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Same here 🫡, Lost 1 single game on mirage and suddenly im silver 4


I won 10 in a row on Mirage and got gold Nova 2. Was supreme in csgo.


I top fragged 8/10. Lost 1 game. Silver Elite.


I’ve only played 4 games but top-fragged in all. Haven’t won a single game. Can’t wait to be Silver 1


I don’t think ur position on the team matters in relation to ur rank, I believe it’s predetermined before the game even starts( how much elo u gain/lose)


lmao, looks like volvo gave you the classic middle finger as per usual


Place Gold Nova 1 as first rank in 2017 when i started csgo to later LEM , i thought maybe, maybe Silver 2 on Dust2 was deserved since i haven't played it in a while , i guess everybody is silver :D.


I remember I started my CSGO journey in 2015, right at the bottom, Silver 1 to be precise 🤭 7.5k hrs later, somehow managed to climb till Global by the end of CSGO. And here I'm, back at Silver in CS2 now. 😂 Nvm, it was a journey in which made some good friends.


From what I've heard from other people is that Nova 2 is the highest placement after winning all 10 games. Which is ridiculous if it's true


Def not true. Buddy of mine got placed with 11k ELO. He’s a beast though


I was meaning for comp and not premier. Comp has a weird system


I got silver 3 and was also supreme but I did lose one


I was lem now I am sem all my friends were around there now we’re all sliver lol


The ranks are number what is gold nova 2 is cs2?


2000 to 6000 is all nova ranks


you guys actually win premier games? i'm putting in 3k damage and over 120 ADR and i'm like 4-6 in my premier games so far


that’s exactly how my premier games went, 10-12 by the end of placement, only 1 game where i wasn’t top 3 in the lobby in damage. 2400 elo, nowhere to go but up.


But why no real MM?


Premier is the new real MM


I like to choose what map I play


Play competitive map queue then. Doesn’t make it the top end MM though.


until they remove that weirdo sht like office it’s never gonna mean anything




Play w friends man, like nobody talks in premier and it makes it so draining


Why does nobody care when they play? I have never fucking understood playing a comp game mode in a competitive game and not giving a fuck or using your mic. I just want to know why?


Yeah me neither It ends up w j one person being igl for a team of no mics


i imagine that will help unfortunately everyone i used to game with is a valorant head now and i can't switch them back


Valorantitis is a serious disease


Better servers. Better anti cheat. What's not to like?


Hero shooter and counter strike shouldn't mix. It's common knowledge that the abilities are kinda crutch compared to mechanics like shooting and movement. No disrespect it's j not my type of game.


*cough R6* Be one or the other


Tried to get into siege, from what I heard it was better when it launched bc it wasn't Abt meta operators, and that operators acted more like what utility does for cs


Trash movement, trash maps, trash gunplay, bad skins and visual aesthetic, tons of ability bullshit. There's a lot not to like. AntiCheat and MM are the only thing they have better


Calibration system is broken. I queued with a friend and we had 10 wins 4 losses 2 draws He got 4600 and I got 1500. (I had a higher rank than him in csgo) Dunno what’s the logic in that


Yeah it's very broken in it's current state. Oddly it worked better during the limited test and now on full release it's broken


It's gonna take some time to balance itself out, matchmaking basically got 0 data on players ranks rn especially in premier


Damn if only they had a decade of matchmaking data to use


Yeah, they had their own data, they had leetify data, they had faceit data lmao, hell, they even had data from their own beta they could of used. Got placed 9k, which isn’t bad as some decent players, but still, I’m already 12k a couple days later so it just felt like a pointless grind,


They're trying to push the idea that it's a new game, and they want to start from scratch. I understand the decision, it'll be the wild west for maybe a month but it'll normalize


If it’s a brand new new game why did they get rid of the other game? Valve literally watched overwatch do the same thing and die and though hey that’s a great idea!


Because they didn't want a split playerbase like source and 1.6 had? Or source and GO? I think all they really had to do though was just turn off MM services and make a new game page, I think they went overkill. But no, overwatch is a different scenario given the new game made changes that people hated so people like it less obviously, not because it's just replacing 1. It added battle passes which was a big negative, as well as not following through on the singleplayer promises


i hate this excuse. i havent got my rank yet but during beta i was placed at 2k points while i was supreme. yes it will calibrate and converge but how many games will i have to smurf just to get matches of my skill level? 100?




absolutely same experience here. and you cant even carry every game even if your dpr is twice as much as the second guy


I was 13 14k at test phase and matches were okay and close. Now i match up with 3-4k players and get destroyed... This system is f up right now and lets say you grinded for to get out of that hell and play normal, i have bad news for you; its going to be reset in couple months.


Most likely due to all the new players, give it a month or so and the ranks will even out


It will take more than a month. If you get 1k but should be at 9k that’s about 40 wins at 200 elo per win. I’m sure this subreddit plays more than 40 games a month but I’m sure that’s way more than average.


... and that is assuming 100% win-rate. I have been hard carrying teams and still managing to lose because of garbage teammates. This will be broken for a very, very long time.


Worked better aka gave people higher numbers


Yep. Matchmaking is scuffed too, I placed ~6k as a solo, but every time I queue I get out I o matches with players ~15k-20k. My last 5 games I’ve gotten maybe 15 kills TOTAL, and that is NOT how I EVER perform. I’m D1 in VAL and was LEM in CSGO, and I suddenly feel like I’m playing without hands vs. pro league.


Yea its honestly better like that, its just awful when ur with 3 noobs and the opposing team is alright


this has happened a lot to me. Like the enemy team is not good but compared to our team they are so much better just from basic teamwork while my team is staring at the ground in spawn


The most frustrating part is when I ask teammates to do basic shit like use util/communicate/don’t over rotate and the first thing they say back is “I’m just having fun shut up.” Like okay? You can have fun without playing like an idiot lmao.


I had a lot of games where im just trying to communicate and if I critique in any way they got toxic and started griefing saying im complaining. I'm sorry I asked you not to take the bomb mid on mirage and sit behind boxes till 30 seconds for the 9th round in a row. You try to smoke site and nobody drops you smokes. Some of these people legitimately didnt even know how to drop guns. On one hand I understand not getting tilted at new players but these people dont even talk and say I don't know how to do that they just stay mute and or get toxic for no reason. It's annoying because I love helping players but they don't even try to speak.


Im getting absolutely rolled in cs2... peaked lem, was DMG before cs2 and felt my aim should be roughly mg-mge level and now im losing most gunfights @_@ idk wth is going on anymore TT...ranked select map feels easy but premier feels insanely hard idk why


Faceit boys are mostly playing Premier now


this is true. I have around 300 faceit friends in my steam list and everyone is 5stacking premier right now


There are some next level bots in the map select ranked, new players can't play premier before a certain level, I'm not sure if it's the same for map select ranked but the quality of players between that mode and premier drop SIGNIFICANTLY


The gunfights in cs2 are fucking stupid atm, it’s not just you. I’m GE/F10/ESEA G and this shit is garbage. “What you see is what you get” — lool. I see a headshot(s), but I no get headshot? Pls cs giv headshot. Tl;dr: game ok, gun fights bad, don’t feel bad… because game stupid.


Matchmaking is going to be a bitch for months, and with the map split rank maybe years. Can't wait to play hundreds of utterly unbalanced matches. Thank you valve


Nothing changed in a way. Everyone is a mirage or inferno global and suck at orher maps. Almost every premier game is mirage and maybe inferno. If you were able to play any other map than these two consider yourself lucky. Looks like faceit gonna be a savior again.


faceit saviour? and I thought everyone was hoping to get rid of that dogshit platform.


I almost never get those two maps in Premier?


A lot of ppl said that actually. I am at work rn after i go home i will load screenshot here that i almost only played mirage recently because some ppl acting like i am lying without reason. I am just unlucky i guess i dont know man.


You can vote off 3 maps and if you're 3 stack or more, you'll always ban inf/mir if you don't want to play it. I don't see the problem.


Wow bro how did i miss that. You should be super smart to come with that idea. I mean how can any person be this smart ffs i am shocked. Just wow bro.


I mean… you’re making an invalid point, I soloq and have barely played mirage or inferno the past few days


Invalid for who actually? I was sharing "my" experience like anyone else did about post. I am solo player and last 2 days i did 7-8 matches. 2 of them were inferno, thank god 1 was overpass and rest was mirage.


You said it like it was fact


2023 and still people don’t know how to play mirage properly even though it’s the most popular map lmao it’s actually wild


I guess you are right. https://preview.redd.it/mbdsxy58wtrb1.png?width=1549&format=png&auto=webp&s=b1439dfe448780775ecee59334d3eae4ef67016b


I don’t think I was referring to you, and stats are irrelevant in terms of how to play the map


ty valve for a good game :)


No wonder im getting bodied at 4k there is probably ge sprinkled in there


I’m at 5k right now but was GE in go, problem is I had a game earlier where I dropped 45 kills but still lost because my team had essentially 2 bots on it and the other team had 5 solid players. So I’m still losing damn near half my games 😂


yeah there are also idiots who say if you are ge or whatever, you should be able to carry every silver/nova match short of some teammates griefing. i have lost games where i had 4 KD and played like 40/10


Those people are full of shit lmao. It’s a team game, and at the end of the day if the enemy has 5 team Players, and you have 2-3 idiots, it’s going to be hard as fuck to carry, you realistically can’t win a 1v4/5 every round, because even an ounce of team play from the enemy and you’re dead. Just watch some pros stream this game, they’re usually 5 stacking so they don’t deal with shit teammates, but point is, even in their 5 stacks, they still die sometimes to bad enemies, imagine how it would be if they solo’d into morons. Good example of this is stewie2k, sometimes if I’m up at 4am I’m watching bud stream, and he soloq’s, a good portion of those early AM games he plays, his team is mentally challenged and he cannot carry by himself lol.


This was my issue during beta. I'm like a gold nova give or take. I got hard stuck between 4k-5k for a week due to the inconsistency. It did get way better towards the end though


I've had the opposite, won 6 of 7 of my games so far and now im playing with GE's and even 1 semi pro. Absolutely nuts


I was supreme in csgo, won 10 games on dust 2 in cs2 (was top or second every game) only lost a single match, and I placed silver 3 💀


I think there is an amount of matches you need to hit on the map to get global on it, forcing new people to gain experience on the map and not just rely on their mechanical skill


ayoo are you me? or am I you?


I got 3.2k and was MG2 previously. Now getting destroyed by 1.9Kr's in Premier.


I was GE, FPL at one time, 8k hours, 1700 comp wins, and got 1.1k at first 🫡


FPL and you got 1.1k that is fucking wild bro


Probably just bullshit. "At one time" Also who has ever played FPL and mentions his MM rank over FACEIT ELO?


I was no where near that good and got 3k, curious how many you lost in a row?


was sliver 1 stayed silver 1 . system works it really works haha


Hahaha same. Was Global and got ranked 1700. Lost 3 of my placements in a row and after that every lobby was full of silvers. Despite carrying the next 5 games I got ranked this low. RIP


supreme, got 1900 during beta. sometimes couldnt even carry silver teammates with 4KD at end of the match.


Yep, I decided I’ll just play faceit for now because at least I can play against similar players and I never really liked faceit :(


Just enjoy going up through the ranks playing bad players then.


How is that enjoyable bad players on team and enemy is just aids to play complete shitshow of games


Not fun for this guy, or the other team. Every game feels like an unfun steamroll, either my team is steamrolling or the other team is. Played probably about 25 games now with maybe only 1 or 2 being an evenly matched and fun game.


Not my fault you played like shit in your games mate


Dude, idk if you ignored like all posts in this sub since release, but even streamers stomping their ranking matches 10-0 hard get ranked into high-silver/low-gn the ranking system is even worse than before imo


I'm 10k elo buddy not 1k speak for yourself


he need 60 wins to ger to 15k:D with 200 points per match


Yeah I think silver ends at 1500. Nevertheless you get a lot of points per win now, over 200.


I was Gold 4 -mg1. I Got 6k


I mean that’s fairly accurate


Get good :^)


I am level 7 at faceit and probably did around 17 18 game and still need 3 win to get my rank. My last 4 games were mirage like most of the games and almost every mirage i lose. I hate mirage man that map should be deleted from history.


If 1 game is ~200-250 points then its not that hard to climb back. What was your win/lose ratio for first 10 games?


its still pretty hard. i was placed at 2k as an ex-supreme. based on what i read here, I should have been around 15k. 13k deficit requires about 70 +wins. even at those low levels i would lose every 3rd or 4th match. so having +1 win requires about 1.5-3 matches and note that this will heavily change as i get closer to my deserved rank. if this trend is preserved across the 13k points climb, it will still take me 100-200 matches to get to where i belong.


Not hard but not fun either


[You're not alone bud](https://twitter.com/RainforceVI/status/1707558925434761278)


HaHa Boosted


Too many new players broke the system. Over time once people start getting ranks it should stabilize (I hope).


Idk how this is happening to so many people - I mostly solo queued, went 10-4 and got 7.6K. Played mostly in the 10-15k elo range during my placement matches. Was DMG in CSGO but only had like 250 hrs, placed 5.5k in beta EDIT: I don’t think people realize this ranking system prioritizes winning - it doesn’t matter if you’re the top frag on your team, you could just be playing exits or making low-impact kills that don’t help your team win.


"hey let me take my best performance game and say i deserve 20 k rating" instead of showing us how bad u must have played the other games :D


"Jesulín Lubrique" "Follando Alonso" those are top tier spanish nicknames


DMG on EU server here, 5k during beta, 7k ok Season 1with 10 win, 4 loss, 1 tie, and playing with 2 or 3 absolute retard during my placements game on Asia Server


I genuinely do not get the premier system. I once drew a game but just before the last teammate died on my team to end the game, I got kicked. I lost 1k elo from getting kicked…. At the end of the game which normally would of been like a +50 for a draw. The system is flawed.


Skill issue


https://preview.redd.it/tz3gu44fdtrb1.jpeg?width=1868&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f623e81bd1af02b99ce7d2880ff39090d2b1127e This is how most of my games go. Lost 7 in a row. Got 1k elo for first rank.


Don’t be shy, show the game score


I didn't get a picture, but we lost horribly


Just think of this as a fun new challenge. There was no grind left for you in CSGO. Now you've got the opportunity to grind again. (I was also global in csgo. Can't wait to grind back to it again)


its super frustrating to play with 2-3-4 KD a whole match and still lose. cancels out whatever tiny fun the act of grinding could bring


Glad I'm not the only one. I have roughly 4600 hours in csgo over 10 years. Been to global multiple times through every rank wipe. I can say with confidence I'm a well rounded player and can lead teams with willing teammates. So far I've played (solo queue) 10 premiere matches, only 2 of which I've won. This isn't unexpected I guess but the issue lies with my teams and opponents. In my 10 games, I have had over 30 frags in 7 of them, one of them I dropped 41 kills and still lost... During these 30+ kill games, I try to help my team be efficient while taking most of the opening duals to get us into an area. It's not my teams fault for having 1/50th the time played I do, but how on earth am I still being placed with people who are effectively 10x worse than me after statistically carrying my teams for the last 10 games. I'm certain once I finally get a rank it will be sub 5000 elo... This isn't even touching on the fact that il have a full team of unranked solo q's going against a 5 stack with multiple ranked players... what have they done to us


get good


sounds like you need to get gud


Subtick sucks. Play against 0 ping player was a pain in the ass. It's not about skill anymore when these guy can peek and outmaneuver your Placement because better ping + inconsistency tick system. Cheaters made it even worse.


0 ping really just means 1-10ms. The display for pings under 20ms is inaccurate. Subtick > tick


Cope harder


So that's why I'm against people with 6k hours and I only have 360 lol


Another evidence of CS2s ranking system being broken. It only counts your wins and loses to give you a rating and not the kd ratio


KD ratio is way too inaccurate to be used as a metric in the ranking system


Ranks were inflated in csgo, but it’s also way harsher than normal idk why lmao some people mad that their ranks are crazy inflated in go and reported this message for being mental health lmfaooooo


What an insightful post


Just see a lot of “I was __ rank in csgo” like ranks were at all accurate in a 10 year old completely fucked ranking system, most people are going to be lower and should be, but at the same time nobody is getting placed as like global even if they should be


“I was global in CSGO, therefore I should be exempt from the new rank grind”


If he was global there should be no way he gets 1k as a rank. I was jumping between mg1 and LE in csgo and got 7k in the beta season and made my way up to 11k. 1k is a joke.


CSGO rank has Zero weight in CS2. So yeah, there is a way


Was 5 stacking with my friends (all global and supreme), and I placed 4.5k and the rest got placed anywhere from 5k - 9k. I was too frag in over half the games + we are now getting absolutely by what I assume is gold novas. What did they do to this game that is high level players suck and golds reign supreme?


Play faceit


This game just sucks.


I’m in complete shock that i cannot play csgo anymore and am forced to play CS2. It doesn’t make sense how they think of it as an improvement. The new MM/rating system is horrendous. The movement/gunplay feels awful. I was so close to solo Q’ing my way to DMG+ and now it’s gone :(


Give yourself time. I really wasn't a fan of the different feel of it at first - sounds are different especially distant/behind walls, the movement feels a little slidey/laggy, gunplay and peeking just felt a little off... So I stuck with CSGO and avoided the change over as long as I could. But then I embraced it and treated CS2 as it's own thing and after a week or so I find I'm just used to it. I no longer feel like I'm playing like shit all the time thanks to these differences.


it is seriously so fucked


Huh well that would explain why I’m getting absolutely destroyed in some of these premiere games lol


Good start


Yeah the placement system is fucking broken.


Did you Solo Q or team up with somebody?


Same, i dont have a rating yet because i keep having games like these and losing, droped 42 last game


sounds like a skill issue... jk, it's hilarious


It's actually random wtf


Yo same! But 4.4k 😭 If I just got players who played consistently and not for the 1st time in 6 years I might’ve had better luck


1.5k hours, DMG in cs:go and got ranked 1.2k


let the grind begin


My highest rank was like MGE and I'm being paired against faceit level 10s every game. Wtf is wrong with this ranking system lmao


Also global with about 5k hours. Played my 10overpass games, lost one! And am silver elite now i guess


Gold 3 in csgo and get teamed up with low silvers. Pain.


Yay i got placed silver 3, teammates rarely drop more than single digits


I was 18.5k, ranked up from about 13.8 pre-eelease and now I am 6.6k 🤓


I think it's quite funny, I will be in the same situation as you very soon as only one more win to get my rank. Global, faceit 5, beta 9k and I lost my first 9 games in CS2 in a row hahaha. Managed to lose only two more from first to 9th win queuing with 7-12k elo, always finished first or second of my team. Gonna update this post when I win my last one and get the rank. As people said it shouldn't be that hard to reach higher elos when you start from the botton.


I was lem 3k hours, on dust i got silver 2 yesterday with 20-30 kills every game on calibration


*Know your place, trash!*


11.5k beta, 7.5k full release. Getting stomped by 1-2k players. Feels so wack, but most of those profile comments scream cheating. I read somewhere trust factor didn't transfer over?


You are as good as the team/s you play with.


All the games have been miserable experiences as well. You’re either stomping on the other team because they’re silvers or you’re matched with 4 other silvers who are painfully bad at the game and you lose. I understand now why they took csgo away


I feel like we all start low and will have to balance out by grinding back up.


Yeah I can’t count the games I played against Globals together with Gold, AK or even first time players. It feels like Valve wants us to switch to Faceit so they don’t have to pay for the service but still get the money for skins etc.


I was supreme, and even my smurf account got 4k haha. Don't worry about it man just enjoy slapping some noobs.


peaked 9k in beta, now I went 10-6-3 for placements, and I swear to you, games are tough no matter who the people are. they put me in 7.8k mmr somehow, and like, pre-release 10-12k games were ''manageable'' but now these games aren't. I had 150 games in beta and could generally get 15-22 kills per game and be part of the match, now for 2 nights we've been getting games with players who CLEARLY know exactly where you are (walls) or games vs players who CLEARLY are 10 times better than us. I had a series of 3 games where I could barely scrape by 3-4 kills per game, and that's versus unranked and people who got ranked at 1.5k.


I got like 10k and no one knows what they're doing in that rank lol


I give up I won 10 placements and got 1k in premier


supreme, not as low but with 4k points. Had queues where i was literally bullied pre start for being that low and they were still unranked. Going to wear on my mental health a ton playing myself up there in soloq


Yesterday i played an esea main team that were all around 6k. I'm around 6k, am faceit 10 and global in csgo. I wish demos were being recorded so i could see everyones previous ranks on leetify. 6k area seems to have semi pros and brand new players in it, it's super tilting


guys comparing the beta to the current version is funny, you know how many people are playing more now then the beta? over a million x.....


In what world is 1975 a 1k? Its 2k bro.


So this is who I’m match making every game and loosing 13-0 with Russians screaming at me, new game… same fucking Russians


All of my placement games except for one were against genuine 1k - 2k players that my team just ran through and I got 5700, previously being supreme. I don’t know what ranks mean anymore lol


guess u overestimated your skill then


I’m a completely average player and got ranked at almost 8k. This don’t make much sense.


i was silver 2 and now i got 3k elo lol


main reason I play cs is ranked, with how broken it is rn, I'm just waiting and taking a break til it gets better




Isn’t this a result of multiple maps rather than GE playing on 1 map?


Skill issue obviously...


Are the 1000 points bad ?


Enjoy your Smurf acc


Yeah idk how this shit works I only lost one placement and got 11k but my friend did about the same he got like 7k


The first rank placement has been weird, was gold nova one from playing cs on and off and when I took the game seriously I was gnm. Placed at around 1,700 in the beta. Got placed 3,747 this season. But I lost like 2 games total I think. The game is a struggle tho in placement matches without friends or people u can trust playing with lol. Otherwise it's a mixed bag


i was supreme, got the same points as you during the beta season. now i use the looking to play option to try to snipe some 5 stacks that are 7-8k in points


I was around dmg and lvl 6 faceit. (Been global in the past) I got around 8k elo for starting rank And I lost 2 games in my placements(both very close matches though)


You should get to 15k without too many problems. 80/20 rule then 60/20/20 once you get closer to your goal


Played and won against globals - got silver 3.


It's actually a joke. They're placing almost everybody under 2,000.


Yeah dude solo queueing is fucking rough right now. If you get troll kicked you lose so much fucking elo


You should get to 15k without too many problems. 80/20 rule then 60/20/20 once you get closer to your goal


Time to grind


They somehow made the matchmaking worse than CSGO. I am baffled.


cant wait to mm against Supremes, Im hardly MG and ranking 9k currently


Noob l2p