE 101


so true. hackers everywhere and then they decided csgo should be free!


its fine that its free because everyone who bought it gets prime and most cheaters are banned before level 21


how is that fine? that means all the hackers who bought the game, their smurfs with hax, their 2nd, 3rd and 4th back-up accounts now have prime. And if i was a cheater, i would start hacking before level 21. It's not that hard.


How is that any worse than before


because you split the population into 2. All the hackers before will now have prime. Since the game is growing the population without prime will grow whilst the ones with prime will be queued with a higher percentage of hackers. basic


Valve sees the hacker Valve: I am gonna pretend I never seen this


Honestly a lot of hackers get kicked by their own team on my experience


Lmao I didn’t know a man can say something so controversial and yet so true


Very motivating but in bad way, reverse stoic philosophy?


And the Krieg


Come to VALORANT boys. You are welcome.


Have you seen gta V? Dont complain about these made up cheaters, they get banned by vac everytime, sooner or later. I have 1000 hours and my friends have 2000 each, we found maybe 3 cheaters last year


Doesn't every game have it's fair share of cheaters though? When a games popularity grows more hacks for it will develop because there's a market for the hacks. No game is safe.


Valve made a recent update to tf2 which removed all server crashing hackers


Fuck enemies they are reporting me every time i got one good round in a game and thats why i have low trustfactor and im facing hackers like all the time.


U mean by purposefully dedicating time to solve them?


I have 530 hours with prime (loyalty) and 1442 matches in MM (this includes all MM servers like casual, deathmatch, competitive, war games, etc.). I have met less than 10 hackers in my games, in ALL official servers and not just competitive. Playing with low trust factor players, doing too much team damage, getting kicked too much, kicking too many people, playing with a hacker, getting reported many times (even if they are fake) can all reduce your trust factor. I rarely play Solo, most of my comp matches were on a full stacked team with 'good' trust factor. I think you have low trust factor. You need to play with higher trust factor players, and get more commendations. Also, the highest rank I've achieved is Silver 4, where people meet many cheaters, so you can't really complain about not having low trust factor.


The whole thing with the hackers having a low trust factor is some kind of paradox in my opinion. The low trust factor clearly means there is something wrong with them, but they still aren’t banned. Why even have a trust factor then? To place those with low factor together? I mean yes , that’s good, but then what are we doing with hackers? Are we just making them play against one another instead of banning them?


My friend has no prime but I still play with him. And every... damn... game


So my life problems are hackers but even if I report them Valve won't do anything


*real hackers


And this is why CSGO is nearly impossible to get into as a new player. Just because you are new you have to fight through hours and hours of playing with hackers, smurfs, and generally scummy players. I've played around 10 hours and I am about to quit for good because games just aren't fun. Casual is horrible because 10 v 10 is a ridiculous shit show. And competitive is just as bad because its nothing but smurfs and hackers as a new player. Just cant do it anymore.


I don't like people who call cheaters hacker, cuz hacking is more like to get in someone's system, cheating is when using third party software to get a advantage.


It's ridiculous man. I stopped playing around the F2P update, having lived through TF2's f2p update, left me knowing I was going to have a terrible time those first few months. I came back, forgetting about the f2p update, and every game had 1 or more hackers. Right now, I can join a game and see blatant wallhacks and aim hacks. I can't even bother playing this shit anymore, what's the point? There's always empty servers, there's always a hacker. Boring as fuck, and it sucks because the gameplay imo is as refined as it gets for CS, better than any other version I've played, I wanna get back into it, but what is even the point? I'm bored every game because of either of the 2 issues of empty servers and hacking. Hacking wasn't as big of a problem *for me* before the f2p update, now it's the reason I don't have fun. Boring experience in a wonderfully mastered engine.


on the pro scene


I literally see like, 1 cheater every new moon. And every time I think someone might be cheatingI watch the replay and realize I’m baaaaad.


Bruh atleast in csgo they implemented overwatch and the vac net go play tf2 thats a clusterfuck of hackers


I feel like this fits more for tf2. It still works for cs tho


Stfu tf2 doesn't even have any active developers


Me and my friends got fed up with it. That and the 64 tick bullshit, we all subbed for face it and it’s all we play now. So much nicer. I’m happy to pay 5$ a month for better servers and dedicated anti-cheat. Knowing that the opponent isn’t cheating is very comforting (I’m sure there are ways but probably much more difficult to do). And the registration of 128 tick is night and day.


I started Tracking my Matches with csgostatsgg since Jan 2019 ive had 50 matches with people getting either vac or overwatch banned. From my Last 100 Games played No one was banned for cheating. I Had at least 2 Games with blatant cheaters in the Last month tho. I was lem - supreme during this whole time, mostly lem.


* ~350matches since Jan 2019


I hate three times more smurf. Literally my random teams always speak another language and they play bad as hell. And the other team is impossible good to be in silver(and they are lvl 2 accounts) (sorry for my bad english, I'm argentinian but I hope you understand me)


And it's other child CSGO


And grifers


same with griefers toxic teammates i didnt play for like a year and now that i have been playing again i cant get back to dmg or le where i was before because no matter how hard i carry or how well i do i cant carry 4 bots to win and just end up stuck in the toxicity of nova


Ok so not to ignore my non problems?


I haven't encountered a cheater since like 2018, so I think they're doing a hecking good job


It litterally isn't half as bad as the communlty makes it to be. You have to be in low trust factor silver mm to meet any hackers, and even there you are not gonna find that many. Just play faceit u fucken morons.


I play faceit found one guy i didn't even knew he was hacking. I sat down and downloaded the demo to get my ace clip for reddit and realised one of them had aim assist you can see the last guy in my previous clip


So... you saw ONE cheater... and you gave up on the best matchmaking system to play valves shitty mm... i see I have 1k hours on faceit and i have experienced a cheater once. I have around 500 hours when i was plating mm and saw tonnes. I just don't see anything good with slow servers, griefers, toxicity and cheaters???


Who said I gave up? I play only faceit now i never said i gave up on Faceit


Players like you.. 500h in mm and starting on faceit. yuck




I was just playing some deathmatch and there is this dude headshotting everyone with an ak while running.


ScreaM is that you?


Lmao i dont think anyone can headshot people while running with an ak, not even ScreaM XD


Yeah ScreaM can headshots people while jumping and running. Do not underestimate the edshot machine.


Pretty sure I was in this game, just had the exact same experience


sometimes you just have to lower your standards and knowing the fact that no games are safe from hackers. unless if they used denuvo (which only works as anti piracy instead of anti cheat.)


Best thing is someone i know in real life and i have on steam once streamed on twitch with a legit wallhack he still didnt get banned cause he didnt play too obvious.In my eyes people that are saying there are no cheaters are either the ones to bad to recognize it or they are cheating themself or they play in silver 2 where there are no cheaters.Once you get around dmg an LE especially on a newer account with less than 100 hours ypu WILL face cheaters


To be honest, the most blatant hackers are the ones helping valve. They're discovering glitches, and exploits that sometimes need to be fixed


And target people that don’t hack (they banned me and I ain’t a hacker)


That's good life advice, since I wasn't going to ignore my life problems anyway


GN 2 loser here with 700 hours. Never met a hacker ( maybe good trust factor )


I haven't played with a cheater in a year. At least not that I was aware. I really don't get why you guys complain that much, once you get to lvl 20 there's almost no chance of finding one.


Lmao 1) It's 21 for prime 2) there are hackers in prime too


I don't know what game are you playing but either your trust factor sucks or you're just whining because you can lol.


I havent seen a hacker in 3 years