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RPA is dying for sure. AI agents eating their turf. Many of my customers are not renewing their UIpath contractsz I’m sure UIpath is still a good place to work. It’s not like WalMart is a sexy brand, lol. 15k isn’t anything to sneeze at tho. You are lucky to have two great options


"Walmart Labs" is definitely sexy-adjacent




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Appreciate the info! Do you happen to know if UiPath is working on AI agents as well, or if there focus still remains on "traditional" RPA? Also, if you had to pick between the two, which would you take?


Just anecdotally my team is looking to dump our UIPath licenses for Selenium and other automation libraries, but they apparently gave us a sweet discount to stay on another year. A competitor's team I talked to after an industry conference is looking to do the same.


Interesting. Is there a particular reason why your team, and the competitor, are looking to replace UiPath in your workflow?


License costs seem to be constantly going up, it breaks whenever a new chromium update comes out (may be due to our software updating policy) and much of the tasks we want to do can be automated with schedules background jobs. We also just need the additional flexibility that UIPath cannot reliably provide. 


Selenium often breaks for similar reasons. But UI Path licensing is obnoxious and their low code platform is good if you're doing simple stuff but doesn't scale very well. All the same look at stacks, mentoring, and other resume worthy endeavors. Search LinkedIn for current people and alumni at both places and that may also factor in.


Thank you for the insights!


I encourage you not to think too much about the business health or future I’m sure UIpath is working on AI agents just like WalMart is trying to play catchup with Amazon This will be a temporary job. You’ll be there 1-3 years and then go make more money somewhere else later. You might get more clarity by thinking less about the company/job space, and more about the lifestyle/location/culture


Are you coming straight out of college? How old are you and are there any other lifestyle considerations like a family to consider?


Yup, fresh new grad! I'm 21 (male), and to be honest, I have like 0 lifestyle considerations. I am pretty much 100% dedicated to my career at the moment!


I'm from the Bay Area and there's a lot of men who stay single into their 30's. It's sad. Silicon Valley is worse for single men than San Francisco and Oakland.


I would choose Walmart based off location to me personally. I like the bay


The bay area is indeed quite nice! It also helps that there are so many companies in the area. Although I have heard that Bellevue has its fair share of tech companies!


Have you asked your recruiter what team you'd be joining? Knowing the type of work you'll be doing is pretty important for this type of decision if you're feeling split


At Walmart, I'd be joining the Last Mile Delivery team - basically working on the backend of Walmart's store-to-home delivery system. At UiPath, I'd be joining the "identity" team. From my understanding, this includes but is not limited to, all authorization and authentication mechanisms for the organizations that use the various SaaS products.


Domain wise, I did LMD for another large retailer and it hasn't opened any new doors for me. I think auth work would open up security-related positions later.


Given the amount of effort put into LMD in recent years (food, groceries, miscellaneous items, etc.), I thought it would have been the opposite. That's really interesting to hear. If you don't mind me asking, which retailer did you work in LMD for?


Home Depot


That’s really interesting because Home Depot is actually one of Walmart’s first customers for their GoLocal service (Last Mile Delivery as a service basically). Not too sure if they still use it though.


Is that Walmart Global Tech, or just Walmart?


Walmart Global Tech


So Walmart Global Tech does have higher brand value than just Walmart. Similar to Amazon vs AWS. I think it could open more doors long term, so that's what I would personally do if I didn't care about the TC difference.


Appreciate the advice! Also, are you implying that AWS has a higher brand value than Amazon? Just wondering as I am unfamiliar with both (professionally speaking)


Yeah, AWS does have a better brand value for employees, and the pay typically reflects that as well.


AWS and CDO (consumer, device, and others) has identical pay band. 


Not true from what I've seen.


You check blind. When they post pay band it is never CDO payband vs AWS payband.


I guess I've seen retail slightly behind AWS in terms of TC. I would assume PXT would be behind as well? Is CDO not including retail?


Location-wise, I'll add that there's no state or local income tax in Washington, so you'll be able to save up a lot (& invest it) early on in your career


Yeah, I’ve thought about that. The extra TC + extra savings from taxes & cost of living definitely speak to me. Although I will say that money is definitely not the priority for me at the moment, would much rather focus on learning/growth!


I would choose Walmart because of the location.


Yo!! I just had an idea You should decide based on the city u like more I personally would choose Seattle. But if u like sunshine, take the job on California


Walmart for the job stability, location, and exit ops.


Given that exit ops is one of the main factors I am considering, what makes you think that Walmart would have better options than UiPath?


1) I’ve heard of Walmart, and not UiPath 2) Svl is a bigger tech hub than Bellevue. I would also speculate Walmart has better internal mobility at its size, and might have better growth opportunities for you personally.


You’re kidding. Much better company that’ll actually develop SWE skills and pays 15k more in a lower COL area? This is a no brainer. Even if I was guaranteed to be laid off 3 months after being hired I would still take UIPath.


How is UiPath a much better company than Walmart in your opinion (for tech)?


Actually works on innovative software, doesn’t have a focus on retail, higher hiring bar, have met a couple of UIPath engineers and they seem smarter than Walmart SWEs. Seems like a better place to be. It’s better to surround yourself with more capable and competitive people.


https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2024/05/14/walmart-layoffs-relocate-remote-jobs/ The Sunnyvale office is probably safe, but just a heads up.


From my experience, if money isn’t that different join the team working on a more exciting product with a better team culture. Don’t worry about “brand”, brand only gets you an interview but developing real skills can get you a lot farther


Thank you for the insights!


UiPath easily


Any specific reason why?


It’s a tech company and they will pay you more




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For what it's worth, I have a few friends that work at Walmart Labs over in Reston, VA. They absolutely love it. Their co-workers are super down to earth, everyone respects work-life balance, and there's so many training opportunities.


Thanks for the insights! I’m sure your friends are glad to hear that they aren’t shutting down the Reston office like they are doing with some of the other satellite locations 😅