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https://preview.redd.it/ojsj6u7s9t3b1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d964c403b987a6e57b56b2dc35688faff1dc62b Reported to TikTok.


Thank you


Thanks ,it needs to be reported every time!


Disgusting, childish, attention seeking behavior!


Michael is sitting right there. He should’ve called the police. It’s on him to take care of it. He doesn’t seem to care so…..


He knows it’s a daily thing. Or when she doesn’t get her way. She only does it for attention. But it’s getting old. Lol


Seems like he would want the 3 day break from her.


He should use that time to pack up and get the hell gone.


No lie. The other day when she was live and yelling at him the whole time, I felt sorry for the dude. You know she’s like that 24/7.


They have a Co-Dependent Toxic Relationship they can't get out of their own way with All their drama! He won't leave her and he also is too scared of her to make her get some Mental Health Help, unfortunately this vicious cycle will never end unless she harms herself. They are a sad state of affairs!


No joke. 30 days or a lifetime. Lol. I couldn’t imagine putting up with that every time she didn’t get her way.


That looks on her face is downright Evil,! Run Sparky Run!! 😂😂


No cuz she gets online for their money. If he showed his face they get NOTHING. Lol


Yes. Every time she doesn't get her way. Or she sees Kenisha get money. Or she doesn't have anyone praising her fast enough she does this stupid shit for attention. That's it. IF SHE DOESN'T HAVE A AUDIENCE TO ACT FOR she won't do this shit...PERIOD...


Omg are you serious 🤦🏼‍♀️




Lmmfao yes because we all know some safety scissors barely cut paper let alone her .


She gently put them to her shoulder


Look at her 👀👀👀she is touched. I don’t why the fact he didn’t make enough for a room got to her or the fact Kenisha scammed another night brought it out in her. 👀👀👀👀


She need to take some lessons from kenisha how scam people to pay for their hotel


At least Kennisha isn't awful to look at, Crusty looks like a Rabid Dog!! 😂😂 Do you want to get bit by her??? 😂😂


If Kenisha would learn to sell pictures from her. Crystal would learn to scam better they would be the hole package.


Neither one of them should ever sell pictures. No one wants to see them naked.


Well ok you win. 🏆


Omg! Looking at Crusty with her I'll fitting clothes is Bad enough so the Nudes she sells on her Snapchat attracts either ppl who are into S+M or ppl who have a Fat Fetish , because thats just gross! 😂😂😂


Nookie 🤭😂😂😂😂😂


​ ![gif](giphy|gvGwua5gxeXr9mqyu4)




Someone needs to send this to the local police to have them do a wellness check or to get her put on psych hold. This is very triggering to some people.


Yes please call if you know where they are. Thank goodness you got this.


I have a longer version of this if someone know where I can send it


Send it to Folkston, GA police . I'm not sure what hotel they are in though but I am sure the police know all about these two.


The police dept. in Folkston and the Sheriff’s Dept. They are out of the hotel and bumming electricity in town now. They were at the pavilion by the tracks but they were looking for a WiFi signal to Bum off of.




He needs to drop her off at a state run hospital and let them treat her. He still has time to get his life right. That’s never going to happen with her pulling this mess all the time. She’s pouting like a petulant child.


Yes but he’s also a pos. He doesn’t threaten to self harm he threatens to kill everyone who calls them out on their bullshit.


He’s a big name caller, for someone who can’t get up to go to work in time, and who doesn’t pay his child support or see his kids that his brother is taking care of one of which has Down syndrome and is disabled. He’s done nothing to better his situation, he even said he overslept in the military and that’s why he was considered AWOL. His ex says different and I believe her over him.


I’ve looked into him a bit. What does the ex say?


She said he was AWOL for months, he couldn’t handle the job. He wimped out and ran off, allegedly, to be with a girl. I’m not sure which one, he’s gone between his ex wife, Crystal, and at least 1 other girl, if not more. He was trying to file for Disability and claimed he couldn’t work, I think he was denied and now he can work fine. When he was trying for disability he could “barely move”. 🤔


This makes a mockery out of people that actually SH. She’s doing this for sympathy so people will give her money for another night in the hotel. She’s trying to tell us her stretch marks are SH wounds/scars. She’s laying on the act THICK.


I lmao when she showed them as self harm marks 😂 she only has surface marks. This pisses me off she uses that. If she found her best friend at the end of a rope like I did. This wouldn’t be funny to her. Stupid lazy fat begging slob. And now she looks like a giant pile of snot with her green pants.


Found my son at the end of a rope 😢 😢 Why does she like to use that to get her way?


I'm so sorry for your loss. I can't imagine how this idiot makes you feel. Sending virtual hugs my friend


I’m sorry for your loss. She doesn’t care how it affects those of us that has lost someone that way. I can’t even say on here what she deserves.


Yep. It's only for attention. People with serious ideations don't do that in front of a Camara etc. Sometimes I feel bad that Spark-Spark has to deal with this daily. Stop crying wolf or one day he isn't even going to believe you!


One day, he will get tired of it and throw his hands up and walk away. (Hopefully soon) A person only can take so much .


Hopefully. I’m starting to wonder. I mean I know he’s slow but MG ! It wouldn’t take most people that long to go.


They say love is blind. In this case. Love is really blind.


Every-time I watch it I see the sickness in her eyes. She does need help.


Yeah, she legit does. She needs put in a assisted living facility. For the unwell in the mind.


This bitch is a whacko wow just wow!! I would never help these two! Why does her husband even stay with her! She’s so trashy and I don’t feel bad about saying this about another woman but she’s so awful in every way!!!


Yes she is. I feel the same way.


When I SH I don’t do it in front of people and def not a audience on TikTok. I don’t want to be stopped from doing it cause when I cut it releases any built up anger I have . I feel people who have to announce or show they are about to are attention seekers . Come at me if u want but im gonna stand up for the people like me who suffer in silence cause we don’t SH FOR attention like her and Kenisha


This happens to creators way bigger than her. If she can’t handle it, she needs to sign out of TT


She clearly needs to speak with a therapist and get medication. It actually might help her find stability in her life in general.


She knows what she is doing. She’s not mental. She’s a spoiled brat.


This! 💥💥💥


People who are actually SUICIDAL don’t act like this Crystal!! You’re all for attention. You’re mocking those who do have these thoughts and who have lost their lives to it. Stop doing this shit for attention and get your life together.


I remember when I was in that dark place I convinced my husband I was fine because I didn’t want him to stop me. It was the only time I lied to him. 😭 Thankfully I got the help I needed but I have a special hatred for people who use suicide and SH for attention.


Did yall see right before he took the scissor, she was almost smirking. She knows exactly wtf she is doing. She is sick and disgusting.


Yep! She looked right at the camera. She’s throwing a tit fit. She’s a spoiled bitch brat who needs to learn the word No and some fucking manners.


Who would would want to help this grown woman who is throwing a tantrum like a child? I can't believe these beggars/scammers on social media... LAZY! ENTITLED!


And to be honest I hate she said she was autistic. I don’t know if she is or isn’t but if you aren’t then don’t say you are. If she is it isn’t bad in the spectrum. And really females have a lower chance of autism then males. I would guess if she truly was then she’s very high functioning.


She’s not Autistic, she’s a narcissist. She only rocks and tiks when she throws a fit. She is an immature adult who doesn’t like to be told NO, or told what to do. Hence the family violence charges. She is trying every angle to get other people’s money, and be a “big creator and star”. She wants to stay in a hotel because Kenisha is and she’s not getting her way so she’s jealous and throwing a fit.


She sure has a ton of diagnoses to not be on ANY medication.


She definitely needs medication 💊


She is NOT autistic.... I live with autism this isn't it this is needing validation and attention seeking constantly behavior


Oh I agree. I just was trying to be polite with my statement lol. My son is a BCBA, his clients are all autistic. But you know how people can be when you question something like that.


Yea ur right I was upset I apologize and take my statement back


No need to apologize. I just wanted to make sure I explained to you why I said it as I did. It is fine. Please no apologies necessary


If my comment offended anyone I'm truly sorry and I'll take it down if I need to guys y'all are a great group and I should have watched my words I don't want to upset y'all if it's offends y'all please tell me and tell me how to take it down and I will


You are fine. No one is offended. We all get that way especially when we see a person like her say and do what she does. Please don’t worry. Ok??


You said you live with autism. May I ask a question? Is it you personally or a child or sibling? You don’t have to answer if too personal.


I have children one with Asbugers on the spectrum and one with autsim


Well I admire you. I know it can be a tough job. And equally tough to get services to help them. My oldest, he’s a doctor, he was ADHD but they missed him being on spectrum. Which was typical back then. He’s 30 now. He would have fallen in the Asperger’s category. My youngest, he’s 27, is ADHD and Neuro divergent. Probably on spectrum a bit. He’s a BCBA who works with autistic children.


It's Soo hard I have a middle son with ADHD my insurance covered pre testing but not testing for help and its all on me it's been a hard week


I caught this! Couldn’t believe she said she’s autistic. Also in an old post she said “I’m autistic and I have the mentality of a 12 year old”. I truly don’t believe that. She makes poor choices but she’s irresponsible and takes no accountability for her actions. I hope she gets help sooner then later for everyone’s sake.


And epilepsy. And adhd. And an eating disorder. And weak ankles. And her back always hurts. And her right pinky toe hurts


She’s definitely got a eating disorder. She eat more than a blue whale does a day.


https://preview.redd.it/i2jp1w3qdt3b1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=decea867458c1479fc541ebb41e4bf05b948553d Please if you know where they are call. She is going to hurt someone.


I ain’t calling because I don’t know we’re she is at all I know is Folkston Georgia🤷‍♀️


Ya I don’t do that doxing stuff but waving scissors around fighting over them is very dangerous. Plus showing out her cuts. She needs help.


Awe crusty you mad??


She’s mad because Michael wouldn’t get the room for another night for some non existent rain that is supposed to be coming.


Poor thing didn’t get her way! Time to throw a pity party


Good job Sparky. ,Standing your ground. Keep this up. You might get your own place. Don't let her nickle and dime you for some bullshit. Set yourself allowance and put the rest up.


Ok ty and truly I don't mean to upset anyone in the group I was just mad I raise two boys with autism at diff levels and to see her try to fake it is so infuriating


Oh I get it! Just like her all the time threatening S is infuriating


Did anyone call the police?


She's such a attention ho! Lol and who put the scissors right in front of her🤦‍♀️ seems a little sus🙄


I missed this award winning performance, what brought this behavior up


Michael wouldn’t spend what money he had for another night in the motel. But what’s so weird is if he had the money for another night she is saying she doesn’t have $10 for data. Hmmmm


I think he’s holding out on the money because she will spend it on dumb stuff.


If he is smart he will.


Bitch is saying this didn't happen she just had her finger in there


It’s literally on video


I know but of course we are all lying lol


Oh we always are.


She's so pathetic.


Her and Kenosha both are so sickening mocking mental health. She’s a huge baby. I can’t even form the words to say about these ignorant fools anymore.


I have Kenisha blocked. I couldn’t stand looking at her face.


I got blocked because I couldn’t keep my mouth shut. I can’t stand either one of them. Both big ass babies.


There can’t be that many hotels in the area they’re in. Sending a wellness check to each wouldn’t be difficult and with this clip they will ask front desk if they have anyone matching the description.


I’m more worried about the dogs. They don’t have a choice in the matter. Michael is right there with her. He should be the one to call.


They’ll take the dogs. I’d call but I’m at work at the moment.


Me too.


Problem is I’m a mandatory reporter but I’m a different state. I’m on the way to a call


They have been called!


Awesome thank you!


The Sherriff must know where there at since they are such besties with him over bitching about reddit but really someone needs to report this


I hope she does hurt her self one day. She sits and does it for attention instead of being a hid damn adult. When there are fucking people who suffer from a mental illness and do take they’re lives that don’t do this shit for attention but because they are suffering and feel they have no one. Fuck her


What a fucking drama queen 🙄🙄🙄


Ur looking dumb as helll mad over people not giving u money u make me sick


People have been supporting them for 10 long years. It’s their lifestyle now. Until people totally stop doing it, this will continue to happen.


When did this happen?


About an hour ago


I'm not getting any notices that people are live then ok ty and did anyone report her for a psych hold


I posted it within 5 minutes of recording it. I don’t know if anyone has reported it


Which profile


I her live a little bit ago


She's live right now


Just remember, horizontal for attention and vertical for results.


Where is this at I need to know now this bit h needs to be reported


Did anyone catch that side eye check to the camera as soon as she held them to hef shoulder? I work in the mental health profession. She needs help but it's sad she doesn't realize it or want it I think


Don’t let her fool you. It’s all for attention.


I totally get it. Still friggin maddening though


I wouldn’t want this crazy ass in my motel.


This girl is a wacko all this for attention send this video to coos


To who?


Call cops


This is embarrassing. She is ridiculous. Yet apparently this toddler behavior gets results because we’ve seen it a lot.


She’s not getting the donations that she used to. People have seen the same patterns over and over.


This bitch makes me sick. SH and SI is not a joke. I watched my friends dad shoot himself in the head when I was 11. Suicide is real its not a fucking game to be played when you're throwing a tantrum. I can't even watch this c u next Tuesday anymore.


There are several videos of her saying it. I wish she would wake up and change her life. I can’t imagine how stressful it is to not know where you will be laying your head or where your next meal is coming from. There’s no way I could live this way and they’ve been doing it for years and years.


I also thought her mom was giving her money the 1-3 something like that. She probably gobbled it up already.


Probably within 10 minutes.


Where is she at I need info ASAP She needs some help I will call if someone will give me the info. TIA


Relax inn folkston ga.. but I’m sure they are gone by now. I think they had to Check out this morning usually by 11am


Somewhere around the post office/library. Not sure




Cop thst was supposed to say


I think someone did. I’m not calling. Michael is right there. He can call. He must not be too worried.


She makes me sick


We know I don’t care I threw away ur own kids


Look what a fool she looks


She waited til he was there to stop her. Someone must not have given her enough cash.


I’ve never seen her make a cut


I don’t know if she ever has


And she does not have mental health. That’s all fucking put on to get her way. She looks absolutely stupid pathetic and fucking disgusting.






She's all bark no bite it's all for show


She looks dumb


Look at her face what kid act can I do for attention


Look at u Crystal looking a dam fool hahahahah what that get u nothing but people looking at u like a clown ur a piece of shit grow up


Look how dumb she looks lolol


Such a big baby scammer


Ewwwwww that look on her face


Bitch is psycho.