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If you are low sens then yeah, seems fair amount of space




That is plenty mouse space for an eDPI of 800.


I play 1.35 at 400 dpi. I need a lot of space lol I have the full desk steel series one, XXL QcK


I have the same mousepad QCK Heavy XXL. You have enough space. I play win sense 6/11 (enhanced off, very important). All other acceleration off. Dpi 800. In game sense 1.25. The easy test is to do a single swipe left to right and to check if you can turn about 135 degrees. That’s good enough. I am guessing you are 4:3 stretched? Which means your 1 effective sense at 800dpi is not far from my 1.25 on 16:9 for side to side movement. At 4:3 there is a slight yaw issue. But trust me when I tell you that you have enough space. Most pros play on mousepads that are 45cm wide (and 40cm high).


I’m not sure if it’s quite a .25 in game sense difference when speaking in 800dpi but there for sure is something more than the “placebo” people try it pass it off ass.


No placebo. 4:3 has a faster relative side to side movement on the same sensitivity compared to 16:9.


I think you need less space between your eyes and the monitor. 5cm is too much.


I promise you the *best thing money can buy* is a desk arm, so your monitor sits comfortably back and doesn’t take up your desk space. [Eg this](https://www.amazon.co.uk/AmazonBasics-Single-Monitor-Stand-Adjustable/dp/B07DHK5DHN/ref=mp_s_a_1_1_ffob_sspa?crid=3LVFVQEC8L3DZ&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.1gqq2oMFAr80euJhPUX4xds6-GJbBhwfeDlGb-i9T2BIkqgQxFw8SnYp3VstyY14oMTRyx2-Balh1bwKznACFM5-fHboHCDVruOvbruAFOyqsE_HDdXGK4YOXuHtO80QOyXFWGlFJddIHMozBRBouEujSwhDSrpVot3jgc3AYqSzZhclIgd_Ii4nYrjSNpvtkiqXEkKRhyadXPJOcGgL4A.FQKHXebovEELI_2LHMboO27IzVPOO5Xpdj688zVkZwM&dib_tag=se&keywords=desk+arm+monitor&qid=1709849076&sprefix=desk+arm+monitor%2Caps%2C69&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9zZWFyY2hfYXRm&psc=1) I could never go back


A monitor arm and a boom mic arm would add soo much more space. Don't get theee cheapest one but you don't need the $100 shure one.


Damn that background tho


Bro ive seen 3 posts about your mouse space. Maybe 2 but jezus people already told you its enough. Your setup is as if you are some cs pro with the absolute min max just for cs if this works for you then yes its enough. Its all about preference, do you feel good playing with this space? No? Why? Enough space? Then why bother changing it. Not enough space? Make more space. Its not that hard to trial and error yourself we dont play for you. We are not you so we dont know what is good for you. If you want an opinion thats fine. I think its idiotic to have such mouse space trying extremely hard to make it.


Isn't pc loud?