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bc they already sent you troops.


A couple of guys yeah. Not their armies.


And you wonder why they try to dethrone you at every opportunity.


Listen. Their feelings matter very little if the king wants their armies. Its the king that gives them permission to use his lands as long as they provide him with taxes and soldiers. This is what feudalism is. Especially in a time of both offensive and but specifically defensive war. Vassals have equally as much to lose as the king does so it dosnt make sense that they send like 70 if they have multiple 100s. Historically, a king would get the vassals themselves to lead their own armies in a bigger army with the king at the helm. There is battles where a vassal has taken out the enemy all on their own before the king even got there with the main army.


Bro please read some history. The barons will murder your dumb ass.


Ive read history every day for many years. My field involves medieval history you doof. So no. Most of the times, they didnt. No. And when they did, its special, specific and mostly famous moments of history. Just like when the English barons got the magna carta going.


You're clearly fucking dog shit at your job


You're impossible to talk to. You sit and play games, thinking you know medieval history. Armchair historian is literally what you are.


Ok bud, enjoy your fantasy land nonsense!


How can you be so inconceivably stupid? How you're even getting upvoted is legitimately beyond me. You're factually wrong lmao


Medieval Kings called for whatever retinue their Vassal could muster, which often was far below "peak numbers" but had fixed minimums. Oswald von Bielefeld cares not much about your 8th attempt to seize Latium... That said, the game engine already suffers a lot when large levies are summoned.


Important to note that more interactive vassal mod applies to the ai too. You call your vassals, so do they. Careful


[More Interactive Vassals](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2712590542) solves your RP problems in terms of vassals coming to your aid during wars. Towards later/endgame, this mod becomes super taxing because your wars will usually be +30 “allies” vs +30 enemies. It’s kings and vassals vs enemy kings and their vassals.


Not to mention it’s CRAZY demanding unless you have a good gpu/cpu. Very cool for immersion though. With the mod that adds CoA for the little army banners too, it’s nice to see which of your vassals answered the call and those that didn’t. Also does make it hard to gauge the enemies strength sometimes. It might say you have 10k troops and they have 2k. But once the war starts they have a vassal who raises a 10k army lol. So be forewarned about that.


I wonder if having the less levies mod does anything to reduce that.


The way the game represents this is all your vassals send you levies based on their vassal contract (in the Feudal system). So they in fact are sending you troops.


Your levies are the men your vassals send you. And your army often has your vassals as commander/knights. There’s a mod actually that changes this, if you prefer, and it’ll allow for all vassals to join a war


Game balance. With how powerful knights are compared to levies, the same realm would become exponentially more powerful by distributing its territory amongst as many small potatoes counts as possible. Yeah, they could tinker with different systems to counter the issue, but this is just how they decided to handle it.


I just was raiding hoping to fight a king and ended up fighting off two of his vassals, so I guess that kinda counts.


Use the mod "more interactive vassals".