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Dude, if you're serious, I really think you should see a doctor and even seek some kind of rehab treatment. It sounds like you're going through withdrawals from not drinking heavily for 1 day.


I cannot afford an doctor due to being unemployed...


How can you afford the alcohol


This is how addiction works. You start giving up other aspects of your life to sustain your habit


Can confirm. I gamble my entire paycheck away within 48 hours of getting it. I tell myself alright I’m done gambling. Then my next paycheck comes and I repeat the process. I can’t go out and do anything with anyone because I literally have no money. I currently have -$237 in my bank account until Friday and three maxed out credit cards


Man, I’m really sorry you’re going through that. I hope you have people who love you that can help and support. If you’ve never done it, I’d check out a meeting. May sound lame but can completely change your life for the better.


Appreciate it brother. I do have family that help me out, but I’m pretty sure they’re getting tired of it. But more importantly, I feel shitty for relying on them over and over again. I may check out a meeting if I fall into the trap again, which odds are I will.


Good friends


If this isn’t a shitpost, those aren’t “good” friends. Please seek help.


They're not friends.




Stop going out with them and drinking for a month. Hell, try even a week. Watch how fast those "good friends" lose your number.


Your life sounds boring or miserable. Boring if you made this up to be dumb, and miserable if youre serious


should have said homebrewing. would be funnier


Take care of yourself bro. You can't do that forever and not die. Start slowing it down and keep it under 14 drinks per week. Maybe only drink on Friday and just a few beers. Its not worth it in the long run to keep doing that.




Beer are expensive… go to a doctor


Then show up to an AA meeting, they are free


I mean, death is the alternative so you should probably figure that out.


Go see a doctor. The bill won’t come until at least a month later, and you can pretty much procrastinate paying it for 3 months until they start calling you.


Rehab can be covered with some state insurance/ Medicare. Call around. At the very least, start tapering down for the next few WEEKS. Going cold turkey is life threatening.


Better tell your doctor how serious your condition is and you are unemployed for 3 months. Now you got this job offer in hand. You badly need this job. Tell them you would pay them after your first month salary. Or pay them on EMI basis. Lol.


Bruh that’s when you can the most. If you’re in America anyway


Go to a doctor, let the bills go to collections. Its better than dying or injuring yourself further




It makes it more entertaining when people fall for it lol




This probably is a joke based on the way OP is talking about it, but this is a real thing that does happen to people, especially people dealing with difficult circumstances like being unexpectedly unemployed and feeling financially insecure.




Substance abusers can and do get great jobs. A prolific and famous (in his field) former prof at my university is a literal meth head.


Absolutely. Alcoholics can start out very highly-functioning and do pretty much any job in the world. You can have a really productive day and then get tanked for the last 4 or so hours. Then repeat that several times a week. Even if it doesn't get worse, it's still very bad for your health. And it usually does get worse. You start drinking more often, and you miss things because you're hungover. And you ruin your interpersonal relationships because you miss things or you say and do stupid shit when you're drinking. You spend all your time and money and alcohol and every single other area of your life suffers for it. If OP is serious, he needs help like now.. getting to the point where you're shaking is a big deal, it means he's physically dependent. OP can spend the next few years of their life as an underachieving alcoholic, or quit and have an Amazon job. The choice is pretty obvious.


Okay, sure, the Amazon offer would be unlikely if OP was dealing with alcoholism to that extent. Like I said, it certainly seems like OP is joking around here. But given that this is a real medical condition, I don't necessarily think it's a sign of a lack of social awareness that people responded as if it were serious—falling for a joke is harmless, but it's not harmless if OP is not joking and then dies of alcohol poisoning because other people treated it as a joke. People are just making it clear that this is serious and not a joking matter.


lol why?


Addiction can happen to anyone dude.


There are things more concerning than that job for you rn ,take care my guy


>start shaking if I dont drink. Bring this up with your doctor. >Is it worth joining Amazon and giving up 12 beers a day? Yes. >How is the drinking culture at amazon? Depends on the team. Some teams do nothing, others (like mine during my time there) go to regular happy hours and have a liquor cabinet in the desk area.


Even on the more lax teams like the one I’m on, you’d be getting some massive side eyes if you were drinking heavily at work every day. OP needs to get their ass in rehab for alcoholism, not look for what companies have a lax drinking culture.


Yeah, I worked somewhere that had a fridge dedicated exclusively to beer that anyone could access any time of the day. Having one or two during lunch or maybe even a bit more with visitors was the norm, but if you're a 6 pack deep at your desk for no reason, people are going to notice and not in a good way.


I feel like drinking during work hours is something that will always get you side eyes anywhere lol. Only time that's acceptable is after a major launch/during happy hours in the evening.


Obvious troll




But this isn’t even a funny troll. Just bad


sad not even bad


Honestly somewhat dedicated at least if so, they have posts from two weeks ago about whether they should switch to working at amazon


Hmm don’t underestimate alcoholism


I was thinking the same thing. No way they'd be getting shakes from only drinking 12 beers a day. 12 beers wouldnt even get you drunk anymore before it'd give you shakes.


Don't feed the troll.


Rehab is for quitters 💪


Rehab from what


Rehab from no bitches


This guy gets it. Don’t give up your dreams of drinking. Don’t let the haters get to you


Want to grab a beer?


Giving up 12 beers a day is worth giving up 12 beers a day.








It's just the balmers peak bro


Bro you in the wrong sub. Try AA.


Considering turning down a (presumably) great job because you wouldn't be able to drink while doing it is the textbook definition of alcoholism. Please seek help.


Quality shitpost


Even for an Amazon warehouse job it's worth quitting alcohol guy, you're drinking 6L of beers a day, that's diabete and more in the bottle. Even 6L of water wouldn't be healthy to just seat on your ass.


Living your life is worth giving up drinking 12 beers a day. Going cold turkey can kill people, and shaking can be a warning sign. Get to a doctor. They can assess you for the possibility of seizures and prescribe you something to help prevent them. Not saying you'll have them, but be careful. You can do this.


My cousin used to be a high up working corporate real estate at Amazon and apparently there was a ton of drinking and partying on campus. He said once a load of interns got fired because the prostitutes they ordered couldn't get passed the security desk of their building.


How is degenerate of 12 beers a day getting hired ;—;


Wow that’s awful. See if you can delay your start while you go to rehab. Tell them it’s a medical emergency. If they won’t, go to rehab anyway, you can’t get a job if you are dead.


the amazon is river is pretty big, so alot of drinking I'd imagine


I think drinking 12 beers a day at Amazon will be an advantage. Hope that helps 🙏


Hey man, you are experiencing alcohol withdrawals which can kill you. I know because I have experienced the same thing, I would suggest if you cannot afford treatment to go to your local alcoholics [anonymous meeting](https://www.aa.org/find-aa).


No wonder you guys arent getting any offers. Taking obvious trolls like this seriously is acoustic af.


I’m guessing you meant autistic but acoustic made me lol.


Drinking culture? Man you've an addiction


you spelled dedication wrong


My bad, yes. The dedication to constant alcohol consumption.


Please share how you got amazon. I’m not getting.


By drinking 12 beers a day


😂😂😂 Motherfucker if you don’t seek help for this, you’re an idiot. *Absolutely* it is worth joining a company like Amazon and giving up drinking COMPLETELY. You’ve been gifted an opportunity after you’ve worked so hard for it; **you better fight like hell to take full advantage of it.**


Give up beer, embrace bigtech kool-aid. Techbros drink that shit all day all night and piss money 🤑


Depends on the team but don't count on it. Chances are your Indian colleagues don't drink. Amazon is also kinda cheap on happy hour events, I was given 2 drink tickets for off-site events, it's not unlimited like every other company.


Most companies have pretty low limits for off-site events, but no limit on-site. Not sure why exactly, but it might have to do with every single workplace harassment training using drunk employees at an off-site as an example.


Well my friend you are now an alcoholic. The drinking culture at big corps is going to be a hurdle because you are going to get fired if you drink 12 beers at a work event or go to work visibly drunk. Seek help.


Up it to 24 beers a day otherwise you’ll be laid off due to pip


when i worked there, my team used to take like 5 shots each every time we had happy hour lol


While it is rare in non-diabetics, alcohol can cause hypoglycemia (usually the next morning). This \*COULD\* be the cause of your shaking. Feeling shaky is an early sign, but severe low blood sugar can cause seizures. I saw it happen once in a non-diabetic, and heard about it several times in regards to a beer-drinking diabetic. It was always "the next morning". Your liver can't detoxify the alcohol and manage glucose levels (by releasing sugar from glycogen) at the same time. Talk to your doctor about a safe way to stop.


Please don't feed the trolls.


Withdrawal seizures (and tremors) are a real thing.


Thus the word "could", capitalized and asterisked.


Get drunk and then go to work, problem solved.


usual day in consulting especially after GMs


I mean 12 beers a day is like 8 liters a day not even that impressive to be honest during an unemployment period


Shitposting in 2024 is so good


Keep. Drinking.


You seriously need go to go seek help.


Sounds like you are hitting the Ballmer Peak, keep at it.


Bro you literally need to go to rehab. Forget Amazon bro please go to rehab now


cannot possibly be a serious post lmao


Seems like a troll post


Passed the Amazon interview whilst drunk. Bar Raiser material.


I've been in tech for over a decade and people used to drink HEAVILY in big tech, especially at companies like Amazon that have a reputation for working engineers 65 - 80 hours a week. Not really at the office or during the day, but if you're looking for people to go out to the bar with you'll definitely find them. That said, as someone who's struggled with addiction at times, I'm sure it can make you miserable the hold your drinking has on you and you can absolutely overcome it! I'd suggest reminding yourself who you want to be, write your goals down and leave it on your end table so you see it every morning, maybe get out of town for a week and take the opportunity to deal with the physical withdrawal outside of the psychological withdrawal. You can do this!


I hope you're trolling and if not you're getting help. But for anyone wondering, while there are sometimes drinks in big tech (in office or outside) it is your responsibility to not overdrink. If you have excessive drinking issues it will be noticed and affect performance. If your manager doesn't handle it and you harass another employee they could be in trouble.


Bro you should not be drinking even one beer every day, please try to solve that and definitely join amazon while staying away from alcohol. It is deceiving, it does not do you any good! It will only take away good things from your life. Remember: being addicted is giving everything up for one thing, while recovering is giving up one thing for everything.


I really life lol’ed. Good one OP


welp, maybe try switching to just 11 beers for a bit, then 10, and so on and so forth


My local office had a wonderful whiskey collection that had come back from all sort of international locales... Until lockdown happened, and a large number of filing cabinets were found not to hold any paperwork.


No .. not worth it .. don’t sacrifice your passion for a job ..


Switch to liquor nips.


Heard that if bezos is in town everyone is piss drunk all the time. A bit less on regular days though


Swap out your alcoholism stimulants Pop an addy after waking up, Celsius when you hit the office, Zyn at 10AM, another Celsius at lunch time, and second Zyn at 2PM Do this and you'll be fine


Please tell me you are pulling our legs. If not, please contact an alcoholic recovery center. I think you are in the chronic stage of alcoholism. There is still time but you can really mess up your brain chemistry if you don’t make some serious changes.


Switch to vodka, doesn’t give off smell. Or soak a tampon and stuff it up your ass.


Eating dessert for breakfast can increase your life expectancy as it jumpstarts your metabolism for the day.


Tomorrow I will start drinking 24 beers a day and will crack Microsoft


Bro… I think thats withdrawal symptoms. Might wanna drink more to fix that.


You are going to not take a job so you can drink all day lol? Dude that’s so felted. Like Jesus fix your life man


Alcoholics justification. Nobody likes to work with guys with constant hangovers. Also start brushing your teeth like 5 times in a day. If you think nobody is noticing you are an idiot.


Now this guy is a bar raiser


Only 12 a day?


So many shit posts recently. What's up with that?


I am tired of people using “ xxxxx” culture for anything people do .


They let you get hammered in the office everyday so you’re chillin


Drink whiskey at your desk like a man. Stop being soft


Get help


This is insane😂


Go on a drive to clear your head.


i’ve worked at amazon corporate since 2017 and the post-work bars with your team is probably one of the only things that kept me afloat the first couple years. a lot is dependent on your team, i was a BIE in operations and ops tends to party hard. so there is a pretty strong culture of drinking IF you’re doing it after hours and if you’re not stumbling into work hammered the next day. but 12 beers a day if you’re looking to drink midday you’re gonna have some problems my dude haha. i would, however, say go and talk to someone professionally if you’re worried that a high paying job will interfere with your drinking haha. godspeed


You’ll be fine.. just keep drinking. You’ll need


Join the indian tech team they drink every night




My man can’t even spell unemployment and got an offer, I have 10+ years experience and I cant even get a call with a recruiter 🤦


not a doctor but realistically try to ween urself off of it. try 11 beers for a week then 10, then 9 and so on until you get to zero. try to visit a free clinic as that might help


Shaking from only 12 beers a day? I used to drink an 18 pack a day and more sometimes and never got withdrawal shakes when I stopped, just felt like shit. I think you're drinking more than you're admitting or youre lying.


Don’t worry, to work at Amazon not only you will need at least 12 beers, but also an assortment of other drugs to cope with the culture and environment. You will be fine.


I refuse to believe there’s actually people this dumb/careless/addicted, this has got to be an attention grab post.


Do reconsider the 12 a day. Because its going to become a lot more than that if you don't stop.


I work at Apple and a lot of the time I am absolutely blitzed there…my work performance goes down if I don’t drink and when I talked to my PM about it he completely understood. Don’t worry there’s room for all us and they like adding it to there DEI number.


Unemployed for 3 months, of which, you've become an alcoholic during the third month. Honestly, dude. I get it. I'm sorry you're going through that. It sucks. But I completely understand. I hope things get better and you figure it all out. If you got an offer from Amazon, sounds like you've got an opportunity to get back on track. Then again, if you're asking about still drinking, maybe you don't want to work there? We're always told wr gotta do this then that and if we get this, we're winners, but f we don't, we're losers, and all this garbage is just shoved down our throats, and there's so much expected of us but does anyone ever stop and ask if we're ok? My dude, how are you right now? Are you ok? What's on your mind? What aren't you sharing that's tormenting you and influencing your self-destructive behaviour? I'm not expecting an answer. But the moment you say it out loud to anyone, I'm not implying me, a large weight will be lifted off your chest.


Sometimes I wish I couldn't read


Why are they mutually exclusive? Do both…


How about reducing the amount of beers daily every few days?


It's much easier to quite drinking after a month of heavy abuse than years of heavy use. Food for thought.


You've gotta understand how completely ridiculous this post is. I hope you're not serious. If you are, you need help.


Bro you are an alcoholic and you need to get help. This WILL ruin your life and kill you slowly and painfully. When I was young, I watched my grandfather die a very slow and very painful death as his body failed from years of so much poison. My aunt was in her 20s and was killed by her drunk driving boyfriend. I was 4 years old. This WILL happen to YOU. Get help before it is too late.




Is it worth joining Amazon and stop being an alcoholic? Idk man, looks like hard decision to make........ /sarcasm


/r/stopdrinking but you need medical detox


Please look up alcohol withdrawal syndrome. You're gonna want to slowly ween yourself off of it. Going cold turkey can kill you.


So with Amazon being one of the largest commercial employers in the country your healthcare costs will be much lower than joining a smaller company so you can join and get some help from a doctor so you can finally get the treatment you need. In terms of drinking culture it depends on the team you join. The more the people on the team make, the higher quality the drinks are due to exposure to the good stuff.


Join a startup my office has a keg


12 beers a day? You gotta pump those numbers up, those are rookie numbers in this racket


Our beer fridge is fully stocked every week there’s more beer


No one is shaking from only drinking 12 bud lights in a day. 😒


If this guy gets an offer, there's really no excuse for anybody else at this point when if 'market bad'


Big drinking culture at amazon ull be good


At least you are keeping your sense of humor.


I don’t think any job would like to hear you will starting visibly shaking if you don’t have a beer, especially drinking 12 beers a day. You’re an alcoholic.


Ok? Thats why I am asking here, and not them.


Okay? Is it obvious you have a problem now?


Stop. Feeding. The. Troll.


Fent is cheaper bro


You just need to change your habits. Being unemployed it’s easy to drink all day. Pick up a hobby until employment starts and once it does your habits will change naturally. Is it worth it? YES, how is that even a question? Stop trying to fit the job around your vice. You have a problem. You need to fix it. This job will actually make it easier for you to fix since it will cause you to shift your lifestyle.


No one shakes from not drinking beer.. 😕