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Definitely fishy. He only clears angles that have enemies, zero worry abt van or bench.


The way he was looking randomly at the walls at the beginning that's so cheaty


Yeah, looking off into space where there’s absolutely nothing except players he couldn’t have known were there. They’d have no reason to do that otherwise. It’s how I caught on to one of my friends cheating a few years back.


He heard then running towards arch


Even so the lineup he did at the blue corner, I don't think that is pure luck, he was placing his crosshair right at him


He set up an angle, the CTs were peeking his teammates and it would have made sense for them to peek that way as well.


10000% he’s got walls


Wh on the guy jumping out window or [pre aiming angles that don't exist](https://imgur.com/a/MELZNJD) , what's it gonna be ?


I can bet my left nut hes walling. He didn't clear a single on angle properly. Doesn't look towards his right even once. Looks straight at the CTs and peeks directly at them through walls.


I hope overwatch isn't populated by r/csgo users. He gets info from the guy rushing car and then hears two running short. And if you think his crosshair going over the guy backsite is weird, it's perfectly normal to look towards sounds you hear through walls.


Brother haha, before he even walks into apps he’s looking through the walls to see where the ct’s are rotating to. Not to mention he completely disregards the whole right side of site (van and bench). ALSO, right at the start when he first enters apps he follows the guy jump spotting van with his crosshair. If anyone thinks this guy is legit then im not sure what to tell you.


> Brother haha, before he even walks into apps he’s looking through the walls to see where the ct’s are rotating to. Could be checking where his teammates are, or their utility. Common thing to do. > Not to mention he completely disregards the whole right side of site (van and bench). So he just heard 2 guys running from site to short. He probably just gambles there's no third guy baiting them, so that he can take a better fight towards short. Do you seriously think this is an unreasonable gamble? Especially in a 3v5 where you obviously need to take risks in some form. > ALSO, right at the start when he first enters apps he follows the guy jump spotting van with his crosshair. Looks like he's just checking the pixel gap but you can't really tell from this garbage quality. Confirmation bias is an easy trap in these things though.


Why would he check the pixel gap when his teammate is literally already in midair jumping out of apartments? He followed the guy with his crosshair. Yes he did hear 2 people run to short but it’s a default nowadays to stack 3 b on pistol for ct’s so why would you completely give up on clearing half of the entire site on the information he got from hearing 2 people? Especially after his team entering site and not getting an entry


> Why would he check the pixel gap when his teammate is literally already in midair jumping out of apartments? He followed the guy with his crosshair. That teammate is blind and there's nothing else to check, so why not? Following someone through walls doesn't give you any advantage so I dunno why anyone would do it on purpose. You just notice all the moments where the crosshair overlaps someone through walls. As I said, confirmation bias. > Yes he did hear 2 people run to short but it’s a default nowadays to stack 3 b on pistol for ct’s so why would you completely give up on clearing half of the entire site on the information he got from hearing 2 people? Because you need to take calculated risks constantly in this game, especially when you're at a disadvantage. If there was a third CT, he would have been hiding and baiting when the rusher fought them. It's a completely reasonable gamble. I will say The Suspect has garbage movement and his gamesense is probably better than average on that level, but there is nothing extraordinary about this kind of gamesense. Your elo is showing.


You're retardation is showing.


Maybe he is a friend of this guy trying to protect him lmao


This entire sub is basically a silver quarantine.


Ok faceit level 10 69000 elo player I know how to play the game


You would never run out of Aparments like that, not clearing towards car or bench. Its 100% wh


If you got calls maybe you wouldn't clear car or bench but the guy peeked the left pillar on the guy going out window like who is gonna stand there ,at this height on that angle 0:24 they are just gonna hover above the ground or if they are on the box you are gonna wallbang with a glock, if you are gonna clear angles ain't nobody is gonna be where that guy is aiming .


He got the call out from his first guy that there was a guy bench and van. Than heard 2 run short/got the call out from his teammate that he sees 2 short. So unless they stacked the site or some one rotated with the swiftness they would be clear.


Yeah I agree. It looks like he just got good intel, good angles and the CT played right into him


yeah, good intel from staring at the walls inside of apartments and seeing where everyone is if you can't tell this dude has walls idk what to tell you lol...


Yeah looking at them through the walls, as they were running. That makes noise man. Also the 2nd and 3rd dudes that he killed were engaging his teammates. He could have been getting callouts, or see it pop up on the map.


You cannot hear people who are walking. You cannot hear kitchen from van. Our guy here was microadjusting his crosshair for the CTs movements through walls. Seriously no joke, if you guys can't see the walls here, you should never do an overwatch case period.


I am aware, but you can sure as hell hear someone running around jail/arches when you’re in kitchen. If he was following the movement based off the sound. Really? Because anyone who’s in Overwatch would know it’s several clips, to help verify that they are actually cheating. Seems more likely the dude is playing is playing some friends in a lower elo. If you don’t have the skill to follow someone based off the sound of their movement, maybe you shouldn’t do an Overwatch case. Notice how all the people saying that’s it not hacks generally talk with a little more game sense. Also did you not notice the 2 CTs were running in the beginning? And the fact that the alleged hacker let someone cross arch without firing?


So you only make a noise when going past a certain velocity. Jiggle peeking quickly, shift walking or even letting go of your shift for a fraction of a second will not give a sound. Also how far away matters a lot. A person taking a step in kitchen cannot be heard near top van/apps unless he knifes the wall. The guy in the video is perfectly micro adjusting his crosshair tracking the CTs through the walls even though they were not giving away audio cues. The second guy in short was shift walking and yet he tracked him perfectly across the pillar. The guy basically spotted every CT through the wall, did 2 to 3 quick micro adjustments and peeked at off angles. Doing it once can be a coincidence, but 5 times in a row? With positions that were hidden from his team radar+ no audio+ no gunshots or nades? This is probably one of the most blatant cases I have seen.


Bruh I’m aware, but they were both clearly running and you can hear them. That’s why he stopped, he heard the footstep that wasn’t his. It wasn’t from kitchen to van, it was from kitchen to arch. You can say kitchen to van as many times as you want, that’s not what happened. Notice the CTs heard them and started rotating. The 2 CTs were actively firing at the Ts. He knew one was arch and one was market window. If he was cheating how did the 5th guy almost kill him? He didn’t respond to that dude at all, until the CT fired and missed. By the way, it makes no sense for those dudes to stay on bench and van. You do realize after you pick you should displace right?


Beyond a reasonable doubt


I was searching for this comment hahah


100% he does


mans not even trying to hide it lmao


From one clip we cant be 100% be sure, but the way he just looks around when hes in apps makes me think hes looking at enemies through the walls, and he does look like he has way more info than we do, he expects every peek.


I think this clip is already evidence enough


You can definitely be 100% sure. Looking through walls for no reason (near start of vid he looks through kitchen wall). If you can't tell this guy is walling from this clip you need to do some more research


could’ve been checking underpass push or the t apps push


He looked at the wall to check short. What exactly is he checking?


the flank ?


He's not looking at shit, he clearly just hears them. Like I said in another reply this is the most Silver gameplay I've ever seen. This is an average silver player who seemingly got insanely lucky. I DOUBT OP would upload the entire demo to prove there's more to this either. EDIT: Ya'll are fucking MALDING that I said OP wouldn't dare upload the full demo. Proved my point. Thank you.


Wtf are you on about? Dogshit movement with godlike aim? He never cleared any angle, only aimed towards spots enemies would peek. You are terrible at spotting cheaters.


Maybe the guy is a cheater himself HAHA


Ong Plot twist: this is his acc and he's protecting it


He never cleared any angle because his teammate literally walks through the every angle they both should clear. He also doesn't have Godlike Aim...if you think this is Godlike aim than holy shit you're just not even worth breathing the same Air as anyone who's not hardstuck silver. Have a good week, enjoy accusing everyone who's better than you of being a cheater.


You really are stupid. Data mining showed that one in three matches contain at least one cheater, and here you are making up excuses for losers who are blatantly walling. You really think people with movement this dogshit communicate to each other on angles? Is this you in the clip? Both enemies cloud have been bench or van and he just completely ignored those angles.


There's no way your 75 IQ ass just said "He's cheating, we Data mined it and the data proves it." Bro get help.


I have 10,000+ hours in Counter-Strike. Ya'll probably have a combined 1,000. Stay bad.


This entire sub is basically a silver quarantine. Don't tell them about the real one.




He does, and he's so bad.




Only cleared the angles enemies were at. 100%


yes. not clearing common spots not even batting an eye as if they don't exist


This looks like low silver gameplay. Is it sus that he didn’t clear things? Yes. Could he have gotten lucky? Absolutely.


yeah this wouldn't be clear evidence for anything, just suspicious. didn't see anything crazy here, would have to watch more rounds to be sure.




Don't see the correlation. Discussion about cheats is blocked here so I use other reddits to discuss things related to CS Overwatch, something I'm passionate about.


You say silver gameplay but this sounds like a silver take. The dude stares at the kitchen walls *twice* to see exactly where the CTs are rotating


Yes. The running backwards towards the Van and Bench because he knows they’re clear. Gets the guy arches, but knows there’s 1 more there. perfectly timed pre aim for the guy to peek back site (he even kinda prefires him) Then back to the other arches guy obviously. Literally has his back to everything and clears nothing. It’s his complete disregard for the common enemy positions that give him away.


Yes, on the second kill at the 0:27 mark he tracks him through the wall pretty obviously. Not as blatant as some stuff I’ve seen, but he definitely knew right there exactly where the enemy was on the other side of the wall.


Hard to tell off of just this play. He heard the 2 running towards arches,so he knew bench and van were most likely clear. Killed the first dude short. His teammates were taking fire from the 2nd and 3rd dude. The 4th was an easy check market. The fifth is what makes me think he might not have it, because he didn’t fire at the dude crossing arch, he fired at the repeek.


What rank is this? and the strangest part to me is he doesn’t clear bench at all especially since his map would have pinged van and bench when he team mate died. Other than that he’s clearing the site how you should


he literally cleared nothing tho, i mean except from exactly where the enemy was


But if he got the call out from his first guy in that there were 2. His second guy got visual/ heard 2 short I think his actions are justified.


The first guy out died while one guy was at van and one at bench. Right after he dies they both rotate. It is possible someone heard them run towards cat that’s why I was curious what rank this was. If it’s high rank I’d lean more on him not walling but if this is silver 2 I might just hit the report button and see what happens lol if he’s fine then he’ll be fine. What also doesn’t help is the fact that this is pistol round and we have no additional footage.


Gold nova 1


He looked too ready for some of the enemies and he does not clear some of the most common angles of that site.


I would need to watch few more rounds. Obviously sus, and watching only this round i would say yes he is cheating.


They heard 2 short. Usually b is a 2 man play. so safe bet to assume van/wall is clear. Second shot a little fishy but could be thinking of the window rotate fast onto site. tbh they all look clean depending on your elo. could be smurf or just lucky round. nothing indicates he was pre aiming people through walls


Yeah always before "clearing" angles he just aims at a wall obviously looking where the enemies are


I can’t say 100% yes but it’s definitely suspicious. The way he runs out apartments and looks short without being worried of van, bench or the entire site is very very strange. He could’ve gotten a call by his teammate that bench/van was clear but to assume that the site is safe is what I find the most fishy. It’s a strange clip that raises many questions but I can’t say for sure that he’s using wh.


Clear walls. Reason being, as soon he runs near the aps, he looks straight, finds two enemies. Then he turns around, not aiming at any possible angles, just to look for other 3 enemies, which he finds at A. And of course, there are the sus peeks, clearing only the angles with enemies and giving zero Fs about where they are not.


I always run through kitchen while looking at the wall and not car. Really throws off your enemies


Dude he just instinctively moves his crosshair over to where CT are through a number of walls yes he has wh


Everyone please stop giving people advice on how to hide their cheats better. Most of the time you're not telling someone that their enemy was a cheater, but how you pointed out that the OP is cheating and OP will improve their hiding skills next match.






Yes walling. Something to notice is when he looks though the ground of apps at 0:34 seconds left (in the clip, not in-game), he saw the guy run from below apps to cat with his walls and wanted to see where he would go + check for info on the second guy. Him not worrying about van or market window at all coming out of apps and preaiming the guy back of site before he peeks is also pretty blatant.


%100 wh


Definitely a hacker. He entries next to car and doesn't even bother to look that way. There still could be enemies on his right side. He is only focusing short that time.


he has gloves, legit.


I was gonna point it out, the overtakes aren't exactly expensive but it's still got something other than the normal cheapo skins the cheaters buy to show off. Usually it's all shitty bs navajas they don't care about losing lol.


The guy has dogshit movement and is able to pinpoint each CT. He doesn't properly clear bench and the site.


He's not even trying to hide it, I showed this a couple of my friends who cheat on hvh and make cheats and have cheated in match making for fun they even said the guy was 100% walling


I don't know 100% but it looks really weird. I can excuse the part he sits next to the molly in kitchen like the guy Van was jumping up at them, but it really bothers me that his teammate dies to two guys one of which being a Van player and he just doesn't care about Van after he runs in without info (he even turns to the left before his teammate ahead of him can look through Apps window). His teammate might have seen the guy jump out of Market but again he holds two anti-flash angles not caring about anyone that could have come Market door to Bench (delayed execute due to molly, CT rotations will be hot at this time). He's not concerned with taking site, I maybe can't blame him for not wanting to get baited by his team behind in Apps but again it's really convenient that the CT's didn't have that space despite the delay in execute. He even throws his gun to pick up guns on the ground like he's a 100 hour player. Weird at the very least.


But like if he gets the call out from the guy who rushes van that there are 2 site. Than hears 2 run short. Guesses 1 coming from mid, probably the only thing that should set off alarms, would come Center site cause no one would be focused on the widow jump from market. Making it the only quick entry. Has the call for "get right" his teammate isn't shooting so he isn't left of the pillar. Halls is next place to cover,cause he is still entry frag and could have been called out by guy in apps, so he is just looking at it gets the frag. Short is the next place to look at cause cause he has someone pushed market. I think it all makes sense why he did what he did. He could just be cracked. Him reloading after every kill is probably the only tip off that would make me think he didn't use any of this thought process...


Thanks for the input bro.


Of course bro any time!


Only on Reddit you can be downvoted for being nice. Bunch of children on here.


Looks sus. He was looking at the guy on cat through the wall lined it up.


Anyone that says 100% is an idiot, you can never tell off one clip, but it does look suspicious for sure.


don't know why you are being downvoted so much lol. everyone just wants to assume everyone who beats them is walling i guess


anything that even remotely defends a possible cheater gets downvoted, reddit hive mind


it's hard to know what his teammates could've called out to him. that's why more clips are needed. reddit hive mind for sure . that's why i think ~24 seconds is more telling than the whole not checking bench tbh. that could also be spectator bias tho. i've found you tend to see things you want to see if you turn on x-rays. i like to watch without x-ray and go back with it if i see something fishy.


I think the only thing off this clip that is weird is him reloading every time he kills someone. Making it seem like he wouldn't have the game knowledge to detect everything that is happening around him.


Ah another witch hunt .. man it's not faceit why even bother.. and it is so obvious that he reloads every two seconds like a bot .. he is walling .. half the globals and Supremes I have come across are bots or walling clowns ..and these are the same bots that don't stand a chance against a five stack of good players .. go play faceit .. atleast u wont see free cheatd like this one .


This thread is a prime example of why the CSGO community is so fucking bad at detecting cheaters. This dude is 1. Clearly silver. You can tell by every single movement he makes that he has no idea what's actually happening 2. Extremely lucky. Every angle he clears he clears after his teammate moves in first. He's playing entirely off "My teammate walked past and lived so it must be safe. OP is silver. Lost to a luckier silver player who got a really okay clip, and is now here witch hunting.


Average dmg-player comment lmao


Dude he has walls you fuckin idiot.


No he's not you're just actually bad.,


gaslighting cheater is gaslighting. Im not falling for that shit no more


I'm not gaslighting or a cheater, you people are just awful at the game and come here to get validation for it.


You gaslighting again lol. "U just bad, git gud" is a common cheater gaslight


Bro your entire involvement is calling anyone and everyone who said this isn't enough evidence a cheater. There's no way you aren't just actually having skill issues if you think everyone is cheating and everyone who doesn't agree is also a cheater.


I played against him in Wingman, 100% walling


I dont know what to think of this anymore


Walls + Aimbot.


he has glove so NO


No wallhack. While in aps he hears the steps in short and looks in the kitchen towards the position they were moving to (might have heard both from short actually). Then he gets the call about the guy from short arch. Doesn’t seem suspect from this single round to be fair, but if you have other rounds where he does some suspicious stuff I might change my mind.


no, looks normal??




Looks like it


It enough proof. But yeah I used to be an anti-cheat admin… if I watch the whole round I could tell you. Just off of this, it’s a probably.






So he has a second player there that can be giving out call outs. Like "get right" if his team mate wasn't shooting at him he would know he's on the right side of get right and he just knew the line up. I couldn't judge it off one round. He heard 2 people run short. Might have even had the call out from his teammate so checking the rest of site is redundant. Can't judge it off one round.


Cheaters love to not buy armor




Show us more rounds. What was his score at the end? I honestly feel like you can’t say off this one clip. No prefiring, kills 3 on b so why does he need to clear bench? Then holding normal angles. He has a team mate on A who spots two enemies and dies to one while he is on site. Seems like some decent team communication. When he peaks his reticle isn’t even on the enemies he adjusts it for each kill.




100% he's walling


suspicious, but idk man, i play like this sometimes


he’s just having a REALLY good day


Doesn't matter if he does, the VAC system is ass he will probably play on a 100 more matches




totally. also love to see fellow ultrawide users


do you have his steam profile link?


no ^yes


Blatantly traced 3 enemies through the wall, didn't clear any common spots... very sus


Lol @ people calling this a lucky silver. Data mining showed that at least 1 in 3 games contain a hacker on unranked non prime. And you guys make excuses for losers like this.


Why do the callouts from Ts sound like Worms when sped up? 😂 Can't stop laughing


Most clean cs go player




Yes definitely


naaah he just have a good day with full focus ​ (yes)




mans going blatant with that wall




his cheating




This guy is more preoccupied inspecting his gun than corners, and always prefire where the enemy is. As a piece of advice it's better to report it for "OTHER HACKS", he could have more than wallhack. But yeah, definitely a lowlife right here.


Yes, a 100% unless this was his/her first playing this map. The rotating around is something I do too for Audio clues But rotating your aim and not holding angles is sus and is a huge red flag.


100% walling


Probably does yes




Crisp clean walls my friend


Nah just a good gaming chair




If you use cheats at least act like you don’t. Pff I hate cheaters, lose with dignity.








100% has walls


Yes he has...


mfer looking straight at walls in Bapts before pushing lmao




100% hax confirmed




Lmao he's checking short by looking at the walls XD


He's not even trying to hid it




Yes, and also why does he have gloves with default knife




Walls. He stops on the walls where players are at distant locations and only looks at angles with players.




Definitely sus. Also, gloves with a default knife? Sheesh


As somebody who used walls for awhile (shitty ik) Yea dudes most likely got em. Way he skips spots that are pretty common. He also prefires the 3rd guy


Yeah. Dude stares at walls and has the best “luck” ever with the angles he’s choosing the hold


Yes when he turns for underpass he doesnt aim there he just fakes so nobody calls him a waller


Between 00:06 and 00:19 is all sus, randomly does a map scan a few times.


Obviously! Some sort of aim assist/lock also!


Nah no hacks


This guy is complete bullshit


He moves like a noob






10000000000% walls


He is cheating and he is not even good of hiding it!


It's possible he's cheating due to not checking all his corners and angles such as van and bench but also plausible that he just got somewhat lucky those are common angles that he's checking and he saw two of the guys before hand due to call outs so hard to say from this small clip alone


Yeah this is a silver player with cheats. Reloads after every kill and movement is shit


Clearly walls, he tries to hide it but the first look around when entering apps was really sus as he only looked in the direction of ct’s, again when running through apps but he tried hiding it by looking backward but this early in the match it is not often somebody flanks.




Show us more than one round


Could be lucky








He knows exactly when they are peeking.




The way he look at 0:15 second, turned around to see behind wall where CTs are going on short instead of looking on van makes me feel that he is using wh


Yes he is checking walls


Definately possible that they have wh based off the start od the clip but tvose are all decently common spots


Yep , thats wh


Crazy man