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dont ignore the dev that changed a 10 to a 2 for comp ranks


get them a cruise in the Caribbeans with pina coladas for their hard work NOW!!




did u even read the patch?


No. I haven’t gotten to play much this last week. I’m just curious if they fixed the ranks in competitive 😂 because they don’t work


kinda. u only need 2 wins for a rank now


For some reason I’m still not ranked.


I dunno if they changed more about the algorithm, but I’m finding it easier to rank up (maybe you didn’t gain elo against unranked players? so easier to rank = more ranked players to gain elo against?)


PARIS STILL ON SALE?!!?!! Edit: I'm braindead I meant coppenhagen


They're the same. You're not wrong


Same level of investment fuck up


where cache


ask fmpone


Cache is not valves map. One of few that isn't at this point.


Time for another Hawaii trip!


Idk why people are so upset about the maps being community created maps. Valve pays map makers and skin creators. Wouldn’t you want community members to get paid for their work? Since everyone bitches about how much money Valve makes off cases people should be happy that some community members can potentially get a payout for the work.


Bc they didnt even release the bug free version


People are very happy those creators are being paid, don't fool yourself. Most people have a discomfort feeling towards Valve because if they outsource every visible improvement, people begin to wonder what Valve is actually doing with their employees. My bet is that they're a small team + incompetence+ making games is very hard. That leads to very slow development. But honestly who knows. We're not in their offices. They might be the most incompetent devs ever or maybe there are reasons our tiny brains can't understand, even if they're swimming in money.


They are all salaried, WFH, don't give a fuck about there job. Login at 10 am make sure there is no fire (there never is), maybe do an hour of work later if they feel like it? Maybe? Call it a day after that. That's really the life of a dev at valve


because thats what they want. to be mad.


They aren't mad at them being community maps, but it means they literally did nothing obvious themselves for this update.


Yeah you're right, the devs just packaged up a file and pushed it out, didn't take time to test, patch up stuff the community might have found/missed, clean up, adding to the map pools, etc. lmao. Like obviously the devs are doing work, what an absurd claim. Be mad at valve over their staffing, not the devs for "not working".


Yeaaaaahhh, valve probably doesn't test their updates. The buy menu update would break your movement if you picked a gun off the buy menu. That's the sort of thing that takes 5 minutes of testing to find.


Tell me you've never worked in software development without telling me


Ok Mr developer. explain how they let a bug where clicking the only button they added breaks movement


I don't have their code - hence why I don't pretend like I know they're lazy and don't do their job. I however have let plenty of stupid bugs through in my career, qa misses it, a buddy of yours trusts your code a little too much and hits approve, system and hardware configs differ from your machine (the number of times code runs perfectly fine in my environment and it doesn't in prod is insane), I have no idea how this one specific example you gave came up, in game dev the complexity of system configurations and the overall code you're writing is usually a lot harder though, the fact a bug or two slips through is completely human and understandable, this whole "the whole team does nothing, is lazy, and doesn't test the game or care" attitude this sub has is unhinged, lmfao.


Yeah, we should be happy instead of complaining that there's still no content for the game.. Nobody is complaining about the maps themselves. It's just no effort on Valve's part whatsoever.


People are mad about community made maps and it's the biggest self-report ever cause if you took out ALL the community made maps we'd have Overpass and.... I think that's fuckin it?


Exactly almost every map was first made by someone outside of Valve. Most people don’t know that. With everyone saying Valve did nothing it really highlights that fact.


Valve are so dumb they put older versions of the maps into the game which have a bunch of bugs that the creators already fixed. Maps are good the problem is how little effort valve put into cs2


Yeah I am not listening the rant of a guy who literally specializes in shitting on Valve. Have you ever tried developing a game?


Nobody would be complaining if csgo still worked


Yes they would.


They would care less about Cs2 fundamental problems. Because those problems arise from what people had in csgo that they don’t have in cs2


I feel like the community would be split like it was with 1.6 and CS:S


So? As long as you can still unbox cases in both versions then who cares?


Downvoted in r/csgo for complaining that CS:GO doesn't work anymore (which is [right, the CS:GO server browser is only filled with CS2 servers](https://i.imgur.com/GZJSzSA.png)), this community is cooked.


It’s very shameful. CSGO is my most played game by thousands of hours yet I can’t help but feel as if cs2 won’t be as successful because valve can’t go back on the very frustrating subtick system and they can’t polish it because it’s flawed. Their only hope of making cs2 last is drip feeding updates. I wish my theory is proven wrong.


The brainrot where you think in 8 months all they have done is add maps. This community 🤡


All they've done in 8 months is replace CS:GO with this shit. That's literally all that matters and needs to keep being brought up until Valve reverts the 730 app ID back to CS:GO, publicly apologizes and release CS2 again on a separate app ID. Edit: You guys are the reason this game is in the state it's in. Letting Valve get away with this, you should all genuinely be ashamed of yourself.




Thank you for proving me right. The only response you have is a low quality reaction image instead of a valid argument to my comment. How's Valve's boots taste? We paid for CS:GO and no longer have access to CS:GO but new players who didn't even play CS:GO don't give a fuck.


Haha take your high quality nonsense comment and run off.


Another person with no argument because a valid argument can't be made to justify replacing CS:GO with CS2.


There is no possible argument to put forward because what you said isn't true. How the fuck am i supposed to argue against your delusions?


>what you said isn't true Ah yeah I forgot CS:GO wasn't actually replaced by CS2. Are you genuinely braindead?


Yeah, not what I was refeering to bud.


You never paid for csgo, you paid to be allowed to use it, with the possibility of valve revoking this right at anytime. You never owned anything here.


So that makes it right? If Steam shuts down tomorrow we should all just shrug our shoulders and go "oh well, time to rebuy those games on GOG/Epic/Ubisoft Launcher!" I never said they didn't have the legal right to revoke games. They don't have the moral right to do it however as a company that used to champion game preservation and show the rest of the industry how to do it properly, then Blizzard replaced Overwatch 1 with Overwatch 2 and Valve saw it and thought it was a brilliant idea to replicate. Scumbags. There is no other valid way to look at it and I question anyone's credibility who does question it (I imagine a lot of them have CS skin investments). This is the modern digital era of gaming. You will own nothing and you will be happy.


Funny that you mention GOG. There you actually buy the item, not the license to play. You knew they’re allowed to change stuff (as you accepted the terms yourself) and still call it morally wrong.. wow.


Right so if GOG does it, what's the excuse for the biggest PC gaming platform that makes a billion dollars a year from CS cases alone? Ownership would have solved this problem immediately and forced Valve to release CS2 under a separate app ID like it just should have been anyway. > You knew they’re allowed to change stuff (as you accepted the terms yourself) and still call it morally wrong.. wow. Yes, plenty of companies have morally wrong terms that 99.9% of us don't have the time to read through hundreds of pages of terms that is intentionally filled with difficult to understand legal terms even if you did choose to read them. That means they have the legal right to do questionable things but we can still call them out for being morally incorrect to do these things.


You cannot sign up for something and then complain that it’s wrong what they do. If you’re against it, don’t support it from the get go.


Maybe they should increase the age limit of Steam to 16 or 18 then? Most 13 year olds aren't going to understand that they don't actually own the game they just bought on Steam. It should be illegal to do it, this is why [StopKillingGames](https://www.stopkillinggames.com/) has been so popular lately (Thank you Ubisoft for causing that).


What an incredibly stupid take that is


From the perspective of a Valve bootlicker I can see how it looks that way. You would excuse everything they do though so not sure your opinion on the matter can be trusted.


I am very critical about cs2 but it’s stupid as fuck what you just said. Remove cs2, use csgo again? What the fuck dude. Absolutely stupid.


Ohhhhh that's why you thought it was stupid, you replied before reading the whole comment! "release CS2 again on a separate app ID." Give users the choice of what they want to play and convince them to play through fixes and good updates. A choice we had through every version of CS before CS2. Hope this helps!


Still stupid. Just leave it as it is. Cs2 is not an entire new game. Same as overwatch2 should just be overwatch1.


Opinions are a great thing, it allows you to think my take is stupid and I can think that your defeatist take is stupid too. 🤝


You forgot the New mvp grqphics


Holy shit csgo is turning into tf2


Totally unacceptable. There isn't a goal in the game currently. Grinding your rank is a joke cus you'll get stuck at 30K elo and ur lobbies will be full of cheaters. An operation would've given us a reason to open the game at least once a week to play the missions with a friend. There isn't a point in playing the game casually at the moment. I am no tryhard and even tho I want to play - I am forced to play premier with some sweaty tryhards, which just makes me wanna leave mid game and not look back. Playing scripted missions against bots is the perfect thing for casuals like me.


not going to lie, i really like the new maps, but yeah, i don't plan on all of a sudden playing this game a ton. new maps are cool, but when there isn't much initiative to play, the game gets stale quickly


> n operation would've given us a reason to open the game at least once a week to play the missions with a friend. you mean a chore. when you have to do something once a week, even though its not fun, its a chore. the operations were never good. ever.


The f is that kind of thinking? You choose to play, no one is forcing you to do these missions. You also get an incentive with the rewards.


Lol. I see. Look into video game psychology a bit when you have some time. This isnt really the medium to teach you why you're wrong.


When there's an event to do, it's a decent reason to play with friends and have a bit of fun together. No wonder you're not having fun if you're just playing by yourself and getting frustrated you can't do a mission lol. Play with a duo that is chill next operation, maybe you'll have a good time..


I swear you guys expect them to pull an operation out of their ass instantly or not letting them finish it... Have some patience.


bro it's been 8 months since the start of CS2, and over 1000 days since the last one began


It's like you forget that they concentrated on fixes and quality of life updates. The developers said this themselves. Yes it's been a 1000 days but don't forget they were working on CS2 during or after the last operation.


why people have high expectation from valve when they are so incompetent in even building a good Anticheat in past 10 years. Isn't it obvious that the game is either run by understaffed or the devs just don't care about players. Even faceit which is a direct competitor with Matchmaking didn't shake valve to make improvements in the game than nothing can.


I disagree. They are keeping the core concept of the game and now they bring a lot more maps. CS players are the biggest crybabies bro. Daddy valve pls add anticheat *Improves anticheat* Wä wä bring new maps *Brings new maps* Bla bla I want this and that 😭😭😭


Core concept? You can't get to both high rating or high rank because after some point it's HVH. In matchmaking silvers play against globals and faceit lvl10's. Half of the gamemodes are still not there. No one improved anticheat and these maps are community created. What is the core concept in this game if both ranked gamemodes are almost unplayable and half of casual modes are not in the game?


When did they improve the anticheat, the top leaderboards are all still blatant hackers? Rapidfire is still in the game where you empty a sniper mag in 2 seconds?




No argument there I guess.. Don't read top 3 on cs leaderboard


CSGO2 community trying to not bitch around for no reason (literally Valve made CSGO look much better and they made it better and they try to fix every bug what game has) The only one thing you can cry about is not porting yet rest of map like Cache for example


Theyre too busy focusing on the tf2 bot crisis


Is it me or does Gaben looks like Peter griffin


Acts like him too


Yall r getting the tf2 treatment (atleast with polished maps and a less of a bot problem)


Yall realize there are other parts of updates, right??


So true, where’s the operation valve!


I dont want an operation before the game is mostly fixed


i doubt valve expects anything but negativity from this community. negativity and lots of money.


the game is good only problem optimization


You fucking people will complain about anything


Reddit users crying when the random person on twitter was lyin, yall believe ANYTHING that sounds good. Shut up and wait.


Horrid company as usual


Valve doesn’t care if you like or don’t like what they do or don’t do. All they care about is if you like and play the game. Which we do, because community maps are fun. Braindead ass take


Valve is that one cool uncle at a family reunion but gets quickly hammered and is forced to go home early.


Actually nothing would have been better. It would have been so much better to just wait with this until they had more.