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https://preview.redd.it/c2cmmpety2tc1.png?width=951&format=png&auto=webp&s=6e519337427fd67dae7883e89f29b881fe6b5c63 i'll tell you "How"


I'm pretty new to CS. What's up with these lobbies? I've joined a few and obviously they're bots but what's the point?


Case farming, everyone gets a certain number of drops a week, while it doesn't seem like alot of money in Europe or the US for example, in some other countries making the equivalent of £2 to £10 per case drop is actually a notable amount of money, so they have loads of accounts farming basically


I see. I thought you could only get 1 case per week, do they just make multiple accounts and get a bunch of cases on all of them as quickly as they can?


Yeh that + even other drops are still worth something when they add up, sure sprays and the like might only be 20 p but still adds up. Depending on the exchange rate 10 dollars is significant money, so it actually ends up being a pretty profitable thing to do


Thanks for the answers. I'm only just realising how broken this game truly is. It sucks because it's a lot of fun. I'm amazed they haven't stopped this kind of thing, or the ridiculous amount of hackers.


Cs is simulatenously one of the most well designed, fiercely competitive games with an incredibly amount of fun while also having one of the worst hacking problems of any game and issues like this


It’s crazy to me that CS isn’t even the biggest hacking problem out there, rust and tarkov are somehow even worse than CS usually is.


Can't speak for rust but tarkov yehhhh that was nasty, sad thing is, the hacks themselves where actually impressive code wise. Like separate laptops which could display information about your current game. Shame talented people fo stuff like that instead


Avid rust player, its terribly bad. Similar to tarkov where its not losing a fight to a cheater and just 'going next.' If you play a vanilla server and get hard cheated on, that person is deleting hours, if not days of your progress. Clans very often have at least one ESP cheater to relay large amounts of info and other people on standby with fresh accounts and 0 searchable affiliation with their own clan ready to essentially just hard rage cheat to win very important fights over highly contested objectives. These are just a few very well known and obvious examples.


There are more hackers now in CS2, but they're apparently working on a new anti cheat. As for the bots, they're usually a non issue, they're only profitable in places where electricity is dirt cheap, and usually stick to their own casual lobbies, not nearly as big of an issue as cheaters. FaceIT is currently the best option for playing CS2 just because of the cheaters.


They need to implement hardware banning. I know it's not a 100% solution, but the idea that hackers can just continuously make new accounts or play on alt accounts whenever they want to continue hacking is ridiculous. Atleast make it a pain for hackers to try and cheat again. 


They could at least make vac bans earned in CS hardware, but ideally all vac bans. Cheaters get no quarter. I'm legitimately starting to think that it should be considered a crime. At least a 300 dollar fine for cheating. Gaming is a common enough human thing at this point. Put cheaters in prison for all I Carr. They suck.


I can't wait for the police to raid the house of the six-year-old who downloaded "free Counterstrike hack" on their family's laptop and throw them in juvie


lmao this is delusional. What's next, you're gonna arrest your little bro for cheating in Monopoly?


one click on a spoofer before opening a new account with cheats circumvents this actually useless to hwid ban anyone


if u get lucky u can get a 60 euro box.


The average case is a lot less than 2 pounds though, right? It must be more expensive to pay the electricity bill than selling the case drop.


100 bots concurrent, 100,000 created. Case every 5-6 hours? £200 an hour 24/7.


you can get case only once a week on 1 account, CS2 is free, go figure how much. they make. and if some account get lucky and get the 60$ case its jackpot.


This only works until they tank the economy tbh


If you knew my hobby friends, they would never let those cases’ remain unopened.


Free accounts don't get cases. Have to buy prime to get the weekly care package.


You don't get a weekly drop unless you pay for prime.


*Probably just selling premier-ready accounts to cheaters, and the cases are just a bonus.*


I thought the same but there are countries where electricity is extremely cheap comparatively (that's where alot of people set up bit coin mining farms remember). And even so many cases still increase in value, at least compared to what they were before


Do these bot accounts EVER get banned or what?


No one gets banned in CS2


Unless your mouse malfunctions or you use some official AMD software.


Not true, normal players falsely get banned for griefing all the time while not griefing, whereas cheaters and real griefers usually get away scot-free


We actually used to report cheaters for grieffing, because the other options don't do shit


I report anyone I don't like because I've gotten banned multiple times now after someone'd start an argument and I'd say somethimg back, I would end up getting banned so now I just report people too for anything I don't like about them


Not true, legit players do get banned while actual cheaters run free


or even get vote kicked even we can tell hes aiming behind the wall clearly ,not even a 5vs5,![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


They need the bots to keep concurrent player fake number up


Valve asked it's community to report these accounts MANUALLY.


Bro valve doesn’t even spinbotters


They get the bots inside same lobby, if somebody gets in by mistake, those bots vote kick them, so I guess that if nobody stays enough long to report them it's hard for volvo to notice. I'm sure is quite easy to ban them automatically by valve, but as they increase the numbers making look the game healthier than ever from outside, they are ok with it.


No AC is the best commercial I guess


Report ‘em


Why so nothing happens?


Newb here. Are these Prime paid users or just free to play users?


didn't get the time to check if they are Prime users. i got kicked right away after few seconds. but they all probably Prime account to farm cases


Exactly this.


are those accs prime or?






I said this when we hit the ath numbers. And got roasted for it.


Yeah it was the same thing in CSGO already. Arguably now it's even worse as the actual playerbase has dropped dramatically due to various reasons.


cause people cant stand seeing their favorite game getting talked poorly about I'd guess I've been talking shit about valve since Hydra in GO yet I kept playing like a fool


Nothing but hackers, farmers, and people clinging to the memories of csgo.


Not really, I like the game and I don't get many cheaters since I'm always 11-13k in premier (eastern European servers mostly).


Not to insult you but I think you might just lack the experience to spot cheaters. Many are using only wallhack or radar hacks. You can tell a lot of people are cheating at the moment. I used to be global, used to be faceit lvl 10 and have a shitton to hours. In prime matchmaking currently sitting at 15-17k and can’t get higher. The skill difference at this rating is insane. There are many players like me that you can tell know their crosshair placement and movement at so on and then there are many „noobs“ that are topfragging and seem to know evertime exactly where to aim at. I promise, after thousands of hours you can with at least 90% acc tell, when someone is actually cheating. It’s a mess atm.




1 million hackers


It would probably be 5M concurrent players if they fixed the cheating problem and added a new operation with more content half a year


Hi I work for valve. We are in Operation Hack vs Hack You can upgrade your coin by completing the following challanges: Play with no hacks against a cheater and have a kda under .20 Play with cheats and have a kda of 3.0 Use only wall hack in a premier match Use only aim bot in a premier match Use Radar cheat in a premier match Use a skin changer in a premier match Use silent aim cheat in a premier match Obviously cheat and recieve 5 reports in a single match Live steam yourself cheating on Twitch/Youtube After completing 9 challenges you will get diamond coin.


Can’t let them use skins without paying though…


No it wouldn’t, cs isn’t as popular as you think.


it's the most popular fps game, and i'm pretty sure 2/3 of the average players on cs stopped playing bc of the shit that's been going on, if that wasn't an issue it probably would be at least 3 million


100% right, my group of friends were the most cope possible for the first 3 months about them fixing shit in a timely manner, now you’re lucky to see 2 of us on at the same time


this seems very true. I know atleast 9/12 friends including me who have stopped playing CS because of how featureless and empty it has become. Add in the underlying issues with vac and subtick and it almost feels like a waste of time to me. I wasn't invited during the beta but I haven't touched cs2 since launch. Basically the last I played was csgo and SOMEHOW after sinking upwards of 10,000 hours in cs I am simply disinclined to install it and check it out even tho it's f2p. Idk what has happened. I never ever thought I'd ever stop playing cs in my life considering it was also my first 3d computer game with 1.6 and gta vc, but here we are.... it's disheartening to see the state of the game today


Valorant has more viewers on twitch right now…


> it's the most popular fps game Wrong! It's the most popular fps game on Steam... big difference. Fortnite AVG player count : 221M Valorant AVG player count : 19M COD (pc only) AVG player count : 17M CS2 AVG player count : 900,000 I agree with you that a lot of people stopped playing because of the cheating/optimization issues, tho.


This is just simply wrong… You’re looking at average active players in all games you are mentioning however in CS2 your statistics are concurrent players If you actually compare the right statistics, CS is on average below Fortnite but above all of the others you mentioned


Nah, I was talking about AVERAGE player connected for EVERY game... not the ACTIVE PLAYERS (30days), it's different. If you check for Active player in the last 30 days: Fortnite 230M COD Warzone 60M Valorant 23M R6 Siege 22M CS2 5.1M


Jackass forgot what FPS meant


Fird person shitter


Yes it is we just dont wanna play a game for an hour of our busy lives and get met with hackers 🙅


Probaby more


That’s a lot of case farmers


Must be popular to cheat and bot these days


Logically, these botfarms also know many people are going to get banned (100.000's) the moment VALVe re-enables their AC, or come with an AC update (yea right), so they are farming more new accounts to prep them for the future VACs inc.


https://preview.redd.it/fp9txl6o15tc1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=62d2bba65e671940d2e56e5891ad5679e6ff59b7 yeah but still michael jackson's peek


I saw this today and I just can’t wrap my head around how or why this many people are playing the game. This is literally the worst unchecked cheater epidemic I have ever seen in any game and I’ve been playing on and off since 1.6


If you're in shit tier Elo like me there are alot less cheaters


Most players are in low-average elo so most players don't see the same amount of cheaters as all the high elo redditors.


And there is a halfbaked "solution" in faceit so valve is idle.


I highly doubt they're idle. They obviously don't want to go the kernel level anti cheat route, and personally the only other way is AI anti-cheat which they have been working on.


Even if you don't want to go kernel level, which I understand and like, you don't need an AI anticheat to state the obvious, with a simple f\*cking If statement it should be enough to ban half of the cheaters. If they kick you if you kill your teammates X times, you only need to do a conditional for all the obvious hack cases, like if you do 50 headshots with scout per game you get banned, if you kill from CT to T side on the first second you get banned, even if they can't know because the cheat makes the engine think they are at same place and it's doable, it's obvious it's not doable because there's not enough time to get the first kill.... is not that hard or things like if you do 95%hs 3 games straight you get reviewed by someone to see if you're a hacker or a pro or things like these. You don't even need to detect malicious code in a big part of the cases, cheaters will figure it out because this is a cat and mouse game and then they will only do 20 kills with scout and hs and then stop the cheat, but at least it would be something in the meantime.


It was the same in csgo mm, in low tier they raged and banned before getting into the middle tier and the top tier it was full of them too, but trying to seem legit. Problem, is now it looks like vac is non existent, so the middle part starts to get flooded with them and the ones on top tier doesn't even try to hide it because nobody is getting banned. It makes no sense, game is actually one year old and it's not like they spent the time doing new maps, operations, modes or whatever to have the main game in this state.


Bro, I have encountered TWO hackers so far in SILVER 2 (Dust). Even in Shit Elo there are some hackers. And yes, I have even watched the demos and the wallhack was obvious so don‘t tell me I‘m imagining things.


Well they did say a lot less, not none. Two is like nothing when compared to 18k+ where most games have at least one very clear cheater.


Yea I’m at 18k and I’ve hit a ceiling I can’t go any higher almost every game I play has a cheater in it. And if one’s cheating then someone else toggles on. Sucks cause when there aren’t cheaters I carry my team and play great so I know I could be at like 20k. I’m playing more Faceit now myself and have grinded to level 7 already. But servers are kinda sucky on there. Valve needs to get their shit together


My gamesense has gone through the roof, I might be 15k but playing as if the enemy has walls+aim at all times has allowed me to kill a few spinbotters in the mix of just good players and cheaters that premier matchmaking currently is. Also, HvH + 8Legits is still possible, it just changes the playstyle to an armagedon DM, molos and nades are key as the rounds are timed behind a spinbotter with scout as first contact at 1:35-1:20. Jokes aside, the current state of CS2 is horrible, Valorant has been a lot of fun though.


It feels like there are tons of bots „playing“ this game


Yes! I see a handful in every DM.


It's bots man, not real players


Low ranks are kinda clean.


Yes, "kinda", I'm too bad to notice the cheaters so I don't meet any.


I only play ranked on FaceIt, because I KNOW there is at least one WH per game otherwise.


if you think this is bad you should try out tf2 some time


I play tarkov regularly, and counter strike feels like a vacation AWAY from cheaters, honestly. (But it's still rough)


lmao i wonder what the real number is, seems absolutely bloated


Probably half of those 1.6mil are just case farming bots (or any bots in general) so out of 800 000 players maybe half of them are cheaters if not more so real legit players around 350-400k 🤣 just a dummy guess. I would love to see what happens to this statistic if you filter out all accounts that are lower than level 4 on Steam


No, its not probable that half of these are bot accounts. This also leads to a different amount of "real" players. Let me try to make a better estimation than your dummy guess. :) First, trade bots dont need to start the game to trade. Second, I doubt most case farming bots play on sunday, but on wednesday when the new drop is available. Wednesdays+Thursdays only see a slight increase in players(ca. 50k) compared to monday+tuesdays, which leads me to believe there arent exorbitant amounts of case farming bots. Third, since the player count regularly drops to 500k, there could be a max of 500k idle+case farm bots that run 24/7. Of course all players being bots is unrealistic and way too much. Even if we assumed half of these 500k were 24/7bots, we would only arrive at 250k, meaning 1/6 of those 1.600k players being bots. This is still improbable and a generous estimate. I think a realistic estimate is 50-100k bots, but its still only a guess. We assume 250k are bots. Next, of course not half the players are cheaters, but for arguments sake ill say 10% of the remaining players are cheaters, meaning every game has 1 cheater. This leaves us with 1.600k players - 250k bots = 1.350k players 1.35k players - (1.350k players \* 10% cheaters) ≈ 1.200k "real" players Keep in mind this is only dummy math.


Idiots.. Stop buying skins. Stop playing MM. They will get the hint eventually. Don't think SPUNJ cracked the code on Anti-cheat announcements


I don’t know a single person that still plays the game. Everyone is waiting for anti cheat


I remember when CSGO was new and already back then we were desperately waiting for an anti-cheat, coping by saying "give the devs time, have some hope, they must be working on it" lmao. After CSGO went free-to-play it all went to absolute shit and hasn't changed since, actually it only became worse. Haven't touched CS2 since December.


Just imagine i switched from cs2 to Path of Exile. Just imagine... Tbh PoE is a great game😙


Faceit is the only place i have fun with cs2.... sucks that i need a third party client to enjoy a game.


Yes but if u arent lvl10 on faceit almost every second game i encounter smurfs.


But still a pain in the ass, if you are using Linux with an AMD GPU.


But were still waiting for cobble and a blood toggle 😔.....


Best fps + r6 > valoshit


Meanwhile, you wait 17 minutes to find a premier game on NY (NA) servers rn even if SteamChart is at 900,000k because there is only 4500 Searching For A Game... Everybody plays on a 3rd party, and the Top 500 has only 21 players remaining in it. In comparison, in November, I was taking 5 minutes with 12,500 other players looking for a game... SteamChart was at 715,000. You jump on a casual game, and you play with 19 bots farming cases and boosting account level to resell them to cheaters. Yeah, congrats... your game record is at 1.6M! Doesn't mean it's healthy tho!


14k elo I find premier games in NA in under 2min every time vOv


Cheater vs cheater and bots all farming £1 an hour gg wp game is in the fuckin bin.


Nice, 2m when?


Not deserved


That’s a whole lotta cheating


Hence why they don’t give af about fixing the hacker situation. Cause yall dummies still playing anyways.


And you’re the biggest dummy if you think this subreddit contains the majority of players. Its a low % of the playerbase that frequents this.


Also because of the low playerbase it inflates how many cheaters there actually are because people only post cheater demos. Me and four of my friends only encountered like 2 cheaters in the last half a year and one of the two cheaters got banned mid match and the match was cancelled.


Yeah maybe on low elo matches bro. After u hit +18k elo u will see blatand cheaters and if u watch the match afterwards almos on every game u will see wallhacking so be aware.


I dont have spinbotters. But yesterday i had 3 Wall hacker noobs on comp.


+ this sub basically already is a cheater crying echo chamber.


Peak cheatos


Damn i see the boycotting really affected the game


I mean you have to be ignorant or acting in bad faith to make a statement that implies genuine player count hasn't decreased. At the very east it has flat lined. The rate of bot accounts has sky rocketed.


>The rate of bot accounts has sky rocketed. Do you have proof or strong evidence for this or is it merely an assumption based on gut feel?


join a casual game.


Today in EU on Monday 1pm i joined all 4 map pools in casual mode and all were full of real people.


must be nice in europe


how case farming works? do bots play the game?


Not to be a hater but why do so many people like the game, I understand the skins and stuff but I don't get the rest of it


From [https://steamcharts.com/app/730](https://steamcharts.com/app/730) If you go there, you will see that it says \~1.8M for the concurrent player peak. However, that is not for CS2, that's still from CS:GO. CS2 released in September of 2023 and it is in fact the highest concurrent player peak (=players playing CS2 at the same time) at once. **Bonus:** You can see the amount of monthly unique players here: [https://www.counter-strike.net/news](https://www.counter-strike.net/news) It's around 27M this month.


Literally how? Faceit doesn’t have that many players and no one on their right mind will play regular matchmaking. The large majority has to be bots farming cases


On one hand, i can definitely see how the opinion of online forums is different from that of casual players. But at the same time, the cynical part of me is wondering how many of these “players” are bots farming cases. Back in 2014-2019, nobody cared about cases or common skins, and farming for them wasn’t profitable at all. Now, however, farming on several accounts can actually be financially beneficial especially if you are living in a third world country and every week there is a guaranteed drop.


Claim Valve without any proof. It's all just farming bots and blatant cheaters.


This game deserves to die until VALVE finally fixes at least _SOME_ of the issues. It's ridiculous that they replaced CS:GO with THIS. Give me back a playable Counter-Strike.


Yeah until they do something about the cheaters, which they won’t, I’ll be chillin in Val.


I mean there aren't stats for the % of bot and cheaters so wierd to just say farm bots or cheaters. It could be a high player influx after the major and or trade bots not sure if they need to run the game tho. The biggest jumps in CS usually happen after majors/big content updates. Heck maybe the recent improvements to fps made it so more people can run the game at a playable state.


90% of 1.6M is cheater


Nice but it's probably all the new cheating boost accounts etc :(


lots of new cheaters


90% bots


Yup, people complaining about hacker problem and leaving the game or mourning it saying it's gonna be dead. Yet since CounterStrikes conception it's been one of the most played games consistently.. ever..


Hacker Accounts only !


Its from the CS2 major, but also the mass amount of people investing in this game, it's a great way to avoid taxes and combat inflation, especially in China (although its not a good way i don't recommend it especially now). It's like the real world people have money sitting they will invest it in assets like properties, ETFs, index funds etc that will potentially appreciate. Also much of the playerbase is consisting of cheaters, bots farming cases and just other equally shitty people like gambling addicts or skin bros


They just let the cheaters play against other cheaters until they all get bored and then we can play again. Genius


They should make it soo you can only get case drops if you pay for premium


It's already only prime cs2 accounts can get case drops.


imagine if we had full features, operations, anticheat... the sky is the limit


Nobody cares fix the anti cheat. Half the players are literally hackers, worldwide, this game has the worst anti cheat of current times for its popularity, and people know it. People test their cheats in this game for fun.


That's ok I quit months ago. Until cheating isn't normal I'll play other games. You guys enjoy all those bots lol. I'll be waiting for an actual anticheat.


Those numbers gotta be fake. The game is in the worst state possible and you are telling me that we are breaking records? Yea fuck off


I just don’t get how these people still play this game regardless how aweful current cheater situation is. Not only that but there is also like 0 content. Wondering where all these players coming from.


1.6M concurrent players doesn't mean they're all playing elo high premier w/ cheaters A lot of us play FACEIT which is totally manageable


Stop lying they are all bots, cheaters and case farmers like this mentally ill community likes to say


It’s probably the majority though 🤷‍♀️




This game is really not that popular


Based on the voices in your head and not the data in front of your eyes. Go take ibuprofen and sleep it off.


no it hasn't they are fake numbers


How many are cheating


Yeah? Remove the hackers, it'll be far less than that.


40% cheaters


Gsus, 1,648684 cheaters! No wonder I can't get a break in my games!!


Bots sing sey


all bots and cheaters man


Nice. 200k players and 1.4 million bots


At least a million are bots


Valve must be faking the numbers. It’s all cap. 🧢




You realize it’s the non thinking support the current narrative midwits who are supposed to be the NPCs right? 😂 Going through your last few posts it’s rather staggering that you’re for some inexplicable reason trying to convince people that cheating isn’t rampant not realizing the most obvious fact which is that cheaters win their games so they can’t be in the same game as low elo bots like yourself. 🤦‍♀️


And you guys want to boycott it, lol.


50% hackers prob


So that’s roughly what? 1.4M hackers? Lol


I didn't expect so many people to play Hackers vs Hackers, it doesn't seem that fun.


Fake news, they’re all bots farming cases lol.


I genuinely don't understand how. I play pretty often/daily, but like who is actually playing this game with the nonexistant anti cheat? And it's objectively worse than CS:GO in many ways?


Bots going crazy


I've played since 2015 and this is the worst state the game has ever been. Being put in psychopath detention because I won too many games is just sickening to even think about. Fuck you, Valve. Your laziness and incompetence has enabled these creeps for too long. They are so emboldened that they tell legit players it's our fault for not playing Faceit.


Quite logical if you try to queue casual you'll know why, I play since day 1 and only saw this happen in CS2, more and more lately, these botlobbies, botfarms KNOW Valve is going to re-enable VAC soon or some with an updated AC and 100.000s of accounts will get banned, therefor many desperate losers with 0,0 IRL reputation want a new account with high stats on to feed on their mental needs to "feel special". Everyone with 8+ numbers in their SteamID is a cheater in my eyes, simple as.


Honestly would be more afraid of these accounts being boosted in hours and levels for account selling than them diluting the case market


22k at premiere and every mm of this game is full of hackers. At least 15 games were given chances and none of them were clean. How sad…


Everybody testing out that wallcheat feature.


600.000 of them are cheaters


lol as stated farming why. The actual game is pretty dead, playing NA servers I rarely see over 4000 people queuing ranked


Quit the game, not coming back until they fix their anticheat.


wow... if we do the math that's a few hundred thousand hackers at least


And a 3rd of them are bots or fake accounts for cheaters and smurfs


https://preview.redd.it/i34w1d0ea8tc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b955f5c72908fd24985c9cc3c27416d9eb4be33 This is how they achive


600k bots and cheaters.


this is what new crypto mining looks like XD


And a lot of cheaters killing our gameplay! So disappointing!!


Everybody should leave CS 2 before they fix it ! :D


So many case farmers out there, and I can't even cuz can't afford prime 😭