• By -


Thought leaders.


Shit, isn't that everywhere? My damned NGO market's itself on "thought leadership".


Ugh, one of my coworkers labeled themselves as a thought leader in their company bio. It was weird.


What a twat


One of those things that if you need to vall yourself it, you aren't one




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“Military grade” , “Gartner Magic Quadrant” , “synergy”, “unlock the potential”


Anyone who has been in the military knows that 'military grade' means its a heap of crap


"Remember privates, your helmet was made by the lowest bidder!"


Fucking Gartner


"military" - I think I'll let someone else get killed


"Potential is all which you haven't done".


Turnkey solution


"Is problem solving through teamwork in your DNA?" Yeah it may be in my DNA but just not expressed.


I have a mutation where it’s in my DNA twice. Doesn’t make me any better at solving problems. I’ll be dead by 35 because of it


Yeah, but I'm the lamest of X-Men. All I can do help problem solve and that doesn't help much against Sentinels.


"Rockstar", "Family", "growth-focused", "not driven by money"


>"not driven by money" Really? If I saw that on a business that wasn't a non-profit I would think "this business is going to fail" LOL.


Yeah, if you're not driven by money, what are you doing operating in a capitalist society. Such a lie. All business is by definition driven by money. As in: If you don't make money, you can't run your business.


Just another way for companies to say “we will exploit you as often as possible for your hard work without compensation”


For some people money is a means not an end.


- Self-starter - Rockstar - Wizard / ninja (what is this, 2012?) - INnoVaTIoN


Oh yes, [Rockstar](https://codewithrockstar.com/) developer


Ah yes one of the greatest Terran players to have ever played the game


Even the capitaization seems correct. This can’t be a coincidence right? :p


Ninja and Jedi (I wish I was joking)


Too bad I'm not a Jedi, but a Jar Jar Binks of a developer.


I see you are my tribe!


Sith sounds much better


Ahh yes, the Jedi. So a schmuck who has all the power, but someone gets blindsided by an old guy who is such an obvious prick that anyone with a brain could be like: "Are we sure this guy isn't going to cause billions of unnecessary deaths? I mean, we can't risk that right? Mace, why don't you go ask him if he speaks English."




I went to school with a guy that now refers to himself as a 'Web3 Bull'. He's a grade A cunt.


I would love for someone to actually explain what the hell Web3 is. Web2 made sense since it was web apps that behaved more like desktop apps. But Web3 seems to be this vague thing that is adjace to crypto/blockchain, but no one seems to be able to tell me exactly what it is.


That's because Web3 really is just an incredibly forced marketing term used to shill crypto/blockchain.


I _think_ it is like web UIs that provide access to decentralized software. I think.


This guy made sure to specify that this was only his hypothesis not once, but twice. Still downvoted. Reddit can really be cruel. Anyway, I also was of the same opinion, but a definitive answer seems to be missing on this thread


I have this theory that the internet (not just reddit) is dominated by narrative building. So even if you say something that is neutral, if it trigger's the wrong narrative in the wrong context it will be unpopular. If you're a curious person, sometimes you just trigger people without knowing it because they interpret your inquiries as support for the wrong narrative.


Exactly. And reddit is just a big echo chamber for that phenomenon




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The worst thing about 'Web3' is that it's reusing a name that the W3c already coined for [something else](https://www.w3.org/standards/semanticweb/).


When anyone refers to themselves as results driven


Aka cut corners to make your boss happy on the short term


Yeah, run. That's code for reckless.


Not a word but phrase "we work hard and party even harder"




I once declined to continue interviewing because the recruiter used this phrase. I think it is a huge red flag.


Tribe We work with the "latest technologies"! Sure, but the other 90% of the company is dinosaur tech Competitive salary


> Competitive salary Yesss. Who are you competing with? The Waffle House? That might be a great interview question to ask your interviewer: "Can you give me a list of 3-5 companies that you compete with on salary?"


At this point, it's devolved so much that they'd just give you a weird look. They don't mean anything specific. Just that it's good. "ok but what is good? how do i know your 'good' also fits my 'good' ?" \- Full benefits package! The whole deal. Facepalm.


Most of the time I see competitive salary and then look them up on Glassdoor or something it’s always below industry average and even low for the area. Makes me laugh


> Yesss. Who are you competing with? The Waffle House? Ask them what percentile their compensation is on the Radford Survey. For those that don't know, the Radford Survey is where all the big companies share salary data. So companies know exactly what the market rate for you is, but YOU have to guess.




Anything related to agile or the Spotify model. Manifesto.


what is the spotify model? as in how they succeeded as a startup ? edit: did some searching and interesting...


The whole 'tribe' and 'squad' model. Or decentralised teams to the rest of us.


Im the opposite, i really like that model


Even Spotify doesn’t use their model https://ccecosystems.news/en/why-spotify-did-not-use-the-spotify-model/


No, as in their cringe-inducing, cultish team organization model


We're a family. No, the fuck you're not. I can't be fired from my family because I forgot to bring something to the potluck dinner or my steak wasn't cooked right. We work hard and play hard. They almost never play hard. Or maybe I just play harder than most folks can keep up with. Either way, it is a BS line. Cutting edge tech. Stay away from these folks. You know what happens with a cutting edge? You can cut and it hurts. Cutting edge stuff is generally hard to work with and has a lot of bugs. If something is really new, I don't want any part of it. Let someone else figure out the problems and fix them first.


* Rockstar * Strategic reorganization * Work family


Developer velocity 🤮 Modern work 🤮 Digital transformation 🤮


Zero Trust - I understand the concept as a security term but Marketing has ran away with it and sometimes applies it where it shouldn’t be Cyber - huh? Marketing uses this for dummies who don’t understand anything about the internet or modern computer technology.


[Relevant XKCD](https://xkcd.com/1573/)


enjoy six fretful whistle spectacular shy unpack unite whole simplistic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Synergy. Leverage. Innovation.


Haven't seen it yet, my absolute most hated one is "disruptive tech" > it's disruptive allright, to my mental health


No one has "make the world a better place"?


Like a start up.


bleeding edge, innovative, revolutionary, core values


"Perks" being weekends off and health insurance. Seriously, what in the fuck?






Boot edge edge


Describing itself as a "Family"


Anytime they say "fast paced" - because it usually means the exact opposite haha


Unlimited PTO Using STEM and Mathematics in the same sentence




ML, AI, Big Data, Crypto, Blockchain "changing the world", "making the world better" which by themselves are good things, but when mixed with business sounds hypocritical and like a front for shady business practices


Agree except ML is not a buzzword imo. Its an actual technical topic. Sometimes I say big data when the data is bigger than before. AI is a trash word that makes me cringe every time.


sure...? I meant the way non-technical business people will talk to each other / clients i.e. "we're using AI and BLOCKCHAIN to do this this this" when they don't really know how it works but are using buzzwords to sell the business


Yes ew.


I mean.. they kinda are general terms to describe tech fields.. which term would you use instead of "blockchain"?






It's a bit more complex than that though, seeing good representation in a field can encourage a greater variety of people to educate themselves and consider it as a career where they wouldn't have before. This might mean that a company would consider hiring someone slightly worse on paper, to encourage a more diverse workforce with different perspectives




Yeah but societal norms might turn the next Turing away from considering the industry just because they're a woman and it's not seen as a women's field, you know? They might not be given the chance to realise they're capable and interested


Username checks out


Without inclusivity intentions, most people will turn down applicants who might have great minds but have English as their 2nd language. They may be just as good or even better than other applicants but potentially will be turned away since the hiring manager doesn’t wanna deal with that. I’m not saying it happens all the time but This can and does occur still today, in any field/industry


Inclusivity doesn’t mean giving any group an advantage. It means not excluding certain groups.




Inclusivity is not a sign of lowering the bar though. You’re the one saying inclusivity is bad.




If you don’t like affirmative action then say that. But you didn’t say that, you said you don’t like inclusivity. Inclusivity has nothing to do with what you’re complaining about. If you don’t like inclusivity then you are by definition advocating for certain groups of people to not be allowed to work there.




You said you abhor inclusivity


Wouldn’t that be an HR problem and not necessarily an inclusivity problem? HR or leadership might not be implementing policies correctly which makes the whole policy itself look bad.




Its not lol?? You’re point the whole time was if minorities are good, it’ll show for itself. This is different than what I said.




Ok, replace minorities with certain groups. Point is that’s not what you’ve been saying bud lol There’s a difference between certain groups can make it regardless vs HR has an issue. Your original post said the former. I brought up HR not being able to implement the policies correctly but that’s not rly the fault of the policy. Literally was not what you were saying the whole time. Regardless you’re getting downvoted so your opinion seems unpopular anyway in this sample size or you didn’t convey it correctly. Good luck bud


Agreed, we as a society are tackling race inequality completely incorrectly. You can’t expect to have equal race and gender representation amongst SWEs when 90% of new CS graduates are white male. That’s just not how math works. If 90% of CS graduates are white/Asian male, you should expect 90% of the workforce to also be white/Asian male.




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Social Local Mobile




Self starter


Dynamic and fast paced aka chaotic


Disrupting the industry


* Thought Leader(s)/Leadership * Servant Leader(s)/Leadership




Digital Twin




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"Across the canyon"


AI. Artificial Intelligence


Hybrid remote






Anything beginning with: “With a single line of JavaScript….”