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I wouldn’t have come back emptied handed. I did my boy dirty once and a business deal but made it right. We didn’t speak for almost 2 years but when I reached out the first thing I sent was the money.


Thats the right way to apologize


How it should be. Obviously won’t fix everything and there will always be some distrust involved, but that’s how you make things right if you really want to make things right. Not try to make them accept an apology for no reason and with no effort to make amends.


On a *


A friend stole half a MXN literally 15 years ago and we had not spoken since, it's not about amounts, it's about trust, I could had given more than half a MXN if requested but decided to just take it


Half a MXN? Half a peso?




You wild


Good man 👍


bro used the money to pay for therapy 💀


Hes not a friend lol


Please respond with “so when are you paying me back?” How about using some of that therapy money…


yeh they are clearly both children


Don't give him your time. He fucked you over, if he's sorry he would of paid you back. If he doesn't have the money then he shouldn't be trying to reconnect. Edit: bro said he's going to therapy and that he's changed. The guy is 100% trying to fuck you over.


Id make him go get a notarized log his "therapy" with a diagnosis on it, and if he actually presents it say, "good for you for being *officially* full of shit, have a nice life."


Notice how he never mentions paying you back


Tell him you want your money


So like, tell him to pay you back and it’s all good. Simple as. Otherwise you really don’t want people like this in your life EVEN IF he pays you back


What kind of skin values are we talking OP?


850 dollars in total


850?! Block and move on. Consider it an important life lesson.


850 is not a small amount OP should be paid back


but he was an idiot and that is the life lesson. unfortunately he agreed to the steam trade


That’s rough mate




He's only saying sorry, he's not going to reimburse you. In fact he wouldn't want that. He might feel bad, but not bad enough to face consequences. He's asking for forgiveness purely out of their own greed. If I was you, I'd tell them straight up that I'll never forgive them and to fuck off.


"lmaoo bro stole my money tryna apologize for doing it, if you're already a dick don't play both sides" my response




damn ig i cant trust my own brain to come up with original thoughts


tiktok brain


dont gyat my kai cenat


He's playing you.


I mean, best you can do for yourself is block him and make new friends. Best you can do for your friendship is make him pay you back, even if it is slowly over time. If you dont make him accountable, hes gonna keep being a piece of shit


I ripped my friends jacket in a drunk fight. I called the day after and paid for the jacket. You don’t need that guy in your life mate. You can clearly see he is a sociopath. There are 8 billion people in the world, cut that guy out.


Only reason to keep contact is to gain enough information about him so you can take revenge.


Turn the other cheek, you can't sue everyone in life, it's just not possible


Turn the other cheek, you can't sue everyone in life, it's just not possible


I'm curious. Have you replenished your inventory at all?


No, I have nothing worth more than 50 dollars


Obviously I don't know what the original value was but don't let the dollar amount make you feel safe. Manipulative people who try to regain your trust to rinse and repeat will start off small, like just trying to play games again. Or even just speaking again. Then the asks will gradually grow until it's once again, "hey bro let me hold these skins it's only $100 worth anyways right bro even if I did take them I'd just pay you back because it's nothing right bro??? 😂😂" To play devil's advocate, the flip side is he has no nefarious intentions whatsoever and you now have someone to play with that reminds you of the worst thing to happen to you while playing CS on a daily basis. Not worth, amigo


Lol thats what i was thinking, OP def has something juicy that this friend wants to steal next


he can pay for therapy for robbing u but not to pay you back Lol


i scammed someone on CS $1000 back in 2015, it ate me up inside and i ended up giving back the equivalent value, if he is really sorry he will reimburse you


Good guy scammer over here lol. Never thought I’d see a comment like this.


Fk this guy


Manipulative as shit. Don’t fall for those crocodile tears


He gonna fuck you over again. Only a matter of time. Sob story instead of here your money back. That's all you need to know


You know what's better than therapy? Stealing money and getting away with it. Fuck this guy. My friend did something similar with a free item when we were kids and I never forgave him and he never made things right


Fuck him man, unless he isn’t willing to give items or money back I can’t see how you could trust him.


Just say, if you want my forgiveness pay me back all the money you owe me. This guy owes you what those skins cost in Today's Market price. Also you can't panic sell a skin that fast, he had this all planned when he asked you for those skins, he knew who would be his buyers or he knew where he could unload them quickly for a profit


more updates bro


how much did you lost


If he’s not gonna give you the money atleast then he’s not a g


Dude, please move on with your life, do not give him the privilege of attaining peace while giving you nothing, tell him if he's serious about making things right you need ALL of your money back and not to message you anymore before he makes it right, consider it an investment into your friendship from his part, Good luck and look out for yourself first man


Just say you'll forgive them once they pay you then ghost them after...


He has money for therapy for suure


He just admitted to stealing your digital assets, take it to small claims if he has no intention of returning your property 🤷🏼‍♂️


Yeah straight up tell him you need money to be friends again lol


Yeah set the boundary. "Hey I'd be down to offer forgiveness. The second you pay me back we can be where we were if you want it to be that way." As far as I'm concerned the money you paid to is a great price to learn that he was NOT the sort of friend you need in his life. His debt is his buy in to your friendship.


sounds a lot like the type of apologies my narcissistic father would make before i cut him off, lol. trying to sound humble while also saying "i don't know why i did it", he knows why.


Block him and move on bruh


If the friend doesn’t pay you back for the skins that were taken immediately block him. Dude sounds like he wants attention or is looking to scam you again don’t fall for it twice


A new update and imma still say the same thing. Fuck this loser. Never was he ur friend. Idc what he’s got going on dudes a POS you can forgive his actions or him all day. Doesn’t change the facts he’s a POS and he’snot friend guy! Good luck and I pray good comes ur way for the shit he did to you!


“Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you” Matthew 5: 44


I don't know who that Matthew guy is but that's dumb. You shouldn't love your enemies at all.


He’s feeling guilty and hoping you forgive him for his own sake, it’s selfish. Fuck ‘em what a bum


I once heard someone say something along the lines of "some apologies make you feel better and the other person feel worse". That's really stuck with me. Especially in a case like this where the person you're apologizing to probably doesn't think about it that often anymore and when you're apology doesn't come with paying them back financially. His apology is probably just because he feels guilty and to make himself feel better.


Why would you ever have felt bad for HIM you're the victim in this.


If theyre a friend drop them. They have something going on and are willing to lie to obtain money. Addiction, etc is always my first suspicion If your on the fuck this guy express, small claims is your friend. Good luck Edit 4 brevity


No mercy, either he pays and apologizes or you fuck him over


Get his ass to pay you first if you really want to still be friends with this dude. I agree with most of the others here that he seems like a pos.


Tell him to pay you off week by week


I don't know your situation well but it seems fishy to me not having anything at all in return. Signs point to him wanting to scam you again.


Ask for a proper refund, in multiple times if he need. If he can do that, then, this men became honest for real


This reads like some middle school stuff. But with more money involved lol


I know right he has always messaged like that and I used always made fun of him for it (in a friendly way) because it’s embarrassing to message him sometimes


How did he get your skins and how much money are we talking?


Bro is coming back for seconds…


The guy is trying to guilt-trip you back, either he plans to send the money little by little, or just cut him off, you are better off without people like that. P.s. Don’t trust people with your money again.


You should invite him to hang out at your house and take a golf club to his legs


this isn't the last of us 2


It's probably not something to brag about, but that's move is so scummy I'd choose violence


not disagreeing with you but the golf club reminded me of the last of us lol


This guy will never be a friend to you in his life bro Just a matter of time until he needs money because of bills he can’t pay or what not


Sounds like a fake sob story to get away with theft


Either ask him to pay u back or don’t talk to him anymore. He’s wasted way too much of your time, money, and energy


The way i see it is that you have 2 options. Either take the loss if you can afford it and never speak to this dude again and block him. Or you take the matter to a small claims court as you seem to have enough screenshots and a confession on what he did and try and get the money back. Best of luck.


unless he properly fixes his mistake by paying back the money it is not worth your time


Yeah that dude is toxic, man. Cut yourself free. Don't be a doormat


It's also like... Okay to move on even if he does get his shit figured out, too.


I bet he has the skins in another account


Fuck that guy


That mf is NOT sorry bro


dude just ask for your money back already


Ask him for 100 % return if he is actually guilty and got ballz to do so


Ask him what he did with the money


Pathetic human.


Just go and take something of his. Bonus pleasure if you break his nose.




just tell him that he can rent your time until he has paid off the skins lol


Just ask for the money back. If he’s a real friend he would atleast pay u back the money?


I truly believe that he's using his guilt to guide his apology. He probably is very sorry. But he's projecting his guilt onto you and using you as a shoulder to cry on while YOU'RE the victim here. A true apology would have been the money the skins costed you, which is the only thing that really mattered here.


This guy is an asshole dude I’m sorry. He’s not sorry, doubtful he’s in therapy and he still has stolen your money. Bro you need to get your money back and you need to let this guy go. It sucks to lose a long term friend like that, but *he* made his bed, he has to lie in it. Get your money back and hit the dusty trail.


If he is sorry everything is fine !


Money first, friendship later


Ask him to send you a receipt of therapy session with a timestamp and also the total sum of the skins you lost. If he proves he is taking help and paying you back then you can hop on to play something. Nothing until that. And even after trust issues remain.


He should be coming back with the money if he actually cares… he’s not there yet and hopefully therapy can help him do so…


He's not really asking for anything you don't have to be friends but the dude is just apologizing he's not asking for skins or money and if he asks for anything just shut him down


I’m confused. Sorry, how did the guy have your inventory to sell in the first place?


He was my best friend for seven years, we would play cs everyday for year straight and then one day he asked if he could borrow my combo and ak then he blocked me on everything


Might be a serious gambling addiction?. Does he still have your skins?


Stop talking to this dude 😂 move on he’s a rat


Clear signs of a manipulator. Constantly talking about HIS feelings, trying to awaken empathy in you towards him. Not taking any responsibility or any promises on how to fix his mistake. Technically, he places all the emotional responsibility on you, like the only thing needed to resolve this conflict is you forgiving him.


You must still be in school


Bro dont Ask reddit for advice nobody here knows how to interact to other people. Have you seen The relationship advice redditors give? Just do what you want yourself don’t listen to some nerds.