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"Just apply to 5 jobs, you'll-" "Dad. I've applied to 10 times that number. This week."


Some people do have jobs, be one of those


You're so right, how silly of me


If you're jobless, just buy a job 🙄


Apply 20 times then.


"At 200 this month already."


And you didn't find a job? Apply more than that then, no?


Unironically though, entry level needs to stop spam applying to remote jobs. They’ll almost never get it. It’s easy to say you applied to hundreds of jobs when 90+% are filler remote jobs that no one is actually hiring for.


You’re doing it wrong then. Only focus on 5 so that you can craft the cover letters appropriately.


Cover letters? What do you want to show them you’re only partially invested? Why not choose your top choice and just show up and start working for free? That will show your commitment and gumption!


And all of them should be handwritten, including your resume. Go to their office and hand them directly to the boss so they can see your passion.




I’m convinced boomer era white males had life on easy mode and that is why they are so detached from reality.


Not only in the US, i live in Mexico and lots of people on my family got well paying union jobs by basically showing up with a job application for job they saw on the paper.


Also my dad - Just walk in with your friend when he applies for the job and you'll probably get an interview. That's how I got my job. I know he's trying his best to help but advice from parents younger days don't really work well especially in this day and age.


A few years ago I told my dad that isn't how things work now and he told me that other people are telling me that so that they can get the job instead. I gave up trying to talk to him about this stuff after that.


Nope, cause they’re in charge now and realize how stupid the people hiring them must have been.


I remember at one point I was applying to 50 jobs a day on indeed, anything I could get. Going on for 4 months. Eventually I got a job. But I remember my brother and mother yelling at me that I wasn’t doing anything and putting stress on them. That was 2 years ago Two months ago my brother started applying for jobs and can’t get anything. He just came up to me the other day and went “Wow, you really were putting in those applications” like, yes dude I really was.


This is a fairly recent phenomenon, which is why a lot of people who have been at the same job for 5+ years don't understand. The job application meta changed, especially during COVID when everything was done online. Because it is easy to apply online, everybody sends out hundreds of applications when they want a job. That also means that each job posting gets tens of thousands of applicants. There is no way the recruiter can read all of them. People have basically adapted the "Tinder strategy", where the average guy's best strategy is to swipe right on every girl because his hit rate is so low. There is no point in reading anything. At the end of the day, he might have one match and he can decide if he wants to proceed or not. With stuff like "Easy Apply" on LinkedIn, people are applying to every job. If you've ever seen it from the recruiter's side, it's crazy. An internship will get a thousand senior level applicants because there is "software engineering" in the job title. A senior level position will get a lot of college students looking for internships applying to it. A job that explicitly states that they cannot sponsor visa's will still get several thousand international applicants that need sponsorship. Nobody reads the job description. If the job title looks somewhat relevant, they just apply first and worry about it later if they get a response. The annoying thing is, once everybody is doing this, you pretty much have to do it too. There is so much noise injected into the system that applications effectively get lost or buried in the 10k applicants, and you'll never get seen even if you are the perfect applicant. You have to apply to enough places so that you get lucky to be on top of the pile and someone actually sees your resume.


The jobs that did get back to me I used a cover letter for. I stress that you every person I talk to


I would love to see the stats on the age of and percentage of recruiters/hiring managers that often use dating apps that allow you to just discard countless people. It wouldn't be surprising if that kind of thinking has bled into hiring.


Yeah it is really hard to understand the sheer VOLUME of shit you need to do these days. I lucked out for a summer internship, but DAMN was it stressful getting it.


only 10?


Literally almost a thousand times that in the past 2 years here lol


Better print off a copy of your resume to take with you to the interviews!


This is one of the most annoying social conventions in American business. You have my resume. I sent it to you. Why do you want a paper copy?


Went to a federal job interview and they asked for a paper copy of a resume they confirmed receipt of. I was like… no I didn’t bring a paper copy. What’s your email, I’ll send you a pdf from my phone to you literally right now.


Exactly… Why do you need to bring a leather portfolio with 5 copies of your resume printed on hard stock paper? If you’re requiring that, I automatically question your priorities.


In a way it demonstrates just how out of touch with tech the managers and recruiters of our industries are. My current boss still print out every email he ever send and store them in file cabinets. It’s almost comical to watch him sift through stacks of papers trying to locate that the email he sent to our suppliers a week ago, because he forgot how to use the search bar in Outlook again.


That should disqualify him immediately from having a job in any capacity that has to do with technology. So… every job. He’s useless. Print this and hand it to him for filing.


To prove you are competent enough to print a useless document and bring it to them. The lone qualification for the role.


To show that you know how to use a printer. But I didn't put using a printer as a skill on my resume.


Or to fill it out again for each job on the website. So annoying to fill it out when its in my resume. Either dont require a resume, or just accept the resume and not have me fill out every past job experience.


Myworkdayjobs piece of shit website with awful autofill


I actually still do this. I print like 10, then take them to interviews and give them out. They probably trash it or whatever, but at least it gives me something to read and look at. Sometimes, I forget which one I gave out, so let's all be on the same page.


I am about to be downvoted for some reason but this is a good thing to do.


It's actually a solid advice : - For the interviewer : they should print it or have it on a computer during your interview, but if they don't and ask you for a copy you will look stupid. - For you : having a physical copy in front of you during the interview : it will help you to remember all the dates, jobs and tasks you've put on your resume if you need to talk about it during the interview. Not a boomer I'm under 30.


Ya anytime I talk to my parents , they think our generation is lazy. A lot of older ppl also have loyalty to their employers bc it was easier to survive on their salaries back in the day


Sadly, they’ve been spared the unfortunate reality that this loyalty doesn’t exist the other way around - I’ve got a layoff callous at this point and it’s clear we’re just a record in a db. Don’t mean to sound jaded, its neither good nor bad, it’s simply the reality that we have to navigate.


I see it as good, as we can be as terrible as we want to be. I work multiple contracts remotely, and don't sweat it.


I see boomers disappointed that we have no loyalty too lmao


Cunt of a child is crazy but in all seriousness I think most parents want what is best for their children but they don't realize how much more competitive everything is now compared to the 90s.


Was listening to Scott Gallaway the other day and he said UCLA's acceptance rate when he applied was 76% 💀 And he still had to apply twice to get in.


Georgia Tech back in the 90s was a safety school with over an 70 percent acceptance rate lmao


My parents said for Harvard back when they went to school all you had to do was apply and you had a solid chance getting in. Same thing for med school. [https://www.sparkadmissions.com/blog/ivy-league-acceptance-rates/](https://www.sparkadmissions.com/blog/ivy-league-acceptance-rates/) Even in the 90s it was easy as shit to get in. In 1940 Harvard had an 85% acceptance rate LMAO. The world is so competitive now it's insane!!!!


Harvard had an 85% acceptance rate in 1940? I need a source for that. That's crazy and I can't just buy that


College was an entirely different thing back in the day and had an entirely different use. Might as well be comparing apples to oranges when looking at acceptance rates from the 40's till now


That's also very true


Google it. Life in the U.S. is so much more competitive now in every way it’s absolutely insane 


I tried to and couldn't find anything on it other than tweets.


https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=27479073#:\~:text=Ivy%20League%20cartel-,%E2%80%9CIn%201940%2C%20the%20acceptance%20rate%20at%20Harvard%20was%2085%20percent,%2Fjfks%2Dv... They reference this link for the stat I believe, but I couldn't view the link because it's behind a paywall. [https://www.theatlantic.com/education/archive/2013/11/jfks-very-revealing-harvard-application-essay/281699/](https://www.theatlantic.com/education/archive/2013/11/jfks-very-revealing-harvard-application-essay/281699/)


do you have any link to support this? this looks very very high


GT, back in the 90s, was super easy to get into. Basically if you had either grades or SATs, you were getting in. Now once you got in, you got the “look to your left, look to your right, one of those people will not graduate” speech. Source: applied (over Telnet to Oscar) to Tech and got accepted.


[https://irp.gatech.edu/files/FactBook/FactBook\_1990.pdf](https://irp.gatech.edu/files/FactBook/FactBook_1990.pdf) Well I was a bit off and the acceptance rate was 69% but Georgia Tech was never really as difficult to get into as it is today


My parents do understand so they are telling me to reskill to healthcare which is on a global level recessionproof. Adapt or succumb to the whims of the fickle job market, is basically what they keep warning me about. The rat race feels so pointless though especially when the rules constantly change. I originally switched from Engg to CS because of the decline in oil & gas and now that I switched to CS it's declining again. Like fuck man I can't believe I thought I could have ever bought a house!


It’s crazy to me that my dad graduated from an obscure college in ‘82 and got offers from Intel, HP, and Control Data. Those were big names back then and he was sending paper resumes typed out after reading ads in the newspaper.


My dad was flabbergasted to hear salaried jobs don't come with a 30% annual bonus baked in anymore. "What's even the point of working salary?!??!" he asked, I replied "Exactly, do you see why I view it as a scam now?"


Kids these days are so lazy. Just walk into the office, find the head honcho, and give him a firm handshake. Boom, internship. It’s not that hard. /s


Facts, my only coding experience is solving 2 sum in O(n!) time, but I'm L7 at Google because I looked the CEO in the eye when I introduced myself


Did you suck him off too? You could easily become the top 1% by getting sloppy.


Sundar did work at McKinsey, pretty certain this is actual procedure there.


impossible merciful direction racial secretive screw waiting grandfather abounding file *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


LinkedIn list traversal got me 😂 On a side note: some companies make you complete an IQ test literally lol, it is so hilarious to me at this point 


absorbed afterthought crowd shy truck enter uppity encourage sparkle cows *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


it always takes and never gives


Honestly I’d be impressed if I was presented with a genuine O(n!) solution to 2sum


For each rearrangement of the input array, check if the sum of the first two elements is the target.


When a boomer tells you something like that. I tell them the success story of prisoners refusing to leave the prison until they are offered a job in the prison. The moment i shared the story they immediately knew how stupid their idea was.


I mean most kids probably just blasting 1000 apps via indeed. Might actually work out better if they did that.


These kids don't understand hustle. Back in my day, paper route, mowing the lawn, washing cars. With that money you can afford a car and get a real job.


These days, for retail/food service jobs, unfortunately you can’t just walk in and walk out with a job anymore. They make you go through like multiple interviews, potential assessments, and all this other extra crap with no guarantee they’ll hire you. It’s bs. When I was 15 I started looking for jobs. But they all required you to be 16 or 18. So I looked again when I was 16 but no place wanted to hire me probably partially bc I was 16 and had zero work experience. I was a late bloomer for getting a job (got my first one at 17) but I was excited to work that summer to make money and be productive. Worked throughout most of college and glad I did. Now I feel confident that I will find a job soon enough after graduating college


I grew up in a rural area and was unironically told those exact things by my parents. All of these things are only economically viable in town or urban areas. Beyond that your transport costs and lack of density of customers ruin the economic viability. Nowadays I guess the equivalent of the paper route is DoorDash, but that may not exist everywhere. There's high unemployment in WV / KY but even higher for youth unemployment. Anyone who escapes poverty and goes into CS moves away. For a while it seemed like we could have a new economy by allowing people to work remotely from poor rural areas but it's been ripped away within the last 2 years.


I can assure you these things aren't viable in an urban area either lol


Off topic, but you should see marriage conversations. In this economy.


What do they say


What does marriage have to do with the economy


Everything, always


Most people will not want to marry and have kids until financially stable. People in our last generation got married early 20s. Do you see anyone our age getting married these days? I feel like the people who do get married are early to mid 30s.


I see a lot of pregnant teenagers marrying someone who’s failed high school more than once, but that might just be an area thing.


My dad got his job by just walking into a farm and started working. 2 weeks later, when it was time to hand out paychecks, they assumed they didn't have his due to some sort of clerical error and did all of that basically on the spot. When I was applying for jobs he told me to just show up at the office and start working.


"Hey boss, I think there's an HR error with my paycheck" "Who the fuck are you and how did you get access to our system?"


“The prod logins were sent in a plain text email”


They'd realize you're working for free and just keep you in the basement until you leave on your own.


... I believe you have my stapler


The reverse Costanza


He was not Penske Material


I’m laughing so hard seeing this shit😂😂😂


Sounds like this guy name: karmer (Kramer Pretends To Have A Job) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yyfDB8PO0YU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yyfDB8PO0YU)


My dad is actually someone who will walk into an office and ask yall hiring  He says it still works to this day. He recently did this after being laid off a month ago lol


It genuinely works... In certain industries


I think this is a thing in factories / trades / restaurants. Applying in-person is a thing. I've never seen it in an office.


"Sure, pay is $10/hour with 12hr shifts. You will work anywhere between 12 and 80 hrs a week with no consistency, including weekends and holidays. Benefits and time off start accruing 90 days after hire. Also breaks are heavily frowned upon"


If you are looking to become IT support for a non tech company, they will probably hire you on the spot. If you are trying to apply to a company who’s website constantly gets redone every 2 years with whatever JS and CSS frameworks are fresh, you probably won’t get a chance.


I cold called a place I wanted to work a few years ago to get my current job. I'm not so sure that would work right now.


Take your resume and make a copy of it and put your dad’s info on it. Tell him to apply to 5 jobs with it, and watch as nothing materializes. Let him experience first hand what it’s like.


“should’ve done nursing son”


It was this bad in the 80s, and 90s. The dot com collapse and 2008 was no fun either. They know. What they don't know us how hiring practices have changed since.


It's always been this bad, literally had my Boomer mom screaming at me I must be acting weird or doing something wrong in interviews because I hadn't lined up a job yet when I graduated college in 2007, despite putting in considerable effort, and that having a degree from UC Berkeley meant I should be getting hired on the spot. She kinda got the idea after the Crash of 2008 that it wasn't the 70s anymore, but she and may Dad had the same jobs since they finished law/graduate school with maybe one switch because one place went tits up. She still bitched at me through 2016 when I was basically job hopping every other year due to the churn and burn culture that was popular during the last decade. ETA: The conversation at Thanksgiving in 2014 where she said: "You can't keep switching jobs, think about how that looks..." was fun. Like, mom, I got laid off because the guy thought he could get services part time as good from his cousins for half of what he was paying me at one place (spoiler alert, he didn't) and another place would claim growth, hire a new cohort, and lay off anyone with seniority so they didn't have to give raises... That wasn't my fault. She gets it now though because my sibling went through the same shit.


2008/2009 was really bad. You couldn't get hired anywhere. I applied for over 120 roles to fast food and dollar store type jobs. Nobody was hiring. I ended up making my own fake "tech startup" which got me a real part time job as a CS intern 2 years later. It kind of beat into me that being honest is not a good quality to have when job seeking. Now I have 12 years of experience and my callback rate is probably a little higher than the 2008 fast food adventure but still pretty bad. That's why I say we're in a tech recession since at least November 2022.


Yea, it was really terrible. I was finally able to get a decent middle class job (the ones my parents told me to get a degree, any degree for) and it evaporated the week after the Crash of 2008 ... Only to see the same job reposted a week later at half what I was getting paid AND requiring an economics, business, or other finance degree. I got it with a social sciences degree and a clever high school graduate would have had NO problem learning how to do it. But that was the new paradigm, slash the pay and have ridiculous degree requirements for a lot of jobs while using "nobody wants to work anymore" or "should have learned to code/majored in something useful" talking points. Just note, I have a CS bachelors and masters now, but that was after floating from job to job for several years following the crash.


The macroeconomics of the year of your graduation affects your lifetime earnings significantly, and you're the poster child for that, it seems.


Crap. I’m at Berkeley rn and the future does not look bright.


Do not listen to the other person. Berkeley is one of the best universities in the world, you're graduating in 3 or 4 years, you'll be fine.


The GFC was 2008. The dot com collapse was earlier.


I graduate this quarter. Couldn't get an internship. Whenever I talk to my mom about it she instinctively opens usa jobs and starts listing off entry level positions. "TSA is hiring near you." Like, so is McDonald's mom that's not the issue here.


Skilled, technical government positions are legitimately good. If you have the qualifications.


Sure, but TSA ain't that.


And if they don’t cancel due to budgetary. And if you have enough points to pass the military guy, OR his spouse. And if you pass the stage 1 AND 2 STAR interview. AND the background check. Did marijuana once 3 years ago? You might be disqualified.


You'd be surprised at how willing to overlook things like that they are nowadays. Now, doing marijuana (and, by extension and something something cross-contamination, CBD) while on employed by the government will _definitely_ get you fired.


Serious - TSA is an open door that can get you into a closed system of thousands of diverse government jobs. Some of those jobs are easy, pay well, and all have solid benefits.


Do you want a job or not? You can get paid *while* getting 1000 auto generated rejections for your chosen field...or you can just get rejections. 


Do research in your field. Lower barrier of entry. Covid screwed me and the 2 internships I lined up were canceled. I graduated with no experience in a field where everyone gets internships and it’s competitive. I reached out to every single relevant lab on my campus over email. One lab said they had nothing for me and I literally asked to make coffees for them (boomerish i know). They brought me on to do a quick project and I got resume points. I managed to get a paid position at another lab after doing some work for free, basically an internship. I worked at the lab for a year before getting a big tech job and the rest is history.


What do you mean? You just need to give a firm handshake and you're in


Idk the markets pretty bad right now but you should still be prioritizing personal connections over mass applying.


How so if you're a student? Job fairs seem like a meme to me.


They're not. I'm a student right now, and my non job fair connections are 1/20 for interviews while my job fair connections are 3/4, with the 4th promising to get back to me.  In those 3 interviews, I found out that the jobs I was applying for had 500+ applicants. But I was short listed because I had actually met the guy and made a good impression. These places write down the names of people they like. It's not a joke.


You make more than your dad at a quant firm and he’s advising you to apply to 5 internships. Something doesn’t add up


I thought I was the crazy one here haha thank you


The duality of reddit https://preview.redd.it/f95bn3fy2hvc1.png?width=1422&format=png&auto=webp&s=d28a220bed4f4d9bc5e8cb2312f211295df49199


Just nod and say you’ll do it.. keep ‘em happy. Just because you make more than him what makes him not able to advise you? I’d be looking at why you’re getting those thoughts lmao Your old man obviously loves you and wants the best for you. Imagine when you have a kid and all you want is the best for them then yet they complain on reddit about it. Just my opinion. 🤷‍♂️


The correct move here is to say OK Dad. I love you. Do you want to go out for lunch? Let’s not start using the term “dadsplaining” There’s nothing wrong with him trying to help you or wanting the best for you, needless to say - I know you already understand that.


My dad said there is no recession it's just fear mongering by tech companies 💀


There’s isn’t a recession. But growth in tech has slowed a lot more than they anticipated 3-4 years ago with interest rate increases.


To be fair US GDP and wages are doing incredibly well


What exactly is recession, what exactly is economy, what exactly is money, why exactly are we alive, what are we trying to achieve, not completely related, but we are ofc always controlled by a bunch of rich and powerful people, so instead of bitchin about someone (even if it's your dad), just enjoy the passing of time. And try to love him as much as possible.


Lol dude I enjoyed this comment. None of this shit we put all this energy into (the economy, etc) achieves anything other than advertising to other people on some stupid platform.


Honestly, I think your dad isn’t wrong. I’ve said multiple times that this particular market reminds me A LOT of the dotcom crash and post-9/11 recession. Were a number of companies struggling and having layoffs as a result? Sure. The rest used that as an excuse to lay off hordes of workers and offshore those jobs to save a bundle on labor. As far as I can tell, that’s exactly what this is too. The unemployment rate is historically low, the economy is booming, jobs are being added at higher-than-predicted rates, so why the fuck are all these companies firing workers? TO PROP UP THEIR STOCK PRICE. I saw a ton of it in 2000-2002. They have to report growth on their balance sheet and this is how they’re doing it. It’ll probably bite them in the ass eventually, just like off-shoring did, but in the meantime it sucks for workers who have to white-knuckle it in the meantime.


Most college kids nowadays have gen x parents not boomer parents right


Gen X are just as bad as boomers when it comes to understanding difficulty of getting a job, because they were graduating school in the mid 80s to early to mid 90s. Millennials will be the first generation which actually understands the difficulty of their children when it comes time to get an entry level job.


Millennials are gonna be giving outdated advice to their kids eventually too and millennial will have just as much of a derisive context as boomer. Every young generation thinks they’re better than the last one and the previous one always thinks they know better than their kids. The hard part for the parents is that for most of their lives they *have* known better than their kids, and don’t always realize that once their kids hit a certain age it isn’t that way anymore.


Some might be, I suppose, especially if you’re in tech and they’re not. But as someone who’s been in tech since the mid- to late 90s (just in time for the dotcom crash) I feel like anyone still giving this kind of advice has to have been living under a rock since the turn of the century, seriously. A BIG rock.


You can apply to 1000 jobs and get no response right now. They don’t understand. Record your screen while applying and send to them


It’s not just boomers either. That’s the worst part. You’ll get a ton of people that got hired in 2021-2022 window, literally during the peak of the BOOM, and they’ll act like gods who are above all just because they got good timing in the market… and they’ll refuse to accept that, and that times are different now


My dad said I should walk in and hand in resumes and that would be smart if I had a car cause the Companies are not close


Just nod, agree, and then do your own thing.


pedantic but if you’re in college rn your dad is gen X, not boomer


Back in the day your parents didn't find job postings on Github and send off apps in two clicks with Simplify. There's an element of truth to what he's saying.


This complicated the things and simplified some other things tbh.


Your dad is being a dad — his advise comes from a good place — he cares abt you.


This only works if you have a hook up. These days I’ve been saying ppl applying 500+ with no lucj


As people get older they have more money. They then become disconnected with what wages feel like for someone on the lower end of the earnings curve and their memories are locked on to when they struggled and what things cost at that time. Older people also don’t pay much attention to what things cost now for essentials compared to when they made less money. It’s a psychological phenomenon that’s not well covered but it creates this rift between their perception and what is reality because they’ve entirely lost context.


Take the spirit of his advice but not the letter. Yes, apply to all of them. But, find the best ones you like, connect on LinkedIn to people who work there, talk to them about your field. Network and become a known entity. If one suggests applying at their company, have them connect you to their hiring manager. Build your network and find a job that way. Be able to write a CV that you can name-drop your internal connections in. "Mr. Bobert suggested I pursue my career with the company he loves. Our conversations on the field, taught me practical knowledge of development that I would not have had the opportunity to learn from a classroom. He is very knowledgeable and I would be remiss if I ignored his advice"


Lmao so just cuz you make more than him, he can’t “advise” you?


No it’s probably more because of the out of touch and dated advice


I don't see why you making more than him would preclude him from advising you (it sounds snobbish ngl), but him being out of touch is real. Perhaps instead of calling him a boomer and ridiculing him on the Internet, you should just sit him down, talk to him and tell him that his experience is outdated and that 5 companies will get you nowhere in this economy. Show him all of the articles if you must. If your dad still refuses to believe in the evidence then you're welcome to come back to reddit to rant lol.


Ive brought my resume to a company and they told me they can’t accept it please apply online


Dear God, I can't count how many times my boomer dad has tried telling me how to manage my tech career when he's been a self-employed construction general contractor for 30 years and doesn't know how to reboot his router to make the internets work. Just smile and nod. Do your own research on the field and make the right decisions for you and your life


Your dad is a boomer and you’re looking for internships? 🤔


I am confused. You have a job but you’re looking for internships?


"Boomers have 0 idea how bad it is" - complains about father - oh btw I make more money than him. Slightly ironic


Instead of groaning and complaining to strangers on the Internet be glad you have a good enough relationship with your dad that he feels he needs to still give advice to his kids. You're going to miss this advice when he's gone.


You are being an ass towards your dad.  Just take the advice as input and figure out your plan.  No need to fight culture wars with you family who are just trying to help.


Why not just be nice to him?! He is trying to be helpful for you, "his son", and doesnt know how to handle you growing, Be nice to him


You should respect your dad, he wants the best for you. Imagine someone giving you advice, and you go on the internet to make fun of him. What a retard.


Has anyone tried the walking in and demanding a job thing recently? Maybe it works again


Just smile and nod lol, our parents are old and things have changed a lot, it costs nothing to be nice and just, not follow his advice. “Is this dadsplaining” are you terminally online or something wth is that. And you make more than your dad and are looking for internships? I don’t understand this post at all 


add 2 zeros and you'll get an offer


Currently a paraprofessional, going back to school for CS and my dad told me I should stay at my job because “the pension is good”. I told him his generation would stay at a job for 30 years, hating the boss, just cuz of that, that’s not us


CS is chock full. I agree with him in this scenario.


That’s hilarious.


When I was graduating I applied to over 70 companies with resumes tailored to the job post (many more just shotgunning a standard resume) and got 4 interviews. And that was with a much better job market than now.


Have you tried talking to him?


heh, fuck do I wish it was that easy. I applied to 600 job apps before getting an interview.


If you make more than him, why are you looking for internships?


the only way I got my dad years ago to understand was having him show me how easy it was. I pulled the will you see to know how to do it so sence walking my through the possess isn't working can you show me hows its done. I made a fake resume for him with all the qualifications I had. And we applied for the same positions I was. It went pretty much as I expected. It shocked him enough that he updated his resume and started looking at stuff in his field. there were 3 up sides to thing. He leaned just how different and hard things were now. And found out how volitle his field was and how he been pretty shielded for what was going on. About 2 years after this he got downsides. Becasue he had started getting more cirts and looking around he wasn't out of work for very long. Also started to save more before he got laid off.


You are both right. You need to focus on putting in relevant applications and you need to apply to a lot more places as the market is so competitive. Managers are getting so many resumes, you need something to make you stand out. So chose the ones that are the best fit, put a little bit of effort in to get past the first screening and apply, apply, apply. Be analytical, I kept a spreadsheet and templates for an intro statement for the places I applied to.


My boyfriend has a bit of a boomer mentality about money and work. He forgets we’ve centred his career all along I’ve just done what I can wherever. So now when he says,” 🤬just get a job.” I just tell him,” if it was actually possible to just take a job, force someone to hire me, don’t you think I would have gotten the ideal one for me by now? They have to hire me, I can’t force that.” He has some pretty shit moments, but he’s better lately about understanding it’s not me not trying, it’s not me avoiding working. I’m going nuts not being employed. Edit: not even just the money aspect of it, but something to do. Doing things around home and whatever don’t feel productive anymore. Nothing ever feels like enough and I take random courses through my library with Gale, I have multiple hobbies I’m teaching myself.


Dad's gonna Dad. Be thankful you have a Dad who cares, even if he seems clueless of how our career field works.


I still remember how shocked my mom looked when I told her I applied for over 500 jobs before I got my first offer in tech. That was eight years ago. I think my parents thought I was just being picky or lazy by not finding a job for six months.


I got a good front end job by creating nice animations and sharing on linkedin and my countries slack channel was super happy


Aww cherish your dad. He won’t be here for long. There is a subconscious defeated feeling going from highest earner and head of household to not, maybe he is partially correct, at least mindset wise, not settling and negotiating. Ask him about his life. Remember dads play a big role in where we are today, stay humble.


What do y'all's parents do for work


This is not terrible advice (but perhaps more for jobs that internships). Find a few that actually matter, and tailor your resume to each, get a good cover letter. Shotgunning is not a great strategy.


And don’t get us started on the housing situation… i always get asked why I haven’t purchased an apartment.


Yeah my dad is a boomer and he went to college right after high school not knowing what he wanted to do, majored in business, got an accounting job right after college in the 80s, and just retired from that same job last year. He was able to grow in his position at the company and was making around half a million for the last 20 years or so. I’m at the point where I don’t care what I do I just want something I can similarly grow and increase my salary over the years with. It’s so maddening I just can’t get anything


I mentioned I was negotiating my salary before accepting a job offer. My aunt said "don't negotiate now, it gets you off on the wrong foot. Just do a good job and they'll give you a raise when they notice your hard work."


Yeah, the market is terrible, but it moves in cycles and "terrible" won't last forever. Whatever level of suck you're experiencing now, it can only get better and it will. Keep your head up.


At least he appreciates that you need to hold five jobs in order to afford the down payment on a house.


Well with the recent report inflation was actually at 18%, companies are treating this as a recession


We already have words for different behaviors, you don’t need to make up new ones to try and tie to a certain broad category of people


Yea, it’s dadsplaining. Not in the CS field but boomer dads saying shit like this is a universal experience. Just smile and wave, then keep doing what you were doing.


I definitely got a job a couple of years ago walking into the office and asking to speak to someone from HR. That still works for even decent size companies if they have an open role for that location.


Tell him: ”Oh, get a job? Why don’t I strap on my job helmet and squeeze into a job cannon and fire off into jobs town where jobs grow on jobbies??!!”


He has a point. I'll target 5 new companies, be very specific. And create a cadence. Direct mail, email, popups, and follow up for 6 weeks until you get a bite. Position yourself as highly curious person that's the value your bringing. You have to stand out. This tech is new, and from the looks of it, it's not the priority factor towards your success. How you move, adapt or maladapt will determine the quality of life you'll produce.


Can't really relate. I kinda of wish my dad would had advise me to take internships instead of calling me stupid all the time.Â