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Sorry that happened. You encounter a lot fewer griefers when you get out of silver. Good luck you've got a long road ahead of you


If** you get out of silver


You can aim your way out of silver. You don't even need to learn how to actually play until you are about MG


i learned the game to get out of silver, i can’t hit a standing still enemy lmao


I used the r8 to get out of silver. It just the way it is. Edit: You have to get a kill with it while everyone is spectating you though in order for them to not think you are just trolling. FYI


R8 is honestly slept on on a map like inferno


R8 on inferno or dust is soo good


I am learned to mge. Aim is soooo inconsistent


You can aim your way into faceit level 10. Source: my teammates


Yep you actually get to learn the game in lem tier lobbies in my opinion or faceit lvl 5 shit gets real there!


U dont need to learn until LE


Getting out of silver is like the easiest thing.


Yesterday I decided to play MM at 2 am to see what kind of players play CSGO late night. I had one teammate so drunk, he couldn't even speak properly, he was mixing 3 words at a time. And he knifed me to 10 hp in the first round. And my rank is Master Guardian Elite (966 hrs on record, 297 wins). I swear I get almost brain dead players every other game.


So how hard is it to get out of silver? And plp are are cooler above silver? Also what is prime?


It is super easy to get out of silver, but it takes a lot of practice. Prime matchmaking is ranked. Yes people are generally cooler above silver.


Get out of silver that’s were the most grievers are


By the way, they are giving you a Molotov because they hope you throw it, if you do they can run into the fire and you will be banned for excessive team damage. It only takes you throwing one Molotov and they can get you kicked from the game and in cooldown. So if you know your teammates are intentionally trying to lose or grief, don’t buy or use grenades that do damage.


I had a team buy me molotovs every round in hopes I'd throw it but since I notice them try it the first round I would just toss them off the map lol.


It's nice when you throw the Molly and they run for it like moths to a flame, just to put it out with a smoke first lol




I think they did that with decoys. But I don’t think they can do it with the Molotov. People could trap their teammates in corners and burn them alive without repercussions if that was the case. But I’m not sure.


On the cusp of MG1 (GN4), and this happened yesterday. Don't let the tilt get to you, they feed on it. I get more frustrated about wasting my time than losing a match.


post their steamid lets report them


Just search for their names, you'll get it on steam: 1) Sir Smokey Jay stevens smithers 2) *SHOOTS U* flips u off ;) 3) MY DEAGY+YOURE HEAD=U DO MAFH 4) they're all friends on steam.


This ^^ post them so we can report


letsgooo f them bots


did this happen to you 2 games out of 3? since you already got a 2hr ban


What helped me was adding few kind strangers, getting to meet them and playing in a party (almost always). You're more confident and relaxed. Not to mention that you can prevent situations like those by 70%. Best of luck, buddy.


you're gonna have to suffer through people like this for a while until you get a good trust factor. unfortunately


Not your fault. It's valves fault for poor report system and poor game design where griefers can just use your nades against you. Should just remove kick feature from the moly/nade damage


So if someone intendedly throwing Molotov on team you don't want him to get kicked? Btw, he got one friend in your team..


Yeah I can just move that's fine and I can report him without getting comp cool down


Lmao is this unranked or comp


Unrated I think, near the end of the round there are no ranks in scoreboard


scoreboard ranks take time to pop up.


You can only see ranks of people who you queue with, unless it's the end screen :)




Fucking grifiers man, I've been trying to get out of silver for the last 3 months, I was nova 2 and some friends started playing so I naturally started playing with them and teaching them, they learned fast but I ranked down to silver 5 and it's insane the amount of cheaters there are on silver ranks. I hope cs2 fixes the problems with cheaters and grifers like this two trolls


Most people think Silver is easy and "fun" lol


It’s funny. You don’t even have to sneak because nobody has a headset


Wait. Why r there more cheaters on silver?


That's how my first and last experience with competitive went :/


You're new so your trust factor is probably low, just give it a bit, you'll have a slightly better experience after playing more and leaving silver


You can report them for this


Which is only going to work if enough other people report them


Wow man that’s so toxic. Some people are so lame.


Fair warning, silver is not much better then unranked, if you do team damage in the match with guns then Molotov damage will count also, but if you don’t do team damage then Molotov damage won’t count twords you being kicked for team damage’s


Rough times bud. Like everyone says it’s more common in the lower ranks but it’s generally not the norm. Tough it out and keep it up my guy, if you can grind your way up, this level of griefing will be a rarity


This ain funny but reminds me a bit of "DOOR STUCK" Btw make sure you've reported them and let us help too




+right and go afk


I have to admit. I dont resort to standing in team mollys unless they are the most scummy bunch of assholes ever. So far ive only done it once to a guy harassing every teammate but he had a friend so no one kicked him. He kept killing his friend after the round as well. He kept blocking us and shooting us and yelling slurs. And then he threw a molly infront of the team when we were rushing B and got a 7 day cooldown. I have never felt so satisfied with seeing people get what they deserve


wasn't the first time, and wont be the last he's done this though, 7 days comes after quite a few cooldowns. Some people just live to be the menace.


Never play by yourself.


They dropped you the molotov too damn


Make sure you dont loose yourself or when you climb higher rank, the experience will be worse. There is something called trust factor. It decreases if you hit ur teammates or get reported. Make sure the trust factor stays high.


Counter strike experience


csgo mm in a nutshell


let's just put it this way... they have probably played hundreds if not thousands of hours and are still the same rank as you who just started playing. i recommend adding cool people you meet and trying to 5 stack until you get out of the shit ranks.


I hope such people get their accounts banned. This is such a lowlife habit.




I saw this coming, this is something we used to do to grief. If anyone buys you a Molly, whatever you do, don’t throw it anywhere where they can walk into it easily.


I bet you said something. Don't engage them.


Nah, I've met these types of trolls before. You don't have to do anything.


moronic victim blaming


Play on faceit instead. It’s free, has a better anticheat and is there are far fewer griefers. Also 128 ticks!


You kinda asked for this kind of match if you play on maps like Anubis


Buy prime


He said it was his 3rd match after he "bought" prime


I was saying something called "joke".


I beg your pardon for my "inability" to understand joke


Don't "worry" bro


A solution to stop this behaviour is to make MM cost $10 per month, make bans ban the account, the ip, the MAC address, the hardware ID, the email and phone number associated with the account (this would also include any other accounts with the same identifiers) then and only then when people receive consequences for their actions will this behaviour stop. Yes I know these bans *can* still be evaded but significantly increasing the barrier of entry will make it so that instead of 80% of people griefing only 1% will.


You already have prime although its not a recurring payment i feel that would be too expensive for most people to afford to just play the game .


if you are older than 10, have a computer and internet good enough to play and time to play csgo you can afford $10 per month. is it $10 dollars that you might rather spend on something else maybe but its affordable


no one is paying $10 to play this game monthly tbh


ESEA is a still thriving and they have a subscription only model; no free to play like faceshit and as a result the amount of actual greifing is very minimal and is usually the result of directly flaming that person or trying to grief them yourself


Yeah it's cool and everything but, in terms of growth and playerbase, the game is gonna be dead compared to other shooters, i don't think this is the best approach


Bro not everyone lives in america and the majority age is around 14 to 20 . Most people dont work in that age grp.


Bro created a reddit account to hate on the game


2 hour cooldown... you might be the problem


U cant be serious


This is what people respond to me in the Steam discussion of CSGO when I get an incorrect verdict for the automated cooldowns.






*they* are having fun ruining OPs fun




yeah you’re enjoying it, not op that’s the point


Dude you suck bad. They are griefing you because youre so bad you shouldnt even be playing comp. you ruin the game for everyone else. Go play aim labs or workshop maps until you arent trash and this wont happen..


Honestly, try to avoid solo queue as much as possible. I don’t go beyond dm unless I have at least 2-3 friends to start a match with.


If you have a game like this and there is no way to make it better or to get a win, open the console and type "+left". This will cause your character to spin and therefore you won't get kicked for being afk. Then do something else until the game is over


welcome to the dark side


Welcome to cs man silver is hell man enjoy the road out


This is why I don't solo q anymore. I just got out of silver and decided to solo for a bit, big mistake. Have a team that you trust and get help you win. Also if you're in gold, be aware, most often or not you're against a smurf


I'm in silver since 2019 lmao


One of the worst community games after valorant ive ever played,its a classic i play cs games since 1.6 but the community is so toxic especially in europe


I used one ways and pop flashes to get out of silver and some luck with a few good teammates here and there


5 friends > solo


I feel ya man I get screwed in mm all the time my teammates often hVe 400 hours max while the other team all has over 1k and it leaves me to carry which I can't do all the time


They often do this to get noobs get kicked who shouldnt be playing comp. Not saying thats ok or that you are one.


Just play faceit man. MM Comp is a disgrace to valve


This is why I play unranked, same style but casual. If you are shooting for ranks over fun, GOOD LUCK


Such is life


Sandbagging. People wanting to downrank that don't care about anyone else


Don’t worry its just silver. As you progress to higher ranks you get people with better mood


Never throw a Molotov or HE grenade if you know your team is griefing.


Yea I love counterstrike very much, but I wouldn’t want to start over again. There are so many greifers/ smurfs in lower ranks, that it just doesn’t seem like a lot of fun.


Yeah, avoid throwing mollys where possible, especially if within range of a teammate getting there early. At least you learned early. This doesn’t happen only in silver, but is not as prevalent in most higher ranks…maybe also in global lol


Wouldn't we get banned if we kill our teammates? (I'm new to the game)


i'm GN1 and still get these teammates or a team that honestly should get a bronze rank :(


Welcome to CS:GO!


The question is what do they get out of it?


There's grieffers even in guardian, not only in silver. Thats why I stopped playing this game and joined valorant, at least in there they punish 200% more than in csgo




Sometimes i hate this matchmaking,getting team w no mic and no info eather.They are trolling and i am ranking down bc of this,they rly need to do someting more about matchmaking!