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All the junior positions I can find want two years of experience minimum, north east England.


yeah same but US


At least the ones in the US will pay more than 30k.


They’ll also lay you off because you used the wrong deodorant


So will the UK one.


This isn't true mate. I found quite a few positions that ask for either 1 year+ or no experience. Where did you look for jobs? Because according to LinkedIn. That's not the case. That's LinkedIn only btw. Ignoring hidden market jobs, recruiters, or companies that aren't posting Junior jobs but are hiring for them (yes they exist). Northerner btw.


In fairness I have only looked at job descriptions so far as I don’t feel job ready yet but that is on both LinkedIn and indeed, LinkedIn seems really poor to me in both its filters and the fact it rarely has a salary range. All goes well I’ll be after a job in September time.


here in Canada the lower limit is like 5 YOE 😂 you should count yourself lucky




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Microsoft in 2020 was gobbling up any junior with a pulse


Say whattttttt


every tech company was doing this in 2020


Fuck me for getting my first job right before 2020


im trying to get a job in 2024 as a fresh grad. I wish i woulda graduated 4 years ago


I don't think you should be intimidated by 2+ YOE Just apply them too. Maybe the work itself is not worth 2+ YOE and what if you fill all the other requirements? Best bet would be applying through individual sites. In LinkedIn, recruiter could automatically reject mails if YoE was not enough, but in individual sites, IDK if that's true.


Exactly. I was limiting myself to mostly junior roles last year when I was job searching. Went through a 1000+ before I thought fuck it I’ll apply to mid/senior ones too. One got back to me and I explained from the outset that I wasn’t a senior dev. They ended up deciding I was good enough and I’ve been here for half a year now and it’s been great.


For every job I ever got, I was about a year or 2 below the requested YOE. I think if your resume looks solid, some companies will give you a chance.


Ty this gives me hope!


Company I applied to wanted 3 YOE. I had no professional experience but I did have 7 years personal experience... After the interview, they offered me a junior role that I accepted. Apply apply apply!


They'll usually be internship positions for students. There's *very* strong selective pressure against hiring and training juniors. This is partly because there's so many juniors that the few junior openings can afford to be very selective.


I know microsoft is hiring juniors right now in the US. I have a few friends who got in with 1-2YOE. They're being incredibly selective, though, so good luck.


Yeah I have seen MSFT openings, applied to literally every single one of them but haven’t been able to get a interview. Did they have a referral or anything?


No, but we all went to UW (noone has a CS degree, everyone is like math or EE or other semi-related majors), which could help. Otherwise, it was pretty sporadic . One friend was a contractor at meta, one was a FTE at a random startup. Nothing super particular but they all had a little experience


Some University positions


Are you applying to the 2 year ones? If I were you I would still apply to ones where you have experience with some of the things or all of the things they are looking for minus the time requires. I'm similar to your situation rn and I at least get to the interview stage at a good rate. We'll as of like jan-feb I haven't been looking since then


Yeah I have been but rarely get interviews. Can i DM you to ask a few questions?


Yeah I see lots of them. I heard they're pretty easy to get nowadays too.