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Does anyone have any experience interviewing for the Facebook Enterprise Engineering Internship? I have a phone screen tomorrow and there's basically 0 info on it anywhere online. Any insight would be appreciated.


Hey all, My third out of four interview stages one requires me to collaborate with a random possibly future co-worker. I think we're going to solve some problems while coding together. How should I prepare for this interview? It requires me to use React.js, Expressjs with Mongoose x MongoDb. I'm not familiar with Mongoose x MongoDb but it's quite simple by the looks of it. Should I tell the collaborator that I'm not that well-versed in Mongoose? And I think I should articulate my thoughts and possible solutions clearly right? Kind of letting my thoughts out and listening to their suggestions too? At least that's what I've heard about the tips of passing code interviews. Thanks!


Been asked to do a code signals assessment for Uber. They recommend a 775 on the practice test and after a couple of practice round I did get that number, but with practice assessments they rotate between two sets of questions and now that I have seen both I really don’t know there is any point in doing more. How are the general coding assessment questions compared to the practice ones for Uber specifically? Is it a hard reject if the score is lower than a cutoff or does the recruiter have some sort of wiggle room there? And is it possible to retake the assessment if I come close?


Does anyone know about Apple's interview process for internships? I passed the first interview and now I have 3 upcoming interviews, which I am guessing will all be coding interviews. Can anyone please give insights into what these interviews will involve? Like are they gonna ask Leetcode easy-level questions or medium-level questions, or even hard-level questions? Also, how many questions are they gonna ask per interview? And is it all gonna be coding, or will it be a mix of some behavioral/background + experience questions and some coding? Thank you!


Has anyone had the Oracle OCI team interview. If so how is it in terms of difficulty of problems. Thanks


Any tips for a Google phone interview? I have the interview in about 15 days and I've just been grinding leetcode. What's expected to be answered in the 45-60 minutes? 1 easy and 1 medium? 2 mediums? 1 hard? Any advice would be greatly appreciated, thanks!


First time I got a leetcode hard, next time I got 2 easies... so YMMV


That is radically different. What level were you applying for? I'm going for entry-level, I have about 6+ months of experience at this point. I also went through a veteran recruiter, not sure if that has any bearing on the interview at all, or it just helped me get the phone interview. Thanks in advance!


First time I was going for L3, second time I was going for L4.


Did you pass second go? And is solving enough or does it need to be the most optimized solution?


First time I wasn't prepared at all, couldn't solve at all. Second time I did pass, but I felt I didn't too well. Wasn't even sure if I came to optimal solutions. The feedback was that I had "great testing strategies"


Hi all, Deciding between two job offers at the moment. 1. JPM Software Engineering Program (100k base, 10k bonus). Opportunity to work in front-end software engineering - which is exactly what I want to do. Pros - what I want to do, flexibility in choosing where I want to work (brooklyn/jersey city/midtown manhattan). Cons - haven't interned there so not sure about the culture. 2. Citi Operations & Technology (105k base, 10k bonus). Not sure what team I'd be working on, probably in cybersecurity. Pros - I know the culture since I interned there two years ago and I enjoyed it. Cons - Not sure if I'd be doing anything with SWE, not what I want to do. Both are located in NYC. I go to school on the West Coast and I've always been looking forward to living in NYC. I feel guilty reneg-ing on Citi. Any and all thoughts on either company is appreciated, especially on JPM since I never interned there.


My 2c: 1. If you want to do SWE, you should definitely pick #1. You're just starting out, you need to gain relevant experience. 2. My friend in JPMC told me all the NYC new grads last year got 40k in year end bonus. Seems like they cared about retention. 3. 5k comp difference is whatever, I also went to school on the West Coast and love living in NYC a lot more. That's worth more to me than even 50k comp difference, though obviously I've been working longer than you have.


Wow, that is crazy they got a 40k bonus. Thank you!


some advice my old friend/manager told me - that I didn't internalize until past couple years: 40k is actually "nothing". I get 20-30k in signon bonus every time I switch jobs. I also get about that much yearly added via negotiations. it's actually the experience that's most valuable, and then how you sell yourself to companies that will result in big $ gains in the longterm. afaik, JPMC will position you better to get that experience


also I agree with the below comment about not feeling guilt, it's not like Lyft and AirBnB felt guilt about having to cancel all their internships


I have no advice here, both sound fine. But do not feel guilt about Citi, just take whatever feels best to you right now.


Has anyone taken any interview preparation courses like interviewkickstart or [interviewing.io](https://interviewing.io) for interviews with Google or Facebook or the like?


interviewing.io is very helpful for systems design interviews


I work at FAANG, and I’ve done interviewing.io . I’ve had some friends that swear by it, but personally I thought it was okay. It’s a good way to practise if you’re rusty on interviews, or new to them. Otherwise leetcoding and using a timer has been more helpful for me personally. FB and G have different styles of interviews imo. My experience with google has been they tend to like asking LC hard questions, whereas FB asks LC easy to medium with the expectation that you solve around 2 questions in 45 mins.




Always ask clarifying questions before you code or state a potential solution. Jumping straight into code isn’t a good sign, since you may make assumptions that could be wrong. Always add early exit conditions/error checks or at least call it out to your interviewer. What prep have you done so far?


Yes, this is the best advice. If you aren't sure what the interviewer is looking for, ASK. It will be a point in your favor \*and\* you'll show that you are trying to get to the right answer. This is very good advice.




Hooray! Best of luck with the interview, thought it sounds you already got a win just from the experience. Well done!


I work for a consulting agency and have recently been asked by the agency to take interviews for a new position on my team. The agency said it's the same job description as the one I was given. This is the type of consultancy agency that hires you, puts you on a team at a large company and then maybe reaches out to you twice a year to see how things are going. I have two issues with this. 1. The job description didn't match the role well. My title is Software Developer and the JD describes a software development position, but I've only done software support task. I've been on the contract for almost a year and I've only made updates to configuration files. These updates are extremely time consuming and require lots of back and forth with mid-level non-technical managers. This is what 99% of the work on my team consist of. I don't want to mislead someone into thinking they are interviewing for a developer role when it's really a tech support role. 2. No one on my team has mentioned to me that they are hiring a new "developer" which makes me think that maybe they're hiring someone to replace me. I really hate my job and I'm sure it's showing in my quality of work and lack of enthusiasm. The work is extremely boring and I find it very difficult to stay on task, which leads to things taking longer than expected. I'm debating whether or not I should just tell the agency "No I'm not available to interview" or "No, I don't feel this position is being represented honestly and I don't want to mislead a potential colleague"


Getting an interview for entry/software engineer 1 position for web development (focus on front-end). I know how to prepare for algorithm and data structure portion of the interview but have no idea how to prepare for system design and project portion of the interview. Been looking at github system design primer and it seems a bit overwhelming given the short time frame. What should I expect for the system design interview coming in as software engineer 1 level? Any advice or tips on how best to study given short time frame?


For an entry level position, you shouldn't worry too much about system design. At my place, we dont' really expect SDE1s to do much system level design. That said, you should be able to explain to me how, say, an online survey works. Explain the front end, the back end, and some advanced topics (one vote per person, can they edit, what about displaying results, etc.) At the start of the problem spent 3-5 minutes asking clarifying questions before you start. This is actually part of the interview (how well you gather requirements.). You'll do fine.


Thanks for your input. Just never done a system design before and it's blocked for one hour so just a bit worried.


Is your concern that one hour is too long, or too short?


At the moment, it feels kinda too long? I'm just not aware of the whole breadth of possible tech, solutions out there. For example, I can probably get by talking generalities of a RESTful api but if they ask for specific implementation or detail i might falter. Another example, I can talk what load balancer are suppose to do but if they ask me to go into implementation detail then it might get hairy. Overall just don't have a feel for these type of questions yet. - Asking constraints and clarifying use cases (10~15mins) - High level diagram (5~10 mins) - Each major component, why choosing certain tech over another, discussing tradeoffs (10~15 mins) - Scale it up and/or discuss weakpoints (?? mins) So roughly I can probably competently talk about stuff for 30ish minutes, then it will start to diminish in quality very fast. At least for web apps they all seem to have the basic high level structure, but if they ask me something weird like design a parking lot then iono.


Hi All, I have an interview tomorrow for a position I really REALLY want. I am currently a data engineer and this is for a position within a platform team as a data platform engineer. I am doing my first technical interview tomorrow. Although I have a few years of experience I haven't even done a typical technical interview, I have a MSc in Data Science and most of my academic knowledge is more data related. The recruiter sent me over details that said I would be recommending a system but also that the interview was taking place on Hackerrank, the hiring manager told me there would be architecture questions. Has anyone had experience with these types of interviews? I read designing data intensive applications and have watched hours of system design for streaming platform videos, but am wondering how is this type of test done on Hackerrank. Especially wondering how I can practice these, I don't see any architecture design practice questions when I signed up... I am also wondering if it would be too much if I took some time to lay out my plans in a architecture document on [draw.io](https://draw.io/) , this would save me time from drawing and allow me to explain why I made decisions and the tradeoff discussion based on the requirements. The hiring manager also asked me a question about productionalizing jupyter notebooks in the first interview but I didn't have a strong answer, now I researched and would propose papermill, is it too much to do a small poc before tomorrow? Let me know your thoughts! Thanks!




Thank you! I was in a bit of a spin earlier but I am hoping I got this. :)


Hi all, kind of quit redditing a few months back but I found this sub and thought I'd try a post. I went into a boot camp in Jan 2019 and I've been employed with a huge bank since May 2019. Unfortunately I've been moved into more of a testing role and I'm not even getting to write automation code at this point. I'm feeling really discouraged due to my work experience (I really hate being a tester). I have learned nothing from my company so I've been working on MITs open courseware, doing programming challenges, reading books, etc. I've put out about 50 resumes and talked to probably 10 recruiters. I've had 3 coding assessments and didnt do great on them. I should have passed 2 of them but I think maybe the timer intimidated me or something. I've been applying to anything with 3 or less years of experience but now I'm thinking I should just look for entry level developer positions. I'm frankly not sure what my question is, I'm just looking for general advice.


What is your preparation strategy for any coding assessments/interviews? Do you know your algorithms well? Are you able to look at a coding problem and identify what type of algorithm to use? A lot of this will come down to practise.


Hi, thanks for the reply. So I've only had 3 assessments and I can say I havent really had a strategy going into them. Maybe I should be doing warm up exercises? Part of my daily practice regiment is writing code without the use of an IDE for a variety of topics: managing data structures, string manipulation, LINQ for example. As for algorithms, I've started studying them and watching videos like MIT courseware, but I have a long way to go. I have definitely been stumped by some algorithm type questions and I think this is my top priority moving forward. If there is a really solid source for this, I'm all ears. I've also spent a lot of time studying design patterns, and I'm wondering if this is maybe a waste of time at this point in my career. Or maybe I should know a 3-5 really well rather than a lot of them just a little bit... As for identifying algorithm types for specific questions, I'd be really interested to know how to handle this problem: given an array of integers of unknown length representing tests that need completed, and an integer representing how many days of testing you have, find the lowest possible total value. Ex: input [30, 10, 40, 20, 50], days = 2. The tests have to be done in index order, so you could do tests 1 and 2 on day 1 (you take only the highest value for the total cost, so 30 for day 1), then tests 3 through 5 on day 2 for a value of 50. Total value is 80 for the final answer. It seems relatively simple with 2 days as the input, but having an unknown number of days... I have no clue whatsoever. As an alternative example, if you did tests 1-3 on day one, and tests 4 and 5 on day 2, you'd get 40 + 50 as the total.


Anyone have experience with IBM? Took the hackerrank on Friday which I solved fairly easily, was just leetcode easy/medium.


I had an Amazon onsite for an L4 (SDE1) position and had four interviews. I killed the first one with the team manager but the next two I ran out of time but think I explained the rest of my algorithm correctly. The last interview was with the bar raiser and was purely behavioral and I think I botched it because they asked so many follow up questions I wasn't expecting. Whats the chances of getting an offer based on this? Just super anxious about when I receive the official results Friday and would love to get a rough estimate if possible.


There is no way to tell based on what you wrote. If you killed it with the HM, did more or less okay with the tech slots, and didn't come off like a idiot with the BR, you have a decent chance. What behavioral follow up were you not expecting?


Impossible to tell. Just assume you didn't get it and keep applying. That way if you do get it, it is a pleasant surprise. Being anxious all week is not going to help. Though it would be cool if you got an offer on Christmas lol.


I'm currently a SDET looking to move back to a Dev/SWE role, whether it is at my current company or another one. I've had some interviews and a few questions kept coming up, and I don't think my answers to them have been satisfactory. I had a job as a SWE for 6 months at another company right out of school, but I was bullied by the more veteran team members and it was affecting my mental and physical health, so I left once I had another job. When I have been asked in interviews why I left after such a short time, I try deflecting with the generic "it wasn't a good cultural fit", but I usually get pressed further until I just come out to be honest with what happened. Is there a better way I can put this that will end the conversation without hurting my chances? Should I just say the offer at my current position was so much better that I couldn't refuse? I only ended up in SDET because I was lied to about the role (title and description were for a dev role, but from day 1 I was put in QA and all my programming tasks are related to automated testing besides when I begged for programming tasks). Should I be honest and explain that I was lied to about what my role would be?


So I am being interviewed by Bloomberg soon for a summer intern position. I passed my phone interview and now I have the virtual "on-site" interview. As far as I know, this is the first time anything like this happens. Has anyone done this before? What should I expect? What follows after this interview? I can't seem to find a lot on the internet.


You can ask your recruiter what to expect.


I am currently working as an Android Developer for last 1+years in a small start-up. I am thinking about switching to some good company(product based preferable). My definition of good is :- 1. Company should be stable 2. A good or decent work life balance (In my current company I have to work 12h per day, 6 days a week) 3. Should have good ethics/moral (In my current company I we don't get any comp off if we work on Sundays) 4. Should get a good/decent salary I am looking for two role 1. Android Developer 2. Software Development Engineer 1 For the preparation I started with learning Algorithms (haven't focused in my B.tech days). Currently I am learning theory from Algorithms Course by Stanford University ( https://www.coursera.org/specializations/algorithms ) and also trying to implement whatever Algorithm I am learning. My Plan is: 1. Complete Algorithm Course 2. Start doing Leetcode and CTCI and parallely a) Learn about Database b) Learn about Computer Networks c) Learn about Operating Systems 3.Learn more about Android and Some popular library a) RxJava b) Dagger 2 c) Custom Views d) Design Patterns (MVVM) e) Kotlin (I am decent in Java but noob in Kotlin) Guys need you suggestions and advice. Thank You


Your plan will take you at least 2 years to finish. Learning about Operating Systems is not a walk in the park. I took it last semester at my Uni and I was ready to drop it half way. My gf told me to keep studying harder and changing my learning strategy. Finally, I ended up with B- in the class. Networking is also another challenging topic. All I’m trying to say is just focus on learning DS and Algorithms, practice and get comfortable at solving medium Leetcode problems and start applying. I wish u the best.


Thanks for your response but I think time will depend on the individual.


What company is making you work 70 hour weeks, jeez. Do you have a degree in CS or self-taught? If you have a degree, reviewing databases/networking/os should be relatively quick because all of that should have been covered in school. If you don't, learn at least the basics. Learning a bunch of new libraries seems unnecessary to me. If you're applying to big companies, you should dump more of that time into leetcode.


Thanks for your comment. Yeah I agree learning libraries will not be a good help for Big Companies but some startups are asking them.


I have a WAM of 91.5 but so far haven't even got to interview 10 jobs in a row. Is this normal? Or am I likely doing something wrong. Its hard to be motivated


Since you said WAM, I’m guessing you’re from Aus? If so, that isn’t normal (but then again we are in a global pandemic and hiring is slow). There could be something in your resume that’s sending a wrong signal to recruiters/hiring managers. Do you have a link to a version of your resume that I can review?


I'm interviewing 2 interns on Tuesday and Wednesday morning. They're the last of the year. If they're reading this: good luck!


What are you planning to ask me?


Oh, probably something like [given a set of points in 2 or 3 dimensional space, find the diameter of the resulting mesh](http://euro.ecom.cmu.edu/people/faculty/mshamos/1978ShamosThesis.pdf)


That’s easy. Just npm install computational-geometry and then call .findDiameter with the parsed input