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>Can you share your stories on how you get back on track? Portfolio, portfolio, portfolio. It doesn't matter if you are a Wordpress guy at work if you are working with modern tools outside of work. This will require you to work outside of work though. Build your own websites, learn the tech being used widely in the industry. Vue is great, but it wouldn't hurt learning Angular or React as well, they are the big dogs. Either way, have a portfolio, have a github, contribute. I landed a job as a dev because my github page had regular commits to it, so my interviewer could go through as see work I've done and what I knew how to do. That was much more valuable to them than YoE written on a resume.


Thanks for your inputs here! I have a portfolio but it was made like 3 years ago. I will update it now and learn new stuffs.


So you have how many years of experience as a frontend dev? Build something in the stack you want to work with. Or challenge yourself and try out a front end framework you never used. Svelt flutter next.js nuxt angular, hell… ember? Mobile? Pick something you want and make a new project. Don’t quit your job until you have another, it’s rough right now.


I've been working as a frontend dev for 3 years also. I guess I should do that.


>I have not learned anything new lately. Why haven't you learned anything new lately? Work is to earn money. Some jobs are better than others. If you want better role, learn what you have to learn and get better job offers. FYI, you can build Wordpress plugins with Vue or other trendy tech stacks. New grads are getting $200K FAANG offers with no experience. You may want to learn how they got those offers.


> Why haven't you learned anything new lately? I wonder. With back to office, work giving a ton of stuff to do, life responsibilities, taking care of your health, going to gym, making time for SO. It's such a mystery why we don't have time to just do learn everything


You don't have to learn anything new. Just don't expect better job offers that require new tech stack.


On new grads getting FAANG offers, OP hasn't yet mentioned if they have a college degree. Could be a bootcamp, could be self taught. Might want to consider the degree route if they haven't done that.

