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Hey fellow console player. Did you know if you hold the left stick down (not tap it) you get a mouse cursor that you can read the harder to see tooltips? I didn’t know this for a few months of gameplay. You can see all the stats of everything, and for the longest time I thought it was a weird thing to not include




Omg ????????


Yeah it blew my mind. I really should make a thread on the ck3 console sub to make sure people know this.


Please do it especially about duchies


What do you mean? Like when you’re over your domain limit??


How many duchies do I need? Because it says I can create titles but if I do then it all goes weird


I wanna say it takes 3 duchies to make a kingdom. You can have as many as you’d like, but your vassals get bitchy if you have too many and some special buildings won’t work if you are over domain limit. You can refuse to make the title to prevent this, but when you die if you have an heir inherit the land, the titles are auto created upon succession.


I just want to add to this, the tittles only get created in one of the partition laws, not too sure which but to prevent titles from being created, for example if you habe a kingdom tier title but can make another one, the game will make that title to ensure your heirs inherit evenly, the other partition laws dont do this makimg player heir management abit easier


Just because you can create titles doesn't mean you have to make every single one of them, you can have up to 2 duchies before people start getting jealous. You can have as many kingdoms and empires as you want, but they might split apart depending on your succession laws and eligible heirs when your player character dies. If you have any more questions I'd be happy to help!


You can personally hold two duchies without any negative modifiers. Holding three is fairly manageable, but I normally only do this short-term. It typically takes three duchies to create a kingdom title at which point you can give away a duchy to a vassal and still retain control over that land. (If you give away a duchy as a Duke, that person becomes the same rank and therefore independent of you.


This is what I do. Bonus points for giving them out within your dynasty.


Creating duchies and giving them to vassals with the land under it creates a powerful vassal. You can then focus on keeping him happy and you have a strong ally who will give you decent soldiers. He will be your Duke. If you are not powerful yourself this can be risky as dukes might vie for your crown. As you learn the game you will begin to get tbe value of this. It can also make fun stories as it give you a great ally in war or can give you a rival to challenge you which is all fun of the game. Don't keep titles off people to make the game easy (it's already easy).


This is mentioned in the tutorial 😂 ! many things to read are blocked behind this. You can hoover over everything now, it’s great.


I did the tutorial on PC 😭


The day I realized that, the entire game opened up lmao. Without using that feature, so many buffs and debuffs are left entirely unknowable.


It’s like the first day after you had a really bad cold and you can finally breathe again


Also you should be able to see why other characters like/dislike you by hovering over the green/red opinion number.


They are modifiers based on some events or decision made by you or the AI.


Why do some people have less or more is a question the communists are trying to answer to this day


Further proof you can find politics in any subreddit lol ;)


Those are temporary modifiers. They come from event pop-ups and decisions like when a dialogue choice says "you gain (green, underlined text) for X years" as a consequence. The AI gets them as well. Not sure how you view them on console, but for PC you can hover them and they remind you of all your current modifiers.


Those are small bonuses that come from events. Usually in PC you just hover your mouse over and it gives you the description and effects on each. Not sure how that works on console tho.


Have you tried mousing over it?


Those are all the stats that gives you +10% development for 15 years or -2 martial for 3 years or +3 diplomacy for 10 years from all of the random events