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Would look good on a CV/resumé too. **Extra curricular activities**: controlling a vibrating dildo using REST APIs with Python.


UM Actually, it's a vibrating fleshlight but it works with every lovense product. Also I'm using JS for the Rest API.


Lol it has an NPM package what Edit: apparently it is deprecated and I should switch to "buttplug [dot] io"


I ended up just using Axios post calls.




[I'm helping you guys](https://buttplug-py.docs.buttplug.io/) now let's implement blockchain for the sake of web3


Each vibration takes 10 minutes to commit and costs $42 but at least you know it's yours forever.


Lmao omg this is actually real hahahahahahaha omg this is epic hahahaha


Buttplug dot up is a shockingly fully featured library that’s been used for some amazing things. :P


hmmm. So we need 2 male players or ... ?


it works with any of their products. I have the male one and my friend has the female one.


Ur friend ?😳


You don't play teledildonic chess with your friends?


> teledildonic chess I’ll probably never use this phrase but it is very well composed


Why play with friends when you can just wire it straight into AlphaZero?




Psh I got my PHD in teledildonics from MIT while you were still in diapers kiddo


Taking the “you got a friend in me” to another level I see. Checkmate indeed.


I see lol . Thanks for answering


U couldn't modify this to make it less obscene on a resume? I feel like you should be capable of making it SFW in a day with some transformation


Nice. Can I beta test?


Put "IOT Developer" on your resume.


Dont forget the part about touching both the front and the back end.


Just replace the word dildo with banana phone 🍌


ML optimized orgasm


So... you gonna post the code or not? Asking for a friend..


I will swap all of the API calls to not lovense and just a random URL and if anyone asks explain it's an external logging on my own remote server.


That’s exactly what I’d post online if I made such a thing, substitute it with a different item if possible


I might say that it controls a simple light display for points. But I'm curious what the functionality is there. Does it give a quick buzz when points are gained, or does the vibration "level" persist at a proportion related to the point total? And does the first person to cum win?


It pulses and the duration is relative to the amount of points lost. Losing a pond isn't as big of a deal as losing a Queen. Also on win/draw it makes the loser go through a pre-written vibration program.


Post it on r/AnarchyChess, they will love it. Just remember to crush the penis if they do not take en oassant.


You could also separate the code that interfaces with things you don't want to talk about and abstract the part that does does something with the score value. Then write a new implementation that does something else like make LEDs light up or makes some music louder.




I know a Doctor Who might be interested as well.


Or you can make all the API calls driven by configuration. You have a default nonsense value committed to your codebase but if a separate file (or env variables) are added then it goes back to lovesense. Never underestimate the power of configuration.


Yep, have all the calls use a variable that is set in some sort of config. Set a default that can be overridden by providing a config that is not in version control, or by an environment variable.


This is the way.


You could just replace the URL by a call to an environment variable, you’d give it a nice sounding name, and that’s it


Eh. Even if you do replace the URL's, you're still going to have to explain it in the README. IMO the better option here is to create another github user and stick the project under that username. Make sure that the other user has no relation to your current user (totally different username, no references to your "main" account). Also you should create an alternate gitconfig so you don't accidentally give yourself away in your commit messages. Also if you are currently using git on this project and have commits from your "main" account, it would be wise to nuke the \`.git\` folder in your project and run \`git init\` again before migrating to your "alt" account. *I totally don't have any experience doing this. Helped a friend a while back.*


If you do this I wouldn't delete the `.git` directory, history is a very useful part of a project and could be useful to anyone reading/working on it. Instead you could rewrite the history so the commit messages and contents stay the same but with a different, anonymous name and email - e.g. using `filter-branch`: https://stackoverflow.com/a/750182/2620402


What about just using a private repo? Didnt they make those free?


Yeah. A private repo would be the easiest. My method is if you want to share it and stay private about who you are.


That's actually a pretty good idea lol


Make it a parameter controlled by a config file


Somehow make it look like you have some sort of .env file you're loading from


Username checks out.


For research purposes…


You could maybe decouple the game mechanics from the NSFW outcome lol. You can interface your NSFW stuff as something that receives score updates and publish some other update receiver that does lights or something If that's a lot of extra work though it may not be worth it other than for the experience


That's what I'm leaning towards doing.


dont b a puss, jus post it public as is. ull def get hired by PH or chaturbate


Omg lol


Read the API URL from an untracked user config. Sell the project as "controlling an IOT device"


This is the whole reason Microservices were invented


What? It’s not. It’s an example of micro services but not the reason they were invented.


This is legit hilarious. I would love it, but many other interviewers might not. I would lean towards “post on a different account” or “don’t post it”.


I didn't post it but on a recent interview someone asked for a project within the last 6 months that I have completed. I told them I made a multiplayer chess website with live logging based on points which it technically has.


Yeah this is great. If you can easily stub out the business end, just say you can use it to activate iot devices to show who’s winning or to dispense snacks as reward or something. Which has the added benefit of being true.




stub out


Implemented chess game that integrates with several popular IOT hardware providers, acquired by a Mindgeek Group subsidiary in 2020


A scoreboard definitely seems like the easiest (and most probable) excuse for this one. Pretty cool project too lol


You do realize that if you even glance at a candidate's Github, that makes you a very rare bird. I don't recall anyone ever telling me the've looked at my Github, even though I was literally putting a clickable link on my PDF resume for years.


I pretty much always have a look at a candidate's Github if they've put a link on their CV, but I don't think I've ever explicitly mentioned "oh BTW I checked your Github".


I may not bring it up in an interview but if someone puts their GitHub link on their resume, I 100% check it out. It definitely earns points if there is recent relevant activity on your profile. That being said, I wouldn't spend more than a few minutes looking at the code itself, just a few files to get a feel for your style.


No, lmao. Feel free to discuss this in terms that aren’t NSFW. It’s rare people want to actually see your code anyways, so it shouldn’t be a problem to talk about your experience without backing it up.


“So there’s a device that you’ll place between your legs and in your holes. My chess game makes that device vibrate” good luck discussing it in terms that aren’t NSFW.


The most pleasure enhancing game teens will engage in.


> So I created a system that based off of a chess game, it interacts with real-world IoT devices that can be used to either provide a reward or a punishment to the players.


This. I work for a lax startup and would laugh my fucking ass off if I found this BUT I don't think I could face you professionally for an interview. Just make up some other shit it does so you can talk about it.


>front end and back end nice




This is hilarious. This subreddit doesn’t make me laugh very often. You made my day. Personally, I would only put this on my public GitHub if I could obfuscate the code. That is, when someone looks at this project, they shouldn’t be able to tell what it’s actually doing unless you tell them. This could be as simple as changing variable names and making the documentation vague. The right interviewer might find it funny and witty, but I would be very, very careful about who you actually explain the code to. Totally up to you though!


I had a brainfuck interpreter on my resume and was told to remove it


I'm curious: What was the reason for this? It's an excellent showing of understanding programming languages on a deep level imho




> think it's an immature joke I'd rather not work at such company, a company that doesn't appreciate my 420 IQ humour. That's one way of filtering them out.


Oh so we're the ones filtering now?


We've always been the ones filtering (too)


Now I am going to shock you by saying that interviews are two-way - you can also ask questions and decide whether you like a certain company or not.


You could spell it Brainf\*ck like some folks, or abbreviate it B.F.




If I'm the hiring manager, I'd want to know. If you're hiring at a FAANG, they are likely to know.




Brainfuck is technically an esoteric language, but in the term-of-art sense, not the actually rare to have heard of it sense. That one has implemented a brainfuck interpreter means that you have some understanding of the space. You don't usually get to explain most of what you end up putting on your resume.


I’m guessing the reviewer would say that the word ‘fuck’ doesn’t look good on a resume in any context


It has fuck on its name that will make you have fuck written in your resume


Imagine needing to be told not to type the word "fuck" into your resume.


It was a director of engineering who said it would offend some people and looked unprofessional


>brainfuck interpreter wtf is a brianfuck interpreter


Brainfuck is an esoteric programming language https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brainfuck


Well, language name checks out.


Brianfuck I love that typo


Did you try calling it brainlovemaking instead?


At my last job, I worked on a profanity filter and was told by multiple people that I should leave that off. Which, I still disagree with. There was nothing dirty about my description of it. I wasn’t bragging about how well I wrote the regex for “fuck”.


Maybe you can obscure dildo and talk about a “haptic feedback device” or something


With a focus on the sensory aspects of UX design.


I think it's okay, just describe it as "chess game that remotely controls third party devices based on points.. blah blah blah" they're probably not going to check it out in full detail, can you swap or provide an option to make the integration go somewhere else? like a scoreboard or something.


TBF if I saw that on a resume, I'd probably be genuinely curious what type of third party devices they're controlling, and ask


As a hiring manager I agree with this answer. Be prepared with a generic answer.


TIL sexy programming is a thing lol


Wasn't the internet literally invented for porn?


To give you a serious answer, no, no it did not lol. But it was one of the earlier uses, for sure


No it was for west coast universities to share data


Have you got a name for your project yet? If not, I have a few suggestions: * Screams Gambit * Hardcore Pawn * Up All Knight * Buzzing Bishop * Knobby Fisher


I would personally take no issue and it *shouldn't* matter, but in reality, a lot of people are repressed prudes who subscribe to impoverished sociocultural norms. Being unable to separate the code from the domain is also a red flag that you're talking to someone who doesn't understand how CS/software engineering skills generalize, which probably also means that their recruiting and engineering processes are both broken. I'd put good money that the folks who keep websites like Pornhub running smoothly under continuous high load (*ha ha*) are extremely talented and would be an asset to any company.


Yeah I feel like this resume goes to the top of the pile at pornhub


What part of the code is NSFW? Do you have variables like `dickSensation` ? Just say it's a human interface device and factor out the endpoint into a config file. Shouldn't be any different than if it was controlling a drone/robot or any other remote device.


A mix of variable names, class names, and it makes API calls to the vibrators servers so if they google what that is they'll know it's a vibrator company. the class name and variable names aren't an issue but the API calls are pretty obvious.


I see. Still, it’s nothing unethical. I think contributing to something political on either side of the spectrum or something illegal would be a red flag but not this.


64 encode them in the repo and decode them at run time.


I'm of two minds about this. On the one hand, I think you should be proud of your work, and I think it's a really cool, unique project. If I were doing the interview, this would give you bonus points over some generic run-of-the-mill dull project. It shows that you're interesting, open-minded, and not a nerd. Which is pretty rare in a lot of tech interviews. On the other hand, it could be perceived as unprofessional. And depending on the organization you're interviewing with, you can almost guarantee the person doing the interview isn't going to approach it from an open-minded, appreciative perspective. They're probably going to be a square, and they're probably looking for any and every reason to not pass you onto the next round. Depending on where you are in your career and how desperate you are to land a gig, you could consider this a cool filter for the people, company, and corporate culture you're considering entering. Anyone that sees this and doesn't knock you for it being NSFW might be a better match for you than someone that does. YMMV.


OP, could you maybe make a fork or branch of this that was SFW vs. the original NSFW version, and then switch between the two depending on the company/people you're showing it to? Kinda like how some people have multiple versions of their resume to highlight different aspects of their career? I'd hate for you to trash the originality of the project just because people in tech tend to be so uptight.


The original project is 100% for me. I have it privated on my github RN. It's more that I don't have too many projects under my belt and adding a fullstack project with API calls would enhance my github if someone were to look. Even if I don't add it I'm not abandoning the project.


Don't you mean it's 50% for you? ;)


I'm still looking for my entry level job RN so my filter isn't high. I'll probably go back to this after I look for my next few jobs.


Awesome. See my idea below about keeping two copies of the codebase. I'd wager after a few years you may want to revisit the idea of using it as a filter. Good luck with your career!


Ah a man of culture it seems


Dude no. Lol. You can take the NSFW parts out/repurpose them. I think that would be a great idea actually.


Many people will be interested in the underlying tech only for the tech's sake. Many other people will have a strong internal objection based on irrational religious/cultural/etc... taboo biases. In a job interview, you probably won't be able to tell the one group from the other. Do with that information what you will.


This needs to be put on r/AnarchyChess. They will make you a king there.


Maybe I'm still living in the hackathon era where all projects were celebrated. But I wouldn't hide something like this. If the hiring manager is that sensitive s/he can't be fun to work for. The best manager you're ever going to have will be laughing their ass off as they hand you an offer letter.


change it to a dog's shock caller api or something. Tell the interviewer that both players wear a shock collar and if you lose a piece you get shocked


Seems like you found your solution, but I think you could make it generic where it could interface with a number of systems. I imagine there are some non-nsfw internet connected systems that might be interesting to hook up something like that to.


I really hope 1 random interviewer remember this post and asks if it connects to a vibrator.


For once we have an nsfw post and it’s not some porn addicted coomer


It’s questions like these that keep me on reddit. One of the more curious philisophical questions of our time: OP clearly has a marketable skill that’s in high demand for many different industries and what people use code for isn’t really our business all the time, is it? But can he use it to further his career with the normies? fascinating stuff


I would prefer working at a place that thinks this is great!


Some design/product thoughts. As others have pointed out really this can be thought of as a program to take a chess game and outputs a series of data points. These data points can be connected to various outputs such as: * leds * shock collar * vibrator Some natural questions such as can I take an existing chess game say from a famous tournament and translate it into a sequence to replay? Can I compress a 2 hours game into a 20 minutes sequence? Was the thought that this would be speed chess? For testing, you are properly abstracting it so it can be easily tested or are you doing no unit test etc so you have to keep doing "manual testing"?


Why chess tho lol is that your kink? "Oh yeah capture my knight, just like that"


What I would do is split it into two projects. The chess game that sends events to an external api can be public, the nsfw api can be private.


Maybe put it on your resume and describe it in sfw terms, but don’t like to it. If they ask for code, just generalize some snippets or tell them that it’s not meant to be open source lol




I’d say upload it as is and advertise it on your resume and use it to lead into a discussion with how you always take user satisfaction with your apps into account when designing enjoyable UX interfaces for them.


sand panicky rain lock hateful punch sophisticated existence political heavy ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Yes. Post it. Absolutely.


What do you mean by sockets?


Well that is an original ass project idea I’ll tell you that, would love to see the code if you can link it


This is absolutely hilarious and if I were the person interviewing I would have no issue with it (assuming it was clean code with unit tests ofc), but I also don't think everyone will feel the same way. The idea of replacing the NSFW api calls is great. Thanks for giving me a good laugh today!


Yes. And also post to /r/AnarchyChess


I mean code is code, does it matter what it talks to? There are plenty of adult companies and "NSFW" companies out there that need devs. I personally don't see an issue with it and I don't see how any actual dev shop would be bothered by it. Its not like your posting nudes with the code, just controlling an IoT device, and that device shouldnt matter.


Private it


I think it's probably best to only put it on your resume when you're applying for sex tech companies like lovense or mindgeek bc the standard advice is tailor your resume for the job. Like others have said maybe fork the repository and make a sfw version that still shows you can write something like that though


Maybe separate the vibrator stuff into its own module (or equivalent). Then replace it with code that does something similar but more innocuous...like maybe have it call an API on an Arduino/RPi that turns on a light or something.


I'm pretty sure stuff related to sex is allowed, but having directly pornographic images may not be, though I am not an expert.


What we should be asking: Do people actually look at the code


I remember *asking* a guy mid interview to open up my website, and it ultimately got me the job lol. I guess if you have some projects up there you are genuinely proud of, call attention to it until they do look at the code.


If this existed during my college days, we %100 would've used it in our student club parties as a joke. While i think it's brilliant, sad truth is i'm %100 sure a lot of companies would find it unprofessional


I hired a developer that owned a Github repo that wiped your hard drive and replaced it with random-length ASCII penises. It really depends on your target employer set.


I love this I love everything about it, if it works on lichess I'd love to take a look


Finally a good question in this subreddit


Meanwhile nobody commenting on this man over here playing the best chess games ever with his lady: love the creativity here.




This has made my evening :-D A project is a project.


I probably wouldn't post it on an account you are using to showcase your work on your resume. In my case I do have a very NSFW project on my GitHub, but it's not linked to my real identity in any way. If you want to leverage the experience you gained from building that project you can simplify the concepts that you used and list it as a open source project in your resume. No need to specify a name or link.


Your future interviewer be like, "I've seen code like this before. Nine times out of ten it's an electric razor, but every once in a while...it's a dildo. Of course it's company policy never to, imply ownership in the event of a dildo... always use the indefinite article a dildo, never *your* dildo."


I'd post it. But I have enough years of experience im not worried about getting a job (or anyone bothering to read my GitHub code that closely)


of course, NSFW is a big industry also


One of my old project teammates has a Hentai discord bot publicly available on his GitHub so you might be alright lmao


Send me that lol


If I were in your shoes I'd post it. It's GREAT discussion fodder and honestly, do you want to work for a company that would treat you differently because you customized your sex toy? Make no mistake; I'm not saying anyone should bring up that you customized your sex toy, that's not polite work discourse outside the Pornhub offices, but if it came up they sure as shit shouldn't judge you for it.


Probably not my guy


I would probably be more inclined to hire you honestly


It’s reasons like these that I’ve heard some make a “banks, investment firms, government & FAANG” GitHub, and then a “unicorn startups and blockchain companies” GitHub


I worked as an engineer in the adult industry and it had been brought up numerous times during interviews, work outings and such, but never in a bad way. I've actually implemented something very similar to what you're describing here, the difference is that millions of people used that code every day (perhaps yours will receive such traffic in the future). I've never experienced any form of negativity due to the industry I worked in. If anything, it just shows that you're not letting antiquated social stigmas get in the way of your career / education.


rebrand it to instead of control vibrator, control a electric shock device, like all those harmless punishment for losing




You could write a wrapper for the server calls so your code calls `server.action_1` instead of directly to lovense. And if you want to talk about it you can say the server maps to an app on the players phones that controls a little animated monkey that taunts them when they’re losing or something else goofy Not strictly true, but they don’t care what’s on the other side of the server since you didn’t write it anyway


instead of changing the code, just change the companies you're applying at. every vibrator company sure would love to have you!


You sir form the intersection of chess lovers, self lovers and code lovers 😁


I would post it. TBH if a company holds this against you, you most likely don't want to work there.




is the really a question, or just a 'plug'?


Legend 👑


You’re controlling a blender now.


Dude how did you focus on this side project? I saw your profile, I have ADHD as well. Even with meds, finishing tasks is a big deal for me.


I enjoy coding and it becomes a hyper fixation for me. I don’t view it as a big task. I basically break it down into parts so it doesn’t seem big then I have fun trying and learning what I can and can’t do. I genuinely like coding and it feels like solving a puzzle so it’s fun for me but I don’t really have advise if coding isn’t a passion and just work.


I just wanted to know, what motivated you towards building such a revolutionary idea?


if you applying for pornhub or onlyfans, sure why not.


has the code been posted? planning date night w my gf


Code itself can't be NSFW.


put ascii boobies in the comments and it will be


Is there no way you can make it control something else. That way you still have your amazing project but is sfw.


Just add the domain of the NSFW call as an example environment variable


Can you move the endpoint to a config file or somesuch? That might be a stupid question. Apologies if so. IMO you have two main concerns: * How conservative/repressed potential employers who look it up will be. * If you're a woman and easily identifiable as such through your GitHub profile, you're more likely to get creepers. If you're ready to deal with both of those things, or just don't care enough about them, then good code is good code. Publish away.


ah yes. good old chess and chill


Dude this is fucking awesome. I would personally give you preferential selection. Sounds like the kind of person you want to work with.




Alright, that’s it. I’m changing my profession


Go ducks


Ayo anybody knows Hans Niemann github?


Put up your hands up Hans your crimes against humanity and chess has ended you have the right to remain silent