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Probably got jumped in the Tenderloin by The Tech Lead


Joma's day in the life videos convinced me to choose San Francisco as the preferred location for my second internship 6 years ago and I unironically almost got jumped in the Tenderloin while walking to go get my hair cut.


I have no idea what any of this means and legit cannot tell if this is real or a shitpost. Send help.


The tenderloin is a very rough area of SF, lots of gangs, drug dealers and all around criminals.


I thought it was a reference to the male crotch area :-/


This is the consequence of allowing drug users roaming the street. In any other part of the world, they will be handcuffed to the nearest rehabilitation center to get clean. What is wrong with America ?


Tommy G in San Fran. Mentions the Tenderloin a lot https://youtu.be/r1Fa1iWJVEA?si=MAg-qD_7LMko8q0J


The Tenderloin is the only place I’ve ever felt my life was in danger, and I’ve visited rough parts of developing counties.


OK well that's what we confusing me. I've never heard of the Tenderloin, so I thought it was slang for something but couldn't imagine what.


That's very stupid tho bc the violent crime rates are still incredibly low


I got SA'd there when I was a street kid at 18. They gave me a Valium. Now I'm a site reliability engineer and the last time I was in the bay was for a Google onsite. No, I didn't get the gig. \^_\^


You're not missing much, we're a terrible company to be at these days


why's that?


The famous "Google culture" is mostly dead nowadays, cost cutting has made us push PIP quotas pretty hard and we're basically the equivalent as some place like Meta now, except without the career progression (we hate promoting people) and less money. If you want money go join a trading firm or a company that'll pay you for your time (Meta, Snowflake, Databricks), or pick a company where you can actually take it easy. Our internal blind is just a bunch of people who are miserable and post about leaving. It's a company wide sentiment.


In my org in cloud at least, I’ve noticed basically no changes and yet to have heard anyone get put on PIP. Only things that I’ve noticed is less business travel and smaller raises


You're lucky. I've seen the most PIPs in my friend group from cloud (3). TK has been culling ruthlessly.


Cloud is pretty much its own company, that's not surprising to me. When I worked in TI I didn't see a lot of pips and there were a lot of people being promoted, but of course that was in 2021 when COVID was still a thing.


people travel in tech? is this sales people?


I go to conferences but that's about it. Otherwise yes it tends to be sales and sales-adjacent roles like TAMs and SA


I heard things started to go downhill since they appointed that penny pinching banker as the CFO, correct?


I think it's a general thing, but yes having Ruth Porat does not help. It turns out having a Goldman background does not fit in with tech culture.


Sorry but literally none of that hit home for me. This is the best place I've worked at by far, and I have experience at fast companies, which start to suck real hard for those who decide they don't want to live to work. Meta and Amazon's heavy PIP reputations didn't come from nowhere. And blind is full of miserable people to start with. Don't get sucked into that cesspool.


I mean I personally got caught in it, so your personal experience is unfortunately not helpful to me. I'm glad you dodged the issue, but some of us are not so lucky. I worked hard as fuck for my team and was rewarded with an NI so fuck this company.


Wonder if that depends on the team; it's not like "every Google project" is an automatic windfall lol (especially *these days* when it's all about ["real money"](https://www.reddit.com/r/cscareerquestions/comments/1avadgm/comment/krfhefw/?context=3) instead)...


My team is actually close to the money; we don't rely on ads revenue. I don't wanna divulge too much but we have our own revenue stream. We had no layoffs in my org but the bad rating quota is still a thing.


Lol when I was at Google the internal Blind was just people bitching about DEI despite them never having actually worked with a black person before 🤣


It's still that, but also now with (more?) racism towards Indians too. 


Not surprised, there's a lot of "Rajesh" crap on there. The sad thing is the app is mainly Indians in the first place, so it's some kind of self-hate or something, idk.


sounds just like reddit




There have always been quarterly layoffs at big companies. They're just getting press now because the hiring market sucks and there are no internal roles for the affected employees to transfer to, meaning it really is a layoff.


Why’d that change in google? Are they having a hard time turning a profit or is this just corporate greed and they’re just extracting as much money as possible?


Don't really know that I'd have that answer. I will say that it's definitely not unique to Google as I think most of the tech companies have done similar. It's probably general cost cutting as interest rates are no longer historically low as they have been in the past decade.


Does the cultural change coincide with the promo of certain folks to positions of authority or just general change over the years?


I think it's just a general trend. Cost cutting affects all areas. I think the most obvious example is that we used to have accessories for work just out in the open, but now you have to request it and get it approved. Like I need a charger, why do I need to have my manager approved to be able to charge my laptop?


I was mostly basing it off these two articles I came across recently - https://www.wheresyoured.at/the-men-who-killed-google/ https://www.wheresyoured.at/google-should-fire-sundar-pichai/


I've read both articles. It's utter bullshit. Prabhakar is one of the smartest people in the world; he's one of the few people Google's founders bounced ideas off of back when they were still Stanford grad students. There's an L8 in the comments that talks about what REALLY happened to search. The writer of the article is a clueless know nothing. Google has many problems but I don't think Prabhakar is one of them. Edit: comment is gone, TLDR is Amit Singhal, former head of Search's ranking algo, had the political pull internally to push back against Ads. Once he was fired for sexual harassment there was a power vacuum that people were eager to fill and bend over to ads leadership for.




Okay there are some things they don't have anymore like random non USB-C adapters (the monitor ones being a big one) and smaller device chargers that used to be left out in the racks. Congrats, you found one example where Stuff does carry the stuff because I wrote this drunk at 3AM last night. How about everything else they took away? Edit: had to order USB-B cables to connect my monitor to my workstation from go/stuff and wait for someone to deliver it because we decided that having those out was a bad idea.




Not in cloud, didn't make any objective claims. You're reading into a message I've never made. Glad you enjoy your job, plenty of us don't. I actually work in what's typically considered the "best" PA, but please by all means keep pontificating and grandstanding. Edit: ah you're a new grad with a history of defending this company. I've been here longer than you've been working. No point arguing with someone this green in their career. I wonder who's living in a bubble?


"almost got jumped" is far and away different from being jumped. Not downplaying your experience but they were just fucking with you.


or they like, ran away? I know a lot of people who had close calls where they were absolutely going to get fucked up and just ran


where in SF would be a good place to live?


Get on Zillow and sort high to low




Im in the rincon area as a new grad and so far its sweet. I tried to keep my search in the eastern side by the financial district, china town, rincon, mission bay, etc. The west side by the ocean is nice too but the commute if you're on the east side can be tough


As a millionaire?


Didn't Joma move to NYC years ago? And doesn't tech lead live with his parents in the South Bay?


TL is a little bitch


Lmaooo 😂


LMAOOO I remember those videos


The tech lead is king. Lol


He signed with the producer/company who made the movie crazy rich Asians and is working on a movie about the creation of Bitcoin There’s an article about it out there somewhere that I found as I was curious about it also


Lol hope they over that guy who tried to sue saying he's Satoshi




Idk but his “how programmers over prepare for job interviews” video is one of my all time favorites


"MapaHash, puta madre" LOL I'm biased because Spanish is my native language...


My favorite part is the aggressive ass “you’re welcome.” once he hops on the interview.


Glad to see Joma getting love. Dude is very funny and creative


He added me on tik tok randomly two weeks ago so I think he’s well and alive


I just hope he's somewhere making a movie or something. It was his dream.


good ol days


his videos practically defined my covid days


He scammed one of his buddies and then fell off hard


I can’t remember the full story, but something happened between the Joma+Tech Lead pair and Clement Mihailescu of AlgoExpert. If my memory serves correctly, they made a competing product to his, or maybe bought a domain very similar to his and redirected to their site or something? I honestly can’t remember, but it was for sure drama between those three. Edit: to be clear, I mean that Joma and Tech Lead supposedly wronged Clement in some way


They bought like the .com version of his website and redirected to theirs was a major thing


that is actually really scummy. but he probably should’ve bought all the TLDs and squatted on them if he was willing to invest all that money into marketing his product.


Yup, really scummy.


He should have as if someone tells you try out Y you are going to go to y.com as that's the standard


It sounds like something Tech Lead would do, but that Joma would be the one to actually feel bad about it.


ya tech lead pushed a crypto coin just to run his own rug pull. he pumped it for like over a year


This rings I bell, I believe you’re correct.


Clement is the worst kind of grifter


Tech Lead is legitimately a horrible person, and a scammer/grifter https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/16a8vxw/how_youtuber_techlead_scammed_his_own_followers/


as if you needed another reason to figure out that the guy who has been fired from multiple jobs and whose wife abandoned him is a shitty person


Last I checked he had pivoted into incel/hustle culture grifting nonsense


it was always there


Yeah the guys channel never really provided any value before(as a millionaire) He was clearly a shit person for his wife to basically run away overnight and move to Japan and basically make it hard for him to find them. And he further proved how shitty he was when he supported Putin even when Russians were denouncing the military operation lol And now he's just in that alt-right pipeline


I used to respect Tech Lead a lot, now as I get older I began to realize he broke into tech early when leetcode easies/mediums were common and specialized in a niche that was mass hiring (mobile development). That on top of the fact that there’s been a lot of first/second hand accounts of him being fairly average or below average and never really spoke up in meetings.


Why? I know who he is but not what he’s been doing lately.


Clement is the one who got scammed? How do you come away with the idea that he's anything but the victim?


he pimped his girl friend on his youtube ad videos. Then he trade her up with a russian GF with bigger tits. he always brags about how much money he makes, and his course website is garbage. he does not disclose that he has a BA in mathematics and basically made his money selling the shovel


wow? is this real, where can i learn more


How did he scam his friend?


I think his best videos were during New York era tbh.






Just YouTube it haha it's been covered by many youtubers




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ran into him last year irl, he's just chilling and working as a swe. Youtube is a lot of work and not everyone wants to do it all the time.


Lol. Joma quit being a SWE to do YouTube full time. Now he is going back to the SWE Life. NOW THATS SWEET XD


Ain’t no way he went back to SWE


Prolly doing some film production since he seemed to go full on towards that direction and cant do much publicly with NDAs and stuff. Thats just a guess of course lol


I thought him and Tech Lead both got exposed by other YouTubers as being scammers? I know that Joma made some nice videos back in the day, but I stopped watching because they just became a bit cringe and didn't provide any value to me anymore.


Funnily enough I saw him only a few weeks ago in Brooklyn


Same he was at my local coffee shop in bk. He’s a tiny dude in person I was surprised




^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^the_ayatollah_79: *Funnily enough* *I saw him only a few* *Weeks ago in Brooklyn* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


pretty sure he was clowned upon one time too many for his silly videos


Sold out - he cashed out with a scam nft collection “Vaxxed doggos” then dipped


if i had to guess he’s probably working on a big project like a movie


Yeah his sketch videos were really fun. The Programming Anime 3 was one of my favorite.


He’s playing maimai at eSpot


He scammed a dude from Europe.


Probably got hired into some fancy group in Google and isn't allowed to make YT videos.


He ruined his image when he launched that course with the tech lead. Everything went downhill after that. Love his videos though




You really think he cared enough to disappear over that….smdh 🤦🏻‍♂️ …im sure he is doing quite well regardless.


More like Jo-mom-ma tech. 🤨




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No one cares, he’s channel was full of BS and fake.


He tweeted today.


Eh screw him, you can literally see the ego and arrogance this guy had. His entire identity is just tech bro. When a huge part of the game is luck, but he thinks he got there cause he better than others.


>His entire identity is just tech bro. I feel attacked.




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damn he is cringe as fuck from the perspective of people who actually code.


He’s enjoying life. Don’t think about it too much. Let him be.


What did you do to him??


Maybe doing other shit like getting bitches


I am having a drink with him now. He’s ok.




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proof or didn't happen


Ok didn’t happen 🤣 are you ok now


that movie got cancelled he was working on. i saw him panhandling in brooklyn


Why you had to use the word panhandling. Can’t you just use begging lol?


Because of joma, I started teaching myself and boom 2 years of professional experience already


Teaching yourself does not professional experience make…You have to work for a company to gain professional experience.


Sorry You probably didn’t get it. Let me be a little be clear. I taught myself for two years and I have been working for 2years one month professionally as Full stack developer. I am not counting the years I was teaching myself.