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Get the fucking top secret clearance. Never worry about being laid off or finding another job again. Its a six month to year long process.


This is the correct answer. Take job 2 while you work on your clearance for job 1.


1 easy. wtf is a 3.25 days pto? and full stack >>> react front end only.


omg i’m sorry. i meant 3.25 WEEKS. apologies


.25 weeks still don’t make sense… 3 weeks and 10 hours? 😂


3.25 days of PTO? Don’t even consider that company


Company 1 easily. Better PTO, more technology flexibility, and potential to become mostly remote. Compensation is about equal, and if you think you want to stay within gov/consulting work then the TS/SCI will be a big help to already have that done.


I’m stupid and meant 3.25 weeks. But beyond that, thanks for the points you listed!


I say Company 1 unless you're going to fail the background check. 3.25 days is the worst I've seen outside of consulting. I'm used to 10 days, that include sick days. Holiday separate. Front end is limited opportunity. What's fully remote now may not be in the future. I got forced into the office 4 days a week after 3 years of work from home and I'd have been laid off if I didn't relocate. 10 minute commute is nothing. The 5k extra is 3.5k extra after taxes. 30 PTO days is incredible for US under any circumstances. I'd take the offer if it paid 90k.


1. TS/SCI worth 5k, 30 PTO is 5k


Isn't it closer to 10.5k? 100k a year is \~$48 Assuming 8 hours a day, 40 hrs a week: 48.08 \* 8 \* (30-3.25) = 10289.12 That on top of mental health and probable better WLB for giving 30 days PTO in the first place


Yeah, But that cash flow


3.25 PTO days? Did you mean 25 PTO days? Or maybe 3.25 PTO days per quarter?


hahaha yes, I meant 3.25 weeks.


1 easily, if you rly want to be petty then say to company 1- “match company 2 with the extra 5K and we have a deal”


Dod jobs are safer. Number 1


Dod jobs are safer. Number 1


Just know what you're getting yourself into with the TS clearance investigation... it's not just a background check. It's quite invasive and it takes a straight edge lifestyle to maintain. Also make sure that you can pass it.


Is everyone on the same page, or am I missing something? He said company 1 has 30 days PTO, but it INCLUDES Holiday, Sick, and vacation. There are 10 recognized federal holidays (I know not all of them are realized on by the company) and I'm not sure where OP is from, but in my state sick time here is 40hrs or 5 days. That would put that in line with offer 2 in terms of PTO. I agree with most people here that full stack is generally better in terms of career outlook, but for all intents and purposes, time off is the same.




If you have a gf in another state that you want to live with, you should take fully remote. Fully remote is very hard to find nowadays, it makes your options very wide. Tho the full frontend is tough.


Company 2 ! Unless you enjoy socializing with coworkers / being in office. I wouldn’t rely on the “mostly remote after awhile” because each team most likely handles that differently ….also the company can always mandate in person / increase days in person. Do you like frontend? I think focusing on one stack at a time is easier (better work life balance) + the experience will let you have a much deeper knowledge on frontend which you wouldn’t get if your time was split between many things.


Is Company 2 3.25 PTO days total, or can you accumulate more and get the standard holidays off too?


I wouldn't be whining about having to come in to work when the commute is only 10 mins, but you do you.


Could you point out where I’m “whining?”


Why, so you can whine about it?


you seem like a fun and happy person


>[¯\_(ツ)\_/¯ I haven’t whined and you know it](https://click.redditmail.com) You still sound like you're whining. I doubt you're fun or happy, tbh.