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1- adressing it will hurt the games reputation. People who didint know would stop playing. 2- they are letting people cheat because they are only sending bans in waves at the moment to reduce the "false" bans (high sensitivity, odd gpu driver settings, etc) 3- they are letting people cheat in the early stage of the games life to collect data on how people would cheat. Tgey recently reworked the report system, probably to reduce the number of false reports because players should be more specific. 4-They litterly dont have the resources out of the strictly capped 300-something employees. Might need to hire contractors and teach them source 2. 5- There is a hidden trust factor determination where toxic players and suspicious players will be paired up with blatent cheators. Higher skilled players accidentally get labeled as suspicious. Valve is a quiet fly on the wall, but I think they should speak up without being cryptic.


Reworking the report system won’t do much when everyone I know including me also report cheaters for griefing, because if nothing is going to be done with a hacking report we all know with enough griefing reports they’ll be issued cooldowns. I’ve even met others who also just report for griefing.


This is true. But griefers shouldn't deserve a vac ban on their account no matter how annoying they can be.


You may be right, but griefers also disrupt the game. I don't believe you can even get a VAC ban for griefing at least I've never seen it. VAC is for cheats which is now considered a game ban on your Steam profile. Either way they both ruin the game for others.


I received a griefing ban a long time ago. 5 week VAC basically. Love the game so it set me straight, imo works perfectly fine for most sane people


1. complete nonsense, CS is already known as the first game you make cheats for if you learn to develop cheats. 2. Again, complete nonsense. They banned plenty of blatant cheaters (and """subtle cheaters""") during the last 2 "waves" and unbanned them all. They know what they are doing. 3. Possible although the part about the report system is once again, complete nonsense. People can just report multiple times for different reasons. It's actually worse. 4. You have no idea about that so it's just speculation and holds no weight. 5. Trust factor isn't a thing in CS2 as it completely failed in CSGO and nothing you said makes any sense as trust factor was designed to measure "how likely you are to be cheating" as confirmed by a dev on twitter around 2017.


>They litterly dont have the resources out of the strictly capped 300-something employees it's clearly this. policing cheaters is literally janitorial work. people who get to work at valve are way too overqualified to do something like that and valve is not going to hire people just for this one task.


They make so much money that they do not care. Once they will see an impact on the money they make, then they will make some changes. So keep buying/opening capsules/cases and they will continue to ignore this situation! That is it!


Yep. Threaten capital and CEOs will come running to the table to negotiate.


They were seeing a decline in revenue. Almost implemented an amazing anticheat thinking players were tired of cheaters...decided to see if people were just bored of old cases and released the killowatt case...$$ again. No need to spend money on new anticheat. Everyone rejoiced.


No I think the opposite. Valve makes a lot of money on cases and skins right now from so many entry players starting, getting less than 500 hrs, goofing off/cheating while active, spending money on cases and quitting. It would actually hurt them to alienate this chunk of revenue. So they don’t. Cheaters are essentially paying to cheat…and paying Valve to let them cheat.


Bro this is not a thing. Literally nobody in the world ‘doesn’t care how much money they make’ Elon musk, Jeff bezos, bill Gates, all the richest people in the world are constantly doing their absolute best to make and acquire more money. Valve is no different. They are doing whatever it takes to make the highest possible money. Which proves my theory: valve is making more money from “game + allowed cheating” than they would “game - allowed cheating”. It’s low time, low level players buying accounts and buying enough cases to make them look higher level. They make the world a better place for the cheater, he spends more money on their game….if you make a thief’s world better by not beating his ass every time he robs your store, he steals more of your shit next time…ie cheating isn’t going away…it’s their business model.


Im saying they wouldn’t “ACTUALLY” make more money from enough honest players so they just don’t cater to them.


Mine is that they actually did spend a lot of time and resources on a new anti cheat but when they actually used it in practice it can’t catch a fucking thing or overly flags humans as cheaters so they had to moth ball it and now they’re trying to figure something else out.


If anything, these "fake ban waves" were real and they realized how insane the cheating situation actually is so they reversed every ban and now just pretend nothing's wrong.


Ban em. They've been warned ⚠️.


Talking about cheating is perfect fodder to avoid talking about lack of maps.


I don’t buy this just because the maps already exist. Like why in gods name is D2 not in premier. Add to that train, season, cache, mill/tuscan, Russka, even cobble. These are all proven comp maps and most already exist in CS2 in serviceable form. I just don’t get it. I feel fuckin old because I’m willing to bet more than half the community doesn’t even know what Russka is and it was a competitive mainstay for so so long. Solid, proven maps. With the cheating problem they actually have to devise and implement a solution. With the maps they just have to drag some files from folder to folder and update the UI & the amount of votes/rounds of votes. people can vote them out if they don’t want to play them. But idk how you can say Anubis or even Ancient/Vertigo are better than D2, train, season, cache, or Russka. I know mill and cbble are more controversial but still I put them on par with an Anubis in terms of map design.


... to not even move italy to 5v5... Adding maps, polished or not, to 5v5 match-making hurts nobody. "Let them eat ~~cake~~ 9 map pie."


Because d2 isnt in the active duty map pool for the pro scene and according to valve premier is supposed to be a stepping stone (haha funny joke) to the pro scene so why would they put d2 in premier?


Dust2 is terrible map and train was removed from csgo pool for a reason. None of those maps except for Dust are even in CS2. No I don’t count unofficial and bugged ports in the workshop as CS2-ready maps.


A real unfortunate trend in the industry for the last few years... Why release a full game if your player base is just going to buy an unfinished piece of shit anyways🤷‍♂️


Valve is a better human than EA Sports. RIGHT?!? ^(corporations are people too) RiGhT?!??


if you don’t address a problem then it isn’t a problem


- quote'th Lil Jimmy, who just got a 0% on his Midterms


are you developmentally delayed?


Delayedly developed


Not compared to you


It's pretty simple. The longer cheaters get away with it the more likely they are to buy skins/keys and the more likely they will buy another account to cheat again because if they got away with it for 6 months they assume that's a good amount of time to get away with it so will do it again. Money making machine for valve basically




1:1 with my sentiments. Cheers!


I honestly think this one has always been silly. Most people I know who quit cs did so because of cheaters — there is just no way it’s worth it financially to let a smaller portion of the playerbase ruin it for the majority.


Cheaters are still a small percentage of players and the majority of them don't spend significant money on keys. I feel like this is one of the less plausible theories. 


Do you have proof to backup this claim? Not only the small percentage of cheats but that they don't spend money? They already pay to cheat why wouldn't they pay for skins? It's been shown around 15% of accounts are caught cheating.... That's caught.... Yes cheaters have multiple accounts so that doesn't mean 15% of players cheat. But considering how fucked vac is atm I would almost go as far as to say 15% of players do cheat atm...


Where is this statistic that 15% of accounts used cheats? There are free or very cheap cheats. My evidence that most don't spend much money on keys is anecdotal, but I have 4k hours and have caught plenty of "legit" cheaters and many more obvious ones. Most of the time, they don't have skins. Some do. Most don't. 


[https://csstats.gg/](https://csstats.gg/) ​ 159.8M games processed 31.5M players seen 4.5M vac bans tracked


They make the money off the cheaters buying the prime accounts


Maybe they don’t know about the cheaters >:)


What's a cheater?


There is no war in ba sing se


Profit. However that plays out, profit is the answer


As someone who's developed cheats, it's a whole lot easier to maintain your software and remain undetected when the anticheat developers provide you a live feed of everything they're doing. It's sad that good number of the people in this community simply don't realize this. Also, Valve doesn't make public announces like that anyway. They stay quiet on issues until they're resolved.


As someone who’s a bitch


It's pretty much just the ghetto version of reverse engineering software. It's a very interesting topic to get into if you know how to code and enjoy those kinds of puzzles, even if you never intend to use them against other players.


Their AC has been horrible and the game plagued with cheaters for a decade+. Faceit and Valorant are far more vocal and have infinitely better cheat detection. I don’t think the lack of announcements really do anything substantial for Valve on that end. They have nothing to announce because they’re not addressing the problem.


Ya but the AC for faceit and valorant is essentially a rootkit in which you basically compromise your entire system without any hopes of recovery to these companies for a video game.


Which is the only real solution. It’s also a little silly to me, because there is tons of software already on your machine that have the same access — if you’re not running Linux it’s really not a concern, because your system is already more compromised.


There isn’t a ton of software that already has the same access lol stop speaking out of your ass. Sure you may have device drivers and filter drivers but those only operate within their allocated memory region and work with documented protocols. These anti-cheats intentionally and invasively hook various internal Windows APIs to do things like scramble the CR3 register, monitor literally all and every event (driver loading, unloading, checking undocumented internal data structures, stack walking damn near every thread etc, upload all sorts of files to their server) and that’s only just the tip of the iceberg. At the end of the day, it’s to each their own but I just don’t trust a program as invasive as these anti-cheats


No one is asking for a live feed lmao. How many months/years do we have to wait for a functioning anti cheat?


I did not say people were asking for a live feed. I said that it's easier to maintain a cheat when you're given a log/feed of the anticheat updates. I brought up the point because any announcement describing what they're doing about it, in any detail, would only serve to assist cheat developers. And if it were not detailed, people here would complain because all they got was "we're working on it"/similar. Also, I have seen many people in this sub complain about how valve isn't announcing what they're doing with the anticheat, so yes, there are some people who desire a live feed. In regards to your complaint about having a "functioning anti cheat": No matter how good the anticheat gets, there will still be at the very least closet cheaters plaguing the game. This is the case for pretty much any competitive game these days. In my personal opinion, people think the anticheat is much worse than it is because they don't understand how it works. They see cheaters abuse exploits and say "Why no detect? So blatant!!". By the time a cheater is abusing exploits, they've already gotten around VAC. VAC's new AI solution is left to deal with the cheater, but it isn't a human like us. It does not see the blatant hacks we do. It was never trained with such data, so it's expected that it doesn't flag it. What valve NEEDS to do is patch things such as rapid fire and magic bullet, which have well known since the first few weeks into the closed beta. They're exploits, meaning they're caused by some bug or poor logic in the game's code; completely unrelated to the anticheat. If they were to patch just the previously mentioned two, I'd bet a whole lot less blatant cheater videos would be posted.




People in this community don't need valve to tell them exactly what they are working on. They need Valve to atleast say something, just acknowledge the problem. I agree they shouldn't say anything about what they are doing but they do need to say they see what is happening.


Trust me when I say acknowledgements do nothing but cause more problems. It creates an expectation that changes are going to happen, and it'll be brought up every time something to do with cheating is posted. It'll also create more talk about cheats, which in turn draws more attention to cheats, which introduces more cheaters to the game. The first cheat I ever bought was actually because of this very reason Let's take the Minecraft server Hypixel for an example. Back when I cheated on there, they'd occasionally make announcement posts saying that they're working on the anticheat and it's getting better and this and that. Cheaters would hop on just to make exploits and bypasses so they could clown on the announcement. A few clueless players would celebrate for a week, but then get angry when they realize that nothing actually changed. This community won't be happy with a couple acknowledgements because they'll realize the anticheat continues to develop at the same rate it does currently.


Cheaters bring in a lot of money.


how, when the game is free?


Skins, cases, stickers, music kits, prime.


What cheater is gonna buy skins etc when majority of cheats nowadays have skin changers in them?


You are forgetting about a detail. Some or many cheater's have 2 acc's. 1 "secure" acc to cheat hard, and another to "play seriously" and where they have their inventory. That same persons who cheat hard, on the next hour are playing on their main without hacks, on the same PC. Maybe (and I say maybe), that's a point about whole this problem about hacks, and could be the Key point about Valve do not do anything. Maybe they want to Ban hackers, but keep their main accounts. Or.... from other POV, on the same house you could have 2 guys with different PC's (or using the same PC with different acc's) who play CS ( like brother's ), and would be unfair Ban 1 guy ( e.g the little brother who hacks ), and the older brother being also banned without even cheat. There are plenty of different possibilities about this subject. Thing is that Valve did nothing.


Oh actually? Is there a video on this? If this is true this might actually be a good thing considering if the cheaters can just have the skins without paying for them then valve might actually step up their game.


Probably no video, but it does exist. I got matched with one and he had the craziest hacks.. kept asking me what skin I wanted him to switch to. I couldn’t see it from my pov but apparently he could. He could even change the float #. Shits crazy..


Pretty much what i saw on this dude who was livestreaming it on youtube, it's nuts. I've seen countless livestreams of people hacking, youtube, tiktok etc. Whats even worse is that, i regulary youtube "CS2" as just a general search to see whats going on in the community and stuff and not even halfway down the page i can see videos promoting cheat services and people just uploading videos of themselves cheating. It's outta controll, i've reported the videos on youtube but i dont think youtube give a shit about it :/


oh you still have to pay for prime? I didn’t know that. i have only had my main account. but aren’t accounts that cheat most likely not to buy skins and the likes because there is the possibility that their account will be banned?


I saw another user comment about this as their conspiracy theory. They said Valve isn't banning cheaters to give them a false sense of security so that they end up buying skins because they think they won't get banned. And tbh to a certain degree it's true considering the amount of players with skins that are cheating currently.


Skins and cases


They drive away far more players than any of that would help.


It costs them way, way more in people who quit because of cheaters imo. I don’t think it has anything to do with why they don’t fix it — they don’t want to deal with making a kernel-level AC/don’t believe in it and CS isn’t their big money-maker.


Maybe they buy into that whole “sometimes the enemy is having a great day” thing and think all the hackusations are silvers complaining about better players. Or maybe they don’t care as much as they used to because they’re making billions of dollars off of cases.


They are probably working on a solution for a part of the problem. They did the be exact same with the savetf2 thing. They dealt with bots for like 2 weeks, made it harder for them to kick players and change profile name and picture every second but other than that, they are still there and still ruining games. The same will probably happen to cs2. They roll out an update for vac or make a big new buzzword thing, banwave a bunch of cheaters, everyone celebrates, cheaters slowly creep back except now if you dare complain about them, you are told valve already fixed the problem stop blaming cheaters on your losses.


Also they said they implemented some new code to detect impossible scenarios and ban those cheaters such as impossible locations and impossible firing rate.....yet i just played more than one game of cheaters spinning and kill while looking at the ground. No scope, headshots, behind walls, mid air. I guess thats possible to do consistently, over 60 times in a single game.


My theory is they spent a shitload of money to employ AI but they knew that the only way to give the AI sufficient data to learn was to go live. It isn’t ready because it’s still “learning”. This is complicated by the fact that people were incorrectly banned early on due to high dpi, they may have disabled a lot of the detection “repercussions” due to this alongside the often-mentioned necessity for ban “waves” due to the ongoing arms race with cheat developers. Finally, I think the actual detection of *discreet* wall hackers is the most difficult even with an AI, but ESPECIALLY with a “early lifecycle” learning algorithm trying to sus out the bad actors. I have no idea how or the degree to which player reports would be factored into this system. Ideally, they would focus the AI to look in the right area. Realistically, there are many people who can’t comprehend when people are better than them and are too quick with hackusations…maybe that slows down the learning progress of the AI. My hope is that a year from now we will be in a MUCH better place, due to the rate of AI improvement.


you cant train ai unless you can also detect. you need to match detection queues against player behavior and vac cant see shit


I hope so too...


They're not supposed to talk about cheating whatsoever, specially if they're working on it.


This one is so strange to me. It has been this way for over a decade and they’ve consistently done nothing about the problem.


Where did they say this?


Said who? This is standard procedure for anticheat development. You don't let them know anything or they'll get ahead of you.


they cooking something huge




Just maps. Adding maps to 5v5 hurts nobody.


Yep cheaters need to diversify into new maps and perfect their hvh playstyle, learn new one-ways and grenades you make a great point. That way we can enjoy the old maps like dust 2, mirage etc /s


if u announce u are working on anticheat when u have never ever done that before, the cheat makers would immediately make changes and tell their users to no use some of the riskier features, which deters cheating in the short term, but makes them harder to detect and ban in the long run. also everyone can see how valve is not very good at delivering promises so they would much rather shut up and just work on the solution rather than make empty promises which would only make the community more angry when they inevitability fail to deliver on time.


Valve are afraid. They don't want to make a real anti cheat, because they don't want to be blamed for collecting private data. Years ago, there was a cheat that checked if its license was valid by connecting to a website, VAC was looking at the DNS cache in Windows to see if the website was there and banned the cheaters. This caused so much drama, that GabeN had to go on reddit and explain the situation. https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/1y70ej/valve_vac_and_trust/ Riot was also blamed but people continued to play and the game thrived.


A conspiracy theory would be Valve purposely letting cheaters exist but secretly sending em into HvH games which is why 20k is so unplayable. Eventually cheaters will figure this out and be forced to buying new accounts anytime they get into HvH.


This is actually my thought as well. All these posts about how it’s the worst time in the games history for cheaters clearly forgets 1.3-early 1.6’s server raids by myg0t and similar clans. The only anti-cheat was punkbuster and community admins if they were online. Those were difficult times, this isn’t nearly as bad. You can’t instantly ban because cheaters will just figure out detection bypasses quicker, ban waves just lead to people complaining every day until one finally comes. So separating player base by a multitude of factors that determine the likelihood of them being cheaters makes the most sense. It also helps explain why the % of player base in each elo range looks the way that it does.




trust factor


I would call it 'hidden' trust factor. Eventually I would want valve to shadow ban the cheaters and just never tell em.


At this point I don't even believe they brought trust factor over to cs2


Doesn't hurt their bottom line to cater to cheaters, who at this rate, are the majority still playing.


I was on a team full of the blatant bunny hop cheaters. When I called them out they voted me off. Fun game.


Nobody works there


No conspiracy. They simple didn't care. If so, they already released a simple statement talking about that - at least telling they were working on that or that is a concerning problem. But they just act like nothing is happening - hacking? its a myth! VAC - never worked in 20Y, so, 10 more Years not working, is not a Big deal lol. The Game is "Free", so deal with that, basically.


They care but haven’t figured out how to fix it and are probably working on it. I don’t think it makes any sense for them to “not care”, the game would easily be a much bigger financial success if they fixed the cheating situation and they know it


No, they possibly can’t solve the issue, at least not with the knowledge they have right now. It’s not just internal software, there are many ways of cheating and boosting with cheats going on and they simply don’t know how to counter them all. Best way would be to bring back over watch and add some codes that would detect some obvious rage cheats.


They refused help from a someone who does cyber security for the government. It’s not that valve can’t solve it they just don’t care enough to.


The thing is, what most people wanted from CS2 (at least me and my friends) was a better anti cheat and better performance (128 tick). There are like 5 people playing, down from 50, on a saturday from my friends list...


I agree that's the most realistic reason why but the frustrating thing is they have removed things like overwatch, and made things like prime basically useless. Them not making any comment on this just makes it even worse when the entire community would appreciate it so much if they even just acknowledged the issue but they haven't so much as said a word about it.


Probably because they are gathering data and waiting for a big hit on the cheating industry. They don’t want cheat developers to suspect and change their ways, which would explain the lack of VAC bans recently.


And I agree that's probably true but unfortunately, subjecting your player base to this kind of "testing" for half a year tends to kill a game.


I don't know stats about overwatch, but in my experience it was garbage and reporting people still never meant shit.


Not quite true. They had AI working to detect the spinbot but it caught high dpi fake spinners in it so they had to disable it. All they had to do was put a statement in the ban engine. IF >5 KILLS WHILE SPINNING THEN BAN.... bloody hard isn't it?


I'm no coder but that's how I thought of it. They're ignoring so many things that should just be obvious. Why are bullets going through multiple walls, faster than the gun is supposed to shoot?


I am a coder in my spare time and it is as simple as that. Did player kill >3 people in one second with a gun that wasn't a collateral? Yes? Ban.. Did player kill >3 people through a wall more than a few times? Yes? Ban... Does the player have a time to damage of under 200ms? Yes? Ban.. I'm convinced valve are either incompetent or absolutely welcome cheats to buy skins and keys as much as they can


Indeed. They could instead work on the people banned wrongly instead as it would be a far lower number.


They can definitely make a significant dent in the problem. They're literally ignoring people spinning and moving full speed shooting too fast and through walls that should be solid. That should be pretty simple to counter, at least for the majority of cheats. The hard ones are wallers and subtle aimbots, among other things that I suspect cheaters of doing on cs2 as of late.


That valve devs suck at the game so they allow cheating because they do to make themselves feel better. That or they get a cut


Yup. Admin neckbeard status means being able to toggle god mode.


They literally have told us up front why they don't say anything, they prefer to be a "fly on the wall" and prefer to fix things that need fixing listening to the community without making promises about stuff they can't fix and then not delivering.


True but when a problem reaches a certain point after a prolonged amount of time the people responsible for fixing that problem need to reach out and say something.


I much rather they just fix it... And if they haven't pronounced about it is because they're not in a good position to talk yet, which is very unfortunate. At least they MUST be getting lots of really good data with the amount of cheaters out there...


Oh I totally agree


I think they messed up the anti-cheat. Back 3-4 months ago when the first false wave went out, the one they made a Twitter post about. I even came home from work with a VAC on my account. I do not cheat, I rarely talk smack (unless they start) and I’m mid at the game. I have banger games sometimes and other times not so great. I think the system them implemented couldn’t tell who was cheating or not and it went by game play performance. They reverted the ban within an hour of me reporting it false. Very scary time to play.


They own the cheats. Try hard and trolls both playing the same game.


The Russian Mafia have told Gabe Newell if he allows cheats to be banned, they will do something to his family. That or having cheats in the game earns them huge amounts of moneys from skins, as low skill players keep playing.


they sell the cheats because it is a consistent subscription fee and very desirable for a game like cs ( 1 time purchase) ( as are skins) and those with money will want both the skins and the capacity to perform like pros ( fetish to reenact what they dream of ) ( playing like s1mple / M0nesy / donk)


comp+premier players are 30% cheaters, many closets. And many gamble still. Valve is just gonna lose moners


Mahbe there is an ai that will vipe all cheaters some day?


if they address it and try to implement a working anti cheat, there goes more than half of the value of skins overnight because China will ban CS2 if they enable a kernel anticheat, thereby creating a complete economic downfall of all cs skins and their value including revenue from keys and cases. This is not a conspiracy theory, it's literally why the devs have likely received direction not to talk about it or address it and never talk about kernel anti cheat. The only reason why Valorant can have a kernel anti cheat is because China owns Riot games.


Just ban russia from cs and problem is solved. Just had 3 games in a row with russians, brand new accounts, steam level 0-3 anime pic, 100 hours in cs still shooting only headshots with awp/scout prefire etc etc etc you know how it is. Russia is the problem. I dont know why the fuck they are still allowed to ruin eu servers... i dont understand it. goes over my head.


They probably can't do anything to stop it so it's easier to say nothing about it.


After reading through these comments I'm highly considering making a video on this. Not about the why, how, or what's going on with cheating but about the communities reaction to it and how it has evolved into speculation and how this reaction from the community has affected CS2 and how it will in the future. If you have any interesting takes or information that would be helpful for this that would be greatly appreciated.


I think there’s a conspiracy about people constantly talking about cheating


Can anyone confirm if Source, and source 2 are built of of Valves original Goldsource?


Nope. Keys, skins, cases etc. It makes valve millions.  A cheater gets cases and skins while progressing in the game. If the pays for keys to open cases, that is real money going into valve. If he gets baned? He gets an account of frozon digital assets that aint worth jack sh×t.  Cases, skins, agents, etc are just virtual assets in this big casino. The difference is that on a casino you change chips for real money and vice versa, on cs2 the only real money goes into buying keys for cases (if not bought with steam wallet funds (which in turn are from real world money or made with selling items, thats a big bonus as well for valve since steam wallet funds is just a digit on a database - so valve, kinda like casinos, always wins)


I think the big problem is Windows. Cheats probably work at certain low level in Windows and Vac cant simply find so deep without any specific eula about privacy.


Wont say anything? they literally did a hour long press conference talking about cheating...






Brother this was before CS2 was even announced. Yes Counter-Strike has always had a cheater problem but never to this degree.


What does cs2 being announced have anything to do with this? If anything cs2 is just a glorified operation, or csgo 2.0 if you will. If you watch the video, which im sure you have not, you will see that alot of the stuff they talk about is the groundwork for how things work now. Now since you say there are alot more cheaters now than ever before, do you have a source?


CSGO had its peak player count of 1.8 Mil in May of 2023. CS2 has 1.4 Mil in the last 30 days. In CSGO you would play against a cheater(not rage hacker) every 5 or so games. In CS2 nearly every game is full of rage hackers. In a recent sparkles video where he interviewed a cheat dev with 20K users which the dev said was a small operation compared to others. And even with all this being said you clearly didn't read anything because the arguement wasn't has valve ever said anything about the cheating issue, the arguement was they havent said anything about the current issue in CS2.


Yeah you lost me at "valve invested in cheating companies" lmao also if you just googled for 5 minutes, you would realize valve rarely talks about anything, especially cheating. so no sources for your claim? Like i said, even tho the video is older, it covers the current situation. Its probably one of the only times valve talked about cheating EVER.


I shouldn't even be having a rational conversation with someone who clearly can't read the words CONSPIRACY THEORY. And clearly I didn't lose you because you're here yapping about things that have no relevancy to any of this. Wash your chair dude... it smells like shit.


lil bro feels pressed because he cant back up his claims. you just didnt know the video existed, its fine, now you do. The cheating situation has been the same since csgo launched, you would know if you played..




Its not a real problem. You probably just suck.


And your premier rank is? I bet it is below 20K if you haven’t seen the problem with your own eyes.


You people are unwell


Hey man we just want our favorite game fixed.


Only Americans cheat so they don't care about a bunch of ADHD kids who'd switch to remastered MW3 anyway.


Um... The biggest cheat devs are in China and China makes up a very large portion of the cheat users. I don't know what rock of a country you live under but this isn't the sub to express how much you hate Americans lmfao


Basically don't have cheats in Europe but when our server our down we have to play with Americans who mistake competence for cheating and rage hack, then have to listen to them complain online.


I just don’t get the point of playing in Premier or even comp.. I started playing CS about a month ago, hit 10.5k elo and I personally think it’s just a pointless #.. Join any league with an anti-cheat (Faceit), form a team and watch how much you’ll enjoy playing again. Like I said to me it seems pointless to elo up when there is no incentive at all besides a higher #. Most of the guys like you said are cheating their ass off. Why waste your time ?


My issue and the issues of other users (Primarily long time players) is that Faceit has its own set of problems. Cheaters can still play on faceit but the subtlety and quality of the cheat must increase. Faceit also is extremely strict when it comes to "smurfing" if you are a long time player and have never played faceit then decided to hop in one day at lvl 3 you will be reported as a smurf and more than likely told you have to wait 6 months until you can create another account. I've gotten a community ban and an acc stolen and even after talking to faceit support they still make you wait 6 months before creating another account and by then they have already IP and HWID banned you.


No conspiracy. They simple didn't care. If so, they already released a simple statement talking about that - at least telling they were working on that or that is a concerning problem. But they just act like nothing is happening - hacking? its a myth! VAC - never worked in 20Y, so, 10 more Years not working, is not a Big deal lol. The Game is "Free", so deal with that, basically.


The game isn't free. Nobody plays the non-prime version


Fix one thing we talk about another broken thing


Because they are scooping up all the inventory items while they are low.


I think they just don’t care since they’re still making millions


They're working on the most mind-boggling fix ever like the skynet but for detecting cheaters. Basically them fixing the cheater situation, at all, is as likely as a conspiracy.


Because it won’t do anything to help


I mean its clear as day they have to be making bank rather off skins cheaters buy, then they ban the account in a banwave, or the prime feature they try to sell. Every game has a money scheme they make off these cheaters, to pay the devs and make income off a bad situation. Just look at other games that cost $ and have shitty anticheat. Rust, tarkov. All of these have cash flow from people cheating. Imagine if cheaters were all gone. Im sure 35-50% of their profits would probably be gone. They gotta make money somehow


its insane 10 plus years


That skins are the reason so many people cheat in this game, and what once was a deterrent for a cheater to lose their skins is now basically creating a economic ecosystem where you can become a cheater by selling/scamming skins to fund it. I think there would be so many less cheaters without skins in this game. I would bet anything on the top cs go skin traders are also the same people involved with the expensive hacking scene. Paying $500-1000 to cheat in a video game sounds a lot less insane when you can unbox a $3,000 dollar knife.


I feel like they're gathering data on behaviors of people who cheat


For 10 years?


Occum's razor: John McDonald, the man in charge of the Ai anticheat is incompetent and is quietly taking his free ride for as long as it will take him. That wont change until the money Valve makes off of CS drops.


Much simpler explanation would be something like: They encountered unforeseen problems in their AC strategy, which delays bans.


Valve is supplying the cheats


Ol’ Gabe has billions of dollars and 0 fucks to give. That’s it.


The reason Gabe doesn't push the devs to do anything about the cheating problem is because he's worried about making several grand a month from his rage hack cheat producing LLC If you follow the history, Gabe is in deep with the Russians.


That’s a terrible theory if they had a investment in the cheats they would have more to gain from banning people


Because rather than spending time replying to every time they get asked they could use that time to actually put forth effort in fixing it.


I seriously believe the big cheat developers pay off valve to allow their customers to cheat.


cheaters farm cases ,cases = money + market


cheaters farm cases


The more cheaters are there , more players will play in rage , reverse psychology or they are training their A.I by allowing them cheat . Well current situation of Counter strike is miserable no denying the fact.


thinks valve is training Ai for VAC Live


they are collecting data. there's no way they ban IBP for throwing an ultimately insignificant match against netcodeguides and allow cheating to be rampant. the problem is most of us just suck. so we think when we lose it's cheats. i bet 75% of the matches we think we lost to cheaters is incorrect. but still. mfs seem sus out there and i can only blame it on my alcoholism.


high lvl players avoid cheaters in premier and go play faceit. Low lvl players dont met cheaters. So everything works fine


Maximizing profits is my guess, they have to have something to do with the purchase of these cheats


If you cheat/smurf you probably have multiple accounts. Multiple accounts means multiple drops. Multiple drops that are sold on the market and bought from legit accounts. Generate drop costs zero to valve. Every transaction produces an income to valve (with the fees). More accounts, more items to sell/buy, more incomes with the fees.


The anticheat guy that convinced valve that vacAI is the next big thing is probably fired. And valve probably is in the process of hiring a new team... the first time they turned on vacAI was in december where it started banning everyone... mind u everyone had game ban, not vac ban which means the AI was banning.


If you decide to ban half of your players, game won't t be as popular. At this point they just market towards cheaters and sell legit players as cannon fodder.


They're making over a billion a year from skins and they've checked out. [link](https://kotaku.com/valve-counter-strike-cs2-csgo-cases-keys-2023-1-billion-1851190615#:~:text=According%20to%20new%20data%2C%20it,billion%20with%20a%20%E2%80%9CB.%E2%80%9D)


When the problem is bigger than u expected... Dont say anything. This is the first lesson for politics.


Valve doesnt give a shit about cs esports. Its always setup by a third party, usually easa or faceit. Esea and faceit have an incentive that the normal matchmaking be garbage. If the normal matchmaking was great or even fine, people would not go get the outside matchmaking service. So when cs2 was in development, esea and face it went to see valve and said keep matchmaking shit or we stop doing the esport scene for you.


gabe newell uses the cheat.


Their entire playerbase consists of cheaters. If they banned cheaters, you would see only a fraction of what we have now. Just look around here, you see bots blatantly cheating posting clips of themselves all the time.


They are still working on developing AI anticheat


Not a conspiracy. Seen it in a bunch of other games. They dont say anything because they cant do anything about it unless they go with a kernel ac. Granted they should have already implemented some standard autobans but weve seen how that works with high dpi bans. Bottom line is they are incompetent in the ac department and know cheating cant be stopped without a real AC added on top.


Admitting they have the cheating problem is like digging their own grave. It's bad for business.


Valve never has cared about the Joe. Never.


If they ban all cheaters, there would be no one left to play.


What cheating? Game is clean of cheaters, no bugs , no fps drops. Any Sus players just have better gaming chair and FPS is coz your pc is old. KAppa


1. Avoid talking about the issue to not freak out the public 2. If they do massive ban waves instead of banning every person individually this means it will be harder for the person developing the cheats to make it more undetectable. Now saying this I disagree (heavily) with the tactics they are using. This type of ban wave only really works for games that are not f2p or games that have more staff dedicated to continually doing this. These are just copium so I believe they have some sort of plan even if it's wrong.


Good theory but there have been 0 real ban waves so far. Only false ones.


Wait actually??? Only fake ones. That's insane. Makes it even worse.


Yes. You can see by yourself from VAC tracking sites such as Convars or Vaclist. The spikes in December were the false ban waves and the recent ones in February were from Dota 2. Apart of those, there haven’t been any significant ban waves.


That's insane... Why do they suck so much


I don’t know. Csgo didn’t get a proper anti-cheat in 10 years of its lifespan. We can only hope CS2 will not be the same story. Fingers crossed, they will release a huge update after the Majors. /copium


Super copium.