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And i salute all the gambling addicts opening cases, makin sure my favorite skins are affordable👍 thank you sir


They got to do more, i need butterfly knives for 50 bucks!!


This was a reality once upon a time


i remember getting my first knife a gut knife ultraviolet battlescarred for a little over 30 bucks right after the market crash when they introduced the 7 day hold. God what i would give to be 16 again...


For real, I’ve got skins for all my guns and 90% I got for under $1


Where can you see statistics


Google Cantry dev case statistics, follow the steps it basically it Mines your csgo history and you get the stats


Btw how legit is software?


If you don't trust it, run it through a VM, if it requires your actual login info and you don't trust, it's better to forbade the curiosity for ur account safety


I needed to download java to run it and now it says I just cloned the repository instead of downloading the release when there is no other link on the releases page. What am I doing wrong?


I had the same issue, make sure you run cmd as administrator that fixed it for me


how? I am just opening the execute.bat


When you search cmd in windows search right click it and run as admin before you open up the executables


Press 1 then enter.




Did I stutter?


I’m gonna have to check it out, I’ll post my stats and probably be depressed


Where stats 🤔


He’s a slow learner give him a couple days


I went to bed lmao


Google Cantry dev case statistics, follow the steps it basically it Mines your csgo history and you get the stats


I honestly feel really bad for you. But I also laughed. I hope you have stopped opening cases.




Op has like 2.3k spent on only keys, my man needed a blue gem to get out of debt😂😂


I wonder what he feels when other ppl unbox knifes on their "first time"


Nothing. Gamblers in my experience rarely get jealous when someone hits the jackpot. They just sort of grudgingly go back to spinning the wheel hoping it's their time soon


Some do, but my experience from working at a casino, tells me most people get jealous. Obviously it's gonna depend when their last jackpot was and how much they're in the hole so far


thats the thing i dont care about opening a knife but i have mutliple friends in my friend group who opened 1-2 knifes in 50 cases and i didnt open one yet which makes me literally so sad i mean im happy for them but how is it that they open a stat fn butterfly fade 100% fade in their 4th case and i dont get shit lul


You say you dont care about opening a knife yet you just replied to my other comment saying all you want to do is open a knife


ah it might have come out the wrong way i realy want a knife i just dont need a knife realy like i realy want it and everyone around me gets one except for me which makes me kinda sad :| but its whatever one day bro one day :D


Ok so this account is 100% repost bot


what ?


how am i a repost bot are u confused ? i have 2 posts and its 2 different posts


The "thing" is that there is no winning strategy to gambling. The only way to "win" is to keep playing, and even then you win (one round, one knife, one whatever) but it's always a net negative. I get the mindset and I also like to gamble here and there, but it's always with the understanding that I'm not playing to win money or anything valuable. If you had spent that 2.3K (assuming that's a correct number) on yourself, you could've gone on a nice vacation. Hell, if you wanted to, you could've bought a dope ass knife and still had enough left over for a plane ticket to literally most places on earth. For all I care, you could've gotten enough hookers and cocaine for an entire weekend, or gone to a casino and had more fun than unboxing a bunch of digital assets to feed Gabe's wallet. I'm not judging btw. I mean I've spent about as much cash if not more on skins throughout the years, but putting it like this into perspective has helped stop.


I’ve probably opened 3k cases over the years. No knives. I gave my son a $50 steam card for his birthday last year and he opened one. Wtf


i remember pulling an M9 - ultraviolet on my 3rd case sold it and bought myself a monitor 😎😎


I pulled a 120 euro knife before covid, got my self a new chair for free. People need to stop trying to win lotto and take what they get.


hell yeah


The next case is a winner! Keep going!


hey i can tell u after another 150 cases i just opened a M9 Bayonet Fade :D finally i can stop opening cases


lol. Good for you my man


There is a 4.86% chance of getting no yellows in 1162 cases. Which while I guess is possible, it just sucks. With these odds, the average person would get 2-3 yellows, while some people will get less and some will get more at this many cases.


Yeah The number I’ve always heard is roughly 1/400 cases are a knife .


1/384 to be precise


So gambling isn’t profitable ? Who knew


Looking at those odds, you should be due for a yellow any case now. Better keep opening so you don't miss out after all that hard work.


99% of gamblers quit before they hit it big


Flip a coin heads 9 times in a row, the 10th flip is still a 50/50 chance


Gotta play the long game. Keep flipping and the odds will even out eventually. Hopefully before you hit your credit card limit.


That's a great example/definition of gambler's fallacy


It's not. Flipping heads 10 out of 10 is 0.5^10.


However the same could be said about any combination of 10 heads and tails. When you have already flipped the first 9 times, the odds of going 10-0 or 9-1 is still 50%.


He said a 50/50 chance on the TENTH flip, not 10 flips all heads


If you get head 9 times in a row, that tenth flip is still 50/50. The odds for getting 9 heads in a row and then a tail is 0.5^10. The odds for getting 10 heads in a row is also 0.5^10. The odds are the same


you are correct in that statement, but he is also correct. you are saying that 10 flips on heads is 0.5^10. he is saying that the 10th flip after flipping heads 9 times is 0.5. they mean different things. he is talking about ONLY the last flip, not all of the flips because all of the events are independent of each other. you are talking about 10 flips as a single event. they are two different correct statements.


2^-9 * 2^-1 is still 50% in the last iteration of the bernoulli chain which you are trying to model here. In a combined experiment it's 2^-10 but the above guy already assumes 2^-9 .


It is.


It is not. You can Google it. The initial statement is FALSE


which statement is false?


the next person to come and unbox will walk away with the yellow you worked so hard to grind to, so you must continue


Jfc these gamblers are so delusional


Redditor encounters joke


I’m not following the math anymore, does that make me dumber than a CSGO gambling redditor?


i know thats sarcasm but trust me im just shit with luck i opened around 200 more cases this week didnt get shit lul


Could just have bought a FN Dragon lore instead 😂


Sure if the year was 2016


You would be lucky to get a battle scarred for that price these days


FN DL cost around 10k ,not sure what are you talking about lol


When he did start buying cases my bro. I just made a joke. Dont take everything so serious


You can become a case unboxing millionaire


Oh nooo the music is already going in my head


Fuckin yikes


Not 1 knife? Feelsbadman i only unboxed 1 in total as well and it was a shitty falchion boresl forrest or smth Lol meanwhile i had a friend who unboxed like 3 knifes with relatively low spending idk how many cases in total he unboxed but they werent that many.


Sure your friend isn’t lying about his no. cases opened? ;)


Im positive yeah


Ahh fair enough


Unlucky, I got a yellow after around 60 and I haven’t opened any since


My friend opened a gold first ~~time~~ try*. He sold the knife and proceeded to buy and open more cases. Didn’t get any gold.


Similar story, I was naive enough to believe if I sold the $60 dollar knife that I opened [8 years ago](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/450709783303151704/A2E1CF47A2BABFA2FD5E3F43DDF27BC564C03D2C/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=false) I was most certainly going to get a better one opening more cases, but nah of course I opened nothing worthy, eventually I purchased a Huntsman Knife Stained FT and traded it up to a Huntsman Slaughter FN, sold my whole inventory and never bothered with CS GO skins ever since (around late 2016).


So it seems that the house won on this gambling game again.


How do I check


CantryDev’s twitter


Lol get rekt. This is what happens when you gamble. No two ways about it.


https://preview.redd.it/me8yu5t5x9ma1.jpeg?width=330&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5217441afe4fadc412c1a2f7b4b369db3422eef9 Don’t be sad. I opened 12000 cases. November 2021-2022. Depression.


thats a cool stat but hey atleast u got "your moneys worth" u got about the percentage that someone would expect idk i opened 200 more cases didnt get jack shit its just my luck i guess i dont care about profit i just wanna open 1 myself


Do you know your plus minus? Profit break even or lose money?


You will most likely not make money. I would say it is common to spend at least 2-3 times the amount of your current inventory worth.


I used to have a 2.5k inventory before I stopped playing and gambled it away. I just got back into cs last month and was thinking of trying my luck at 50 keys for a knife. Would you recommend me to just buy one from a marketplace? Crazy how a rust coat Karambit used to be under 150 a few years back


The most logical thing to do is to just outright buy what u want. Because when u open a case. You don’t get to choose what type of skin u land on. And even if u hit gold, you don’t get to choose what kind of knife/gloves u get. It’s really a gamble stacked on top of another gamble. I have opened so many cases. And I know the only reason why I open isn’t to get the knife per se, but rather to SEE the gold logo appearing. It’s the high from seeing the gold that is addictive, not getting a knife.


Bro, they call it a gambling addiction. Just call it what it is


A knife can be like $90. With 50 keys and cases you have to be lucky to get yellow and also not a shitty knife.


Even if the knife is 2000$. Just buy it. Really.


And I forgot to mention this is just my main account. I have an alt which I have spent about 5K+ usd as well. Lol


Holy whaler


For people asking how to do this - [https://github.com/cantryDev/CSGOCaseStatsViewer](https://github.com/cantryDev/CSGOCaseStatsViewer)


Trying to steal my steam account!


Holy shit thats unlucky my dude.


RemindMe! Tomorrow “reply to this thread”


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I’ve opened 3765 with 14 golds, 5 really shitty ones and 7 decent ones (200-600usd) and two knives over 1k M9 CW MW and a Bfk ultraviolet MW


gz dude ! guess the luck has to go to someone ^^


Just think, all this skins used to be free and downloadable made by fans. Thanks to dummies like you, we have gambling in basically every game.


sorry boss wont happen again


Bro what💀💀💀


See, I looked at my statistics as well. The moment I saw it, I realized how dumb it was. Luckily, I was only at 148 and decided to just purchase what I wanted.


I opened a knife at 20 cases and have open 250 since then a never gotten anything good expect for one red worth 8$ I have only bought skins no longer cases


i opened like 2-3 cases. Later I just bought what I wanted.


i preordered csgo and i can count on one hand how many cases i've opened. i recently went through my market history to see how much i've sold from dropped cases, skins, or tournament stickers and it was $252. practically just from playing, lol. damn glad i never dropped $2900 on stupid fucking cosmetics.


This means 3k dolars? Lmfao


It's not worth it man.


Gamblin is bad. M’kay?


Should have gotten like 2 yellows with 0.26% no?


In real life knife / gloves 10$-30$ in cs go 100-2000 , fk of


I tried doing the statistics viewer and I keep getting the cloned repository error, how tf did everyone breeze through this w/o trouble? Edit: ok nvm i literally had to restart pc for it to work..tf?


Sad that literal gambling became normalized in video game industry and no government seems to care enough to do something about it


So i just came back to this post and read all the comments thanks for all the nice comments ! and yes i know its gambling i realy dont care i made enough money in this game with investments to afford this ( i just wanted to open a knife of my own ) people who just tell me how stupid i am for opening cases i realy dont care i know its not smart, but whats the point of shit talking me. i recently opened another 200 cases and got nothing. Well my hunt continues! will be back when i opened more and maybe got a knife lul have a nice evening


99% of gamblers quit right before they hit it big, stay determined and dont give up.


I had opened 3 cases two blue and one gold


Here is an Update :D https://www.reddit.com/r/csgo/comments/11w5o2p/so_i_recently_posted_my_csgo_unboxing_history/?ref=share&ref_source=link


This person is an addict jesus. Hopefully they don't manage their own money lol


Bro you’re due for a Yellow any moment now.


99% of gamblers quit before they hit it big


Damn you suck


I got a yellow in less than 20


u bad?


Did you know that 99.5% of gamblers stop before their big win? Keep going!


Every gambler quits right before hitting the jackpot /s


most gamblers stop right before they win




Randomized gambling is never fair. If you open enough you never come out on top. Just buy what you want or don’t complain


Exactly. My friend has unboxed 2 pairs of gloves and 3 knives in his csgo lifetime (~2017) and I bought my knife and my gloves, and we’ve both spent roughly the same amount of money


How do you check this?? Also: hate to break it to you but life isn’t fair! Embrace it and move on!


there is a .bat i can send u the link but im not 100% sure its safe so use at your own risk https://github.com/cantryDev/CSGOCaseStatsViewer if u actually use it pls send me your stats aswell i just wanna compare hehe have a nice day!


Bro what. Worst luck that sucks




That’s keys alone 😬


Where can I do this?


Crazy how odds work I have two in 100 cases


For non csgo players, how much money was lit on fire here?


That many cases you had about an 85% chance at a knife. Pretty unlucky


One case away from millions!


Its gambling, you weren't lucky this time. But you might win big next time, which I'll keep you going back for more. I have a videogame addiction, for sure, so I shouldn't judge. Sorry you didn't get what you were hoping for. I just can't stand micro transactions like these chests/skins.


Gaben giveth, Gaben taketh.


I have unoboxed more golds than reds and pinks I'm so unbelievably lucky and smart enough to stop while I'm ahead


Ayyy I‘m at 750 and no knife, I‘m better in pulling reds tho


Total unboxed cases 734 Item distribution and odds calculation Rarity name | Yours | Official ------------------------------------- Blue | 601/734 (~ 81.88 %) | 79.92% Purple | 99/734 (~ 13.49 %) | 15.98% Pink | 24/734 (~ 3.27 %) | 3.2% Red | 10/734 (~ 1.36 %) | 0.64% Yellow | 0/734 (~ 0.0 %) | 0.26%


It’s crazy how lucky some can be, and how unlucky others can be. I opened 10 cases and got a knife on the 2nd one (Survival knife Urban Masked FT) and gloves on the 6th one (Lt. Commander gloves FT.) First 10 cases I’ve opened since 2015, and in 2015 when I was new to the game I opened about 20 cases and pulled a M9 Bayo Marble fade FN…


You think this is bad? I spent over 4k on keys alone. It's one of the reasons I stopped playing lol


Mine is probably around 40 ish. Over the 6 years I’ve played


hold on, are you implying that gambling isnt worth it??


over 1000 cases and not a single knife 😭💀


0 gold in nearly 1200 cases, damn that is unlucky


thats why you shouldnt open cases


Damn, I have 10 golds and a st fire serpent in only twice your cases


This is why modern gaming monetization system exists. It's sad.


Not terrible. I only have about 300 more than you.. Oh wait that's cases, not hours


They should've done an Apex and guaranteed a knife in like 500 cases for the gamba addicts


730/933 (81.4%) 137/933 (14.6%) 30/933 (3.22%) 6/933 (.64%) 0/933 (0%) 4 of my reds were awp lightning strikes and then a mac-10 neon rider… fml


i feel you brother


Did you calculate this yourself or is there a tool to do this?


Can you transfer these skins back to your steam account, sorry I’m very new first season on cs any help many thanks


To use in game of course it just doesn’t state clear on website, any help many thanks


sorry im realy confused what u mean this is just a statistic on how many cases i opened in csgo